THF ILLUSTRATED FEATURE SECTION -November 14. IM I N 4 M 4N D IE S AT 1#7 W IlaSON. N C H arry Barnes, ex- slave died at the age of 107 on the i t raves Farm . Stantonsburg. last a t'oie. TROUBLES W RECK YOUR rim SAW T II I IK L I O N S W IN - A b m of n i l U U r l p l i t « l i m o l i » rm>U n. Mho werr lupp> when I jiu olii br«| M o r irli 17 Ü l.rft to righ t: lio r rance Vili.unt Hasel KiiNtht .»ml >lal*cl llu rrt«, top M ir lr \|«t*by, %ndrr*on, U th m A nunc. •>»<< Fiste Im« Mulnr Miwiri , FrmytPtl for mr through ail thr ilav* W hen flooded with tiiiw.huir or dtlNNl bjf jihadow«. j IdOvrd i m when I w unlovely. O N ’T ke«'p on f e e l i n g M\ M O 1 111 K Am! led mr Into lim iti ra ta l« a s h a m e d of your skin. T o walk triumphant on the K in g s S IX SINCiLES, ONE 1)01 Bidè A N D A T R IP L E — Mr*, Charte* llarrt%on I.rr, She carried mr under her heart, m gh w ftv Don’t let bumps and skin trou­ of Baltimore, Md . who v o rr d flft r n time* out of eight time* at bat Photo Ixjvrd mr before 1 w w born. And play a manly part bles make you feel like going Took Hod .« hand in hers and wislked Though we lay down our live« for off into a corner and hiding «how« Mr*. U f holding her I as I three. left ta right: John Avon. A nn« T rrr*a through ihr valley of thidowa her that 1 m ight live; from your friends. Thou­ and James Alvin, who wrre twelve days old when photo wa • made shr m i W e can never pay thr debt wr owe to a Christian Mother very emphatic about making it clear to reporter* that this is her last trial Bathed me whrn I wa* helpless. sands of people have suffered Clothed me when 1 sax naked just like you and more thou- Gave wurni milk from lier own body ; sands have overcome their when I aim hungry. A tte n tio n A m b it io u if trouble and misery by turning Rocked me to sleep when I was* W o m e n .' weary. to (ienuine Hlack and White Pillowed me on pillows ’.öfter than Ointment and Skin Soap. JC- 7 a EARN AOOD down. This world-famous combina­ And sang to me with th r voice o f PROFITS an angal. tion 'kin treatment is known Held my hutid when I learned to Mori Psopl« ¿ f e d everywhere as “ the old reli­ walk. A r i Needed Nursed me when I was sick, able” in lightening the skin To Supply Buffered with my sorrow, and making it soft, smooth, V jjf ths Increasing la u gh ed with my joy. clear and attractive. It drives Glowed with my triumph, H Orm im i for I And while I knelt ut her Mde away blemishes, bumps, mole I .She taught my 111* to pray I P ' PORO HAIR and D discolorations, eczemic irrita­ tio n s and other skin disorders as nothing else can. j Through all the days o f my youth fo r my WHkiMt. Courage for my desjwilr and hope to I fill my hoprlesa heart; I Was loyal when others failed, Warn true when tried by fire, ¡W as my friend when other friends were gone, |8he j : .« *. « tirngUi DO T H IS T O N IG H T f leanse the skin with the rich, pearly lath er o f Hlark and W h ite 'k in soap. 'then apply Genuine Hlark and W h ite (lin im e n t accord- m g to directions on th r package, fr o m the firs t ap p lication you w ill see marked im provem en t. The '»Oc box o f Genuine Hlark and W h ite Ointment contains three tim es as much as the 10c sice. Generous bar Hlack and W hite Skin Soap. 25c. He sure to ask fo r Genuine Hlark and W hite. A ccep t no subotitute. T h e re ’s n o t h in « ; j u s t aa itood. j | i SKIN PREPARATIONS FORD COLLEGE, in c . 441 5 South PâfVwiy, Chic«!®, Illinois F m « Bloch - 44* I« 4Mb W o « A THREE DAYS COUGH IS YOUR DANGER SIGNAL P ffiiilfn l rough« and « old« lead to serious trouble. You ran slop them now with Creomulaion, an rmuUili'd creosoto that is pleasant to lake. Crcomulsmn is s new medical discovery with two-fold action; it soothe« and hc.iU the inflamed membrane* and inhibits germ growth. Of all known drugs, creosoto is rec­ ognised by high inedn si authorities as one of the greatest healing agencies for persistent (¿Highs and roída and other .forma of throat trouble*. ( reotnulsion con­ tains, in addition to creosote, other healing d i ments nini h soothe and Is si the in- fnrtid inenihrann* and atop the irritation •nd inflammation, while the rreoaolc goes «•n to the stomach, is alMnrbcd into the blood. Attack« tho «eat of the trouble ami eh*« ks the growth of tho germs. Creomuliion is guaranteed satisfactory in thr tre.Afrient of persistent cough« and odds, bronchial Asthma, bronchitis and other forma of respiratory di«et«e«, and ia exrellnnl for building up thr system after Colds or flu. Money refunded if any eoiigh or fold, no matter of how long standing, is not reln’trd after hiking according to dim lion Ask your druggist, (adv ) k C R E O M U L S IO N FOR THE C O U G H OR COLD THAT HANGS ON DON’T BE A WEAK, THIN, SICKLY, AILING WOMAN H kits G w a l a * B lack a »U W U t e O la t- m .n t la tka la r fa a l ..U ln a aiataoant a l Ila k in . In tka w s rl4 . a , k a .a kak a i . a r .cascala frane pccplc sk a a c A l a rccaairaa a sa lta r i n i sciMar ara B an Far tkla p aresse a t r r r o c s a c a t Ike aaa a l Black and W k M . Skin W klton ac It la a m M and karackaa craaaa wkack alaara, lia k lcn a and a k ita a a tka A l a la Ike stasi a a ta ra t m an n er. Said hr aR d ra eela ta ecarrestaara at S ic a kac \_________________ 1 ¿ripulirvi BLACK^WHITE OINTMENT-*»SKIN SOAP ; FROM S P O R T -LIG H T TO S P O T -L IG H T —Young Jack Thompson. Chieago. who defended hla welterweight title agalnat l a s RrovHlard at the Boston Garden recently with hi« new manager, le w I «»b e , Broadway Impresario, with whom he has signed to appear in the latter*« newest rerwe, “lilaehbfr (**.’• D o n * M r 1 1 fic* lha happiness and pleasures o f life by neglecting your health and strength. Start taking 3t Joseph's G .f.P . today and baniah thoaa petty, wretched ailmenta which cauaa you to feal weak, tired oat, '‘ blue*’ and de­ spondent. Thouaandi o f Women who were run down and faared - out ham found that G.F.P. strengthened and invigorated them to get more jo y out o f life. This rich vegetable tonic contains na­ ture's own roots and herbs which hava bean used for u » u lluui a century to in vigorate and stren gth ­ en women. It helps to benieh nervousness, to im prove the appe­ tite, to increase your w eight i f you are tlun and undernourished: and to give you plenty o f pep and physical charm, 'f r y G .K .r. today. Your dealer sella tha big $1.00 bottle on a money-bark guarantee. St. Joseph’s G.F.P. Ohe HJUvnuuiAvomc