o T H K IL L U S T R A T E D F E A T U R E S E C T IO N A u g u s t 15. 1051 to placate U # man handsome face distorted with "Nice greeting for a weary prodi­ "Yes. 1 know you were going out you heard the latest?" " I m seri- Miss Turk-top had no In­ Jealous rage. Perry knew that with Hud Iavlor But you shantl I gal." •'Dtdn t know It was out yet." tention ut deceiving you If she naa the hand In bis > oal pocket ( l i p ­ "Did you think this was a rest sana­ won’t let you I I love you. love you! " It sure Is! Remember that egg pul you to any expense I II glady re- ped o gun. "You ve had an original way of that hit town a few months bark torium where weary men eould re­ showing It!" "So?" hia eve» flamed with sup­ imbuì se you." cuperate?" with the fat roil and the shiny ro a d -, " I don't care! It was all for you. pressed furv as he leerrd al Jean "Lisien, fella, money a ln i g>H a Her coolness dampened the ardent If I ster?" 1 proposal he had planned He sought You've got to marry me now to­ "Ypu've got a new sweetie ulicady, dam Uling lo do With this can t have her, you wont." . h ' •Bud Taylor?" aid from the radio. It was his Chruu- j night !" Why tile hurry?" But beneath 1 1 m Y o u br a t 1 J t a n r i n d "1 t h o u g h t "He's always been mv sweetie," Jean j mas gift to her. Done in oriental j "In person, bey—and how!" calm, her heart was pounding He retorted and Petty » T ra il leaped rv you were a gentleman or I d never was style, the set was Inclosed In a high "What's happened.’ " Kerry felt It and crushed her to him have noUctd you. I'd prrfrr death to ultaiitly. cabinet that resembled a bookcase It. shaking with excitement " I can't wait any longer I love "Yeah? Then you were Just play* you!" The kitty's out and runnln' wild! stood bestde the doors to the dining you! You're m ine!" Ing me for - sucker?" t'nntim ied on Pago 1, That guy got his roll from a bank— room, His Ups brushed her flushed ctirrks *'I never said or did anything to “The queen heeds music," he sug­ shot up the tiller for objecting to hts found her Ups and sought to compel mistend you. Just because a girl Is gested "Duke Ellington s gang op- methods." M ALA R IA SAPS ENERGY , rned the K Y W program tonight a response by the ardency of his dc civil It doesn't mean that she belongs Don’t toleráis malaria, chills, fev­ "N o?" sire to you " Maybe they'll J a » awav your grouch ' er. Take M Joseph's le s ana (dou­ “ It's Jus' like that, eh?" INsjry's ' Nothing different They offered a "No? ’ Veil, listen, sister, the ble stiengthj. Marked Improvrinrnt Seems to me you'd get tired of iwsalonnte embrace was rudely In­ strumpet ain't bom that can chump big reward for him—no holds barred radios sometime. Dont you ever ln S days, ('osta Ics. pcr dose, does terrupted by the ominous voice of Hud mo- nnd Ut e. Some smart dick trailed him here and think of anything che?" dose. At all druggists. iried to take him single handed - toot I "Only you, sweetheart " He gla. red Taylor l*rrry longed to choke him, to - ce ? Huh, that smart {at hl.s watch about Peers released lean and «tarled crush In his foul mouth, but he .new "Ih r radio fills the air Ilia! any attempt to close- with him das - in Mir hospital. and the squads music you fill my soul with | up. Hurt was standing In the ern- f c i T i T f r i m « i I L l X I f t i l » are c nbtng the city for gentleman dr(,am, Dukr11 , (Vf ,n flvv ter of the room, Immaculate, his would precipitale tragedy Ho tried Bud s a tough baby, no foolin' minutes and in the meantime — the j It s i.' all plain to Perry now Jean glorious meantime—" had br-n nla • :ng around with Hud " I 'll get my batteries charged with And now her name would be drrgged the latest In neutrodynra and crystal Into the papers. He could sec the sets," she cut In. headlines. Perry crossed the room and sat down beside her on the divan. He i "Pretty South Side Manicu-»ct Held for Questioning Scour City j reached for her hand, but she raised for Desperate Bank Bandit It to smooth her hair Perry groaned He wondered w h y ! "Jean dear, don't you care any Bud had phoned her. more?" • Good God: he gasped "Couto he "Vou didn't expect me to .pend ev- ka\e been asking her to leave town rr^ hight here atone, listening to the ,,,h h._,s ¡radio, did you?" V, . ,. . .. "No. Bu' you knew that I was “ He ren • inhered Bud s amused smile I .-gunk ln rwlias Nothing else tu ­ ts he talked to her—that smile was tprJ ~ o u r mtrxj - ,t variance with Dud s disreputable ..w , „ th>nk, to th„ , ^ tppearnnee There was guile in It owner of the best little »hop in town " I It had no p.ace oil a man s face, when - Ara j iuppowd to f r t , xcite<1y- I le had just -hot a detective, a man "You m tgh!~you might even throw i »ho was even then beuig huntea by yourself Into inese weary arms very policeman In town They 've worked a long time for you." | Perry s brain worked rapidly. There "Yes? For me, and who else?" las only ora- solution. Bud anew "You know there's no one else, nev­ hat Jean would have nothing to do er has been Sweetheart, you've al- { yith him if -he suspected him of wavs been the center of my world k.ng a crtrni 2 i.il. He must have twil­ Kodtoa offered a short cut to mate it hard for her No man Perry rea- my dreams come true Smile at me. cned, could resist her Bud had proh­ sweetheart." ibit invited her out for dinner at a "That's what you say!" she retort­ toad house and once in his car — ed. and opening her ranlty rase she Perry did no*, finish the thought frowned at It prcvokingly T It ft the -'.ore ln charge of hts as- Even frowning, she was lovely, trore '' -t’11- Jumped into hts car and lovely than he had thought When tc d to Jeans apartment. ' I t s al! he remembered that sha might have he kept muttering to n!m- comp ^ Care for Bud Taylor, 1» was i f But «te n while he was ad m it-; n]lrd w,th a kind o f terror Ing his weakness, hts kern brain was He stared at her. Her cowl. In ­ forking cat a solution. souciant beauts aroused his sleep­ If.- wouldn't mention Bud's name ing passions tier pale go M ra skin He would Ji.st tell her how much he ■ was fa in tly flashed with pink Li e d her and beg her to slip away | Her month tightened bv the flrrre for a quiet cer.'money at Rockville frown, challenged him. th reaten ­ Once his wife he could tell her aoout ed him with the thought that esen 1 w o lonjrer do yon Have to fref heeaune you Bud They wculd start out on a drew* in the very latent style! lilack and W h ilr now Rwd T artar was planning to ft psv honeymoon In the car. and by can't have the name brilliant hair-beauty that ravish it with passionate kisses. la truly a remarkable hair dr easing . . . It the time they returned the unpleas- Hi* gage shifted to the delicate you admire on other». No longer do you have bring» amaxing results in an unbelievably int affair would be forgotten line* of her body, lounging gracerully to “ wish" that you could wear your hair in (he »hurt time and it's no wonder that it la the She was alone when he arrived, a beside him; the silken leg* enrekts*ly «ame attrarfive atvle o f your favorite screen Jolden girl In a foamy creation of crossed, the slim favorite hair dressing of A m e r i c a 's fa m e d hips, the gentle rhtffon that melted entranclr.gly In­ curve of her breasts, fluttering like Mar! N O W YOU CAN DO IT . . . by using beautiea. (>o to your favorite drug »lore or to the creamy texture of her shoul­ imprisoned dove* brneath their ch if­ Centime Rlark and White Pluko llnir Dress­ toilet gnoda coun­ ders and contrasted perfectly with fon covering. The thought of that ing. Thin wonderful dressing straightens each her glo«sy black hair, glistening eye« dainty love 11 ness in Bud Taylor's arms t e r and ask f o r snd seductive lips. maddened him He caught ner tn his twisty, curly strand of hair and enable* you G e n u in e B la c k He wanted to -rush her to him arms and drew her to him fiercely fo dress it in any style you choose. Think of and W h i l e H a i r in a frenzy of possession, but he "He ra n t have you You're mine the marvelous new heaulv that awaits you . . . Dressing . . . T w o knew that she had dressed to go T o fle e y o ■ r h a ir the -m in e .'" out with Hurl. Besides, she greet - heat o f rare, aae G en om e imagine the thrill you'll ( i r e your friends "Hare you gone crary?" Her brown kinds: Amber .10c; Rlark and W h i t e Hair P r e p ­ ert nim with a distinct coolness eyes stared Into his. Amazement and when you appear with a striking new head- White :»0c. arations tn r owi hi wa t l oei. ‘ E-r r-r. it's rather chilly for that delight mingled In their depths, F l r «t . a i r M a r k and W h i t e gown you're wearing," he forced a C I .O S S I N K with hot iro ns smile. "Light tip a fire " and r o m h e Th en, i f yww "T here', too many ashes on the want y o n r h a i r to ( r o w nearth. Besides. I m too surprised to And S h o rt B re a th in g re lie v e d « h e n ««u s e d and be« nine lon g and I n i n - do anything but wonder why and by u n n a tu ra l ccH ieetioo o f e a t e r in a « d o ­ m e « . fe e t and legs. and w hen preaaurr riant, a p p l y l l l a r h a n d wherefore." Her brown eyes smoul­ - |.m aa>! .« Had it * • »“ * yrioelsss ®" «•' rwoocliM i u p » r l « w a h a ir. « M , I f your d c u a ria t d o «* not *>»’ • B « ,€ A h a s ln r P o w d er, h r ,11 ■ » » • " • * v »d >f,« in stamp" lo d sr fo r bl*. fo il- " .«« P«*l>- *»« A d d rc o . Co.. D o t . B , U s g ir S b s v m g S s v s n a a h . Us- k are. An. «r in g , C o m p ellin e A t t r a r t lv e »h e ia L IV E H. P la n t e n & S o n , Inc. I v.„m «a G a. U n lu ck y In M on ey O a m -s. I>ove o r Bu ness? You ahoitid c a rry a p » i r o f get.- uina M Y S T I C B K A I1 M A R B I) L IV E H IG H L Y M A O R S T IC N o need to »offer pain every m onth No r.ee.i to be irregular o r delayed, lake EMSL'LK.Sans re, B M o o B i.r * . n . y . W O TIC K I We absdjlutely G UARANTEE these e^outne M yvtlc b ra h m a I>»destonev a re A L I V K 1 J u-t w hat you want, fo r they • r e the H E A L T H IN G W )W B R F U L H IO II- f Y M A G N C T IC I G E T YO U H B N O W I IF YOU W A N T Money, Love, Eaay Lifo SUCCESS Write tortor Bend no money. I guarantee to giva you a (tart ln life. M. WILLIAMS MI Berge* Ave. JERSEY C ITY, t t J . S tern u ta i BLACKEWHITE H air dressing If you n n n e t pet Genuine Rlark and W hile Produrla from your dealer, tend ua his name and uddreaa together with retail « r ir e o f produrla desired and we w ill •ee that you are promptly aupplied through your dealer, «II rhargea prepaid A d ­ dress Rlark and W hite ( ompany, Chirac«», III. MAKE YOUR HAIR GROW LONG, BEAUTIFUL AND L UX UR I A N T Don't keep on waatlnff your tim e try ing to dreaa “ abort hair.** Hair ia yonr crowning glory *nd nature intended that yoo should have plenty o f It. Genuine Rlark and W hite llair Grower grows long, allken, luturioua hair In a rerord-breaking short time. This scientific prepa­ ration nourishes and atimulatea the glands and helps Nature to give an abundance o f long, ailken-textnred hair Re anre to aak your druggist for O n l i n e lilack and W hile Hair Grow?« in the black and white can. Ita price, 25r, is unbelievably low . . . and proclaim « Genu­ ine Rlack and W hite the outstanding hair grow er valve la the world. Sternum BLACKEWHITE HAIR G R O W E R A f t e r do in g this, uae Itl.W k and W h i t e P I I M l l l t R h K I S S I N C to d r e a a yo nr h a ir in a n y a t y l e y o n rhooae R em em be r, f o r heal rranlta, u«e the an mplete R l a r k and W h i t e T r e a t ­ ment i n t h e h l a r h a n d w h i t e parkagea . . . ea< h one la aeirwtifle, aafe, anre! Aak y on r barher or heanty parlor op er a t o r tn tell yon ahont the high qua li ty o f II l a r k and W h i t e l l a i r Preparations. DON'T LET “ SCORCHED HAIR" ROB YO U O F B E A U T Y A N D C H A R M «.r n iia # Rlark and W kM , r .t a a a ln a la Ik » f I aval pressing oil that mnn»y ran bay and la Ih » arrrptrd fa v o rii, in Aairrlra's finest heaulv parlnrn and private homes, Rlark and W k lt» R Invaine la rompoard o f apertali" developed nils tkal reals! brat and art aa a lubriraat an Ike pressing I r <> n n. prote. lin g Ike kalr from hurna and leaving II Inag. smooth, straight and aofl. It also imparta a gorgeous gloaa and uparhllng akern ta the hair. Ash your druggist fo r Renaine Rlark and W h ile Lionel ns la the b ig blark and while ran, far 21«. J & n u i* ic B U C K -W H ITE GLOSSINE