Tlw ADVOCATE PAGE FOUR Digesting . . . . . Tße jVewLs A K K K l’IN U -F IT - Health readers Column dedicated of Th« iir l pfui li tltliì bv Nancy Lee to Advócate by By C L IF F O R D C M I T C H E L L D «N ormai l ’ nthank. AB. M.D. A »»»# »# # »», I In one o f our “ exchanges" the fol lowing quotation, credited to Bourke Coi kran. war clipped: “ There is but one straight road to merit The man who is successful is the man who is useful. Capacity never lacks opportunity. It can not remain undiscovered, because it is sought by too many anxious to use it.” It might be well fo r a great many o f our local leaders in various parts o f the counrty to study and thoroughly analyse the above quotation. During these times through which we are passing it is unwise fo r us to butld up our economic enterprises on purely racial appeals. FOCAL IN F E C T IO N The last 20 to 2.\ \rar- have seen the dawn ot the term local infection l hc term should not be considered as one shrouded in mystery. W hen so considered, if becomes a weapon for quacks and quackery. A new department is being offered to the readers o f the Advocate. A column devoted to advice on frien d ­ ship, love, and all matters pertaining to the home. Anyone wishing such advice, please It might be well to hrst Consider w rite Nancy Lee. in care o f thia paper. the meaning >f infection Infection means that some organism germs A C O N T E N T E D M IN D bacteria, etc liaie gained a ioothold in the human body A friend say* that she i* mu invalid Infection may be— and usually is— miul a shut-in. but *he finds much in present in the ss stem of an individual life i-» w orth w hile that balances mans years before there are any matt her phxsical condition ¡testations. Manifestations o f infec­ In the face ot these restless tunes, tions become actual symptoms—illness our different social problems, and our and disease. economic depression, it is interesting Infection may be of many kinds to tind someone who '•> happy and con­ Thus there are nearly as many differ­ tented. Alm ost every one has some­ ent kinds o f infections as there are thing to complain about; each one *s diseases confronted every day with a different The more sensitive and Infections are o f many different problem. ent tipes of infections a« there are in tempermcntal he is. the harder it is t> pes Thus there are as many differ- for him to ri>e above the trials and dn ¡duals — the tyi>c depending upon tribulations of this life. It we make the health, resistance, etc of the in no effort to rise above earthly condi tions m the face of obstacles, we are div wept down the tide of life. There are certain organs and struct­ Each time we surmount a difficulty ure.- of the body which are prone to we become stronger to meet the next act a> reservoir* tor these infections attack, reinforcing our mental and our The tonsils are probably one o f the spiritual powers, as it were It seems . r»an- most commonly imposed upon. to be a spirit of faith innate in each The crypts o f the tonsils and the ton­ human soul to conquer these adverse sillar pillors harbor much infection editions and carry on Otherwise.I how could we survive a year, let alone i Continued Nest \\ cek • a lifetime on this plane5 A contented mind is a tacultv worth more than reat riches’ W H ERE YOU C AN N O T W O R K ! Can any reader doubt the success, the business genius o f the Jews" Did you ever see any o f their leaders at­ tempting to build up or maintain a business or other enterprise on racial appeal? They do not advertise, "Trade with us because we are Jew s?" On the contrary, they conduct their affairs in such a manner that they not only get the patronage o f their own race but the most o f that from all other races. Personally, I would prefer to make every purchase from an enterprise conducted by our own members. I would prefer to secure every form o f personal service from our members. I would prefer being transported from place to place on systems owned by us. But with all these personal pre­ ferences I would not care to spend my money in any place, regardless of whom its conductors may be, in which D O N 'T S P E N D Y O U R M ONEY I could not secure the best merchan­ dise. the best service and the most satisfaction that it is possible to se­ cure fo r the money S. TV. Cor. 4th mod Wmshmgtoo Therefore, to those in our race who are continually seeking opportunities but believe they must come through stirring up a racial or an emotial ap­ peal. the sugestión is made that you “Where Young Mem Buy" thoroughly study the requirement o f your community, study and master the technique o f the particular field in which you wish to embark, surround EX-SERVICE VIF.N yourself with associates who are unti Dipendente o f ihe equipped, through academic knowledge VI oriti ^ ar! and actual experience, and then launch your enterprise, whatever it may be. KNOW VOI 11 RIGHTS: Pensine», Coinpensation. In.uranrr, Ho«- pitalization, Soldiers* Hi'rms, B*>nu«. Funeral F.xpen«*e*. etc. Methods of obtaining thè*«* and other benefit* covered in «*ur manual. fine ¡follar Bradford Clothes Shop $25.00 to $45.00 N A N C Y LEE. M E A N E S T T H IE F A >neak thief, on la*t Monday eve ning stole si\ shirts otf the clothes­ line at the residence of Mr. and Mrs U. S. Reed 940 Til . etts Street The shirts belonged to Mr Reed. , The Bureau o f Economica held a special meeting Thursday night USING | f/*B A K IN G POWDER lY v SAME PRICE <0 YEARS by Up-to-the-Minute Modes Preparai Especially for This Se* ipaper 1 C. Clyde C ity C o m m it , toner K IT S R IK D S \\ FK \S C IS T O « In preparing a new draft o f the C ity charter o f Snn Francisco recently submitted to the Boari! o f Freeholder the long established policy o f this city written into the basic charter law ie reaffirmed. It incorporates the sec­ tion o f the charter adopted in 11 * 00 , which reads: “ It is the declared purpose o f the C ity and County o f San Francisco that utilities shall be gradually ac­ quired and ultim ately owned by the people o f tho C ity." Apparently San Francisco lias awakened to the fact that l«>s A n ­ geles outgrew the Holden d ate City, because the C ity o f Los Angeles owns and operates the largest single unit municipal electric plant in America I f we do not get busy Tacoma w ill outgrow Portland, unless we get on the job and install a municipal elec­ tric plant. I do not mean maybe O LD NEGRO SLAVE The Advocate does not necessarily »hare in the writer's views, but whether we do or not, the opinion« are »ane. logical and interesting It is the readers' as well at our privilege to disagree with the writer who in v tes your opinion upon the subjects discussed horn time to time in this column. \ dog is not considered a good dog because In- is a good barker; a man is not considered a good man because he is a good ta lk er” i Front proverbs of I hang I'/u.) Here is an item 1 have not seen in anv Associated Press news It con ­ cerns a Mrs Dorothy Skaggs, who was sentenced to five years in prison bv a Norfolk. Va . court on July 2, for perjury. She testified that she h*d been raped b> a N egro who was convicted of the crime Fortunately, the man was given a Second trial when evidence was brought forward show-j mg that at the tune ot the alleged at tack, the woman was to miles away D IE S Dungs do move in Wisconsin Gov . H ollow Rock. I'riin, July 16. The I ollette signed a hill passed bv the i oldest \ e g ro slave living in i'arroll Legislature of that state which fo r ­ County. Lucinda Fearson. died at the bids the issuance of anti labor inimtc- ripe old age of I to at her home near tioiis except alter a hearing in open R*‘sscr She was the mother of a I court, and require-, substantial proof number of children She was born that tin complainant will suffer ir- before i arroll t otiuty was organized reparable damage it the injunction is not gran ted ” The dispatch says fur­ ther. that “ courts are not permitted to enjoin picketing, parading, harangu­ ing. in*r even boycotting, except when done so v ioleotly as to be a public umsauci \ ellow dog contracts are stamped as invalid, and contrary to 8 IX T H A O L I8 A N S T R E E T * public policy AI SPLUND DRUG STORE i , „ r .í M jujceuieut ¡THE MEDLEY ORILLE! ir iih K RAFT Recommended by doc­ tors and nurses. Cleansing, refreshing antiseptic for women« Lvdia E. Pinkham’* Sanative Wash L fd ia F. I’inklwun M fd icin # C o. Lynn. M o * . S C h eese S i ’ N FI.O H FK U \>IT \t It m elt« to m «nm oth and creamy •aure. And what flavor t A riel», I im e -m ello wed llmur that only “ cave cu ring“ can give. Scaside, Readv to « e r v r | Curry, l'ru|k, Oregon yo u ! f«r W r itr J. W . reaervgliomi. T ry It for rarehita, «attera for vegetable«, baked ilUltea, toaated •a ltd wlclte«. iotirgrocer liaa Kraft Am erican Uhceee. Order today. Free to Public Tk# pi«*« • « lb* U 5 w K m « • *n.I • {«•«<••■■10 « * « ‘" l «nv Un* {•uemeM «M m txétect (M I*# i'btemeü tfM **4 W ith««.I O b g «* U .«« ■• ih* A iM ftw n Im luKiwl l i b i t o VA n*« Im kkiiineM A.I o i I kuh Mali « i y«»u twinoiupllr f*»i «eaiticii A M E R IC A ! IN D U S T R IA L L IB R A R Y Kmél»— Ini IlalU laé. CfclaaS». I!l4a«.u S erv ice Cleaners C A S H «m l I AH IO .‘BrotiJvC.n I.ADIFs MENS Suits and Ovcrcoal» l oat* an il I Ves v s 75 c u,ki (//) 75 c clr«A«-d A |»p¡_ S / it r i i t l i s t 1 O R THE HOME AND PERSONAL SERVICE 2M0 RELIEVES ITCHING Banish Head Colds BUHNING ECZEMA Soothing, cooling Z E M 0 b rin n prompt relief to itching, burning ekin; even in severe cases relief co m « as soon as ZEMO to u ch « the tor­ tured skin. Eczema, Ringworm, R a sh «, Pimples, Dandruff and other annoying skin or scalp troubles gen- erally yield to this soothing, anti­ septic lotion. ZEMO is safe and de­ pendable. All Druggists. 35c, 60c, $1.00. Extra Strength ZEM O beat for chronic cases—Si z i . •-••••••• 1 greet («4 Interstate Ave. m u o N S o r p o u n d s u sco •V oua COVI RNMINT r- A m e ric a n ••in* (R A T A III II DING Tractor Exploring Party in Asia Follows Motor Oil Trail Through Wilds Sneering? Sniffing? Headache? Be­ ware— let MusteroTe Laxative Cold Tablets relieve that head cold promptly. Safe, quick relief without gnping or ringing in the ears. Chocolate -coated — easy to ta k e . Musterole Cold Tab­ lets are prepared by makers of famoui Musterole. As a special one time trial offar, you may obtain a regular 15c pack­ age for 10c by clipping thia advar- tieamant and »ending it with 10c, alao your name and address, to The Musterole Company, Cleveland, 0. s I I ntrani r 12 t urner SIXTH \M> RMINSIDI North si.lli ^lir.-i r u llìi im i n llH .o N m s ■ flip HIGH- BROWN HAIR GROWER WITHOUT AN EQUAL- Without a doubt, the best article of its kind—« combination Hair Grower and Hair Straightener. Gives the hair a natural soft and silky appearance, »timulatine hair growth in the most hopeless case Our High Brown Hair Grower stands at one of our highest achieve­ ments— it is a prepar­ ation we look upon with pride. — Distributor MADE O N LY s u n t i\ < , E M TH E s h in in g W bite satin for a daytime frock is •omething you don't see often, but it's very (hie—very 1'arisienne. I’erhapj it’s a little impractical, but when you find a lovely fr' 50% Y A M , US IN C O N F ID E N C E A N Y H O U R D A Y OR N IG H T W A S H IN G T O N S T R E E T Between 20th and 21st ItRoadwuy 2690 t» I ol « » t Mis S l ’ickett Irli 011 Mondav 011 au cxteuded trip F iat and South. \v enne /Ml Hospital Tested — —6 A.M .-to-l A M — COOK PO R TLAN D . ORE 1’he first thing we know. Wisconsin will he read out of the Union Just •ook at this action by her University The honorary degree o f Doctor of ta w s wa» awarded to Dr Harry F Ward, chairman of the American C ivil Liberties Union, because, to quote President 1 rank. "\ mi have valiantly defended those basic rights of free speech, free pres», and free axiooia . ti<»n, without which neither scientific advance nor social progress is pc „ible" Shades of O regon 1 What would happen in thi> *»tate if such .1 reason were given here for an honorary de \ hci m olli Ite bv Kev Damrl 11 ili. .li . pasior oi lift bel \ M 1 lini « h. appetir» in The < hcgoiii.m lutv 171 h. tu ili« l ’or t Un d * olmi il 1 hurches adv \iuoilg thè guest» at thè Mriei A I t ank T u iiil , heht at thè beautiful houle of Govertmr Julius I Meier. dii thè t ttlumbia River Mighwav, wrrr | Mi ami \1 r > I \ Wfindolii, thè lattei haviug beili many vears in thè em I plov of thè Meier A Frank l o (K IN G l I* We Sell For Less Becaus e We Sell for Cash SA Melili I a lb i and faiuily are vin tili« al thè houle ol Mr I rH tl » parrnt*. \lr. and M i» s l ’nk etl un V ili couvm \ve A rrm it Rjlph W J h i JruggiMS SERVILE VIEVS SERVICE 311 W . Pearl Street Jackson. Miss. A S NOTED" As a deodorant, it pre­ vents embarrassment. you saq in buying M you save in * SA I I HD VV Jl 1.1 IH, I'M I HRoadway 2691