TMK ll.Ll'STRATKI) M-.A I l KK SK( HON 4 October :». Ul ti New York Has Deputy Attorney-General or. without me. Foer on litipmudblr to turn back, which l* rather gtxHl for gome of us. Hituv ( in now on the "ex " la»at 1 guess I ni out That tv until pay ilav 1 11 give a fashionable tea then, ami be received hack with oprn arma from a perfectly adorable vacation IMiKltgal to-be me! You curl your lip and call u* »nob» Blit we are not a bunch of snobs We re »imply getting adjusted 1 II admit It * taking quite a few year*, but doesn't It take I.lF F M M K ff to prepare for hell? Harry Bragg, Clergyman’s Son, Occupies One of City's Most Important Posts. Mrs. Bragg, Childhood Sweetheart of 25 Years Ago. Harry Graham B rigg son of an risen to deputy attorney general of KiMscopal clergyman of Baltimore, New York in the blF *tate building came to New York fifteen years ago oppoaitc the d m lM PriM B and with the aid of the Tammany H u dad wanted him to be a leader. Ferdinand Q Morton, has preacher, and he tried a year in a seminary. He liked law belter and I now his work requires t Rices in the state building and on »ohn St real. with assistants of both races His stenographer may be white but tier job is to take dictation, not to figure on the Color line Tliat ls ttie wav New York's Democratic organization rewards its voters M a r r ie d L illia n Attention Ambitiouif I 'A . H u g h «* * Mr Bragg married a childhood sweetheatr. Mus Lillian Hughes of Baltimore. Let no mail tell turn that puppy love doesn't last It does The nigh school kids who once shyly h Id hands .i-s '.ii ‘v walked home from Douglass High School and .spooned H A R R Y G R A H A M BRACKl on the frHit steps of great buildings Deputy Attorney General in Mt Vernon Place have been h a p ­ pily wed for a dec ad * and have two Asked foi a photograph Mr Btagg children. Lillian, the second, and gave the A FRO th • last one in his Harry. Jr m the» apartment at 500 l*visession T don't nerd It." hr said St Nicholas Avenue I have tlie original I am aware,' ( h ild h o n i S w e e th e a rt* however, that one who give* his photo Bring on vour advisors to the love­ to the police department or to the lorn who make fun of first loves, and press does well to keep hi* house in the Braggs will give them a haughty 01 dot Asked if the photo would show any stare They fell In love twenty-five years ago when yet m their teens, gray hair*. Mr Bragg said * 1 boast of none, but oh th# amt and believe it or not. they're still A ii intimate friend told me the turtle dovish. 'other day that 1 should be elated that ervous, W eak, N o Appetite “ Before I started taking Lydia E. rinkhatrt's Vegetable Com pound I so eross my husband asked » hat the matter was. 1 had no appetite and my back and head ached most o f the time. 1 am now on my fourth bottle o f Vegetable Compound. It certainly has made a great change in me. Id o my work and feel in good spirits.’’ — Mrs. Jessie Anderson, U iO N. Senate Ate., Indianapolis, hid. I T IS N O T N E C E S S A R t I O PA Y M ORE T H A N FOR 12 TABLETS fast d ii C e I l o ftìxa n e - W r a ft ft e J 10c HEADACHE Teacher*’ Husband* Ilie old teachers who have t>egun to feel the matter of age creep up, I I are constantly lighting amongst them- | selvea over a jx» g>l<* male to send through .school (and then skip out» . | All men lying around loose are snatched up Nine out of ten teachers have taxi- | 1 cab drivers and porters for husbands. | Then, the school girl has to have her ! morsel. So it is a constant wrangle. ; But if you are brave, attractive, a | good mixer and letter writer, then j i your unemployment problem l* solved. I Come to Washington Oh, yes, I nearly forgot' If you are planning on coming this way and ; joining our coloqy, you must be able j j to present your credentials. Have money, a large car, a cocktail shaker. ! a soft accent, introduction from the editor of the Blue Book of your town, your college degree and someone's1 I husband Tea« her and rx-Snob And for the part which prompted : me to write this. Yes, I ’m one of Washington's teaching army Any I way. my dethronatlon came by way of my disclosing the occupations of 1 two hosts' Mr and Mrs Brown had been giving parties for months, and j | I had always been on hand Then I my cousin was suddenly dropjxd from ' their list, because she knew what the hosts did! Hilly, you say. But you ! see, the dear souls were janitor and • seamstress, respectively. Real climb-1 ers. Naturally. I sided with cousin. I having no other choice. Now. for the kick .. When my friends heard of it they were moved to tears Not of indigna - 1 tion but of anger. They realized they couldn't eat the Browns out any­ more without endangering their i prestige. They were good and mad about It, too Off their register I ! went! Don't laugh Well, anyway the gay whirl goes Contributors who wish manu­ scripts returned must enclose Post ape. Nerves on edge. A head tliat throbs. You ran’ t strip work, but you can stop the nain in a hurry, (layer Aspirin will do it every tune. T ake two or three tablets, a swallow o f water, and you’re soon com­ fortable. ThereVi nothing half-way about the action of genuine aspirin. I f ttie box says Buyer, you will get complete relief. These tablets should be in every shop, office, and home. Heady to relieve any sudden :\< he or pain, from a grumbling tooth to lumbago, neuritis, rheumatism, d r ; or lose any tune because of colds or sore throat. Get some Buyer Aspirin and just follow those pruven directions for instant relief. SMILE, MEN, SMILE Get the genuine tablets, stamped with the Buyer cross. They cost very little, especially if you buy them by the bottle. Any floe tor will tell you they are harmless. T hey don’t hurt the heart. T hey don’t unset the stomach. So take them as often os you have the least need of their quick comfort. T ake enough for complete results. H r. a 1.1 M . ntiiart urinpr wlcanlu h * v « turned another trick to mnkc llfo **w»ier n powder, known n* M axlr Kh*v- In * Pow der, which you pimply ini* with w ater and put on your fnee nod your heard wan he« off quicker mid cloner than you r « n m I ihvo It off with miy razor. H a ir 1« devolved clean to tin* »'¿in. *n«i (frow * hark n m e an If you ib iv e d the old hot her no mo razor w my. ¡4 no antiseptic It in u*e«l by Ifonpitalft and lleauty I’nrlor*. Prevent* in grow ing halm. C le a r« akin o f hump* and pim ­ ple*» and ift mo gent la on akin even women find it p rirelc*« fo r rem'^ring »uper fluoua hair. I f your druggiitt doea not have Magic Shaving Pow der, by all m ean« «end Mic In atam p* today f<»r big, full-ftize pack­ age. A ddreaa; M agic Shaving Powder C o ., Dept A „ Havarmah. f»a. fA d v I Dou’ t sutler with lliut neuralgia. BAYERSn ASPIRIN t 6000 PROFITS More People Are Needed To Supply the IfKfeeOhj Demand f or P O R O H A IR a t u l SKIN P R E P A R A T I O N S PORO COLLEGE, me. 4415 South Peikwey, Chicago, llbnolt P«« i x k — WORDS O l 4 *1 » I • 4 S I » * • ( « • ! PHXlSf I HUM Now For Shaves Without A Ita/.or (UU f RH NU IN A M w BOX INDIGESTION Here’s good news for your stomachi A new. handy jXH’krt size of l'a|fte'w IhapepMii I at what von want, and till you want. Without one pang of indigestion Jusl carry Ihi* liantilr** »tornarli atiinulant. lake two og three tablets aller eating 1 lien enjoy serene digestion. l'ap e’ * I hapepsiu (ablets are at pleasantly ralen us randy N o aour- i»r*i, no gas, no tiislress two hour-* after meals no sensation but htmgrg for tfie next meal Don't diet, don't deny youiarlf. I .r Rape's Ihajtepsiu. UOMIN time« possible likeneaa ( ontinurd from |M|r 3 report benefit from W o rld ’s Largest Seller at wma an W o m e n . iipi>eanng as it detracted from a some* Scandals ofW ashington of G e n u i n e P u re A • p i r in 98 out of 100 Women Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound »uch Indifferent hair a W I I O HI . A M Y K N O W ' ★ “The ‘ D O U B LE S T R E N G T H ’ Does It ” S * y * M o . M a r y D a u g h t e r ? , p r o m in e n t A v ia t r li o f N ew Y o r * . " I havt arvrr ttrm a H r.t.h ia , ettam thru It,h u m a *J uhtl- /»< ihr ihm at qttt.h lf at fr a .ta r Hla.h aaJ H 'h ilt H ltath ia f I rram. I'n J .u h u J If, the "J .a h lr ilr t a ,lh “ fralarr Jan it." M n . Mar y H a u f h t r t y hat , a i n t J fam r at an a fia lria aa.l it at(r.l t.r hrr matt, t h a n la h lr u n .lr t la h a ,i. Here’s the ONE AND O NLY BLEACHING CREAM that has the Exclusive DOUBLE STRENGTH FEATURE " • e n u i n f lilack and White Itleai hi n it Creiim is made "double strength" h o that it will instantly penetrate down into the “fourth layer’’ of your akin because II in there that “skin lightening” in regulated. TI i I h marvelous "double ac­ tion” bleaching cream lightens and whitens in half (he lime of ordinary bleaches. It also (liiickly clears up ugly humps and pimples, fades out mole discolorations and gives you a clear, smooth, healthy, light. bright skin In record breaking time. To get best results, always cleanse vour skin first with genuine ICI.u k and White Skin Soap (large bar 2!>r), then he sure that you follow this with genuine llliyrk and W h i l e llle a r h i n g Cream (Double Strength). Large opal jar is 50c. Accept no substitute. There’s nothing just as good. I f you f anno! ( r i («ruttine Ulm I« miti W h ile proiltiil* from your denier, Mini u* Iti* nume nml HititrrN«. fourllier with relull prh e* o f product* denlred nnd we Mill gee limi you nre promptly «up piled I hi hiik I i your denier, nil ihfirge* p r e p a id Add res*, 111 ■• < L nml W 'lilto t ompany. < hir-ngo, III J ’& m u n e . BLACKEWHITE (O p al J a r) B LEA CH IN G CREAM