The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, July 11, 1931, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Whaling Ship Anchors at New York
With World's Record Catch
"T h r (iood Had h ifl"
( M«t include» Mue ( lark»*. Janie» Hall,
Marie l*revo»l, Itobeft Kill»,
Nance O 'Neil
I's ls r e T h eatre. N ew
N orm a
Her ond W ee k !
Sh« Mr<*r, Lion el lia rry m o re
< lark,
“ F re e Soul**
I* \l< \MOI VI
Kanrhon A Marco’»
“ T h ree liig F ig u r e »” idea
P o r tla n d s only S ta ge Revue
Plus on the Sreen
“ I 'la k e T h is W om an”
(¿a ry C ooper and ( arole Lom bard
---------o -------
plus Hobby Jun e, '’ llow I Play G olf”
•■«iO LItiE" with Jean Harlow, Sprnre
Trury and Warren liy n irr
Local News
Ilurpooiu 1,441 Wlmlcs in
I O A l 'K I ) to (h * I'lltuaoil mark
with w halo oil. lha Hlr Janie«
( ‘ lark Ituoa. Captain Omar Nllarii.
Mlltfnat » haling «h ip that aver v|»-
itoil uur • hoi'*«, recently anchored
n liliA d In N t i
llarh or. on her return from hrr
maiden trip.
with the great«-»!
etch on record
The bulled down
remalua of 1.444 Whale« were In
her tanka
T h e whala oil wraa dlochartfrd
here for the m anufacture of high
«jualtty Am erican aoape. and the
'tlr Jaiuee Clark II imm returned to
her home port at HaudcfJor-1 near
• »alo, the 140 blond and bltle «*>«-.I
N o rw egia n « o f her crew Well con
tent. They tirade whaling hlatory,
and ra th o f them had a plump
l*ay envelope com ing to him
Kapectally did HUS ward Jorgrn »rn
ehare In Che money hU eeploltv
brought In
weather« d
ritra o r i.
nary «au gh t 2&4 w h ole« during tin
Itoaa'e righ t monthe of c«>aatlng th«
edge o f the An tarctic Ice harrier
brin gin g hie lifetim e total to 2.7
llle pay fo r the trip wa« H
He and hie m ate« will not go out
again until sum m er after lic it Th«
Hlr .Jatuea Clark I toon han c.uight
enough w h ale« fo r the tlm«
Auguet, 19 3 2. probably, the hi* n I
and white «h ip a>atnen «a ll thin
utoderu kind o f wlraler a factory
.Mollili Trip to Antarctic Harrier
I or 'c ookery** will fill her tanka
I with A inerb ati petroleum olla ami
h« ad Mouth to startle the penguin«
I once more
For perhtipH the rnoat rurlouel
thing about th«* It«»»» «ml all aim-
liar ntU'lerti Whaler», la that they
iiiun I take petroleum olle with them
to collect whale «dl
Aa the fuel
oil amt lubricanti! are gtu«luully
u w ! up in operation they are re-
placed In the tanka by «urico The
It«»•« ilk* many of her kind. I» a
time - honored
iwjuar« tig of (he traditional Nan*
tucket whaler hurn given way to two
I*. -»e I «lucilie» of 3 400 horsepower
Thou* engines inuat atam) up
under alinoot conttnuoue u«e far
from any harbor or r« pair work»
for eight months
They run on
h- ivy fuel oil and Oiirgoyle Marine
( Ml« «*.«K<lt ft g • • » il wl li M of the Mcddl
«•il unii «ill over the worbl In motor
«•ara keep them lubricated
|)b-«r|a however are only a |*art
of >h« hip's machine ry for the de­
scription ‘‘factory' nt» her aptly
Hh* I» the pian nt ihlp of half a
*n ■« h»»«*m
On 1 Ih«»«- »muH
\ • . «1» • <| uii »| m *<! »Ith Ihirpooii mn-
lull tli ■ Imrpoo u«’ rn >4« out urouii«!
fi»** » h... «
No» rplt »truKirlo of
»t tir •ly iMir»iti4*n iM't'Ur» alun th«»
h Imi«*
• It.!*■I*? 1
Tli«* ran non
I»i* h.K> »11 tilH Of *«»l*. 1! 1 « hn out »ff« r
th« flyti 1 « hat pou> ii an J darp luaMv
the whale a charge o f dynurnite
g o e « off.
A »hurt resistance; the
chaorr'e propeller churns back
ward, and eoou the whale has aur
T h « chasers tow th eir catch. In ­
flated with compressed air so they
will float, biu k to the $dr Juines
Clark Itoss
If the whale were liv ­
ing when ho reached the ship. It
m ight »••»•in to him an enorm ou»
whale demon
A huge port opens
at water level In the ahlp’e blunt
stern, givin g It the appearance of
the gr«*at gra n dfath er of cetacean«
A ram p lea l» up to the deck, and
through this great maw. during the
whole Antarctic »u m m er goes a
proc'*-M«lon of
w h ale»
little 20 ton fellow # and big ones
o f m a rly 100 tons.
T w o 40*ton
»team winches haul them to the
fb'iiNlng deck, a slippery, oily floor
blgg«*r and sm oother than any balk*
T h e re they ceaae to he whales
Four pow er-driven bone naw» and
a factory crew that w o rk » aotne-
tim es all «lay and. unde r floodllghta.
all night, see to that. Below decks
an* the main ta n k » w aiting
fuel and lubricant» are u»«*d. they
are cb-tined out fo r reception o f the
Ihjuhl cargo
T h « capacity o f the Rlr Jim «*«
Clark K u m 1» 20.301 tons of whale
011 The value of th l» year’ s cargo.
a«*c'brdlng to report«, wan nearly
12 40U.U00
What of The Future?
s r (» a s c o lir it jiiH t
I lir II«* h | Sc»li«| Fuel
The*v Hold I’irc from 8 to 10 Hours
Von <!« m More Heat I’nits Per Dollar,
I Ni l
V o rtIa n ?
Sixth .V Salmon
I nlets sutmthmg is done or sonic
ntc in* found tor employuient, the out­
look for many N r g r o r » in Portland
tin-» winter i ' .»nytlvng Intt ^ncourag
With mativ let out of the R K
and hotel service, lew arc left with
paying jol«»
If it were not ior the
domestic service rendered by our w o ­
men. it would he a tragic situation
.James liender»on, the blind man, is
engaged in selling wood from his
| ofTx «*s on Killingsworth Ave.
. Henderson is ready to serve his pa­
trons and offer the lowest summer
j for the best wood <‘all him.
Look in his ad this issue for his phone
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mishop have
pone to (»eyserville. Cal., where Mrs.
Bishop will serve as an instructress in
Bahai Institute this summer.
Little Miss Kunice Mott was among
’ he injured on the Fourth o f July.
While en route to join some friends
for an outing she slipped and fell,
hijuring her knee badly. Medical aid
was rendered hy Dr. DeNorval Un-
•hank. At this writing Miss Mott is
considerably improved.
While pi king cherries at the home
o f Sgt. A J Franklin last Sunday,
Marvin McGinnis, ('ommamler o f Sgt.
Jos. White ('amp, Spunish-Amorican
War Vets, fell from a ladder and
broke his collar hone in two places.
Mr. McGinnis was removed to the
Veterans hospital for treament by
government physicians.
Despite the
injury which he sustained. Mr. Mc­
Ginnis and Mrs. Butler were quietly
married at the hospital Wednesday.
July K. hy Rev D. G. Hill, Jr.
l.l*: V\ K NO ASH
A Baby in Your Home
( ¡ a s tk C o l i c C o
7 < ill
I hav« an honaat proven traatmant fo r ataril-
tCjrdua tofunrtiunaJweakneaa which I havauaad
w ith wondarful «vi.-r ea« In thousand» o f raaea.
It 1« tha result o f 86 year» «p a rta n o # and haa
hi* hoet tarma hy
k Æ
rie»! women, ohlld-
b e c am a h a p p y
m other#. I f you
w ill oend me rour
1 will gU d ly aaad
you a tre a tm e n t
. and a cot-y o f my
\ book let, A Roby
\ ] '
**^ ln Your Horn»"
which tails haw to no# It and many othar th in «»
Rw rrtal woman should know. Roth w ill ha sent
fro# In plain wrapnor W rit# today Dr. II W ill
k U e ra . U a iia l l l - V , Ttk A F a il» . M . Jeeap h. Ha»
\\ lu-rc lo o 4Uni Simp \\ 1 11« Conliileiiee
■ ■ - -----------
W ords Ralayed From State to Stata
Ohaerranne o f thla ocraalou waa
under (h a ausplcea o f the W orld
Federation o f Education Aasoeln-
tlona. In co-operation with the N a­
tional Council for the Prevention o f
W ar. and the telephone waa cboaen
as the medium for this loternatlonal
exchange aa aym bollxlng the Inter­
dependence o f the nations of the
world today.
Focal pointa fo r the telephone
ca ll» wece eatabllahed In London,
England, and In W ashington. D C ,
and early In the m orning on the
Pacifie Coast thla country’ s Brat
call was made. Prom capita! to
capital, In State House or g o re m o r a
mansion, school boys and g lrti re ­
layed the good w ill message until It
had passed through all the states of
the Union and was received at
W ashington. Prom Canada. M eitco
and Argen tina, too. It came o ve r the
wires and by w ireless
M essag* Spans the Atlantic
At the sam e time, sim ilar mes-
aag.-a from the various Dations o f
Europe, from Australia, even from
the Island o f Java, w ere being tele­
phoned to tha Houses o f Parliam ent
la London.
Finally, when tt was 4 P M
W ashington and 9 P M In London,
the connection betw een the two na­
tional capitals was established o ver
the regular transatlantic radio tele­
phone circuits, and the school chil­
dren o f the N ew W orld and the old
exchanged th eft messages o f good
will. In this country Che cerem ony
took place 1n the Foreign R ela­
tions Com m ittee room In the Capi­
tol. Then the process o f relayin g
the m es-age was reversed, and from
state to state and to the n eighboring
countries the words heard from
London were repeated to the groups
o f school children w aitin g to re­
c eiv e them.
V e lv e e t a
th i.
delicious new cheese food
keep in touch w ith
friends and loved ones—
m elts, allrrii, spreads!
How its fu ll, ri.'h rh rm r
flm or blends w ith o th er
foods! M,eggs, reg-
clahlcs. And it*, an lim it h-
fu l—iL </igo*fib/e— uh purr
whole m ilk itself!
T ry it tod ay—fo r cook­
ing and sandwiches. Y o u r
A fte r all, th e re ’s nothing
quite like y o u r v o ic e !
grocer h a. it in the h a lf
pound package.
T iie P acific T elephone A nd T elegraph C ompany
day, July
fo r
East First and Schuyler Sts.
Rev | L. Caston. Minister
Shiloh Baptist Church
both col­
East Tth and Evarett Sts
picnic is being
sponsored by the le a g u e o f Struggle
for N egro Rights, the Finnish Sports
fense for the purpose o f fostering a
■ loser and better understanding be­
There w ill be an admission charge
o f ten cents to the picnic grounds.
A ll funds realized are to be used fo r
the defense o f work o f the I.L.D. in­
cluding the defense o f the eight N e­
gro boys sentenced to die at Scotts-
boro, Alabama, and whose case is now
before the Alabama supreme court.
O ne o f the objecta o f this In ter­
national m eeting by telephone o f
the children o f many nations, ac­
cording to Augustus O Thom as.
Pre tdonf o f the W orld Federation
o f E Inrstlon Associations, was to
bring alx.ut a ré silia tio n o f the new
kt'id o f world In which we live a
w .rid I'lnsely united bv this m »a u i
o f fast com munication for the ad-
Justmcnt o f International differ­
ences or m isunderstandings
It «
the bc '. f o f this organisation that
participation In such conversation*
taking place half-wav around the
world and hearing the voices of
olh er children across thousands of
miles, would help the young people
In the school* o f this country to
form a new picture o f the world U>
House of Prayer
East 10th and Grant Sts
Robert Searcie, Pastor
Bethel A
E. Church
I-arrabee and M cMillen Sts
Rev. Daniel G. H ill Jr.. Minister
First A. M E. Zion Church
417 W illiams Ave
W. R. L ovell. Minister
4--------------------------------------- — »
Those going by auto are instructed
to drive out T erw illiger blvd. to the
to the left and follow the signs to
Red Rock Cheese factory, then turn
the picnic grounds. Those going by
train or bus can make arrangements
for redu -ed rates at either the W ork ­
ers’ Hall, 191 ' j Third street, at the
Ail-Nations Store, Burnside street, be­
tween Third and Fourth at the F in­
nish Hail, Fremont and Montana, or
at the Elks Hall, 315 W illiam s Ave.
The program calls fo r swim ing,
music, singing, speeches, and a base­
ball game, the latter called at 10 A.M .
F IV E - R O O M
Bunglaow, tile
full attice and basement, furnace,
garage —$1100 equity will sacrifice for
$400.00 A. Pietzold, 138« Grand N.
Rooms ior Rent— 95J E
I4th S t , N.,
Phone Trnity 8754— adv
The Sun Cafe, open day and night—
Chinese and American cooking, at J22
Williams Ave. Phone Lnacaster 1882
J. D. Emery, Mgr.— Adv.
---------o— —
P i r a t e Pay Y o u r S n h n crip lio n
to put iii your winter fuel supply
while prices are at their lowest. Call
JIM HENDERSON (the Bliml Man)
for all kinds o f fuel at all prices
92 Kilingsworth Ave., Cor. Mississippi
I ’hone WAluut UMM)
i_ .
Seautician of Memphis Term.
That She will do residential work
---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
"A l l strength unless dedicated to the
tween the local white and colored pop­
“ Strange as it may sound” , said
Lee C. Anderson o f the League o f
Struggle fo r N egro Rights,” there
are in Portland many white persons
who tre not blinded by race prejudice
and who are willing to meet ua on an
equal basis.
1 personally feel that
every colored person should meet half
way, these people who have com* f o r ­
ward and invited us to attend their
Knott and Rodney Sts.
Blaine Coles. Lay Reader
E vpeclenee W ith W orld Communi­
destructive.” — Keith
The United Grand Lodge o f \Ya.«h-
ngton. F & A M w ill convene in its
egtilar 3-day annual session at Se­
attle. July 13 IT.
front Canada, Montana, Oregon and
Washington will be in attendance.
The loea! delegation from Enterprise
I-odgo wh.t will attend are. R. 1). Bird
Phil Reynolds, A. A . Jones, A. J.
Franklin, Henry Worthen, J. L. W as­
son. G X. White and W. H. La Belle
The delegation plans to motor up to
Seattle today.
shampooing, pressing, bo66ing, marcelling
round curling, manicuring. eye*6row? arching
facial massaging. 12 v rs. experience
Will Promote a bull Urowib of llair
Will also Ktstore the Strength
Vitality ami the Beauty of the
If your Hair ia Dry and
Wiry Trv —
Am ong representatives o f E nter­
prise Chapter Xo. -’ ti. o f which Mrs.
Clara Iatgan is W.M. are Mrs. K.
Henderson. Mrs. G. N. White. Mrs.
Grave Scott-Jarkson and Mrs. Clara
Easi India Hair Grower
°f D e l ig h t
Club and the International Labor De­
M « K n a o f
(food will.
changed hy telephone among tha
high school atudenta of four contl-
nenta. marked tha ohaerranca o f
W orld Good W ill [Jay laat May In
raleb rallon o f tha opening o f tha
llrat Peaee C on feren ra at Tha
Hague, Holland, thirty-tw o years
W h e th e r you’re off on
vacation this sum m er—
or whether you stay and keep
the home fires burning—
Am nesty
at the Tualatin Cooperative park, Sun
Echange Voice Messages
on Hague Anniversary
Sipinrtn?Wol|o <&> Co
i .Mrs. Jilanche SimpMin o f Seattle, ar-
riv»*tl in For t’and Thursday ti> attend
her »inter, Mrs. (». Kanann, who i»
ill and confined to her bed at h* r home
! IM) Knott street.
Mount OUve« Baptist Church
ored and white persons w ill be held
l(. k. O. OKIMIKl M
When men’s glances linger, then
frankly admire . . . what feminine
heart doesn't th rill?
Know this
th rill!
You ran have alluring
I>r. Fred Palm er’s Skin
W hitener Ointment s o f t e n s and
lightens the dnrkest skin, clears up
pimples, blotches and tan marks,
and does away with that “ oily,
shiny" look. Use this preparation
regularly to make your skin soft,
delicate and alluring. This amazing
Ointment is made in the famous
P r. Fred Palm er's Laboratories
where are also made those other
beauty aids you know so w ell:
P r. Fred Palm er's Skin Whitener
Soap, Skin W hitener Face Powder,
lla ir Presser Bnd Hid Deodorant
which may be had at all drug
stores fo r 25 cents each or w ill be
sent postpaid upon receipt o f price.
Dr. Frea Palm er’s Laboratories,
Dept. 6, Atlanta, Ga.
Send 4e in stamps for a
generous trial sample of
the Skin W hitener, Soap
and Face Powder.
Sfiin Whitener
D R .F R E D
* K ( E P S Y O U R C O M P L E X IO N Y O U T H F U L *
If you arc b-tlsrod a. h Falling
Paiidruff. Itching Scalp, or any Hair
we want vou to try a jar of
ly cntitains medical properties that
go to the mot* of the Hair, stimulates
the *km helping nature do its work
Leaves the hair soft and silk;
Perfumed with a
balm of a thousand flowers The best known remedy
for Heavy and Beautiful Rlaek Eye-Brow*, also
restores Gray tlsir to its Natural Color Can be used
with Hof Iron for Straightening
Price Sent bj Mail. 60c; 10c Extra for Postage
I Hair (ïrow ar. I Tem pi«
Oil, I Shampoo. 1 Presimi«
OU. I Fact- Créant and direz*
lion fo r «elMn«. |2 I V PCxtr«
for I’.wt.v,
.116 N. Centra)
Dept B
Oklahoma City Ok'a
on the prtitiest course in town
Little Tom
Miniature Golf Course
Corner W illiam s Ave. & M cMillan St.
Open every day until 12 midnight
General Admission 15c
Rosalie Bird. Ticket Seller