THE ILLUSTRATED FEATURE SECTION —October 17, 19.11 7 Balto. Boy Now in London, Actually Dances to Live GARVEY IS OFF I .¡III«* Joey Shields Kejjained lleallli Tlir»ii“ li I'lxerrise P Career Threatened TO LONDON TO SEE GANDHI ST ANDREW . Jamaica -Marcus Heavy, heavy Lungs over your head !** Garvey, founder of the U N I A. In you that rx|>iCft»lon la merely and popular leader of the i f mltUaretit of a childhood (tame liial wxs again returned to the Kingston m u played «h e n a kul but to little and St Andrew Corporation (City Jt* v MliirUt*. lUlllm ore boy Wt*o 1» Council) us Ui choice of the elec­ i.i.w » neMMilional dancer In Loudon, torate H i present» stark reality. | Immediately after the election rr- l ittle Joey, an he was known a hen turru were made public. Garvey bid a -tar over the K d U i-A lb r« Circuit I adieu to 10.000 of his follow-era ami here before railing to Europe to br j friend» at KdelwrU Park and sailed .•tarred in n big musical comedy pro- for London to keep hu rendezvous due d by CliarUn H Cochran, white with Muhitrna Gandhi and a group Britain'» leading producer, te«lly of African chiefs. dance» to Sixr. T liU Is not lined in HU private secretary. Mi?.» 11*2*1 the same aeii»» that other dancer» I Rscridge. of Itiiaca. N Y . rccom- dance to live by keeping the wolf pauied him. W hile in London he away from t lie door Dancing to will be Uie guest of Dr Dogsd&ll, 11 PAU L ROBESON ‘ l : * M . l Jo ) mean* life Itself Internationally known singer« whose whole career 1» threatened by tuber* I Contrary to current report*. G ar­ H o Sickly »• a d lN I N with vey will not move the headquarters Tlie little fellow, only 18 years of which he is reported to be »ufierin* | of the U N I A to London but will agr. one time |>ariner of ttuiuhine travel In Europe for two m ontiu. re at hu Dux Ion home. rummy. clever motion picture and Mage star, was from early childhood a sickly emaciated child In oidc to Mivr hu life hh parent*. Mr and Mr. Juarph Hhirld* of thl« clt i inrrd him under the care of U»e late i)i Harr, child »prcialUt, who labor- id with him for '»*i During this jwrlfxl Joey underwent sever«] m *K i operation» Wanted to liv e nivfn up on a number of oceaidon» lit t U . l e y pulled himself thiouch .»lily bv his own dr.Ire to llvr, to Hebt in laugh !o »Ing and «laue». Whrn rrlra .d from tbr haapital. hl» t » r - ru !» m .unlit to krrp him quirt, *rrp him » ! home whrrr thry roubi glvr him Ihr br»t of altrntlun. but llttlr J.M urottM have BOM Of DllO. Hr » » n lr .l to do Ihr Charleston Hr wanted to do Ihr ItUrk Bottom Hr wanted to strengthen hl» lung» by Miming and rntrrtalnlng hi* friend» At first thr physicians themselves ubjretrd to till». frarliiK that It would ii"-ult in a rrlapar but later tliry ■ hanged tbrlr mind* whrn tliry saw him »triidlly Improving in physique und i.turdlnr»* undrr hi* own mrtbod». Little Jory dnnord hi* way U lirullli, Iiraith that hr had never known lirfurr W hllr he hud won hl» fight for llfr hr wa» still dhvuit- lMl il Mr w intr.1 U) taMr of l.llnr. but thr greate»t bugaboo of all k n * (In* out of hui gra»p HI* narrnt* wore to Irt him out i ' ihrlr charge III. M-trrs und brothrrs kept a clo*« watch oval thalr littir brother, but our day hr nllpprd away and got a tryout with Bud Harri* and Hammy Vaiidrrhui»! who were plavlng Ihr Maryland Thrntrr here at Ihr time Hr wrnt oh In thr art and brramr HU Instant hit Ho plrusrd were th r«« two corne­ PKEWEB W IL L IA M S AND JOEY SH IE I DS lian* with thr *urcr** hr had madr aa they are appearing now In l.indon nm*le halls I hid thry requested that hr b? prr- united to arrompunv them on thrlr lour Tlda wa*. of courue. rr(u*ed was sure and certain from that point Hut whrn (hr big touring coc that California rejuvenated him He latrr Ihr pair traveled In pulled out of Joined Sunshine Hammy and hi* EAGER TO TELL Inwn at th? end of thr werk Little troupe and enjoyed a long tour. •lory wa* parked away among thr ABOUT HER Wrnt Abroad bugs and bundle*. Ill* rlar to fame London Sensation Now taut year when Billy Pierce, famous bioa.lway darning master who haa taught more white .»tar* how to dance than any oUirr dancing Instructor, wu* engaged to produce the dance* for Mr Cochran * show, hr sent Jory and little Per Wrc William», hi* new partner, to become u part of Hint prndncttnn Ho successful wa.» till» vrnlurr that the youthful team has been retained ui Kuropr to upurar In a nrw vehicle that will probably keep them abroad for another year Those who are thrilled by Joey s pleasant smile, his charming voice and nimble fret do not know» what Is going on I h 'I i I ih I thr srenrs. They do not know that here Is Just n llttlr homesick boy, who after each performance must drrsa Ills body where the effects of thr surgeons knife Is still sore and urllve, a little boy who Is helping others forget thrlr sorrows and cares while he dnners fiances to live. "Heavy, heavy hangs over hLs head I" Plan* New Show The train Ls under the manage­ ment of Buddy Bradley, formerly as­ sociated with Billy Pierce's New York Hludio. Bradley hu* b r n engaged to produce the dance* for "80 Million Prenehmen," a musical romedy which had u successful Broadway run and Is now to be presented In London with an Kngllsli cast. Jory Is now recording for the Dree* Iteeordmg Company He I* singing l hr vocal refrain* with Spike JOEY RHIKLDB a» lie apiiearrd three year* ago Hughes's dance orchestra and 1* bill­ When hr waa a Juvenile |>rrformrr ed a* "Deccas Most Happy Dlseov- orv." Lora STOMACH Just a Kid Then ^ “ I want to tell others about my experience with Pape's Hi «pep­ sin.'' says Mrs. » Kastman. PJ00 C a lifo rn ia St., D e n v e r, C olo. “ I tried a lo t o f th in g s for hut them persuaded me to Like a few tablets of this wonderful preparation. "N o w I even eat cabbage without any diMrrss afterward*. It used to cause real suffering I am not nearly so nervous ns I used to be; feel much stronger and belter in every way.'" A medicine must have real merit to bring forth enthusiastic state­ ments like this. And when not one, but hundreds, even thousand», are Idling the same story of success, there seems no reason to douht the day-in and day out reliability of Pape's Diapcpsin to hdp stomach sufferer*. These harmless. candy like tabieta relieve Ibe heartburn, nauaea, gas, lielrhing. headache*, dirtiness and olact symptoms of indigealio«- Km barrassing M o m e n ts What uaj the mo»t ernbarra**- ing moment of yovr life'9 It go* turntng to Jamaica In December care to have it published. addreaa Garvey* announcement some Em barm a sing Momenta care 0 / months »go that he would quit Ja­ Editor of this paper Writ* on one aide ot the paper. S o munu- maica was but a clever ruse to con­ acr.pts returned fuse those who opposed his policies in administering th ’ affairs of the Kpokt thr Truth 8 :m “ time cn a sumir.'rlikf U N 1 A and its subsidiaries. Pinan I <*vrnintf. we had planned to motor to rial support from the American field | th? neighborhood suburb. I ' as don- has fall n to sero. ; rung my com and hat when the duo - Garvey was forced to accept a b