THE ILLUSTRATED FEATVRK SECTION— May 23. 1D3I 7 Fiery Bill Cost Costoni, on, Arm y Chaplain Threatened to Burn Minneapolis . c I ..IIC a n t e s « • O f 1 ,0 1 (1 * p . l l l i s l t t«» V\ i l l \ f \ •> i i -i i *** cleared away, an half doaen ’ ti- reformat ed boys lit eteran Ixeatls I .ike Mpanlards weie dead and several Cu- South Carolina separated in Its mun- agement from the management ol W ild West Romance, Rescued Colored S o l-, ‘J*M ch“Unj wounded. General Wood placed my regim ent'the state penitentiary and to have diers from Firing Squad. Punched Drunken under arrest and took several Into this reformatory changrd Into a re- Quartermaster. Advertised in Charleston, thr rtty of Rant la go and confined form school under semt-eolored man- them In flu* Handle. agement. Woik hour*, school hours S.C., Daily Papers that Cole lilease and Ben Two of this number were court- ami play hours were established for I illman were I raitors and Ought to he Shot. marlialed and convicted and sen- th* boys then there and those who' mantled the Immediate prc e rn e of the Commanding Officer, who came and attempted to protest that I had no business there as the "leading col­ ored citizens" had promLved that If they were permitted to have a morn­ ing service, that they would not a t­ tend the afternoon celebration I protested that there could por- slbly be no legal authority for such an agreement and demanded that the Marinerà should be withdrawn and the black people, a.aembled there, be privileged to enter. The Marine* were withdrawn, the black peop'e en­ tered and participated with the others In the enjovment peculiar to those privileged to be waembled with their dead tenced to br ihot upon such evidence would unfortunately be corralled there a* only a black man can br convicted. L n the iulurc Boys from five years | Wild -B lIP Coftton, of Philadelphia. .Spanish American Wtu rhuplain and that only In the Soufch 1 tQ*jold up had been confined there prior« luu a life alory that read* hkr a » n t r m romance For l i t e r courage In • ! lervenrd. to this event. In conditions worse ■ n o r h itli I the*.r men were not rliot tiian those that uttended the care of Heady either to Agftlt or preach, he has p**- j I wua instrument» I in getting them the swine of the state. lorrd churches in Minnesota, Iowa, Maryland, ■ home in iron*, but living. They were W ou ld S h o ot K l r i s r Ohio, PrnnajrlYAiUi, South Carolina and ! diachargcd at Camp Meade. Pa. tn 1917 the Honorable Meters. Ben- j Canuda. Here U hU Punched Drunken Captain jainln Tillman, then U S Senator,! **tay the c ity °o f'u m iie - 1 Fn roulc h,,me ,n d on the « “ v* rn- Manning, the Governor of the State. I mrnt army transport I wa* placed spoits. Minn , In the under arrest because I resented to the nnd Cole Blease, late Senator from year WIM. n member of captain quartermaster his Insulting, that state published through the ’ the church I wus then newspapers of the state that Negroes and bestial drunken serving sliot u while humiliating diould not be trained for the U S " « « . « » * „ ,r liu -ItT ! ~ « J « t in th . of R , wives ™ ^ .‘ ^ '^ m n n 'e s T f “ he replied w d e U'u b .m r*| !Uo c la k ' ■ ‘ >i replied that he did 8 u t* of the Charleston Carollna 1 Morning Tt^ through AM Tin' morning pa- nu« * n<>* J* « , » ' ,,r American that these gentlemen were ■ however i * r l , l l o r s * n t * that the time was not j - ' opportune for the inching of race j against race and that should I be 1 V * r ^ C 'given a detail of soldier* I would: order to whiles ^ T t h e men r^ m e ^ ‘ “ J i and . „ them .. f|v be . shot . , The , man and that when he . discovered «rowing bv oi tlR' c,ty T to lynch me . wM apprem tuled he ' *nform ^ ,he then Secretary of would at once be ... War. Hon Newton Baker, of the slt- lynched. 7“ thrn " fctorMl ,0 uatlon that surrounded me and the Would Burn Minn ‘ _ , „ , , occasion for It. I was not molested. K io a in a Ml* relation Reform* Reformatory black men were trained In South to mv church and yiat ln 1013 1 * " 10 lI,r lM*<"rate of Carolina and I am aUve In 1931. of In* wife, because 1 South Carolina Conference of oui Not Barred from N a ll Cemetrrv had a few weeks prior church A guard at the penitentiary In 1919 Dr. E H Colt and I were to this time married »hot nnd killed an elght-yrar-old Invited to participate In the memorial them. I published tn the «*jy I resented hi* murder and said services to be held at the city of same paper that some through the papers at Charleston Beaufort, SC., and in the National colored women were 8 C ., thut the art was wanton mur- Cemetery located ln that approachable nnd that ’ m>'' CHECKS C O L D S OVERNIGHT Because It’s Double Strength You don't have to suffer days ami maybe week* before vour cold is finally stopped. Just take St. Jo eph':'Lax-ana ( double strength > nnd ret overnight result*. This te.dod prescription is famous e v ­ erywhere fo r th# quick, sure way it breaks up .«tuffy head cold» ai.d deep-seated colds which make vou feel ilisry, weak and "achy." St j o - repii’s La ana (double strength) combine* best cold medicines known to science together with city We; laxatives. Your drug­ gist .veils r-'t.Joseph's' I-ax-ana on a money-back guarantee. What Magnifying Glass Reveals About • ----------------------------------------------------- -------- Moat lie S p a n I a r d s, after finding him bv shooting him. The report of one of the nirmbeis of my regiment the rifle shot was heard within our alone In a sutler* rantcen. murdered regimental line*. When the smokr l i c k nows His Chinese EP ID ER M IS S T A G N O S IS Show s S k in In U n h e a lth y C o n d itio n t n d S t t g n o t t d b y For- in addition, there are »mailer col­ C . — lections of Syrian. Armenian and Berry Armstrong Clnytor ¡ a F.ihloplan. second in command of n Mr. Claytor makes no pretensions division in the Library of at being n scholar of Oriental lan­ t ’onjrress which houses the guage*. The wuv he goes about his largest collection of Oriental work amazes Chinese scholars, who come from all part* of the world to literature found outside of the study In the Library of Congress. Hr < Iriciil. lias a method unknown to the most learned Chinese scholar* In classify­ ing Chinese characters He deter- eliaractrr Instantaneously, whereas mines the number of strokes In n the average Chinese scholar has to count them on his fingers. Mr Claytor was born some thirty | years ngo In Raleigh N O , from which place he came to Washington. early school life wa* •■la-nl at lu m p - ! loll lii tltute. In 1918 Mr. Claytoi was appointed to a minor poslllon In the Library of Congress. HU nptttudc I for Uic work nnd his genial person- i nllty soon won him favor with h is 1 superiors, and he has, step by step, j moved up to Ills present position. Mr. Clnytor studied law at Howard University, and ln 1921 graduated with honor*. He la married nnd has two rhtld- dren, nnd resides at 1515 8 Street, n w , Washington, DU. W I a sm I N < ; t < i n * D . ENGLISH ITERRY ARM STRO NG Cl-AYTOR IVord Or ( in Misused Do not say, "She Is the most charm­ ing girl I ever met." Say, "have Thin rnlli'ctlon contain* more than ever. 10,000 Clilnciu- «m l J lfU M H inn n u - crlpta nd book*. Ward O ften Mispronounced Among them may be found the Drama. Pronounce first a as In Yung Iai U tlcn, which 1» generally arm’’ (not as lit "a t), second a as In "ask." conaldred the world* largest and In Milne respects most valuable book. It Synonyms nnelnntlly contained 11,005 volumes, mid It required 2,500 scholar« to com­ Particular, separate, spedile, Indi­ pile It. vidual, respective, especial. e ig n Im p u ritie s lu eh t t B l t e k h t t d t , P im p lt i, t n d B lo l t h t t . No O n « It [ t e m p t from T h lt A m t r i t t n C o n d itio n . P t l m t r ’t T r t t t m t n t P r o d u c t s A m t tin g R t i u l t t l Take « m agnifying g i«ts- «sam inc your tk in It - lo o k lo r epiderm is il iy n o m . You will b« shocked I No on« i i «■empt Iron* tfclo A m erican tk in co n d itio n . M iH iont k««« it without kno w iny It, «nd their bceu ty It d e ttro y td . Epiderm is it « « n o tit com et Iro n the lo od you cot and the foreign im purities In the eir you breethe. It m eent that the outer la yer o l th in it In e ila te o l tta jn e tio n , resulting Iro n c lo n e d p o res. W h en the p o rct «re c lo n e d they cannot perform their natural lu n clio n o l evacuating the jr e a t e t which com« to the tk in from other p a rt! o f the b o d y . N either can the p o rc t b reath e, which im pairs th eir freedom in absorbing the vitalising elem ents o l the a ir. Such a con­ dition brings b la ck h e a d t, pim ples, blotch es, and more se ri­ ous d is o rd e rs , it ruins the tk in teeture and d estro ys beauty. fo r years Palm er's " S k in S u c c e s s " Treatm ent has p ro ­ duced «m ating results in the most ad van ced c a t c i of e p i­ derm is tla g n o tis. It not o n ly rem oves the condition but refines the tk in teeture - m akes it toft and beautiful, revital­ ises it end lea ves you looking years young«rv This rem arkable treatm ent it com posed of an ointm ent, a whitening crcam lan d a to ap . The o in tm rn l gently le a p t thru the outer la y e r of tk in , puri­ fies and lighten! it and co rrects tk in d is o rd e rs , the whiten­ ing cream (lia u ld ) penetrates the pores and draws from the deepest fecial crevices every particle of d irt, pow der and g re e t« # the to a p retto rcs a youthful co m p le tio n , brings you lo velin ess and preserves It. Sold at leading drug stores. Palmer't ' Skin Success" Ointment . . . ,2 5 c ) C O M P L E T E Palmer's "Skin Success" Soap . . . . . . .2 5 c y T R E A T M E N T Palmer't "Skin Success" W K ite n in j Cream 25c ) 75c Fam ily s ite o l Palm er's " S k in S u c c e s s " O intm ent — containing about sie tim et regular s i t e —7Sc. V (S O L I LICEN SED E. T. BROWNE DRUG CO., INC. 127 WATER STREET NEW YORK CITY