JUNE 6, 1931 The ADVOCATE THREE Theatres R. K. O. ORPHEUM PIVE-ROOM Bunglaow, til« floors. full attice and basement, furnace, garage— $1100 equity will sacrifice for $400 00 A. Piet sold, I3M Grand -N Classified Adv’ts New Time«, New Method« FOX BROADWAY FOR SALE f t "Women of All Nations" with Vic­ tor McLaglen, Ed Lowe, El Brendel Extra midnite show, Saturday at 11 i t UNITED ARTISTS Modem 7 room house; 304 E. First St. N. Call EAst imo . V % J ¿/ ¡ j POR SALE—4-roram houae with a sleeping porch and kitchenette. Semi-modem near thrae car Unaa Low price for quick sale. For Particulars phone EA- 886«—Adv. -i/ PARAMOUNT Clara Bow in "Kick In" and Fan- chon & Marco "Varieties” idea" with Stephin Fetcbit. ; íii! it . # I 4T . V . A nies front room « apartment, fa ml «bed ar ir tw* carlinas. —Adv. RIALTO FOX HOLLYWOOD Local New s Bob Robinson, U. of O. athlete has been selected as one of the three U of O men to represent the school in Chicago in the Interschaolastic track and field meet. Mrs. Martha Johnson ia improving at St Vincent hospital from a fall on a Sellwood car last hursday, May 28 which injured her back Big Votes End Wed. June 10th SEGONI) l»HIZE 8100 in (»ohi m in i) rui/.K GRAND C APITAL PRIZE 860 in Gold NEW LATEST MODEL HUDSON STRAIGHT “8 ” COACH VALUE 8 1 1S5 International News Reel MRS. M A R G A R E T H Y A T T At t h e W o r l d 's F a i r in C h i c a g o In 18(3, Mrs. H y a t t w o n r e c o g n i t i o n f o r h e r e x p e r t n e s s aa a t e l e p h o n e o p e r ­ a t o r . T im « « h a v e c h a n g e d t i n e » t h e n , a n d w ith t h e m , m e t h o d « a n d •q u lp m en t H e r a Mrs. H y a t t la show n operating a m odarn tele­ p h o n e s w i t c h b o a r d in L o t A n g e l a s , w h i t h e r eh« w e n t l a e t fall t o a t t e n d a n e t t i n g of t h e T e l e p h o n e Plo- n - ; -v* A m erica. SóC) in (»old 810 in Gold CASH ! A special fumi of $.100 hai b « n »ri a»id» to br diitrlb. utvd in (hr furm of salariea among attiva non-prita « in ­ nari on a 10 par cani baiii. Think of it! ona-lanth of all ■ubirriptioni you secure gor» Into your porkat—if you fall to win a priia. Thi» A n u r a i Companiallon t» all Candidala«! -announees- That She will do residential work PHONE SE. 3 4 1 0 shampooing, pressing, bobding, marcelling round curling, manicuring, eye^jrov? arching facial massaging. 12 yrs. experience Zion's Barbecue on Decoration day was a splendid success. Everything was sold out, Merriman Maxwell of Salem, bar­ becued the meats. from anti Will II«- on Dinplav at GRIMM. SCHNEIDER AND BACON Portland, Oregon Clmirr of Cttlor Miss Nellie Franklin, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lillard came up yes­ terday from the U. of O. at Eugene to attend the Joymakers Revue. They are with Miss Franklin at the family resi­ dence, 1403 E. Davis Street. -----------0----------- One Cent a Day Pays U p to $100 a M onth CAMPAIGN NOTES W ednriday night, Junr 10, promptly al IS o’clock, Ihr big »acond period of voir» |[ia i out of effect forever Double importance »hould be attached to work done by the end of thi» period If you expect to be a big prire win­ ner, you muxl take full advantage of the few remaining hour» of the big vote cam|>aign Here'» a point the Campaign Man­ ager ha* been wanting to make for •everal day» if you are a candidate you are held re»pon»ible for your luc­ re»» in the eye» of the world You may "pa»» the buck” to your own satiifaction but in the eye» of the great outside you win or loir through YOUR effort». You are judged finally by your campaign Rr»ult» are all that count. A »ubicription to The Advocate ii an investment, not an expense, Thru the idvertiiement» alone, the purchaser save» many time» the price in a year Today no one ha» anything won. It ii anybody'» race at the pole—a neck and neck affair. If any candi­ date has any idea in hi» or her head that he or »he ¡» "sitting pretty" in the car class, the Campaign Manager advises them to awake and rub their eyes There is a fable about the hare and the tortise, you know FOR RENT—Neatly furnished, newly decorated 5-room bungalow, reason­ able. Phone Mrs Charles Stanton, Wa. MRS.M. REDMOND Mrs. Bert Turner who underwent an operation at Emanuel hospital Thursday of last week is improved but not per­ mitted to have company yet TllltKK HUNDRKD IN FOR RENT—Newly famished, at­ tractive modern apartment *71 Hal- »«y Street. Call Elmer Flower«. EAst 8817—Adv. Rooms for Rent—953 E. 14th S t , N., The Sunday Journal of May 24 car­ Phone Trnity 8754—adv. Lee Roy Blackburn received the ried a cut and write-up of Gordon sad intelligence of the passing of his Thomas along with a group of boys The Sun Cafe, open day and night— only sister in Pueblo, Col. He has from the Albina Homestad School gone to attend her funeral Gordon ia the son of Mr and Mrs. Chinese and American cooking, at 122 J H. Thomas of Seventh Street. Williams Are. Phone Lnacaster 1882 Luther C. Wilson has moved from PATRONIZE OUR H t Interstate Avenue to 3.10 Halsey St. J. D. Emery, Mgr.—Adv. ADVOCATE AGENTS Mrs. Alice Hayes of Seattle who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jack Henderson, in Portland will leave early next week for home. Mrs. Henderson and children will accompany Mrs. Hayes for a visit of several weeks duration. 3oautician of M em p h is Tenn. Miss Margaret Mosley was a pleasant | caller at The Advocate office Tuesday of this week. F i m i l’RlZE POR RENT—Larga Pumiahed R oom . $300 Par Week, t i l Root Street. EAst 7*78—Adv 2231.— Adv. Mrs. Henrietta Marshall of Ogden, formerly of Portland is expected here on the 11th of the month to look after some business. FOl'RTII PRI/E I 1U L SECOND PERIOD VOTE SCHEDULE May 2 8 to June 10 Til«* Following Number of Vote» Will Be Given on Subscription» 1- Year— If N ew .. 30,000 If O l d ....................... 10,000 2- Year— If N e w ... 61,000 If O l d ....................... 21.000 3- Year— If N ew ...120,000 If O ld ...................... 60,000 A special Ballot—good for 100,000 extra votes — will lie issued on every eluli of $12 turned in on subscrip­ tions. The club may be composed of small or large subscription» totaling $12. 1003)00 Ex t r a V o t e s Will Be Giv«>n With Every Club of $12 Turned In CAMPAIGN NOTES Are you one of those "alibi" artists who would rather provide a make­ shift alibi than really try? There are many, many subscription» to be had thi» week Why, candidates from the other side of town are getting sub­ scriptions right from your next door neighbor That’s true, too. Are you simply "picking" passing up nine out of ten chances, or are you really try­ ing to help yourself. Over confidence is the biggest handi­ cap under which any candidate can work This unwelcome handicap has caused more regrets than anything in a campaign of this kind. The only way to become a winner i» to »pend every possible minute getting subscrip­ tions. Perseverance is the only winning quality. If a candidate ever expect» to do anything real for himself or herself in this race, it is reasonable to expect that he or she will make the effort between now and 12 o'clock, Wednes­ day night, June 10. As close as the race no wstands. a few subscription» may be the deciding factor. Your votes, Mr. Reader, may be the deciding factor in helping some candi­ date achieve victory or a small fortune in this campaign Will you refuse to Help Your Friend NOW? 2 0 ,0 0 0 Extra Votes Will Be Given for Eaeli Year of it New Subscription Turned in Before June 10! THE EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER Will Promote » Pull Growth of Hair. Will also Restore the Strength, Vitality and the Beauty of the Hair. If your Hair ia Dry and Wiry, T r y - The Postal Life and Casualty In­ surance Co., 9132 Moriarty building, Kansas City, Mo., ia offering a new accident policy that pays up to $100 a month for 24 months for disability and $1,000 for deaths—coats less than 1 cent a day—$3.50 a year. Over 68,000 already have this protection. Men, women and children, ages 10 to 70, eligible. Send no money. Simply send name, address, age, beneficiary's name and relationship and they will send this policy on 10 days’ F R E E inspec­ tion. No examination ia required. This offer is limited, so write them today. E aSt If you are hvtbored whh Falling Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair Trouble, we want you to try a jar of EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. The 1 remedy contains medical properties that [ Ro to the roots of the Hair, stimnlateo the skin, helping nature do ita work. Leaves the hair aoft and silky. Perfumed with a balm of a thousand flower». The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye Brow», alaa restores Gray Hair to iu Natural Color. Can ba with Hot Iron for Straightening. "All strength unless dedicated to the weaker becomes destructive.”—Keith Price Sent by Mail, 80c; 10c Extra for Footage Please Pay Your Subscription Mr. and Mrs. G. N. White have re­ turned from a trip to Centralia, W n, where they went to visit Mrs. Nelson Rradford who was injured in an auto accident Wednesday May 20. 1 O ll. O il. tion f e r A US.N VS O U T F IT H a ir G row er, 1 Tem ple I Sham poo. I P rem in e I Paee C ream a n d d ire r fo r eellln c, » tt e B x tre “ IT M G S ill BANISHED BT AimSEmC 2EM0 If itching, burning akin makes lift unbearable, quickly apply Zemo, the soothing, cooling. In viable family antiseptic. Thousands find that Zemo brings swift relief from Itching, helps to draw out local infection and re­ store the skin to normal. For 20 yean Zemo haa bean clearing up skin, re­ lieving pimples, rash and other akin irritation». Never be without it. Sold »Ttryw bara—88c, 60c and f 1.00. India Hair Grower S. D. LY O N S 316 H. Central D ept B Oklahoma Oity, Okla. L E A R N T O PL A Y G O L F on the prettiest course in town Lit”/ Tom Miniature Golf Course Corner Williams Ave. A McMillan S t Open every day until 12 midnight General Admission 15c Rosalie Bird Ticket Seller THE ADVOCATE — 313 Maeleay Building _ 286 Washington St. Nomination or Entry Blank for The Advoeate’a “Everybody Win»” Gold . . . . and Automobile Eleetion If you are ever going to do anything big for yourself - D O -IT-N O W ! For Further Information. Gall or Plume or Write THE ADVOCATE — 313 Maeleay Btiibling 2B(> Washington Stt Portland : : Oregon PHONE AT. 2536 GOOD FOR 5000 VOTES / hereby enter and cast 5000 vote» for (MISS) (MRS.) (M R.)..................................................... ........................................................... 8 9 a candidate in The Advocate’s “Everybody Wins” Prize Distribution of Gold and Auto­ mobile. ADDRESS................................................................................... PHONE................................. Note—Only one nomination blank accepted for each candidate nominated........................