2 T H K IIJ .V S T R A T E P F E A T V R R S E C T IO N » I k > (t'T$ In for anointing. Then there If «hr good Reverend Kast. mho says that hr ran do almost anyth.ng even t< a>t islng «h e re doctors nave lailod Many B d in r Contrary to general opinion, there are hundreds, even thousands ol pro pie wsiding right in New York. who are Arm believers in "conjuring' and "flu n g .* And these spiritualists thrive on their superstitious beliefs Not so long ago. a noted spiritualist was sentenced to Jail for practising medi­ cine without a license, and issuing medicine to pat tents. A verv clever policewoman captured this faker Knowing all the time that he was a raker, she. under the guise of being in serious trouble, paid me chap a tuat. TTwwble with Sweetie LUCK POWDER Until a « « ant? in« rich. wee thy and h*d:‘ !>»*••'» aere in# only o r . t that cor.id g t i it. but nan ■ » h» v* galbered It from the aeeen point» of tha n n h and you too r \ n eb tt’n It. Ba d t j be the aureat tf lifer af e«-x 1 lucft in tb* world H« cor. \ .nceo*i at nn« e an you can ft* ft • d iie-k «tart to hai b***id*ft. send ma your N o exp erien ce necet- MUXS Mft I»M AL U NO one, M ..er SLPm cns wm sltd l? tell any hen I ar rented my irmible Je«*e Slot »on D. Dept Z O minou* Ohio WOMEN D O N ’T men*, r iM M U I R ! r ’l a f f t n ’ e e d Our Treot- I n d ia n M e d i- < •.. OftlaHama CHy. Oftla. BE A STRONG HEALTHY WOMAN AND WIN THE ADMIRATION OF MEN Men haven’t much time for sick, fii inty women. In fact, no one likes to r»i' aroumi a woman who continu­ ally ha the ‘‘ blues” and feels weak and ickly. I f you are such a woman, « y continue to be mi-crabU- and un- hafipj-T Why cheat yourself o f the real pleasures o f life ? Iion’t con­ tinue to lie unpopular, don't keep on ka-iMf a “ stay-at-home" who is too tired to do anything. Thousands o f women everywhere have taken a new 'easi on life by taking St Joseph's •' h i ’. Thi- marvelou-, rich, vegeta­ ble torus cor.Ulna roots and herbs ' which for years have been recognized as being extremely beneficial to all (womankind. G.F.I*. will do wonder* fo r you. It will give you plenty o f pep ar.d vitality to enable you to do the things you want to do. lo u r dealer sells the big one dollar bottle o f G.F.I*. on a money-back guarantee. St. Joseph’s G.EP. une HJJotnasiA Dome A m azing Treatm ent Purifies Skin and M akes You Beautiful l*/m*r’i " S h i n Su ccrsi" P r t p t r t l i o n i R t m o v t E p l d t r m i i S t a g n o t it — M alta You M o r a A ttractiva and Youngar Looking. II you want lo ton « your itin to itt hlfhcit point of attracllvcncti, m*ko It ptlal lo ft and younger looklny, frtc it of xpidcrniii ito gn o tlt (ponplaa, blackhead«, blem ithet)— try Palmer'« "S k in S a c c e » " Treetment Thi« snaring beautlflcr 1« working actual wonder« in giving a new and •Uwrmg charm to woman everywhere. Thouiend« o l beautiful woman owe their lovely and young looking iklm to the Palmer Treetment, com poted o l an ointment, a whitening cream and a «osp. The ointment gently te e p i thru the outer layer of «kin and correct« «kin d ito fd e n ; the whitening crcont (liquid) penetrate« the pore« end drew« out every perticie of dirt, powder end g re a t«—leaving the lece end fiends ctel-«oft and lighter; the toap purifies the skin end help« It to maintain , In p t youthful ettrectiveneas. Palmar'« "S h in Success' Palmer's "S k in Success' Palmer*« "S k in Success' 7 ««lly » N ml Pmlmmr't " M n S vc « « m " n.'i-'mvs in • - ' rap • I ■— Wd ftttr fUvaa i*dt«a* M*» Niiu d .lia • I Hdail a s tftr ftaa 1 m n»*m*ii < SONGS ____ b? Be « White r» I ftwrtora p r i n o i l m e in t h e R o c ft le * | M i • « «.• • H i o n I b e t 'o i e -C A - '- 0 * »• » •• fta ir n . 1 SWELLING REDUCED ■ •« IM * t M i * ft"* and rernody » : bo mailed In p i» c nr»pper Dr r v f t r e be.leve« m a Will be »vtr pr ied »n d dot »fh tod Addre«« Dr [v P e w Bult« LO. Oaatoo Route Kanu» Oily. M o ••«Mriftln« «WviH * »to#« «4«« Tf*. E. T. BROW NE DRUG CO., INCV 127 W « t« r S tre e t Nfew Y o rk C ity « ... - .... 'dvarft H m « it v»M • » * i*. d i g l i !*-g mi an? a t s s a l h a l x a l r i a I ill M W t U/nUCil r~ W IIM I-N Ua# R E M E D Y ft J | Pilla r W l |r« • few Je?« re h naaenih Wm« po 'na. | l - M i VI . ! 1 I s an seid ft W O f t O f t , hranpe ir Ilei Eritmti r n l r I Nr Mae •ned« ih.w.«««ai a o« • « a a n K a n i IW euro f*>uocitbenr«amo(ao Rot in «#*•*». d Oft If n ’ .red ' ' EMSULES ______________ I t i L i » « « » » M »J H k k > v tt.,B r * e ilv a .N Y. H e r e ’s lh a t su re w ay to " e l WHI TER SKI N! E R E is the bleach that gives you amazing results; quick­ est, easiest way. It's the tried and trusted Nadinola Bleaching Cream — prize winner o f them all. Just spread over face and neck at bedtime. While you sleep it works wonders. Soon your skin grows whiter, shade by shade. Your friends find you more charming, more attractive than ever. H The surest, safest bleach D on’t take chances with strange bleaches which may disappoint you. For you are absolutely sure o f Nadinola. It's been the favorite with all the ravishing light- toned beauties far years. Nadinola Bleaching Cream does more than whiten your skin. It clears up flaws and blemishes— makes your complexion temptingly soft and smooth and fresh. M o n ey -b ark fiu a ra n le c in every ja r Nariinola Blenching Cream. Go to drug store today and get tome. Regular iizc is 50c. Money saving Urge si*e is ( 1 .00. I f you can't get it nrprhy, tend 50c or $1 00 and we will rrunl to you postnge (inn) with ImoV o f treasured beauty se­ crets National Toilet Co., Paris, Tenn. N A D IN E C O K A L R O SE t n r r Potrclrr A o t r 25c ll r r r ’« that cn I k mg Nftriinc Face Powder that every w<«nan love« now in • new 2Sc gixr parked in round blue bo«. Alar; «old at 50« tn aquarr blue b o«. A t drug «tore« or by mail. Full instructions and printed money- back guarantee come with every jar of c N a d in o la Weadmg Cream l __________ — H. Planton A Son. Inc. I (J I lick! Easy! 95c Ì Com p)«!« 95c r Trtfttmcnl cninjCrcftm 95c ) 75c Sol« L/rmntmm A O • u < ii .ia i a r . » . » « » » » » « » « » a » » » « » « ......... » « - - — ■ ft Suffer No M ore Ointment ' wZ Maar WOME N la i tnid ■»• ' Nv . 0 I am to b* a Riolfttr deare»; wiah r » i urtf And A io rt B reathing relieved when raueeft l>r D a f i a 'l irre ta e rt a non tpoclftr by « n n i iu r a : eeth -elK M i o f w a t e r to O b d o ba*Os on O .'andu.ar activity h a i been n»ed m eri fe e t an d >e«a »n d W h en p rta a u f« with atich re au. la «? thovtvanda of « >naen » ' > * » • a n k l e t M a v e a a Oftut T im i p a rk a «» thaï f>r 1 he neat ,0 d ay « a fu i dollar troat- PRRV rr.en will be »ent tree p o vtp ad no C O D . C O L I I M M M IK IN »; C O M TA N Y , no co-t no ob icatioai. lo «vary woman nbo Rep« m i . A lit e lo , «to. • rite*. A ItanMod auppry of free treatm ent* a 111 bo »ent oui th i» month ao bo »«i»o and ; w rit« irvOay Alvo a freo booftlet. 'C h ild eaa M a rria g e » e x p la in e d '* will be »ont you # T g i i t a I tifi m w k h m 4 m I > • 4 » T h i n * . rW th . u .a s ? W Ä T h ai i t a # r i . * • • > « ii « . - n « i h vs n a ti * « r - • Nd ilk h| kf M im »n u n *"> 1 P 1 * llx > liim n .lk ».I. P i .i k n ll.k k h i». M W . IN I r » in k N i t ht I Lkt k S o » U .d N w * » l . S l i d ill» .n »oi.l h i . l l » I U U f k a ..«h i an d linee * Tea fhr T w o T a w y Jr*neo | wrapper Iwaoa fi -------- P u l t for M tK l tet reto I ft ih « O u y Bril ft« I I b r a J A » of per*Mnal u m a n i * «a re Ibaoi N' » am lassai lini Bllreg Î I h n A i Awaui»« B T t i l t f t U W ft had Oft. ew »erb. A f. Ih# < io .0 Mother Old and O r a » t o i HI« Call Yuu ItWMi he* 1 1 O « « « r-OO in a anrl old ta n «« ««M r im ig ik m i etc a usi IM M « » e A la r* fthdure* I K A I F ! tO 12» _________ Aehei'.ar , I I AH I H I KNOW S Mb ed I I > M M and noi. d never h a « « an M« NEW ORLEANS A G E N T S VA AN TE D O I AGAIN* TOt CAN OCT TP YOU WANT » wotxleriul opportuner to make »ft OC profit • day «tend? arid f»l IUBB1 .N o «“ Do You W ant a B ab y ? i l c f t l t b y B! C L A S S IF IE D ADS ( infirm ali. W hen In fw Something surely was wrong if this didn't work So. Mr Spiritualist ex­ amined the policewoman carefully — as mnch as she would let him—which wasn't yery much, and decided that the real seat of her trouble was her liver That was what was wrong But he could tix that Going over to a cabinet, he returned with a four-ounce bottle containing a liquid, in which floated suspicious looking shapes The price of this marvellous remedy was go, and the patient had to take tt regularly until it was all taken up The policewom­ an again paid the fee and mnrehed But triumphantly She had what she wanted An analysis of the Dottle proved that it contained only shav­ M onm -utb 7 Shadns In 7 Nigh«*! Y O U N G M EN ! praa* r»p «in n W h t I • la ft in « lb « tevond boa t a n u n iftii • » f r m m? n«pfttn»e* l ii» d a tM I da? ! »* < • # »• ir* mot bar of a flna ■ a pound m i » 0«*d o r !* ftnrar » g r )of. I hona a*? rf vonttu long n* for ntotr*#?- Hood Will la ta fo u r »a a lc ln f Ton a t* tfic o m a tn tn? Ihia letter and piclurn for publication. T u a n « l-iver Wrwij "n :n W H IT E N S S K I N » * “ 0 He took one look at her and told her she mas having real trouble with her sweetheart. This the poilccmom- an admitted Satisfied that he had hit upon the right track, the spir­ itualist grew confident. Producing a charm, he gave It to the woman and toW her how to use it—just »h a t days it would work best and guaranteed that in a few days she would have the entire afTectlons and love of her sweet hea rt. Pocketing the charm, and paving the assessed fee, the poiiceaoman left But she returned in a few days and o ld Mr Spiritualist that his charm didn't work. a new F’o 'd Sedai. r a m e im m r d .itr lv -Julv 11. 10:U ings from the bottom of a calloused pc raun is IntcremMÉ and tie ar she lias superstition—Wwat Indian*. SouUl foot soaking in urine! Tiiat was the made a rupuUaUon. cruets, white and Mack, all anxious statement of the cite in 1 st making the In ( the credulous, these takers mingle s pondent doesn't know ---------------- _ —- , 1 Df l *d III r r » l i r a ! m r i l l U««-.t t • rva Started m n the with those who are mem bu m ol live started a S i r » valor a la r I l u ll, c , sa w . i . in. One shining example of what a | •*»« <*rmna n » i » m . «.a recognized church of spiritumhsm and l*f h' r **‘ " »« w taka « ■•••• r «11 inveigle thousands of dollars yearly medium may or may not be la exlilb- ‘ |UW*|«s from the pockrts of the ui aary in 'lie d ill the person of one. who first ran an elevator In a department all kinds of mays. opened u spiritualist Pear of the police Interfering does store, later not enter the minds of lU a piacU- church, later played In vaudeville, ap­ tloncrs who simply hue w vacant peared tn an opera troupe, gave *>ii| store, apartment or room, close the ; recitals and attempted many other windows cmrmiulty with colored waxed th in g s-a sort of Jack of mil trades, paper, p'.aoe a sign In the mindom successful In none T r o u b le ^ Truly. Harlem la in the grasp of adverMse in a paper and then ait back and wait (or their victims. Victims will surety come If they have to be steered tn bv a paid »teet­ ReciaUr SI M T r f t la r n l er And all the spiritualist or medium • r o t f r r r — o n e to M t r h f a m i ly has to do is to strike a responsive "I • tod lo n | H for a ban? chord in the audience, or to guess at f t » * » da? %»th all m? H eart »«it a u T reo tm a n l denied. ■ W ilt*. U m U ^H cfttiW r. Indiana some particular thing in which the • m I tan I far fo u l H