3 Ti IK ILLUSTRATO D KKATURK SECTION— September 12, 1931 in H e r L if e A i h I Slu* ¡M I I k * ( v i r i UM-.elng, tim e Gripping the llghtfan- tastlc toe behind the footlights of a Cleveland theatre and a lad named Macro. the son of a prominent C le v e ­ land physician, saw her and Imme­ diately tort Ills Interest In the lan­ guages and sciences and whatever desire he might have had to follow In the foo.stepa of his Ulastrloug •ath-r Dancing Team J iih I a Couple of Kids hnl llic\ Have Own IMiil<>so|»liy of Life _ Uy HICJ HIIC1T _ A Little Bit of Sunshine ________________ . Maceo doesn't want me to tell that part of the story. Carol likes it. be- eaus Romance ls of mans life ■ thing apart; "tu woman» whole ex­ istence There 1» only one part ol her life that la more beautiful to her — memories she cherishes more. These ale centered around those sev- tn short montlis that little Maceo, Junior flayed with them. He ram« and then he went away. The sparkli In tnr ryes ls accentuated as log glistening tears creep from the cor* i t i when flic mentions that part ol her life. lie Like, Birrer Things CAROL’S CODE If you want to be happy contented and s u c c c m h - ful thotiifh tnurriud, Carol Chilton «uya: " T r y to ( f t a complete undcratandlns of your mut«*, study hut temperament, his likes und dislikes, work always toward pleasing him. "Spend us much time together ns possible, learn to cultivate mutual pleasures. "Respect your husband's authority in matters of finance if he has business acumen. The outside interests of family should he entrusted to him— it satisfies his pride and keeps things running smoothly. ’ • Maceo MACEO’S CODE "Alw ays give your wife the last word. about land at Uic royal command. Attention Ambitiousf a Women.' .IP B I ” r .o s a ^ o O D PROFITS Mo-c Agents Are Needed l o Supply C ARO L C H ILTO N who after four long years of rugged .stage life still thinks romance Is the biggest thing in a little g trl» life alien you've got the boy you love. -e lra w ." »aid Marco to hi» Uttls that p art.1 »he said. ’T think It ls wife, ’’don’t tell him that old »lory the moat beautiful part of our lives Plrl iir .ii pour mind a boy. ■ vrry . CmrtrJ Chilton an.I Macro Thomas arr about how we met and how I follow- »ml b«-«ides. U s trj r " younil boy and a strl much younger, really Mr and Mia. Macro Thomas rd you around until you married me; ||u Inspiration alili crlii.van peach bloom cheek». a and have been an merited for four It s been told ao often ’ O f course. I knew the story only yean Hut I almost forgot they did Carol puckered her pretty lips It) , too well. Jluw little Carol a Chicago Huffy load and flashing mlachevtou» ” 1 like to tell I lass, fresh from a school of aesthetic eye» the bolli oi tliem looking for all not want me to mriiUon that at all Just a bit of a pout Hie a rid like two high achool kid* who bavr allpi>rd from under the watchful rye of a prtiuy chaperon, mid you’ll get an Idra of what Chil­ ton and lhomaa looked like back- «tvg.- al the Century Theatre where Uiey h< .id lined llir bill last week Aa tin y talk to you they look wist­ fully Into each oilier« eye. with that ciprea- . ni c f mutual admiration that la »haliti» rrmlnlarrnt of puppy love dava, but II Isn’t puppy love at all the Increasing Demand for PORO HAIR and SKIN PREPARATIONS h r AgmnH V « i PDRD COLLEGE, i n c . 4415 South Parkway, Chicago, Illinois P m . Black — * « a la *51» S«r«M D r e s s v o u r II A I R H e ’s the Boy t o d a z z l i n #/ new b e a n T o n ig h t — apply genuine R la rk and W h i t e Hair Dressing to your hair. Do this for several nights. Almost before you realize it you will have beautiful, easy-lo-dress hair. E ach lin y strand will he soft, you’ll find it no t r o u b le at all to arrange your hair in the latest styles. It will stay that way, always looking smart and attractive. Ask your favorite drug store or toilet goods coun­ ter for genuine Black and W h i t e lMuko llair Dressing. Two kinds: Anther 30c; W h i t " 50c. To make your hair prow long and luxuriant, one g e n ui ne lllark and White llair («rower. It nourlnhea the g l andn and make« hair grow quickly. (Jo to your f a v o r i t e druggist or toilet good* roan* t e r f o r genuine lllark and White II a I r (J r o we r . Price 2 fir. dtomune. MACEO TIIOM AH who dropped Ida high school books when he caught a vision of a dam ­ ine atlrI and she led him to the pot of gold at the foot of the rainbow. BLACK*« WHITE HAIR GROWER les* like dancing before the king of Eng*, THEY BOTH BELIEVE: That— punctuality and dependability are the paramount rules to observe to win success in the show business. That__hard work and constant striving to im­ prove their act is responsible for their succ«*aa. That__their devotion to each other while on the road, their courteous treatment without over-familiar- ity with the performers o f the other race is the rea­ son they have no trouble being spotted in all white produetions. That— some day nfter they get a lot oi money they are going to settle down and have a home. That— the success of each lies in sticking to­ gether through thick and thin. That— they love each other v«*ry. very much. prefers to talk romantic 'things—lho»e big occasion! To keep hair soft m il glo.ay and lo prevent burning and arorrhing (rom hot irona—uar Genuine lllark and W h ilrC loi- nine. Your favorito druggl.t or lollrt gnnd» counter arila thr la r g e ran o f » r n a l n r Rlark and White Glos.lae for 25r. G en u in i BLACK*« WHITE G LO SSIN E J fc n u tn e . BLACKEWHITE H air DRE sslNG SCIENTIFIC - SAFE - SURE To I I t # yo.tr h.ilr I ho h.*«t ot rar#. u«# O n uln # Black and W hit# ITalr I'r-p a ra . non« in romblnation. llr e t , ua# ( onulne HI*, k an.I W hite C. 1/0*81 N R with h o t" Iron« nn.l coinhs. Then. If you want your hair to m ow and N com# long and tu*u- *ni»ly l»u . K and White l i v m t. ROW Kit. A fte r Aping MR«. u#e lllark and Whit«* I ’L l KO I I \ I U I 'RKS8I N t« to drr»a your hair In any stylo you ehooa#. R. ineinher. for b.*«t rraulla. u*r the complete M ark and W hite lla ir Treatment In in # h i.ir k and whit# pa« kagea . . . each one la sdeatlfU*. aafe, aure? Aak your S ? !T 'r .?r P *r,or “ p#rator to trll you about tha high quality ot Mack and W hite lla ir Prapa rat Iona. rr.Mt.rl, It W r a m o l P t O n w l w H U .V .m l W l . l l . Cr..». j f f a r r fr .lr r M , • • lit . M m . »m l n .lA r ... tagrth i-r «Ilk r - t a ll .r lc r c . f , r « J m - l . 4 r .lm 4 u>4 « » « M l MW that ,.... a r * M - n . i. ll, -ap w li-4 lk r m i,h . . . . 4 - a l.r . » n . «• M n w . R la rk u « W l.lt . I « . p a n r k i . m t » nt.