Ih « * F i n e s t W r i t e r « S en d t h e ir S to r ie « F ir« t to th e I llu s ­ tra te d F e a t u r e S e c tio n w The Advocate ■ ns i. m ■>••>*•>• »•. cat»««» A4ttrll»ia| Mr pi e«»««t «Hu* ai.i’« TIIK IU.USTKATKI» KKATURK SKCTION— November 14. 19.il u iw in h u i » h 1 « ru ik D m n VHI I l i T I I I kWCTION w in i* TOO _____ SHE Story of a Pretty (iirl Who Knew More than Her Mother, Almost L u o Snow , 20. W on Kirul l*ri/.<* in a ltt*;iiilv ( ’.onlfMl am i that S<*tth* » t 7 'r ^ r ' . ' V f i l l l U K T ♦ t r il l »1 l» u « h le r “B u .ln e « « 1'’ Mie « U t. h er lu ll Hi» cu rlin g txkck from tier ' I a in ’t ruin« to work no more I* p rrfrct teeth "B u sln ra»’ a o lir- rarlaim rd t.ury Know rlialr barber »hup ami Ham II wit H " ( lo Km« «all You're «"III* back JlU w|,itr wakliln« Ltiry'» to yuur Job In th r »tore "Illudi up «all I l i a l It. In Hama liuti tin «alti decUlvrly name aland , lor hustle Ile'« «ItllUK "Itili I done won llir prise In a lot of work and has a m an to help beauty allow and my plcturr !.. In I him ria l, 'fore you .ay a no. o them . pa|N-rk' p ro le .In i Lucy I wo boya. you'd better n ie lla te « "flu sh your mouth, g a l" romm anded j „ m ir Ain't many co lo m l boys like i M r. Hnuw "Hid llia l prlee you done them In thl» Na»h»lMe low nf" win pul any *trt|i* of kldrm eal on the . old panlrv door? fhd that |irire put " '• ? • ” —■'■ ' ......' any rnrnm eal in the old on the » * » » ■« t' ' 1- fr,*nt nl«ht I pantry sh e lf?" I _, „ . , "Mammy III lie fam ous1 111 hr « Her of m arrla«e Hr went down the , « ru m « lifters from Ih r moving pic- l"»">' «o to work, how am I «oln« to keep Hn<£ ’ Pxhim. Mammy? 1 *1 1 aoon mm * the ' my beautiful figure? Mammy, you don't arem to trail*«* th a t I'm a t* |Ni«itmnti come \teppmg down the pike 1 iiumim beauty?*' I 1 offer» from the movies and many Uh h u h ' Forty yeara a«o. when I "(Ter* from men who udnilrc a Venua- wki twenty-two, I was Ju*l as plum p-' llkr woman ‘T v e got $200 saved. If you will say ‘Yes,’ I'll put two 1 1 PIied and plump-hipped a* you are ' >'P. « a l! T lie only «topping chairs in the barber shop.” now. G al I used lo | muw for »even you's going to nee am your ole ninni ---------------------------- - teen Uh hull, but waahin« and work my stepping dmm 11».• pftfct with (Mi h « ami ra u in g 'n in e chTldren aoon while folk*' w aahin«' You'd h eller the In-art that co u n t*1'' I about that wedding I was asking you neyed to the place where tired m am ­ pul wrinkle* where lined to be <«kr my advlee and * lr p down that Ike straightened. *hot hi* hand be- ab o u t?" Hr reached out to pinch Lu- my* rest. «I inlo Nashville and «It you a " " “B " I " u t ' Mammy you muat give me a I v™. . . . . . but hm rvis ... -rim., Lucy had to work or starve, so sh * You a . waiting now. Old \t M an T im e hind 111 * head and * pushed hi* derby I ry's cheek S h e drew bark her head and her went to work In the candy factory, little lim e' I'll gel many oftera * f ain 't going to do np w aitin g !" ¡h a t over hi* eye* and glanced at | lips curled scornfully. m arriage from wealthy m en—'' * * * Lucy •Tapping chocolate drops Sh e would "O o long g a l' wealthy men aln l About moonlight tim e, that night "R eckon I'll be stepping down the 'S a m . I ’ve decided not to marry wrap four and eat two—wrap threw alepplng down th e pike and sloppniK Ike Wilson cam * stepping down the w .„ i ..e» - ike .aid " O i u t you," Lucy began, "because you a in t and eat one chocolate drop. al th l* little old tum bling «hack, full pike and .topped at Lucy'» front gate ' ‘ . . . . of »leain from file washing, or hoi Hhe wa* hanging over the g a l*, a r e d '* Jo*a rem em ber* th at I promised Ml** got any education nor culture! B e ­ About that tim e, she heard th a t Ika from the Ironing' You'» got no la*y r ir r m her h air and aearU ig her be»' M iller th at I'd Mop In and test a big sides. the more I see of you. the less had moved his barber shop into town you Jus* let your pore ole mammy do white dream, and .Ilk .lo ck in g * peach pie »lie done made , you look llkr a tinted Jo h n B a rry ­ and had six ch airs in it. all the huatllng for rent and food! Ike leaned on the gale and go' „ „ ..„ h . . Oie m ore! And I don't care to be called Sh e also heard th at Sam had s ta rt- T h e ren t'* due! W ho hustle* for It? j cloaer and eloaer to f.ucy. He finally i ' * ‘ eo big business in painting and d ec­ imre ole tired m am m y! Fore you captured her dimpled hand, sighed ' ' r* |K ''t«'»o<1 »nd stared at Ike | Lucy, the w hite-w asher's w ife!" orating. and had twenty men work­ win* th at prtre. you helped a llltle and gawd Into her dreamy eye* "You'd leave a beauty like I am to Ham b> wed his big head and g rin ­ ing for him . now all you doe* Is parade half-n aked "Lucy, I done got me three new we a little. *awed-olT. bandy-legged ned I About th a t tim e Lucy added four In front of lh a l liaik tng -g l***!'' custom ers," Ike begun, "and they nil runt like H yacinth M iller? All she "M iss Lucy." began Sam . " I ain't inches to her brassiere, and three M other Hnow wiped her forearm * of ordered rup* T h a i m ean* th at they does 1* giggle and giggle inches to her garters Sh e also rolled Hie *oa|i»iids and dropped wearily arr going to be steady custom ers I 'T h e r e '* som ething m ighty faart- j got no culture and no education but on the floor, but the weight would ilown on the stool beside the tub of I'y« g..t two hundred dollar* saved . j lulling about a gal lhal laughs nt to I s got a heap of youth and am bl- not roll off. wet clothes ' If vou will .av y es' I II put two liu.s heiself over every funny story a jtio n . I'm gltting me a heap of con­ Sh e gave up hanging over the front , ‘ f.ucy you'* even grttlng ashamed rlialr* In tlie shop '' fellow tells her " Ike Interrupted tracts I'm going to have a swell bank gate, because Sam H G reen, his wif« of your ole mammy, w hat's done "Ik e, I appreciate your o iler." Lucy Miss H yacinth ain't much for looks After I gits and three children, often passed in slaved al the tub over the w hite-folk* answered softly, "but I can 't hide my and figure; but her beat biscuits, pies [ account and a cottage j th eir big ear on the way to th eir home clothes for year* and years I done beauty In a tw o-rhalr burlier shop' Mid fried chicken " ik e closed hts me that, folks ain't rarin g whether In the country. Also, Ike Wilson, hi* sen t you through public school which I could never wash towels and scrub eyes and hlx tongue licked his lips, II got my money white-w ashing or wife and three children, often passed am enough fur any gal w hat'* got a floors think of my fhigeriiallsl I "couldn't lie boat by any Venus in the lialnting pretty p ictu res!” the house In th eir big car. He straightened and stared down dime'» worth of am bition If she could never stand tlie odor of barber world! And oh. lavlv, how that Ut­ About that time Archibald Brown, the pike and smiled. w aul* more education, she'll get It shop iM-rfumes “ ile gal ran iron a sh irt! Good night. " I .‘cckon that Miss Lilly M iller nt who owned a little vegetable garden some way! 1'» slaved 'and slaved! Oil "I know th at I ain't got no educa­ Miss Lucy." ju st outside of Nashville, started giv- a job or git m arried, so mammy won't tio n !'' Ike ru t In, with u smile. T hen Lucy's eye* followed Ike a* th e gate with Ike and Miss H ya­ ing-Lury h a lf-sta le vegetables A rchi­ h s w lo 1 1 u 11.- for \ on no more.'' " 'Cause I've had to hustle for m y­ he went stepping down the pike to cin th .” laughed Sum, "so I reckons bald also got the habit of hanging "I'll m arry a wealthy man self since I was a kid B ut I done th e Miller cottage. Blip frowned as I'll Jus go and see if them little gals ever the gate In the moonlight ''H eller east your eye* a t Ike W ll- put all my studies Into my shears and she saw Unit H yacinth leave the co t­ has any of th a t pie le ft! Lordee, how Sh e knew th a t he had seven m oth­ them gals can ro o k !" aon -" rain rt I'm going to hustle until I tage and hang over Hie front gate. erless children, a cow, four lary dogs, • • • "M am m yI are you serious? Ike W il­ gits me a fine shop In Nashville and Ike stopjM'd a t the gate and bowed T h e days passed on and also the end some scrawny c h lc k e u —but it son, with hla o n r-ch a lr barber shop?" caters lo the white folks. If voo 11 so low th at his brown derby fanned was lonesome in the shack, so she Lucy's nose wrinkled and the corners say 'yes,' I'll git us a nice little co t­ the dust of th r pike He hung his summ er T lie postm an kept stepping welcomed his vegetables and hts vis­ of her m outh Jerked down. " I never tage. and find a warm corner In It derby hat on a rail of the fence and past Lucy's home, but never even its. Finally, she consented relu ctan t­ rfluld stand the odor of hall -tonic and for your mammy. I likes your m am ­ leaned on the gate, his head close to glanced at her a t the gate. He never ly. to m arry Archibald and his home hay rum I Besides, Ike ha« no cu l­ my. 'rause I a in 't never had a m am ­ that head of H yacinth. Lucy sneered slopped with any letters—not even a collections ture. I could never like a tier son who my. I'd like her sittin g by the fire­ and turned and looked the other post-card from the Mrs. Sam H G reen So arm in arm —Lucy, a head taller nor Mrs Ike Wilson, on honeymoons wear* green nocktles and button place and —'' way. than,A rchibald -they went Into Nash­ with their husbands ahora "Horry Ik e; but I couldn't think of Hlir straightened and tier eyes wid­ Lucy never liked th e M iller twins, ville and got their m arriage license. "Hut Ike'» a hustler. A fter he throwing away my beauty on a b a r ­ ened as site saw Sam H. Oreen, Lucy gave her age as thirty-tw o ckwtr* his shop, th a t boy does odd Jobs ber. I ’ve figured on nothing leas than stepiitng down th e ptkr, hunching hts and hoped that Sam and Ike would , Archibald grinned when he heard both end In the poor-house but fur the white folks I T h at'a going a doctor—" broad shoulders and swinging his her say It. because, on the way t® som ew here* I” "B eau ty ! I*ooh, Miss Lucy! Any big fists And he was wearing a new they didn't. Lucy's home, he had stopped to get a • • • "W hy, Mammy. Ike's worse than gal can be beautiful these dayal suit shave In the Tonsorial Parlor of Ik« Ham II. G reen All they talk about T here's all kinds of lieaiitlrs stepping ’ T'l ill it iva l a n a ii/J I n m i'.' i ii..irl iv iuiii "How's the handsome kiddo?" was Wilson And Ik e Wilson, J r ., age 21, Is work and business,'' Lucy gave a along this old plkel It's beauty o f S a m s greeting to Lucy. "And how had shaved Archibald. j jar on ole. •• there Kale I he oilier I P'k'* refused hi* job