The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, October 10, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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    T H K IL L U S T RA T F l) K K A T l'U K S F C T IO N
\ cook .should n**ver mind the sweat
of his brow
I ,o e« (here lakes Ills own fuel with
him * T im e are my sentiment*.
The Inseguìng will alvo you In fetter.
; what n 1 v belief, ate In answ er lo
I vuur queetion
t have not made It
Believe in
Do You
**A fvn-*aa h a v e wtucR m co tu iti« « w it h
u s i t Wit t u J « .t ila m
n p itu r !
their iM uvrrtv» s lit»«
It is iiims far us
U> (<■< *wwy from ih s n o tio a l> t«l ih e y
t t * in s o m fw r.ur in t i h n b d ii r s t s f s
In m o rs th a n an * s r n '* . * r Amerwwiv*
mrr I r a cin lU iH l
in t i m ore tM ila flC
th a n (h ey
O .toh.-r I « . l» :» l
eafeauaUve a, i auppouafe row vaukl
want but a stulem riit as g l.r u
rtf«*« * » • u a i * In a « l M r w f n llr 1« d e m r
Is Latitar M Veil*» * ••■ «
|i t ilv t i * *1 8 llk « h | U a l 8 « « iB t r r . U r hl« A«*I4 *« «t»*»«« t I 4« m i I k H*«« la MW •«*»
I«. * liter «1 IU « «I Mrs *i«4 »n n n U «# " Her %lr •'litter «*14. “TAe * f* f* | * « » » ••« I«
tSN f*l*t4 with * « » flin t# s h l« h «lamp« (.« 4 Ss | rsthl#«« I r r s n l tu»«*«» sf t !s«4 «I
Tilt* Great (!alhe(lr:iln of the >korl<l (“| [>„ Not Believe in
Hell in Any [.iterai
Senge . . . ”
4«I USES to suffer quit«
I * bit from rnsmptnc
and pains in the lower
p a n oi my body, and cer­
tain ly felt very bad.
dtdn t feel like wcrking.
"After I suffered so
much, a friend told me
that Cardul would help
me. S o I took tt and I
am sure glad th at I did.
for It helped me and I
recommend It to others."
- U n i M attla T_ King.
1318 W 8th St.. Little
Rock, Ark.
For over 50 years wom­
en have used Cardul. with
good results Get a bottle
today, a t your druggist s.
K l x : A It A LOVK. S T ft
Jo h n Wesley M K ('h urch.
and M on t corner 9 Streets
Baittmo re. Maryland
WOMEN: watch your
What a I iou UI v o o k ii «I<• l«» keep their
bom rie moving Itw h * A «l»*ct»»r »hmild
know Ih« nrwner | hai it why puro
Syrup I'apAin it ■ *» *«>wl fur women It
l«t«t t ut» iheir (trina?* « u .iniu ii It it
Ih* j>r»*< upturn «.f an old Limily doctor
XV li » hat tfratr.l thousand» of Vk udirti
pstirn«-. nnd wh 1 mad* a »pr 1 m I »ludy
of b-■ « ' I lrt;ublr*
It « a un* for chil«lr*n. !«•*•. 'I h*v lovn
! ri th in h .i.* it rvorv tun«
their tooffun :»r* coal«'«! ««r Ihnr »km
it »alio \ f)r. ( aidwrll k Ssrup l*rp»m
U load* from fi«**-!» L i d i V e lirtla. |>ui«
proMU and «»lh*r I umii I tm incrrdirnlt.
\\hru \i»u’ \* u Mi k h radar nr, r.m 't
cal. ui* UUiout or »luRguti. and at tkux
t nuca whrii
ar* moti apt lo ho
c nx'ipnlcd, I ike 4 bill* ol thit f .nuoti»
|»ir«* ri|di« u (»il flr«:i| »(otri Lrrp it
trad / ui toi( bollir»>, an«! v«)u'll ki»««w
P c. (U ddw drt Syrup }V| miii 1» Ihn
f t * 4 d* laxative of over a million
krd tlita qur-.oon of me in v meni
vour letter
”Do \«>u telle-, r in Hr 11
fir* and »hr torture *#f the wicked
Cellophane Wrapped
The Dispensatory of the United
Stat- > ''f Am erica >uy : "When a.s-
I,inn co •\es in c«ant a c t w ith 111014 -
tfrad uallv decom post •s into
s a lic y lic in .1 ac*ti c a c id i. It should
lie preac*rvpd in w oll clo.-c«i con tain -
c r s ."
1 It U fo r thid rcaso n th a t
m’a G»*n-j i n i I’ j r * .\ s p in n
0 you in r■ ioisture-prr>of cel-
corner I 1
lophane w rap p ed p a rk a c
th e puri,ty and fa il stre n g th 101 c a c a
phs n
ta b le t 1 4 pr*s*n<
the onlj , aspirin ria d e which com es
m a ir ti< t (
to you
K*m *m ber, wh«•n you a k fo r
‘ St.JoM •uh.'i” you 1 a lw a y g*-t tw e lv e
ta b le ts o f jrenuine pure a sp irin lo r
10 c. 1 ousanda r e a iii* it is n eith er
In time* of stress and hardship, when we
have but a crust of bread and the running
.s. nsibl« nor n*ce^>sary to pay more. stream s sweet w ater . . . even Ihen we
IP* >afe, be economical an<i be sure 1 not go hungry If our h earts have been
of gettin g fresh a pinn by asking warm with devotion, our souls frd on the
for "the larg e t selling pun» aspinn of the Church, and our minds nourished
in the world for 10c"—SU oacph i. Faith.
The True Believer is never In want . . .
subsistence flows forth Irom the fount of His
A* a J Io -re lie t o d e e -
orattng one o f the
p r i v a t e c h a p e l t <>t
t h e C athedral o f
SrrU le. It d e n o t e J
t h e d e t c e n t from
t h e O rn i.
te a c h in g s
I-W iiht (lolle«;«* Star
JnriiH I’ m
Hi to im cn t?" The follnwins U m t
answ er
No. I do not believe Ur hell ftre
tn an y lite ral Nothing in*
trn u i ran alTi ct Dial which la spirit
ual The C hristian rrliftltm UUrftl
the moot beautiful t hi run tm aterial». |
gold and precious Atones, to describe
the bJtrsnrdneaa of the rWfhtcuu* In
tire future life and the m art dreaded
thing fire to describe the punish* .
ment of the w.ckctl
The punishm ent of the wb ket! U j
In no a tor l u t e
Fort tire con
note« del if ht on the part of tire one
import!»* the punishment
The (rod of Jeans ChrLst, the God 1
of I-ov«* could not d d ia h t In the
puniAhinent of the wicked T tv 1
punishment of the wicked, oa well 1
as the rew ard of the rlghtrouA, la -
conaequential. that la to say. It mow»
out of the nature erf the life lived
The development of sp iritu al ca-1
p arity here through adherence t o 1
the principle» of Jesua Chrlat. which :
involve» the highest sp iritu al and
ethical ideals and valuea, gives ability
to enjov spiritual blcssedne*» In the
future life.
Lack of thla development, on tin-
other hand, works contrariwise, an
that one 1» tormented In the other
life by the knowledge th at he lack.»
spiritual blr.sardneftA
And he re 1
membera Utat th at laeft »* tfaa to bis
own will nines» In this life. «We carry
memory with us.)
f believe in fu ture reward and In j
future punishm ent, each consequent
upon th e life live«! here an«! abno-
lutely d ete rm in e d by th at life We I
curry wltti us the rap acity for bits»
or the Instruments of our own pun
Uhnient. Tina latter la llluAtraicd by [
ot us
I wonder w hat they think of u*
As they go .«ailing by.
We never seem to ttilnk of tT m
Except a* bit» of s k y
And yrt they quit* reflect oiir moods,
Or even moke us so
T h at we arc sm iling w ith the sky
Or m irroring It* woe.
I wonder w hat think of n*.
They who can be so fair;
They seem so—well, Indifferent
On their pedestals up there;
former star of the New York University football team , h as been signed as And yet, again. It seems to me.
player-coach for the Afl Southern Collegiate*, Baltim ore profession*! grid At the hour of evening hush.
Hoi Johnson of Bates, and .Jaek Coles. T>an Brown and Ben They think we are quite awful.
Brown, a ll former Howard stars, are being sought for the local eleven.
For the sky's a crimson blush.
4 JJoilor I in nut y l.u iu h v r
Young Wife
Happy Now
' I w as w e a k , n et v o u s a ra l ru n ­
d o w n . N o th in g I arc w o u ld stay
o n m y s in m a th a n d I suffered
fro m lo n s n p a tio n . I ro o k (hr
V c y e ta l'le l o m p o u n d a n d also
used rhe Pills for C 'o n s tip a tio u
an«f llie S a n a tiv e «Cash. N o w I
h a v e a g o o d n|«pctife a n d go««I
J ig cstio n . I d o all m y w o rk and
I Irrl lik e I am IS y e a rs o ld In­
stead o f m arried fiv e y e a r ' " —
M n . K’>«.t (.'merlin, I f 17 South
S... rh ildJelfJiul. I’d.
K M 'O K I HI M i l I I KM 'l
A young m an a ked an old lady if j
she believed In hell "Oh, yes.” a he
Well Auntie." the young
man continued. "where dors S atan
itet Ills coal to keep the fires burn*
111 «? "
"Never you mind. Bonny,
don’t you worry. Every one who
T il»: < l
98 out of 100 Women
Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound
the following story.
Dn. W ft C a i d w i u 'S
Do You Want A Baby?
Ilo rla r
O ffe r»
R rn il f t « «
Any woman d«>nlrU tha blrvtlrnt of a bnhy
\liouUI w rit* a t on< a to l>r I>*Prw. ffni'a
Kam a»
C ity,
H i»
ftoctor 1» aanding tree, pofttpalrt. for tha n n t
30 day», til» rpgular d o llar air* non-aparUla
I rN tM tti b a n l
on lUlBtfuUr i k M v H v .
which has b»*n uacd w itli happy rcTiiii» by
thousand» of women
Ho C. O. I)., no rout,
no obligation. M m J Ik h«*ll«r. lo d.. w rltcn:
f rw»cr had a al< A day.
I twram » tin»
m other o f m fin» » ' , potmd bahy Ood only
kn«w our Joy
1 hop» » r* ry woman Ipnglnn
for moihert.«H><l w ill tak a your madlclne.**
I d * wiill.8, Pa . WVftta* “M arrlfd II yrara,
doctor» fold m» I would never havn c h il­
d ren ; X triad your m»«Ucina. How I am »•
lx» a m<>(.h*r In October
My dearwst wUli
1 •>
allxcd " Himpiy nrnd ym ir name, and a
$1 treatm en t w ill he mailed free m plain
w rapper With booklet ‘T hltrtleaa Marr«age« ••
W rite at «w»c» a» only a lim ited Mipyly o f
fhew# tre a t menta w ill b« aent breg thla
m onth.— Adr.