JUNK 13. m i T h e ADVOCATE THREE — Theatres F IV E -R O O M BungUow. til« floors. full attice and basement, furnace, garage SlUJO equity will sacrifice for »40000 A. Pietzold, ISM Grand N CONFEDERATES_GET H. K. O. ORPHEUM Classified 8ACK PAY Adv’ts Columbia, 8 . C.— (C N S )— The on« hundred and forty-four colorod citi­ Robert Woolsey in “ Everything’s zens o f South Carolina, who because Rosie," plus RKO vaudeville which FOR SALE o f actual service o f one sort or an brings Trixie Kriganza in person. other in the Confederate army are Modern 7-room house 306 E. First St eligible to receive pensions, will soon N. Call EAst 1940 FOX BROADWAY get their money acording to A. J. Beattie, comptroller general, last Janet Lay nor with Warner Baxter FO R SA LE —4-romm house with a week. in “ Daddy Long Legs.” sleeping porch and kitchenette. The vouchers for the money have Semi-modem «tear three car line*. been sent out to the probate judges Low price for quick sale. For PARAMOUNT over the state from whose ofice the Particular* phone E A . MM— Adv money wil be given directly into the Joan Crawford "Laughing Sinnera” hands o f the pensioner*. with Neil Hamilton, Marjorie Ram- A nice front dmmb end a 1 - r __ beau and Clark Gable. Fanchon and apartment, furnished or nnfaralshed; Marco's “ Peg Leg*" idea. 16— Sun- near tw o carlinaa. Phone Eaat 1(32. kist Dolls— 16. — Adv. (Continued from Page 1 ) Preachers are all wrong and that God RIALTO FO R RE N T— Large Furnished Room. is in favor of gambling as a means o f »3 00 Per Week. »11 R ow Street. Otis Skiner in "K ism et" America's obtaining a secure position in life. E A it 7*7»—Adv Ministers should include in their ser­ foremost character star. mons a text on “ Pray to God be­ fore you buy your tickets for the FO R R E N T — Newly furnished, at­ tractive modem apartment. *71 Hal- sweepstakes.” aey Street. Call Elmer Flowers, The press o f the ruling class dram­ EAst 8917— Adv. atize such winnings. This has the effect of detracting the minds o f the m u ses from the miserableness o f FOR RF.N'T—Neatly furnished, newly decorated J room bungalow, reason­ their position and creating in them a feeling o f hppe that they too may able. Phone Mrs. Charles Stanton, Wa. 2251.—Adv. 17646682 be lucky. By this means the various rackets such as "policy” and “ num­ bers” bleed the workers who are al­ Rooms for Rent—95J E. 14th S t, N , Phone Trnity 8754—adv. ways hoping to get lucky. Theodore A. Haith was graduated The way out for the millions o f ex­ from the school o f Dentistry and ploited masses under the exploitation The Sun Cafe, open day and night— Pharmacy at the North Pacific Col­ and oppression o f the landlords o f lege last Tuesday evening. The pro­ Chinese and American cooking, at 322 the South will come thru organisa­ gram which was held in the First tion for struggle of the Negro and Williams Ave. Phone Lnacaster 1882. Baptist Church, 12th and Taylor white workers against the bos* sys­ Sts., was largely attended by friends J. D. Emery, Mgr.— Adv. tem o f starvation. and relatives o f the graduating class. Mr. Haith has maintained a high scholastic and social rating thru- out his entire four year course at the school. He has also been the recipient o f numerous hon­ ors, both by the school and its stu­ dents. Mr Haith has many friends -announces- in Portland, in Seattle, his home, and all up and down the coast who That She will do residential work wish him continued success. THANKS GOD Local N ew s TED M GETS DIPLOMA FROM NORTH . . . ' * Big Votes End Wed. June 10th S K C O M t l'K I Z K $ 1 0 0 T H IK D ¡11 (v o lti l'K I Z K GRAND C A P IT A L PRIZE $60 ¡n (» o ld NKW LATEST MODEL HUDSON STRAIGHT “ 8 " COACH VALUE *1153 KOI K lil l'KIZK SSO in (»olii nini MRS.M. REDMOND 3oautician of Memphis Tenn. Mrs. Harry Ivey and PHONE SE. 3 4 1 0 daughter 1 Mildred, and Evan K. Porter receiv­ l'KIZK ed mild but painful injuries to their heads and bodies Sunday while en route from church to their home on South 17th St. They were riding in the car with Mr. Porter when the ac­ cident occured. All are improvini rapidly. $ 1 0 ¡11 (volli TIIKRK HUNDRRI) IN' CASH! A special fumi of ha* been set asidr to br diatrib. ulnl in lhr foriti o f salari«» unii.un attive non-pria* win- ner» on a IO per orni ba*i*. Think o f it! one-tenth o f all subscriptions you s«H-ur«> | » m Into your pocket if you fall to win a pria*. Thi* Aaaurra ('»mpensation to all Candidate»! CAMPAIGN NOTES Wednesday night, June 17, promptly at I!! o'clock, the big third period of vole* gne* out of effect forever Double importance should be attached to work done by the end o f thi* period If you expect to be a big price win­ ner, you muil take full advantage of the lew remaining hour* ol the big vote campaign Here’* ? point the Campaign Man­ ager ha* been wanting to make for several day* if you are a candidate you are held retpontible for your suc­ cess in the eyes of the world You may "pass the buck" to your own satisfaction but in the eye* of the great outside you win or lose through Y< tl'K effort* You are judged finally by your campaign Result* are all that count. A subscription to The Advocate is an investment, not an expense. Thru the advertisements alone, the purchaser saves many time* the price in a year. Today no one has anything won. It is anybody's race at the pole—a neck and neck affair If any candi­ date has any idea in Ilia or her head that lie or she is "sitting pretty" in the car class, the Campaign Manager advises them to awake and rub their eye*. There is a fable about the hare and the tortise, you know sfam pooing, p re ssin g , bobJing, marcelling round curling, manicuring, eye*6rou? arching facial m a ssa g in g . 12 yrs. experience Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Tilman are the proud parents o f a baby girl born last Saturday, June 6 . l'iirchaneil from unti NX ill Kr «in Di-plav ul GRIMM, SCHNEIDER AND BACON Choire of Color Portland, Oregon THIRD PERIOD VOTE SCHEDULE June 10 June 17 The Following Number of Volet« Will Be Given oil Subscription* Y i-a r— I f M W 16,000 I f o ld . . . 6 ,0 0 0 2 - Y m t — I f m w _________ 4 4 ,0 0 0 I f ..l.l _____ . ...2 0 ,0 0 0 6 - jr m r — I f m w _________ 8 1 0 ,0 0 0 I f o ld 2 8 0 ,0 0 0 1- A special Ballot— g«»«»d f«»r 100,000 «-xtra voir» — will I k * issued on every club o f $12 turn«*«! in on subscrip­ tions. The club ntay be composed o f small or large subscriptions totaling $12. 100,000 Ext r a V o t e s NX ill Be Liven With Every Club of *1 2 Turned In CAMPAIGN NOTES Are you one of those “ alibi” artists who would rather provide a make­ shift alibi than really try? There are many, many subscriptions to be had this week Why, candidates from the other side of town are getting sub­ scriptions right front your next door neighbor That's true, too Are you simply "picking" passing tip nine out of ten chances, or are you really try­ ing to help yourself. Over confidence is the biggest handi­ cap under which any candidate can work. This unwelcome handicap has caused more regrets than anything in a campaign of this kind. The only way to become a winner is to spend every possible minute getting subscrip­ tions. Perseverance is the only winning quality. If a candidate ever expect* to do anything real for himself or herself in this race, it is reasonable to expect that he or she will make the effort between now and 13 o'clock, Wednes­ day night, June 17. As close as the race no wstands, a few subscriptions may he the deciding factor. Your votes, Mr Reader, may be the deciding factor in helping some candi­ date achieve victory or a small fortune in this campaign Will you refuse to Help Your Friend N O W ? 10,000 Fxtra Votes Will B«* Civ«'it f«»r Each Y«*nr of n New Subscription Turned in B«*fore June 17 Am ong high school graduates this June are the follow ing: Ollie Bush- nell, Dorothy Bushnell, Helena Sear- ice, Daisy Lee Wright, Charles Raw­ lins, Julius Gory and George Cannady. Brunette Bolin, form er Portlander, is back from Oakland. THE EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER The Portland Journal o f June 2, carried an article about Hughey A rn­ ett o f Tacoma, winning a Columbia scholarship. Hughey graduated from the Colege o f Puget Sound last Mon­ day. Will Promote a Full Growth o f Hair. Will also Restore the Strength, Vitality and the Beauty o f the Hair. If your Hair ia Dry and Wiry, T r y - EaSt India Hair Grower Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Nelson have moved from 378 Vancouver Ave., to 225 Sheridan street. If you are bothered wfch Falling Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair Trouble, we want you to try a ja r of EAST INDIA H AIR GROWER. The k remedy contains medical properties that | go to the roots o f the Hair, rtimulatea the skin, helping nature do ita work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm o f a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful BUck Eye-Brows, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can be uaed w ith Hot Iron for Straightening. W. A. Neely was a pleasant caller at the Advocate office last week and paid for two years subscription. Come again, Mr. Neely. MORE «O U T CONTEST (Continued from Page 1 ) ill count a vastly greater number o f votes than if given during the last period— Help your favorite Now! Following are the names o f the few candidates nominated — listed alpha­ betically — together with all the votes cast for publication up until Thurs­ day night: Louie Abberts ______________ 49,200 Lillian B o lla r d ______________ 25,600 H. M. B r e e d o n ______________ 425,100 M. L. B r o w n __________________699,600 Mrs. Dennis Collins _______ 49,000 Catherine F a i r ________________ 16,700 Madelyn G ib s o n .._____________ 708,600 Geneva I v e y __________________602,900 W. R. L o v e ll__________________720,400 Alice M a rsh a ll____________ ...7 0 0 ,1 0 0 Merriman M a x w e ll___________ 420,800 Irene Patterson_______________ 680,800 Alice T im m s __________________700,900 Vernell Watson ______________ 540,900 Price Sent by Mail, 60 c ; 10 c Extra for Poataga » 0 8 X 7 * 8 OUTFIT 1 Heir Grower, I Tempi. O il. 1 Sham poo. I Pressing O il. 1 Face Cream and dtree- lion fo r aelling, H lie Extra for Poetae. — S. . . . 316 .. N. _* D . v i r / s * tcs L Y O N S _ A C 6 D tr& l D tD t. Y _ B Oklahoma City, Okla. LEARN TO PL A Y G OLF on the prettiest course in town Lit" I Tom Miniature Golf Course Com er Williams Ave. St McMillan St. Open every day until 12 midnight General Admission 15c Rosalie Bird. Ticket Seiler THE ADVOCATE — 313 Macleay Building — 2 8 6 Washington St. Nomination or Entry Biank for The A«Ivorate’ » “ Everyboily Win»” Cold . . . . and Automobile Election If you are ever going to do anything big for yourself - D O - IT - N O W ! For Further Information, Call or Phone or NX'rite THE ADVOCATE — 313 IHarleay Building— 2110 NX UMhinglon Stl Portland : : Oregon PHONE AT. 2536 GOOD FOR 5000 VOTES / hereby enter and cast 5000 votes for (M ISS) (M R S.) ( M R .) ............................................... ............................................................................ as a candidate in The Advocate’ s “ Everybody Wins” Prize Distribution o f Gold and Auto­ mobile. ADDRESS............................................................................................PHONE....................................... Note— Only one nomination blank accepted for each candidate nominated...........................