8 A 'LELIA W A LK ER , One of Country's Striking Characters Loses .»-Hour Fi*»lit with I t o o l ll A photo taken V a H »ward Lincoln LwCh.ill i.air.e. A curlier of the Villa lewaro. the custody of hi* father, a Chicago | physician. Four year* ago Mrs Perry after divorcing the physician, eloped with Marion R Perry, a Little Rock. Ark . attorney, to Oreenwlch. Connecticut, where they were married. Silenre In Apartment Silence reigned In the splendid Walker apartment at SO Edgeconib Avenue. Monday, when the announce­ ment of the death of Mme A'Lella was announced. Here green and orchid living rooms In which gathered the mast Interest- ; Ing people of New York, reflected Miss Walker's love of music Here stands a baby grand reproducing piano, j nearby a radio and a vlctrola. Her favorite seat, a studio couch Villa lew aro on the Hudson, the $500.00 »Iww plaça lurt lier bjr her mother, the laic Mme C J Walker. i with attached book cases, occupies ' the center of one side of the room | I lo g • D o n 't N r t d and every where are elephants, one large enough for a seat, others small­ M u d B a th » - TT, er. In Jade, china, velvet, metal. Ivory and ebony. There L-* it popular notion that mud The Walker heiress who lived for hatha are necritarj to happy and a time at IrvIngton-on-the-Hudson ron ten ted hog.*.. Some farmer« even In the half million dollar palace with provide tnudholea for their porker* to 29 rooms. !0 baths, swimming pool, wallow lit. llut Uir flurraii of Animal etc, her mother left her, preferred this apartment for a home. InduAtry of the Department of Agri­ culture Mty h that hog« can live with­ Three Husbands out mud. What la more, this bureau Three husbands she had were John claims that your piggle« will ho Robinson, married In early youth, healthier and make more wholesome when puppy love flamed, then I9r. food for human consumer« If they Wiley Wilton, New York physldlan, do not have to Itvr In mud and flltlt. whom she divorced and finally I>r. rherefore, the bureau favors clean# dry concrete floor.« for pig pen«. J. A Kennedy, a physician on the staff of Tu&kegee Veterans' Hospital, who divorced h»r In March, 1931, a f­ ter she had advised him that she | never Intended to spend as many as ! six minutes as far south as Tuskegee. They had been married five years. Left One-Third of the F.stale Under the will of the first. Mme. Walker. Mme, A'Lella was left one- third of the net proceeds of the bust- i ness and two-thirds to charity. Villa Lewaro, the magrufltrent home on the Hudson, was left Mme. A Leila In street costume. A ’Lelia for her life, and at her death j I to the N A A.C.P. or the organiza­ tion doing most for colored uplift 1 Efforts to tell the property at auction recently failed. The highest bid was , $99,000 for property assessed at $170,000. Wore Lounging Pajama* During an Interview, Mine A'fa’ lla W hy continue to be a weak, ail­ cause o f St. Joseph’s (J.K.P. This gave a reporter several weeks ing woman. W hy drag yourself marvelous, vegetable tonic contains ago she winc u arK slls lounging pu roots anil herbs o f known medicinal around and feel miserable all the value, which for years have been jamas that trailed the floor. An Inquiring reporter of the New tim e 's o th at people pity you ami recognized for their merit and re ­ York Tattler ascertained that she tell you "how sorry” they feel for liability in building up run down wore only specially made shoes at $40 you. Do you want people's sym ­ women. What this fine tonic has a pair, and gorgeous dresses and en­ pathy or do you want their admira­ • lone for others, it will do for YOU. sembles from a fi7th Street shop cost­ (le t busy today and a k your d ru g ­ ing hundreds. She drove her own tion ? Do you want to live a dull, gist for the big dollar bottle o f shallow life without thrills or do $0,000 Lincoln special, you want to enjoy vigorous, robust St. Joseph’s G.F.P., sold on n — — o -------—- health and all the pleasures possi­ money-hack guarantee. ble? Give this m atter your thought A Tippler's Whimsy liecause it is o f utmost importance Lawyer Then you say that this to your future. Thousands o f wo­ man was drunk? men who were form erly “ ran Witness—I do not. I simply said down” , lacked pep and earned that he sat in his car for three hours “ worn ou t" all tne time, arc now In front of an excavation waiting for enjoying health and happiness be­ lie light to turn green. It W. A ’Lelia Walker, only dautfh- j ter of the late Madam I Charles James Walker, and ! president of the C. J. Walker Company of Indianapolis, Indiana, was buried recently in New York. Twelve years ago at the death of Mme Walker, she succeeded to the presidency to the company which her mother had started In o n » room In 1905 and through her own genius and energy built Into the million dol­ lar class. Air* Mat- R. Perry, Mme. A Leila's Only daughter, and second vice president of the Walker Company, will probably take her place as head Of the large concern. Mrs Perry's son, Gordon H. Jackson. Jr,, aged six, representing the fourth genera­ tion of the Walker family. Is now In Attend« School Every Day Now . "Every month I was forced to stay in bed all day. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com ­ pound built rne up and hel|>cd my nerves. Ir also regulated me. N ow I can go to school every day. M y classes arc bard to Others but easy to me. I am seventeen arid 1 will write to any girl who wants to ask about the Vegetable Com ­ pound.” — J Lila Lindsay, Box 68, Vado, hlew Mexico. 98 out of 100 Women R E P O R T B E N E F IT FRO M Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound DO YOU W ANT P IT Y OR DO YOU WANT PLEASURE? S t . J o s e p h ’s G.F.P. DkG^Wcmum'/) Uonlc