The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, November 14, 1931, Page 6, Image 10

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    T H IC IW A 'S T K A T K D K K A T U K K S K C T IO N
Novem ber 14. 1H31
Word« Often Misused
Do not ay
As food luck would
Fortunately, tiie weather was
favorable. *
Wurd^ Ofteu Misspelled
IVbt and debtor. Observe the kl
and the or.
Word*. Often M is pronounced
Hym *nr
Pronounce hl-Jt-en. first
i as m high
second i as in “ it." e
as m x e n »three syllables*, or p ro -1
nounce hi-jen two syllable*>
Relieve. ea<e assuage, aid. lighten
Word Study
REMUNFRATE to pay an equiva-
1* nt for any service, loss, expense etc
Th»% old servants were remunerated
b> large bequests. ’
Rv Bil l.
T he C o l l r i r Hero
He d vMi t know in ijv i't b from i pronoun or i ’u>un.
No rules of grammar guide him when he speak*.
He duesn l know why Hector tried to hew Achilles down.
Or why trees never grow on lofty |)rak.*
He doesni know why David smote the giant on the beau.
Dr Why 1 cander did ti l use a bout.
It wouldn’t |»*y to ask him why yon l ass us wtu> was lean
And hungry, let great Caesar get tvs goal
If you si»oke to turn of llomer tie would ask you ’ Homer who’ "
He probably thuiks that Milton tan a mill
You could not gel liun to tell you wlial look place al Waterloo.
Or who was in command at Hunker Hill
If'* mantles Fn^lLsh grwiumai like a baby Ju\l reached two
The IhlUti* he doesn't know why U n a shame!
Yet he n» the students' idol, tor there s one tin ok he can do
That i-s make the needed touchdown that will win a
football icatne
1Ö5 Weal l » U l Street. New York. N Y
• • • • •
in Your bow els!
Poisons absorbed into the system
f r. n> souruig waste in the bowels,
cause that dull, headaehv. sluggish.
I mous condition; coat the tongue;
I ul the breath, sap energy, strength
and nerve-force. A little of Dr.
(~ldweii's Syrup Pepsin will dear
up trouble iike that, gently, harrn-
I' sly. in a hurry. ITie difference it
wnl make ill your feelings user night
will prove its merit to you.
Dr Caldwell studied eoastipatioo
for over forty-seyen years. This long
rx|ie/ien. e enabled hun to make tus
prescnption just what men. women,
old people and children need to make
their bowels help themselves (la
natural, mild, thorough action and
its pleasant taste oommead it to
everyone. That's why "D r Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin.'' as it ■ called, la tho
dust popular laxative drugstores sell.
D« W B C a i o
w iu s
A D o t t o r i F a m ily L a x a tiv e
■C *>•
C ah ►" > C' - } *
i n i ■ s*# v
a is c .o s .
ta r
B la d d e r an d
K i d n e y 'T r o u b le
A t Y »u r D r r f i « t « r k**d i®'
1ft * Tr.kJ E i
H P I A f T I M * BOW U fC
9J H «c ry Street, B r^ c i/ n H. Y
NOW T H A T THE baseball season Is drawing to a cloae here, and has
already been declared officially dead in most place*, a lew tilings may be
said about the sport which an ms lo be losing iu right to the title, "national
pastime ''
hirst lei's say a word or so about tike recent World Heriea. a series. In-
eidetually about which many dark skinned ran* brtsme heated up. and
on which any number of them wagered their liard earned kopecks
My attention has been called to an editorial from the HI lout* Argus,
which mercilessly throws the -iiotliglit on an old southern practice which
still finds that Missouri city a stronghold
Tier rommrni is self-explana­
tory. so I m passing It on. as is
The editorial, labrlrd. "The Cardinal* Won But,'' follows
Following the Cardinal-, victory over the Athletic., in ttie seyenth
game of the World Senes, there was much rrjotitng and quite an
lulaiious demonstration oil the part of the fans Our tiiiiinirni is. we
found no plea, ure in the Cardinals victory; not that wr have any­
thing against the membrrs of the team |a-r*onall>
In fart, we think
that they are a fine bunch of sportsmen, and we ran attest to Un-
fa d that they are cracking good baseball players
It is their home
surroundings and environment which arc so Insulting lo us
We make particular reference to the so-ratlcd Ladu s' Day" which
Is advertised through both newspapers and over radio stations, saving
that Tuesdays are ladles' Days and adding, "lad les will be admitted
Al » TVA IIII I KS COMPVKF It \ I I f * KI PS— "I r fly " (.llle.pte
free '
But on the day so advertised as ladies Day ' colored ladles
Itruoklvn. N V , Koyal pin her. wtm I, starring in pint v u o n
games with Ihr Hl«, k .Sox. and Itig Jim Weaver. New York
who venture to attend these games are insulted by being told at the
Yankee mniMiilcwan. who na» pfitrd against him recently at the
gate 'T h u is Ladles' Day. but
TtiU statement la followed by a
Maryland Haarkall Park
discourteous demand for seventy five cents as a premium on her color
If she desires to enter Sportsman Park to see a game of ball
dltlons just aa unbearable, wlien In :
This Is an Insult of the rankest sort, and we don I see how any I copped a word from Kollo Wilson
person of color could possibly, under any circumstance*, find any the rotund Phllly aporta rolummst. i
pleasure in going to or milling around HpnrUman Park
Then too. throwing some light
on Cotime
lliere are the box seats which are denied ladle* and gentlemen of Mack * Athletics
This, we have always regarded as an insult to the entire !
Kollo informs tlcat at the
colored race
Therefore games and other athletic sports at thu park
have no appeal to us.
Hence, even the great victory of the Cardinals i *rr,r* ln 1 hlladrlplua when a re
over the Athletics brought no pleasure to our heart
quest came for pollremrii lo lielp
It la rather unfortunate that such a big team aa the Cardinals lias handle Hie crowd, a group which in -j Asd Y ou 'H J map Out of Bed ut
several colored officers, ap
to claim a* Its home a park which Is controlled by such "Utile" nien eluded
ike Murmng Rann’ la (>o
The white o f- j
a* the present owners of Sportsman Park
If the owners were real I »eared at the park
I f r«Mi t—i b uf ft*‘I t u a l ib d U m » v w td
sportsmen themselves, there would be no discrimination as lo seats, fleers went in. but tlkelr darker col [
u*®b» LlUfll. d l'* I aWPllcSW ■ lot at MUd.
advantages being governed entirely by a scheduled price
M n «v »l « « U r . nM, Itamti rm rmmdy m S#wng
leagues were told that their place
CUM BtaaJ tip r M D im h i * nMka r w . » M u f
The forward looking and leading cl linens of the town ought to was on lire OUTSIDE
» » ** < * * A M u r o l « » 4 full df (u n k la r
take charge of Sportsman Park und put I f In the class with the parks | This year. when Ihr request for!
Wot ( W r «an I 4 « IL T W r M i r u m tl.«
of other cities which have major baseball league*
"S poilsm an s' Is' , officer» wii.s made, it read “ W h ite ! k o «*W td d b mere m -rtm en l iln M l f * t at
lb * 'tU M rk - fMdna fsad f,HU ild«1t « » I m.t
the only park in the American or National Baseball league wliere the |
tamtin* ta your Uv«r If al .«14 p. t*r .* 1 t o »
owners tliscnm nate against a class of citisrn.s because of tlielr color officers O N IiY,” and according to in- j poorwU o f liquid b»l# into yo*ir hutH a itail)
formation, the order was filled hii
If tM « U I« la not Wooing f r u lr , ymir f»a |
I-et Ihe patriotic and liberal minded people of this city lake notlre
dooan t dtganf. I t ju«t r i s e r .
in « L » » e i .
of this unsportsmanlike situation and do all In tlieir power to hasten ilist that manner
Oaa bAoota up , u r atoma. h I u k a r . a
a change
In the meanwhile, let the people say, "Shame on the
there you are. fan.1» It looks ■ tW «h. bod ta a i. and >— r hrmmth lo foul.
Uno .J (err. brssxt out in hlBaaubdo > our Kr. I
owners ol Sportsman Park
a* If you would have made better | •rNao and fa n I*mt .Won and nut. Your ot» »l«
I was just reflecting on the above word* and thinking of the mailer In use of your time in rooting for Hill 1 . I t Uktm Ih m go. .|, .si.* f AR T F . lt X
| Ir lT T L D l.lY F It l'T u .1 to gr« Ik «* « tor*
terms of Baltimore, where a minor league team management makes con dale and the Mark «Sox.
p o u r.d e i ' f IH U f lx a m g f treaty
r o l y an<|
and n
m ik s you
Tbs-y r rurU
o r l.m o owdarful.
up and
and up
up " " Tfcry
haf-nlega. grntt«* v f f r t a M e a i t r a r t a . a n u s in g
w h « n it r . map t-* m a k in g th e U i a fl .w (m a ty .
Hut d on 't r.wii for liver pitla. \*k for i arter e
IztfJ « lu vrr Pina. I .«ih foe tha nam* f a/tar a
l i « ( l a luvnr I’ .lle s*n tha ro*l lal~4 l(«oe«.t p
Puuatj'.ulr 24e- pt alt ats.rm. C l M l C M . t o .
An^s T ' rt Br*»vh!~.g r*?’ *T*d tn e n caused
tf i
n of V ltlf In «bdo-
» n. fe : aau .eg*, »n i when prevur«
• iP iv e * i
T r ia l
Dept. Ml, Atlanta, Oa.
/ j/ W O M E N
Wky no
1 r- n « « a a ’aral
• .!- a - !
' -
. .1 g P i.M IfL S E —
M fM
PlM lM f,
tl '"■IK#
* *i S fe f-e e » 1295.
'4 f -f Vary
' I • 'i t f l F'S.rr F ' « * *
«-Iff. IT.TX -K CO, UrjA 1 «. F Sr.
Money, Love, Easy U fa
Write today Bend no money
I guarantee to give you a start
In life.
901 Bergen Axe.
U nlucky Jn Mor.oy
Oanr.Es, l ove or t\<j
n f»s ?
carry a pair of gr*:-
H H A H M A RF.t) f i V C
M I i J f l . Y M A .N P rrU J
A m azin g, C om pclliii^.
At* r a n . < j
. t*
ca rried
O ccu .l
OrL*n*a! p «o p !e ■ « a P O W E R F U L LU C Ik 1
CH AR M , or.b to p reven t Bad Luck, E vil and
M u fo riu n e, and the o th rr to a ttra c t m ooh
flo o d Lucz, Love. H app!ne*s and Pro-.perlt/
Bper.;«| on ly |l 97 fo r the two. W ith valuable
In stru ction s t l i K E
P a y postm an t l 37 and
14c. pottage on d e livery .
HansLaotion or
m oney refunded. You can be L U C K Y I o r d e r
you r* T O D A Y I
Dept. 4». r «
HI R l g fj. O ew eral T. J.
71 ,
R K O O K I.f M ,
then» vo ru ln e M ystic
are A I.iV C Just w h at
Armine rtTAI» T llfIV O -
Y M A G N E T IC l O C T
H V.
(JUARAffi *K
B rahm a I.o<f»aLaitw*
yon w ant, for
POWERFT/I., H U l « -
YO U H fl N O W I
Do You Want a Baby?
Dw <lw i
O ffre a
te n d
» re a
| A n y w om an d en ied th e b le u in g o f • baby
fh o u ld wt lie Pt on ce to U r
l>r|»ew H u ll«
LL. C optep H o upp
K a m a * C ity . M o
I ha
d octor is sen din g fre e . pr> tp aid . fo r th e n r « t
>0 day*, h i» regu lar d o lla r *tte non aperinu
're a tm e n t. d a * n 1 on
g la n d u la r
a r t 'v it y .
w litcti I i k * been used w ith h appy reiu lti. by
thounanda o f wom en.
No C O D , no co*t
no n h lig ii'io n .
M r* J tic h e llrr Ind
w r it e «:
*T n eyer n ad a *ha d a y
i decam p Ih
m oth er o t a flue ftW pound baby O od o n ly
knew our loy
I hop0 e v n y
o m u n lon«fing
fo r m o th erh o o d w ill take your in edtrlh e **
M r « W h ite, P i . , w r it e «
'M a rrie d I I yeara,
d o c to r « to io me
m e I w ould nave? hava c h ll-
o re n ; I trie
-’ our niediclnp
Now I pm to
»>• a m otlKir In O rfo b e r
M y deareat w ith
d im p ly «en d yi
- f .*rn<1 ro u r
and a
by »■ealiaed."
t>e • man
I r t a l s u n l w ill I ba
t n - r r , „ In par in
Is I w rapper with booklet "Chudleu M >rrtagaa ~
»’ »UNS ( LAW M O R flA N Ilf \ KS, I*-* — Hot tom photo shows lewis, a Lincoln Uon, being rliased
Ihc Hears a* he r s r r around their right end
Hell hr shown abowt to make the tackle, while Big Tom < onrad
in mid air on a lane.,In blrx Ir Top photo shows Parker, former Douglass High player and Morgan quarterback, I " r,u
onlrr s named ,.,ppi,
rwak.r.s a brilliant open Held
run The game waa rough Lincoln disabled four Morgan men.
I «¿STti ^ V c r* “ ** * ” **