BURNII TO DEATH II HUSK THE ADVOCATE An In d ep en d en t IN TWO SECTIONS Voi. 27. IN«. .»I Paper D evo ted to th e In to ro ete of th e P e o p la PORTION!), OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 13. 1931 SECTION ONE PRICE FIVE CENTS LEADERS SEPARAT’D BY SMALL MARGIN VOTES STUDENTS PROTEST TO ALABAMA GOVERNOR H I FEW H E U PICKENS WRITES TRIBUTE LONDON TO HIS FATHER WANTS TO ELKS AL JOLSON PLAY THE LORD IN New York. June 5 William Pick- ena, Field S ecretary o f the N ation­ al Aaociation for the Advancement of Camlulut«'» Hit T o p S|M-i‘il in tluni|»iiifcii f o r H u d - o n C a r — Colored People, ia among a liat of well-known Americana who co n tri­ 1 4 ixt Hip Y ule O f f e r ( .I iini ' m T hin W eilnemla> Niplit bute each one chapter to a book e n ­ titled “ What ! Owe to My Father ul I 1 : (MB P. >1. Alno. C olli O ff e r Kmln! Columbia, 8. C. — (C N S )—June 9 T hr book ia puhliahed by H enry Holt — For the fira t tim e in its history & Co., w ith an introduction by Jam es W estm inster Abbey Friday waa the I M r--, . Illrf S, lint Executive of the (•rittinir t h r i r trt»th with abaoliit« eagerneaa, hoping and tru atin g th a t scene of services hold exclusively for «Irtrrfimmtion, cm niw U trs in T h r Ad- th eir choice may WWW uiider the Hoy Scouta o f America. fifty member» o f the newly-formed v i m Atr's c irc ula tion cam paign ami wire firat and lie acclaimed the cham ­ Isirtdon branch o f tha Elka of the frwt Rift tliHtrihution a r r go in g t o ­ pion of rham plona, the proud winner World. Wedneaday day a t top in t h r r a c r f o r the of a new lludaon car, Before the services the N egroes a s­ voting will lie the heavieat of the rn v rtv d vatu nhlr Rift». sembled in P arliam ent Square. The T hat ia our prediction. ThP gong sounds lit 11 o'clock cam paign. officers wore purple and w hite sashes. W ednesday night on th e 1> ir th ird W hat randniatea do now will tie p e r­ Many of the m em bers wore white period Vote nnd point schedule; the haps the g reateat aingle factor in duck trousers and blazors w ith P an ­ determ ining th eir atalua in thia cam ­ Inst I iir vote on New Subscription*. am a hats and one waa attired in even­ < ninpuiRii hr•adtiuartem will lx* paign w hether they end a victor or ing clothes. open until 11 o'clock W ednesday niRht finiah a» an “glao-ran." We believe Coral (iablea, Fla. Ju n e 10 (CN A) The sermon inside the Abbey was th a t no candidatea right to wait on candidate* and credit their thia tru e The careleaaneaa of a white p ris­ preached by the Rev. Frederick Lew­ votes and |*>inta and subscription», now have enough vote» to a»aure him on guard carry in g ignited dynam ite is Donaldson, Canon of W estm inster. or her of any aingle g ift in the liat. in a priaon van in which aome Negro on this iitiftortant schedule period W reaths were placed a t the graves of Karh and every g ift ia yet to be won priaonera were being taken to jail. and Huxton. 1 4111 Aeeulil|ilinll \A miller« and Wedneaday niglit will largely W ondrr* r a n In* a eo m p lis h rd be- The guard waa in charge of the keya Livingstone, M acauley, W ilberforce Rem em ber—each and every candi­ of the van im m ediately ran o ff and and Buxton. tw e en nnw ami closing tim e W cdncs- d a y night. V u th r pile up rapidly until date who inteiida to be an active the priaonera were left to ro ast to One of the larg est garlands was th e cloning ho u r T he n e x t and final p articipant in th r prixea and commia- death. placed on a sta tu e of A braham Lin­ week area th e » m a l l e t vote sched- aiona muat report by Wedneaday Several priaonera horribly burned coln outaide the Abbey in the square. ule of th e e n ti r e c a m p a i g n in effect. nig h t, June 17. were aaked to aign affid av its c le a r­ The London lodge ip a branch of T h e ie a n no final fa v o ra th e la*t ing the cow ardly guarda from all the Negro Elk order in th e United To llip Public week of the r a m p a ig n Help your favorite with your sub- blam e, th a t nothing will lie done to States. acriptioii thia week. Aa cloae aa the convict theae guarda o f m urder ia Kart* In lint S ever in thia aertion haa a r a r e of race now atanda. youra may be the aaaurred. a n y kind been ao rloae o r an holly deciding hunch of votea th a t will contested. Krienda aeem alm oat aa mean a amall fortune to your fav o r­ Remember your aupport now intereated aa r a m l i d a t r a them aelvea ite. and a re w a tc h in g w ith a n x ie ty and Continued on Page .1 Nashville, Tenn.— (C N S )—Ju n e 10 Dr. Henry Allen Boyd, prom inent B aptist leader and editor of the EIGHT CONDEMNED NEGRO BOYS IN JAIL; Nashville Globe, was defeated in the ASK N. A. A. C. V. TO DEFEND THEM Irvington-on-H udson, N. Y. (C N S) run-oof of the councilmanic race Ju n e 11 Villa Lewaro, the $300,000 here last T hursday. Bell his white mansion of the late Madame C. J. opponent poled 336 votes to 194 for I'iili-iis, P rrn rn l at lnt«-rvi<-w, D r iiim n m “ Ca»mmunial* W alker, will rem ain in the custody of Boyd. Boyd, who was running in an the w ealthy w om an's e sta te as the entirely N egro d istrict w as alm ost T a riim — N. A. A. (!. P. A tturnryg at result of the auction of the property certain of victory. A num ber of his here F riday. Madame W alker, who friends contended he was elected but C ourt I Ira ring. died May 25, 1919, lived in her coun­ the hoses who control the election try home less than eight m onths a fte r m achinery reverse the vote. itaro nstruction. New York, Ju n e f> (By N. A. A. C. before the Hoard of D irectors of the Mrs. W ilbur M ercier is reported 111 Van M ater Stilw ell, president o f the I*. Press Service) The eight Negro N. A. A. C. P. on Monday, and when at her home this week. C ontinental Loan and Savings A sso­ Imys condemned to death in Scotta- the a rran g em en ts are concluded the ciation of New York and one of the Imro. A labam a, are being re p re se n t­ a tto rn e y ’s name will be publicly an oldest practicing atto rn ey s in New Elkn A nnual Roal Excursion ed in court today by a tto rn ey s re ­ nounced. York C ity, offered the only bid, At the interview in Kilby Priaon at tained by the N ational A ssociation Ju ly 1, 1931 which he said was in behalf of an for the Advancem ent of Colored which both Mr. Pickens and th is a t­ unnamed client. Mr. Stilw ell opened torney were present, Mr. Pickens fe lt People. The N. A. A. C. P. will r e ­ the bididtig a t $.riO,lMHl but lost the ceive tonight telegraphic and long obliged to w arn the condemned boys property. F. B. Ransom, tru stee of distance reports o f proceedings in th at the Com m unists were seeking Madame W alker’s esta te , made the only to use them for th eir own pur- court and will prom ptly make thia poara. Speaking of the Comm unist only o th er bid, of $110,000, in behalf Inteat newa public. o f the estate. At an interview in Kilby Priaon, on tactics to the boys, Mr. Pickens »aid Mine. W alker amm assetl a fortune Mny 31, all eight boys In the pres- | in p a rt: through her invention o f h a ir tonic. "T h eir chief aim is to use you as a aencr of William Pickens, N. A. A. An organ in the residence is valued C. I‘. Field Secretary, aaked Ala- m eans for in terestin g colored pimple at $25,000. Only a lack of buyers hiitnn's forem ost crim inal law yer, re- in the Comm unist P arty , and in th at kept it from passing to o th er hands, Inini-d by the N. A. A. C. P., to defend they a re likely to m ake you a g re a t according to Benjam in Wise, the auc­ them . Final arran g em en ts with this sacrafice in A labam a—They have be tioneer. attorney and hia firm are to come Mr. Ransom said the estate m ight (( imlimu-il on Page 11 run the place as a hotel and Wise said he w as considering obtaining perm ission from the village o f Irv ­ ington to run It ns an a rt museum. The next chapter in the h istory of Villa lA*wnro will depend upon the a ttitu d e of Irv in g to n 's Board of Trustees. BURNED TO DEATH MME WALKERS MANSION GOES EOR $60.000 BOYD LOSES FOR COUNCIL POST Ä ' New York— (C N S) — Al Jolson, wel Iknown w hite comedian has gone serious and says he has all but bought the rig h ts of “The G reen P as­ tu re s" in which he desires to play the p art of the Lord in a screen version of the fam ous play which has been running on Broadway for over a year. W ithin recent years Jolson has be­ come fam ous as a player of “ Mam- mie” roles in the talkies. DR. ISAACS. PROMINENT IN THE BAPTIST CHORCH DEAD N ashville, Tenn.— (C N S) — The Rev. E. W. D. Isaac, secretary of the B. Y. P. U. of the N ational B ap tist Convention and editor of the N ash­ ville Clarion, died here last Sunday. Funeral services were conducted W ed­ nesday w ith Dr. L. K. W illiams, president of the N ational B aptiat Convention and several other prom i­ nent B aptist leaders present paying th eir respects to th eir deceased asso­ ciate. D r Isaac, who is 68 years of age, was born a t W askom, Texas. He was educated a t Bishop College. He taught school fo r several years later taking up the m instry. He was fo r years prom inent in B aptist circles in Texas before coming to Tennessee. NEGRO PRIZE WINNER 1HANKS 'GOO' FOR FORTUNE Boston, Mass. June 10— (C N A ) Joseph P. Kennedy, the N egro w ork­ er of Boston who suddenly found him self the possessor of $150,000 th ru his holding o f a ticket on the Irish Hospital Sw eepstakes, a ttrib u te s his luck to the w atchful care o f God over him. It would appear th a t the N egro • Continued on Page 3 IV.— SW-'f J f. Wit A,‘ . . . AT . . . EAST SEVENTY-SECOND STREET One anil One-llalf Miles South of Foster Hoail MONDAY NIGHT, JUNE 1 5 — R t 3 0 Srnilit- llo i J iiz 7 . O ivlicntra Ailini»»ion 11.15 Per Person w h i c h inrl iii lrn d a n c i n g iintl it npei iiil c h i c k e n i l i m i r r CHARLES R. REDD, Prop. REED » N T S London—