The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, July 25, 1931, Image 1

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iS C lean Fiction
1 lum an Interest
F eatu res
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mm DssrMsfN » I . ( klfS|S
Arf««ltlil«| Kr|M»tNUIIi»i
The Advocate
T ru e Stories gjj
f*i A chievem en t ft
S to ries
do n o t
d .n e t
p r in c ip a ls
u n le s s
so c a p t io o e d
T h e Storv of n Voun| M ethodist Preacher for whom a Siren Spread Her N et
He was a Young Minister and the
Pastor of the Largest A. M . L.
('h u rt'll in the D i s t r i c t . T h e
next C on feren ce was to M ake
him a Presiding Kldcr and his
way led to the Bishopric.
*11011 ot what she thought was wrong,
bill she hail u heart ot gold.
"W h at did the trustee come to ic e
you about?" she asked.
"O h, nothing m u c h .’ he parried,
attem pting a smile that made Ills
j handsome face look sickly.
"He came to see you about th at
1 rhonuv woman, didn't lie ?" she arlt-
ed him os tier eyes searched tils.
Ills fare flamed indignantly. Had I
"lie ravi'sdropis j ?
And th en lie feit
- «shamed th at he should think any
ing to church affairs be­ ueh thing of hts grandm other. Ot
B y E d w a rd W o r th y
! '■ our.v. u was Just ano ther of tier t i*
tween them.
As tho young Rev. Creigh­ T ru stee S tro th e r cleared hLs t h r at | tuitions of which she was famous
ton Hale, pastor of the St. old said . "There Ian. I mssi talk.
"T h a t woman Just done conjured
Paul A.MM. Church ushered "T alk about w lm t?" the young you." said G randm a Hale heatedly.
! T h e young m inister regarded ills
his trustee hoard member. m inister u Ked.
grandm other with a frown, but l I i ."|
" It has been sahl th at you have
Torn Strother, into his study,
went on:
been seen leaving the luiuse of
he could divine from the ser­ Ib is woman, l.ulhne Thom as,
"Ever since th at first dnv she cam e
ious expression upon his face, rath e r late at night, and knowing here with tier pretense of wanting
spiritual advice. I knew she would
that he had come ht him on what kind of woman she lx, it
tear this house asunder
And 11 j a
a mission of importance, lie
you have rone and got yourself ta n -
lie said bluntly.
never had exactly liked his
pled with (h at hussy."
trustee, ami he had felt that T h is was like u slap In the lace 1} "P erh ap s," said Creighton H s!c.
Strother did not like him. Hie young m inister brought tn 'o "she Ims made me re a lire how* m uch I
want my freedom ."
There had been some dif­ .question by a m an who didn't like | l "Freedom
from what?'*
hint. He rould Imagine the m an in­
ference's of opinions pertain-
wardly gloating at Ills discom fiture I "From th e m inistry."
His grandm other looked at him in
"Y o u m ean —you m ean,1’ he s ta m ­ am azem ent, then she said:
mered, " th a t lliry have questioned
*'As the pastor of S t Paul Church
you hold the largest charge of any
] my In teg rity ?"
man as young ns you are. And it is
j T ru stee S tro th er's eyes never wa
i a foregone conclusion th at you will
vered from Ills. "Y es," ho said, "it bo made presiding elder at the next
am ounts to th a t."
conference, and eventually; as y e n
I w V
A fter T ru stee Stro th er had loft him gran dfath er and 1 have imped uml
v x tS B n B B
prayed, a bishop. T h a t was your a m ­
8 T H A IO M T E N B
alone, he imcetl the floor of Ills study bition. Even your fath er was a m in is-
ntmlRhtriui the hair wlthi.ut hoi
comb or pullers nicely.
Im patience. I t
wits l<i "
Grower (hWfe boxes) . .
. .
• T h a r * J i u t It.** h e said I r r i ­
lii'ought to him forcibly ju st how clr-
« 0 mullti ni-r (large boxes) .........j j j
ta b ly . •'because my fa th e r was a
runisrrlbrd Is the life of a m inister.
A len's Ilm r titim uhtcncr . . . . .
m in iste r an d g r a n d fa th e r
I* a
« k m W h iten er ...........................
Ills thoughts were Interrupted by
.m in ister, it was ju s t ta k e n
C o co n n u t O il S o a p ................
the en trance of his grandm other,
B nake o il l.lnhnent J Dottles for »1
g ran ted , by you an d g r a n d fa th e r ,
a f t e r my m o th er an d fa t h e r died
O ther Toilet Articles Not Named.
M artha Hale. Her face was lined
th a t I w anted to stu d y fo r th e
10,000 Agents Wanted. Write t
which told of tlic form er lean years
term«. Sold Uy Mall Only.
m in istry . I fe lt th a t I owed yon
as tlie wife of a struggling young
an d g r a n d fa th e r so m eth in g an d I
m inister - his g ran d fath er, Jo h n Hx'O.
did n ot go a g a in st your w ishes in
75 F a ir s t r e e t S.K .
A tla n ta , a
Sh e was out-siKiken In her denunela-
rhoonlng my life w ork."
So Good
Hair Growt
O N ’T wail any longer to h ave
th e lig h t, sm ooth, lovely
com plexion you w an t.
Y o u can have it quickly and
aafely. by using N adinola B le a c h ­
ing C ream . Sim ply sm ooth th is
fla g ra n t, w hite cream on your
face, n eck and arm s at n ight.
W hile you sleep, it gently o le v h e s
your skin to lovely new b eau ty
clears nwny pim ples, blackheads,
oilincss and roughness. Alm ost be
fore you know i t , you have a
w inter, sm ooth er, m ore beau tifu l
com plexion.
N adin ola does n ot fail. I f other
bleachin g p reparation s h ave dis
appointeti you, b e sure to try Nad
inola. Y o u m ay use N adinola with
com p lete confidence. Though it
co n tain s th e q u ick est, strongest
and m ost positive skin bleaching
propert ies known t oheau’t y science,
it will n o t h arm th e tcn d crest skin.
Fu ll d irection s a re contained in
each p ackage, with m oney hack
Oe? a ja r o f th is wonder work­
ing crc«m to d ay , and w atch your
skin grow ligh ter, sm ooth er and
lovelier. A t drug stores and to ilet
goods counter»., 5 0 c e n ts. M on ey ­
saving sire, $1 . N ad in ola packages
co n tain alm ost tw ice as m uch as
m ost bleachin g pi reparations, o f
sim ilar p rice. I f you can not buy
N adinola where you liv e, order
from us, am i receive free sam ple o f
N adine F a c e Pow der and valuable
b eau ty b o o k let. Address L>ept.
N a tio n a l T o ilet C o ., P a ris, l ean ,
U . S . A.
| 1st X a d m e f a c e P oivdtr, new Caral- Rose s h a d e ,/o r rich, lig h t-ton ed ]1
be m i * 10c . , . S a J i n e V anishing C ream , fra g ran t, superior, s< ?. Jj
dVadinoio cBleachingCream