The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, October 24, 1931, Page 7, Image 11

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The Singing Fullback
H t i i>v\ \ it i» i
llR in ry Held w e nt lO CuIlrRr T h e
f m l Mirpii.-td him alinead m m u c h
ttl w dui tlufc-.r « h o h ad kn own him
nil |>f. life
Kuinrhow. h r h i d Jilbt
neve r th oug ht of hlm-.rlf u.*» u college
if«- had Hnldhrd hig h v h o o l ,
to b* Mirr. bul t h r u he had g<mr lo
l l r got a good
trgdy )ob 1*'
i% Miiali Iron mill th a t m ad e window
« ightü 11 |Mitd hlm th i r t y d olU t» a
a k and t h a t **»* m ore t h a n moat
\outitf fellows mad e when thry were
i n ' t h H r tw r n l l r a and out of r o llrg r
H u m * y Ra.* only n l n e t r f n
You couldlt t gurí-, hi.-» UK*, thoug h,
» .i lut»k ut him )l<* wuin bit; and hi^*
In t. ni U a llí nr uiul Aril •drvrlop^d Mix
fr t. t WO 1 Iturna hU lirlvhl wa*d. und
r V« i » bit ut It Millet Iasimr and inu&rlr
< >u«* hundí r<l *Aml tlIII«* ty* right poumh
» 1
w¡13 Vt here hr llp|K*tt
lU r il «u►rk III th" mill hud mad»*
n mut I of htiu. that w o rMdrtit Of
» <
. It wua jr r t t y touch work to
« v
any yoiinidtrr to do l lr had
l uniload pbî iron, ha ndlr th r rough
» rh a rsr th r ni(>ola.n w ith'
w -IMld. rt »If . umt Iron, and thru, with
n rI<»tll(rr inan. to m r: y t 1» • Il r » VV
hi miming with itiolirn flirtai.
r lot-i> th r mold. Hr wor* inch*
«tira and hravy flaim rl AhtrU
1 Hi*)»t oft (llr brut, and doniM im***
w 1 mu It th rra trn -d to ovrrctiin • him j
• (unt1 to M a c ifr out Into th r open,j
(i :
ad In root running watrr.
ai ul b rm th r deeply of frrdli. u n U ln t* j
, ,i
Hut that elicivi t hakpp< u qultr R ii
10,000 P E O P L E
K v o ry
1 0 ,0 0 0
|t r o
nr a
St J " r p h «4 (»riiinne
I ’ur
A i n n.
Th u lr rm rn lout
RW 11 r to “St ,.)(*-rph’»*# id lur t« thr
fart that
<Id d ira i • r »1 is nei liier
Rrn: d»lr nor 11« •ve» . ry tu pay mori»
timi 10c for 1 • ria o f Iff» uiftr
pur» io.pi i in
•StJu • ph’»M id both
K*’Mlinr* nnd |»U m wm h nt W |M k<sl
In inonduir P roof cello! diano to
Inc ‘rrvd tl r
i ' ty
nt f r urti» of r. ih i u lifrt. i: n cm
wlirii y >U u k for S Ju « l>k*H
y*m al w ay*
t 12 t ttbtrt of ifpn-
urn - pun- u •uin for 10r. Why n c
rrp l M '
V\ U y l<:ty nu
Rufr tu* i-roiio flit Ml und our
alrtiirg ist fnr
t. Jor « p h ’* Ilio Mil*
pino rcromt ir ndc«l hv p hy.‘ ic aha
limi lrUKKk‘*t. i vrryw l.rrr, thr larg*
a st
t-lhnir pu rr u pimi in tho
■ ori 1 for 1(K
wSt J»■sepli
q u ic k ly re d u ce d . Mend fo r
b o o k le t
w h ic h te lU how t lio u s e n d « h a v e r id th e m *
e rlv r ff o f t h is
d e n fe io u *
A ilm e n t w h ich
len d s to pnrA lyRle.
a p o p le x y , e c t .
A le r t o i
lor,, Dept, r, Ailiiilt. li».
MAKK croon MONEY E a » v . every week
us our A Rent for the fummu Wavlnr llAir
Dri *
mid other |>opular Wavinr toilrl-
rie. adverliard regularly In race paper*,
lor part leular*, write The Iloyd Mfg. Co,
llli niliiRlitiiti. Ala.
W ill
r I hi II v
l u f t i l m ,,
tr ll
u n vnnii
h i '*
■ r r r ilr d
J,.n* Miller, Dept Z, St* U, Co-
( III lo
C o lo re d
I m II i .
N eg ro
C o le n d a ra .
HTANIIAHI). » 1 W**l lllrd Street. Nrw
rrt-tl him as It had at h ist. He liked
B arn ey Reid wins glory for hi» school and the
It, somehow. I t .sort of fascinated
love of a pretty girl in this rom antic serial
And then , there wore oth er things
starts today. H ere’s the story o f a singer
th at mad« the work a little easier
th an It looked. F or olid think, th r
who also know s how to hit the line
fort-man allowed him to sing whrn
rv rr hr wanted to. Singing terinrd
and run with a foo tb all. A s for S a lly , she’s
to lighten th e labor; M ined to make
the type o f co-ed w ho’d turn the head o f any
him forgrt th a t I i I a back ached and
his muscle* wrr« Mir«. T lir foreman
pus cow boy.
was old and tuugh. and hr never let
the other m en smg
llut there was
T ilings had never gone easy with You can study engineering. If you
.something about Barney'd
Reid. Opportunity had like th e mill work, or you can take
som thing deep and mellow and te n ­ Reverend
a t his door only rarrly. The chem istry or law or medicine. T liere's
der. th at ev n llie forem an couldn't
resist. S o Barney sang on. Som e­ fruits of wealth, he had never tasted :
a future and real money In any one
tim es It was an old work lon g, like: F ifty years of unceasing toll had
netted him only a tiny ehurrh in of them ."
"W ater boy
which to carry on his work, a home ] Harney gave the m atter some seri­
W here are you hiding?
111 which to live and Harney.
ous thought. He wasn't a dumbbell
If you d n't route
H ie boy had been sm art, lie had and he could see wherein his fath er
(tw ine tell» yo' mammy. . . .**
finished high sehool at seventeen,
Or sometimes one of the spirituals well up In his class. And he had was right. He had never liked the
th a t he sang In the choir of his •stepped Into the work at th e factory, mill particularly, although he had
been grateful for the opportunity
futh r's ch u rch :
starling at twenty-five d o l l a r s a which It had furnished him . T he
•'(lo down. Moses,
week. Two raises had been his nl- j hours were long, the work tiresome,
‘Way down in Egypt land;
ready. I*erhaps some day he would and the future unpromising.
T ell old Pharoah
he one of the foremen.
A college education would fit him
T o let my people go. . . ."
Harney's fa th er was pleased, but for belt r things. Much better. He
And when hla sh ift was ended, he not overjoyed. He had vision enough would come out polished and refined;
would bare to the waist, wash with to sec th at Harney could go Just so would have a cool, quiet office of his
strong yellow soap, and go home fa r In the factory work, and no fa r- J own, far removed from the sweat and
with a roaring appetite to hl.s lather. 1 thrr. Forem an ut sixty dollars a grind of the factory. T he tmmensc-
T here were only the two of them — we k would probably be th e p inn acle ness of the opportunity offered him
Harney and Reverend Reid. T h e old­ of his success. W asn't B arney cut I tilled him with awe. Ambition a s­
serted itself. T here could be no doubt
er man was In hbi fifties: hl.s wife, out for bigger things?
T h e boy ought to go to college, the about It. He could never be sa tis­
Barney's m other, had be n dead ten
years. Harney had only a tain t rc- Reverend Held decided. A sm art boy fied until he had completed a college
m em brancc of her. Her death, how­ like Barney, If well-educated, would j course.
"B u t how ?" he asked his father.
ever. had served to bring about a have a real ch ance to mnke some
Money m atters bothered him. He
closer bond of m utual sympathy be­ thing of him self W ithout proper
If It would not be asking
tween the ageing m inister and his
too much of his fath er to let him
“ B arney," he said one day, "I'v e | sacrifice everything, In order th a t he
"We've get to fight It out alone,
son," the old man hod said one day. been thinking you ought to break m ight have a better sta rt In life.
B u t the eagerness In the old man's
Ills lone was deep and serious Har­ away from the mill and try to get a
It'll be hard. 1 vole« as lie outlined the plans which
ney's hand slipped into his and gave college education.
know, but it's worth It. T h e only he had formulated swept away all
It w little aqueeae.
“D on’t worry, dad. I'm with you." tim e to get It Is while you’re young worry from B arney'» mind.
“You've got some money saved up,
haven't you?"
Barney was proud to say th a t he
hod some. "About three hundr d
“F in e I have a little m yself Not
th at much, but enough to h -lp out.
Together, we hav* enough to take
you through your first year. You
can find w.rk In the sum m er—maybe
In the lactory -a n d somehow w ell
manage to scrape along."
“Gee. D id
th at'll be great. And
don't think 1 won't apprretate It."
T lie old man smiled happily.
• • •
And so It was settled B arney went
to Howard University m October and
enrolled tn the pre-legal curriculum.
A lter the first few days he did not
find his courses particularly bother­
some. Hard work, of course, but th a t
was to be expected
He set him self
to his ta ik with a will and soon found
th a t he could finish his lessons and
still have a li^ le tim e to spare
washed dishes in a restau ran t Just
off the campus four hours a day in
exchange for his meals, and th a t
helped considerably. He only regret­
ted th a t It didn't leave him much
tim e In which to play football
B ark In high school he had made
the tram , but he hadn't starred lor
several reasons One was his weight.
At th a t tune he had been a thin,
wiry chap with too much legs and
not enough beef. The Iron-m ill work
had cured him of that. He had filled
rem arkably.
stam ina— yen got th a t working long
hours in stifling be at.
Another thing m high school he
had been outclassed bv a fellow
called "D u k e ' H art, a lightning-
irrak on the field, a terror off.
Hart was a fine player—there was
no doubt about th at. He played his
fullback p sit ion with reckless a b an ­
don and yet with unerring precision.
W hat was against him was his t m -
prr He was th r snarling, fighting
type, always being kicked out of
games because he insisted on argu-
W ith a W r it ta n G U A R A N T E E
Advice on Love, Saccess, M oney, H eahh.
Jo b * and H appiness.
Send n o Money
B. A L E X A N D E R
B o a 9 6 , C o lle g e 1», Q „ N e w Y oste
yßz-'W O M EN otthj
VVHy •Oftjr »l*out «Jclâyed pciHMl» rom unisatueal 1
(»•Mw C et Qw kk R esu it» « u n e F E M 1 N L 3 B —
l.sqstul T«Met R elief. Uaed hv doctors. W «*«» c s*es
I o m owerdoe. P k i i u t , sa ie , no ¡a terferen e« s u r
itunel Sa tisfa ctio n fiiaranteed treatmenl $i.9\
INataga « C.CUV W U f Cosnpotstsded foe V ary«?« Ca*»a S5 CU UhiatratoJ FaWer Free wtth
n»de». PETONS C O , D tpt IA-F S i Lonas Ma*
l-ad^nl Ash
bot«*. _
n î ï ? f & i Ai»iÀ«o*(»
■ « A H » r i L I J , « t a « • r « M k M w«
M » t a t . Sa ♦<■»(, R ollata«.
I s s e N«sv I