•V n F T ru e Stories 1 A chievem ent The Advocate C Iran Fiction ',1 H um an Interest Featu res TMK ILI.US1KATKD FEATURE SECTION—June '0. i»Sl t • s «a » • • i b u r n I t t M «*| * H lM lllliS I *l| H «»B »S ll»M /tn Stories pictures U» tbc iiiu-.trtlfd feature Section «ere p and Ji noi dep r\ principals unless a« captioned No Legs in New Broadway Show Some Comedy Stars get as fur on Their Shape as on Their Ability M a r g a r e t M c C a ll la irr a lite Harris A d e la id e Va lad a Snow H a ll T l i e a t r r g o r r s It I it« la w lie n " R h a p s o d y in B la c k , ” N e w e s t M u s ic a l C o m e d y , G e t s G o in g W it h o u t S h a p e ly I.im b s K i c k i n g , W i g g l i n g , S t r u t t in g a n d P r a n c in g . By WILBUR THIN Moulin Itouge and other Parisian When Lew Leslie swung resorts »h ere the feminine form Is open the (loom of the Sunt II. displayed without restraint are men­ Harris Theatre and let Broad* tioned Hut the french laugh up way got n peek at his latest their alervcs at American hypoerlay sepia vehicle, "Rhapsody in because they know that America ts Black,” blase theatergoers Just as Interested in nudity as the blinked their eyes, pinched fren ch ever dared to be. themselves to make sure they Tills Is proved by the fart that the were uwakc and sat through first places to which American tourists want to go upon crossing the pond this unusual and splendid are to the places with naughty repu­ performance a bit bewildered. tations And the crowds that »worm What? No legs? they ask­ Into the baldheaded men’s row In all burlesque houses In America are ed themselves. A Broadway the unotlter evidence of the leg conscious­ musical show without any ness of the American public. shapely limbs, kicking, wig­ Many Owe Sue, ess In Farm gling. prancing supporting Several American actresses who equally shapely torsos of havr won tame and recognition In tlir nut-brown chorines and high* theater have gotten almost as far on their shape as on their ability Jos­ yaller ladies of the ensemble? ephine linker, the girl who startled Broadway couldn’t quite un­ Hie world when she apiM-ared In only u bunch o( bananas and a smile Is a derstand. Ever since the merry «lays striking example Adelaide Hall, In spite of the tact of the gaudy Floradora Girls, that she possesses a fairly excellent back in the gay nineties, voice, owes her success more to the when theatergoers w o r e undressed hit she in.el. in le i In, i driven to the Great White Dlga 1 K kj " song of the "Hlarkbirds 1930’' than to anything else Way in horse- drawn car­ Of Alda Ward, whose voice Is of tar su- riages, legs and musical lirrlor quality and range, and who appeared In the same show, but un­ corned i os have keen prac­ tically synonymous. America like Adelaide, never exposed her limbs to view, has not climbed as high up has grown completely leg U m ladder of fame as the hide bronze goddess. i onscious. ings (o appear In bare legs with rouged and powdered knees moralists raised a furor. The practice was branded as Indecent. Long-nosed busy-bodies wauled to have the thea­ ter managers and producers yanked Uito court. The general public liked It, however, and now to see a chorus wrarlng the long lilp-length stockings Is a rare thing Indeed and uncover­ ed limbs are taken os a matter of Gertrude Saunders things that were once thought im­ moral. many are wondering what the next few years will bring. Is the current craze o f long skirts now In vogue merely a superficial gesture destined to be short-lived only to be followed by more brazen­ ness In womens fashions? WIU the short skirts of a veat or two ago return in even more daring modes than heretofore? Indications point that way because America has had a taste of leg con­ sciousness and the sky Is now the limit. Brlr-; on your fig leaves. p(fn Ilio saiuo liinoL il takns lo jioivdoi Am erican* .Moral ll*|M>< i l l r » Shed llcwr l« r Harr l / ( i America has always held up Its Several years ago when the chorus hands In holy horror whenever the girls first began to shed their stock­ I NEVER CHEAT MY HAIR" Other fo lks may cheat their hair by using cheap, impure preparations but not me. i won't run the risk of getting dandruff. L A -E M -S T R A IT is pure, safe and sure—thot's why I use it. I like the way it trains my hair quickly and naturally. I buy it all the tim e b e c a u se it Is not greasy and won't rub off. H O -R O -C O M FG . C O . Dept. 19 " n . tow s. mo . JOSEPHINE BAKF.Il, who startled the world when she ap­ peared clad In only a bunch ol bananas I iT i S applied in *n instant. It can’t d o any harm. (llurltirri Figure Irvin C. Miller, the noted Impresa­ rio. was the llrst to glorify the brown- skin girl In what the artists call the ’’all-in-all.’' Not only did the daring producer expose the calves, a sight that once caused men to blink their eyes and rub their hands with satis­ fam m i, but he went higher up the tapering thighs, past the curving hips on up to where protruding busts covered with but a dainty chain of rhinestones held the eye for a second and then let It follow the contours of smooth brown shoulders that lost themsclvrs at the ends of slender fingertips Ten years ago a "Brown- skin Models" would have been Im­ possible. Y o u can— and should— use this snowy, soothing cream for every occasion. Mum offers ptrm anm t protection from underarm offense, fo r it is som ething you can alw ays use. Make the use o f this dainty d e­ odorant a daily habit. M orning •nd evening. Then you’re always safe N ev e r at a disadvantage. N o hour o f the day or night can ever be ruined by that arch-enemy o f charm— body odor. That’s the beauty o f Mum! The utter simplicity o f its use. Y o u Where Do We Uo From HrreT need not plan ahead, nor make I f the few short years since the war have broken down many of the I elaborate preparations for its ap­ plication. N o t wait for it to dry, or fear its effect on skin, or dainty fabrics T h e mom ent you've used Mum, you're ready to g o ! A n d absolutely safeguarded against any perspiration odot. Mum is as bland as any face cream and is, in fact, beneficial to skin. Perfectly harmless to fabrics. Its only action is to neutralize odors caused b y the chemistry o f the body. K eep a jar o f Mum on your dress­ ing table. Use it every day, and be serenely confident o f yourself all the time. Y o u 'll always find Mum at all toilet-goods counters for only 33c. O r three times the ^uaniitv for 60c. And you use so little each time! There's n o waste.