I PAGE FOUR SATU RD AY. The AD VO CATE K 1 Í 1 ÍP IN G Vigestiny . . . . . Tfje ( V e v ^ ¿ A -F IT - Health Column readers of The dedicated Advocate L to by “ There is hut one straight road to merit The man who is successful is the man who is useful. Capacity never lacks opportunity. It can not n ii,:, n im It is sought by too many anxious to use it." It might he well for a great many o f our local leaders in various parts o f the eounrty to study and thoroughly analyse the above quotation. During these times through which we are passing it is unwise fo r us to build up our economic enterprises on purely racial appeals. Can any reader doubt the success the business genius o f the Jews? Did you ever see any o f their leaders a t­ tem pting to build up or maintain a business or other enterprise on racial appeal ? They do not advertise, “ Trade with us because we are Jew s?" On the contrary, they conduct their affairs in such a manner that they not only get the patronage o f their own race but the most o f that from all other races. Personally. I would p refer to make every purchase from an enterprise conducted by our own members. I would prefer to secure' every form o f personal service from our members. 1 would prefer being transported from place to place on systems owned by us. But with all these personal pre­ ferences I would not care to spend my money in any place, regardless o f whom its conductors may be. in which I could not secure the best merchan­ dise. the best service and the most satisfaction that it is possible to se­ cure fo r the money Therefore, to those in our race who are continually seeking opportunities but believe they must come through I stirring up a racial or an emotial ap-| peal, the sugestión is made that you thoroughly study the requirement o f your community, study and master the technique o f the particular field in which you wish to embark, surround yourself with associates who are equipped, through academic knowledge and actual experience, and then launch your enterprise, whatever it may be. Y O U S/ in buyini you save ini D eN orm ai l ’ nthank. AB, M.D. H AY FEVER Hay icier is usually recognised a* occuring in two main types the more common or sca-onu! type and the per­ ennial type or lasam otor rhinitis Vhe 'c a »'tia l i>i>e t* most common in tin »pring. summer and tall—occur­ ring in the seasons when particular , 0 1 1 m s of trees, g ra -'i - and rag weed arc in the air \\ hilc these pollens are the ctiiei offenders, other plants arc often causative factors The individ­ uals susceptibility to these pollens is often a sectional affair in that the in dividual may avoid the attack by m i­ grating to another section o f the country The symptoms are commonly itch mg and congestion ol the eyes, violent paroxysms of »neering. mild to pro­ discharge frsvrn the fuse thin nine nose i lu symptoms vary in indie id- severity. T lw severity v a n i' in the same individual from day to day and even at different times dur- ■:g tie same day tending to be worse nights and m orning* In many indi­ viduals the severity seems tei be more marked each y ear The individual habitually affected : " y develops asthmatic symptoms a- well That is he develops wheer- g the chest with severe paroxysms , : hard breathing with apparent inabil­ ity t o get his breath. I’ erermal hay-fever or vasomotor rhm is i« characterized by persistence the a 'o v e symptoms throughout v car instead vii certain seasons t comon causes are animal Th , ; e r s icgctable powders, house dust yods and drugs No hard and fast line can be drawn tc»e tw o types of hay fever vetweel bv Nancy Lee A new department is being offeree! to the readers o f the Advocate. A column devoted to advice on frien d ­ ship, love, and all m atters pertaining to the home. Anyone wishing such advice, please write Nancy Lee, in care o f this paper. Dear Nancy Lee: 1 am thirty-one years o f age. and have been married A m a reddish brown, 'luy friends say nice hulking, but 1 doubt it. 1 am not seeking matrimony, nor am 1 a home seeker, as I am very com fortably situated with a nice posi­ tion. yet 1 am lonely. Would like to correspond with a nice young man between thirty ami fo rty . I do not like the wild type o f man. There are few worth while men down this way, so many younger than 1 prefer. 1 really prefer a business man. CLEO. lt is easily seen that the world is suffering for the need o f clean, whole­ some companionship between sexes. Brotherly love is being diffused thru out the world, and everyone uncon­ sciously is catching the spirit, so 1 hope the day is not fa r distant when the sexes anij also the races can mingle with perfectly purity o f thot and intellectual association. i f e ‘ »W Bradford * x..S Clothes $25.00 to Shop $45.00 “ Where â ip iï C ity Commissioner K IT S R IE D S^VN F R A N C IS C O W \ M N li I I* In preparing a new draft o f the C ity charter o f San Francisco recently submitted to the Board o f Freeholder the long established policy o f this city written into the basic charter law is reaffirmed. It incorporates the sec­ tion o f the charter adopted in 1000, which reads: " I t is the declared purpose o f the C ity and County o f San Francisco that utilities shall be gradually ae qui red and ultim ately owned by tho people o f the C ity.” Apparently San Franeiaco has awakened to the fact that 1 a > s An geles outgrew the (tolden líate City, because the C ity o f Loa Angolés owns and operates the largest single unit municipal electric plant in Am erica I f we do not get busy Tacoma will outgrow Portland, unless we get on the job and inalali a municipal elec­ tric plant. 1 do not mean maybe. T E N N IS lily Huy Holmes) Tennis enthusiasm is still waxing strong More khan five matches were played last week The Plummer bros. coming champs, won two straight sets with Prentiss Price and Beh Hulling. l>ther line-ups last week were as f o l ­ lows: Huy Holmes vs. Harry Sim.ti-4; ti-ô; Steven Julian vs Arthur Wong. 6-3; fi-4 The Oregon prison association held its regular monthly meeting Tuesday noon at the Y.M C A cafeteria annex. Several interesting reports were made by officials and discussions were held regarding several live subjects includ­ ing the linger printing system. Mm M illie Trumbull, president, presided. Buy" AUSPLUND DRUG STORE Jackson. Miss N A N C Y LEE Up-to-the-Mmute Modes 40 YEARS Newspaper 2 5 ounces for25< M Talking alsiut Mr Mann, suggests the water department, and talking alsmt the w ater department, suggests the more or less irresponsible action f the taxpayers at a certain election when permission was given to the water department to issue bond» (w ith the city council's approval) to sell city bonds whenever it so desired. These bonds were to be paid out o f the receipts o f the department, but promptly the w ater rates were raised ami only strenuous protest on the jiart o f some “ professional agitators" killed the attempt to raise them again. W hile w e are groaning under the heavy tax burden, our water depart­ ment goes on m errily issuing bonds and the school board goes recklessly on, building school buildings which ■ ould be postponed. The same old bluff is used that unless we vote to issue bonds, the school term will he S I N K I OW Kit C A M T \t SeuMldr, Oregon Itead) to »e r te you! W rite J. W Curry, Troia, for Buy a naw reservation* h a t w ith w h a t It t a v s i you Whv |>.y W i nr more for * .Ifiili/nro «hell you can gel I .taler III« Tooth Paste, the quality drnlllrirr, at 25 t the large tub«? It aavea a|'|iro»imaleiy $.1 per »ear |ier |>«t .on over «leiilifriiea in the M i clsaa. Uaa th« aaving to buy a new hat. lambeit Fharuuual Ho. USTERINE TOOTH PASTE The Hurenu o f Economics held a special m eeting Thuratiay night at the home o f Mr and Mra. I. It lliack burn in Irvington to conabler a con stitUtion and By laws Service IDS I 25 c C tea tiers CASH uml CARRY /.*•>/ fc.iat ,‘BroiKÍw\iv MENS L A D IE S Suit» and Overcoats Coats ami I Cesses tiranni \ ptntr.i tiranni Ai pteMft) 75c 75c “ ,,J Up F IN N «: v s A Trinlt* .Mark Kiiihh‘in is (lu* Tm * of I M M O R T A L I I I'K ìh im iù i Use Our New Tarkinji Space For Fun I P I I N I I Y f.S O N M O R I IC I A N S Bellard, Profs. t y r t - eral Car» at Fourth ami Montgomery Streets IHt. <;. II. IK ESE :: — -v Prepared Especially for Thu Mr and Mrs M it might be a good plan fo r such o f the city council who feel oratorl- eally inclined, to find out before the oration, the real inside attitude o f the minds o f those “ a t" whom the oration is addressed A ll this liy way o f introduction to a comment on Mr. Mann's talk at an east side club a week ago. He was quite pointed in his reminders to the "b etter and more influential” element among the tax payers because their absence had been noted from council meetings at which ini|M>itniit m atters were discussed. Does Mr. Mann think fo r one moment that "th e professional a gitato r« and the unem ployed" who do attend the meetings believe that camouflage? Hardly We all know that not a single m atter that is o f the slightest im port­ ance is ever brought before the open sessions o f the city commission until it has been passed upon by these same prominent taxpayers either by their lawyers or their business represents live* Hues« again, Mr Mann, the common people are not all fools. II. _____ ________ ¡THE MEDLEY (¡RULE m u o N S o r f o u n d s u s id • V OUR C O V I ft N M I N T The Advocate does not necessarily share in the wi iter's view » but whether we do or not. the opinion» are lane, logical and interesting Ii is the readers' ss well as our privilege to dis.igiee with the writer who ill v te» vour opinion upon the subject» discussed from time to time in tins column. We Seti F or Less Because We Sett for G a s h ’ anjeement SAMEPRlCr Arnuu Ralph C. Clyde We all need companionship, the in­ terchange o f ideas, and social inter­ course, and cannot live a w ell bal­ anced life without these contacts, as man is naturally a social being But we should also seek solitude to devel­ op both sides o f our natures, as either extreme reflects on the nervous sys­ W H E R E Y O U C A N N O T W O R K ! tem and is not very healthy. 1 advise people who are lonely DON'T S P E N D Y O U R M O N E Y to take up some interesting study. Voung Metí There is always a chance to improve one's mind at very little cost o f money time, or effort. In small towns or communities one could start a study EX-SERVICE MEN class or club and interest the young and DrprndriiN of the people in something constructive, und 8IXTH & O LIBAN STREETS World War! help someone else besides himself. PORTLAND. O R * K N O W M i l R RIGHTS! A ll the requirements needed is the Pen*i*«ns. f .•mpenwati'Ui. Insurance. H»** co-operative spirit and the w ill to pitali/ution. SiMiers* Home«. B*»nu«. make some effort along constructive Funeral Expenses. etc. Methods of obtaining the*«* and other lines. benefits covered in our manual. W ill be giad to furnish this young Onr Dollar SERVM I SERVICE lady's address to some nice, lonely young man. 311 \V. Vearl Street U SIN G |//*BAKING IV V POWDER by ijr lp fu l It iuta By C L IF F O R D C M I T C H E L L In one o f our “ exch an g*«" the fo l­ low ing quotation, credited to Bourke Cock ran. w m clipped: AS N O T E D ’ »hort»n#d »m i the* ten year building pr»>grant w ill I»»* curtailed. Ju»t why ! »lo we need fiv e und ton y ea r»' p ro­ gram ? Why »unnot expensive pro inatti« hr d rfrrrvd until wo propio ; who uro out »»f Job* find ouruolf with u pay chock ut the end o f the week? j I think it iu tune the "p r o fe s io n a l agitator und the unemployed" talked n little longer and louder the walls i might penetrate the walla o f private committee moina o f the city council ami the "b etter element". It might carry a warning with it A fte r read ing an article in "tin* Itrooklyn Kagle **f June 2.5, I am moved to aak Gov Meier, while on hia budget waving campaign, how cornea it that he ia alien! on the aalary lieta o f some o f o f the alate agencies? I hie« It not aoem a trifle tnconaiatent to pay the secretary »*f the Child W elfare Com miaeion, a »in gle woman, not a tax payer and until ahe came here a couple o f yearn ago, not even a resident o f Oregon f Ut» *2/3 a month n n aalary And incident!y, Mr. Woodworth, you are on the right track when you yb ject t»> a aalary t»f $»100 a month t»» another »in gle woman mh secretary o f the l’ohltc W elfare ltureau at leant $100 o f that could he returned t*» relief needed by the fumilieM *»f the ( unemployed. Ami incidentally, why ia it ulwaya necessary to aend to "som ewhere in th»* magic east" for a public employee whenever a deeent salary ia in prospect ? Ia Oregon a*» mediocre that we need to send out »>f the alate for |»oople t»» cl»» our work? Methinka we have the !*ol»l habit which theae mediocre pe»>ple from the east find profitable. ■■ «*— JI I . A 1‘ls iti D e n tin m u i H i t r a i ’t in n COMPLETK NEW STOCKS OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE S f u r i a i i.yf I (JR THE HOME AND PERSONAL SERVICE SA I - ZEM O RELIEVES ITCH IN G Banish Head Colds BURNING ECZEMA Sneezing? Sniffing’ Headache? Be­ ware — let Musterole Laxative Cold Soothing, cooling Z E M O brings prompt relief to itching, burning skin; even in severe cases relief comes as aoon as ZEM O touches the tor­ tured skin. Eczema, Ringworm, Rashes, Fimplea, Dar.druff and other annoying skin or scalp troubles gen­ erally yield to this soothing, anti­ septic lotion. ZEM O is safe and de­ pendable. All Druggists. 35c, 60c. S1.00. Extra Strength ZEM O best tor chronic cases—41.25. Tablets relieve that head cold promptly. Safe, q -;:k relief without griping or ringing in the ears. Chocolate -coated — easy to ta k e. Musterole Cold Tab­ lets axe prepared by makers of famous Musterole. As a special o n . tima trial offar, you may obtain a regular 35c pack­ age for 10c by clipping thia adver­ tisement and aending it with 10c, alao your name and addraaa, to The Musterole Company, Cleveland, 0. \ K» T\ HI II.DINH (urne» «IV I II \\l> llt'KN'MDF ) ritraili e I2‘ . Notili «n lh «ireel O exctkL* Tractor Exploring Party in Asia Follows Motor Oil Trail Through Wilds □ i 'o i l l l \M » OK E l,(lN ¡15 ?»jrTC 5 fi si h ic , -'H 0OAÓ r o /ou r, \iS/0/A. j £> D A M A SC U S H - B R O vvn S h lU l M ; E M Hit: COMMUNITY HAIR GROWER I lie floor* of the In iteti Siale» Nati unii I un- open lo lio- individual» oí llii» com ziiun.lv a« freely «« If» I mi * íim *«« arid in- flii«trinl ronreriiB, W I T H O U T AN E Q U A L - a 1 § A « Portland aliti il« proplt* p ro jirr««, »o fio wr . . . our li o pe» miti intere»!» are in mnirflon. Without a doubt, the best article of its kind— combination Hair Grower and Hair Straightener. Gives the hair a natural soft and silky appearance, stimulating hair growth in the most hopeless case. f ó¿JVf A l l ¿ Q U / P M f N r /¿> r/// 0 L - A fiU V i A l / / V C L fotf MUS/lO/L H IO tBR O W N 2\ Our High Brown Hair OILK.HT , M OVU WHOr PER I OAMORUFF ANO ► «eso* m . FU MU) TOI lit/ UlQUlSlTf ; VA 1 T>4« h a ip S o f t TRAIGKT ANO Grower stands as one of our highest achieve­ ments— it is a prepar­ ation we look upon with pride. — Distributor Mrs. E. D. Cannady, 312 Macleay Bldg., Portland, Oregon M ADE O N LY O VERTO N B Y T H E H Y G IE N IC M FC .C O . C H I C A G O TH E cr~~7/o l Inibii Stales Ndliondl Ikmlc > > » e r lc o n ¿ o jo n a J e rv is ,U m t 3 ; c ♦ S H IN IN G S A T IN White satin for a daytime frock is something you don’t sec often, but it 'a very chic very Tari«.ietme Perhaps it s a little imprat lical, but when you find a lovely frock, deserving of ex­ pensive material, it's worth a tiny bit of extravagance. This frock was destined for a clinging satin ItN pointed seaming makes your figure umuc look very youtfg, and the unusual jabot effect is v«*ry flattering If you should turn gaily extravagant and buy white satin, it will be a smart success with a «lark clot?! coat. Long sleeves will add to the expensive-looking effect and will fit into an early autumn ward­ robe as * ell Fxcelfa Pattern N o 3364 Siies 14 1* 42. 25 cents. O eorgea -M a rie H aard t, lead in g the National G eograp h ic Hocl-ety’ft tractor ‘ x p 'd ltlo n th rou gh the In­ te rio r o f A «la , 1 h fo llo w in g a trail o f depots o f A m erican m otor oil and fu el laid down In aul vance through th«.- w lld