The Advocate I Clean Fiction I H u m an Interest I « Features • l i « Us MS »•ascesa »4 , A lffilM s i ••st*«salktU« THK II.I.UNTKATKI» KKATURK SUCTION — May 1«, ly hri r<.)H lhe>. don 1 "Oh. I guess not. Bolton You’ll n w Man beuuie.1 and cost a aur - P *r any attention 1» Oil* man He do well to go on your way I'm not glance at Holton Hr opened B an lm|ioalor and I know hU game Just ready lo arttle matter* with you c r r u u ii«: hU coal to display a badge which he Me came In on Ihe » m e Icaln 1 dIJ. yet. but ir you aggravate I lie xltua- a* quickly covered "T h l* Isn't any and shadowed me In the Bouth ail a ii of yowra." lie mumbled lo ‘T h at's all right, deal, but he U 1 lion I'll change my mind." * "W ho In ttie liell do you think you Foe Tr»«¿ JV are. an yw ay!" Bolton hissed, a* lie , doe to M -i made a move to reach Into hU pocket. But the big m*n was not quick enough, and he looked Into live mux- alc ol ttie gun Thro held on him r n li . 1 MM ol you that makes a move U a goner," Ttieo warned, a* Marcia returned (ram the ptione booth About two hour* after eating many*remained the standard with ptiy- H o lt .m A rm lrd people suffer from sour stomachs xicians lor more than 50 year*. It lx the quick method Results It wk* only a bhort while until They call It Indigestion. » I t means It lx the Brown and Kearns entered Ihe cafe that the stomach nerves have been come almost Instantly approved method. You will nevet and took charge o l Holton and III* over-stimulated. There t* excess use another when you know. companion. A large automatic re­ acid The way to correct It 1» with Be sure to get genuine Phillips volver wa* Inund on Bolton, and he an alkali, which neutrall/rs many Milk of Magnesia prescribed by war booked on charge* o l carrying time* Its volume In acid physicians for over fifty years ic concealed weapon* Ttie right way Is Phillips' Milk of correct excess acid*. 25c and 50t Taking Brown aside. Thro made Magnesia just a tasteless liquid; bottles—any drugstore Look for the hi* request, then returned to Marcia •Iraxant. efficient and harmless. name Phillip* on the wrapper anc to partake ol their long delayed meal. But it kills excess acid* It Its * 1 bottle. When they had Itnlshed, Thro escort­ ed M am a out to a cab and they were driven rapidly lo hi* home, where T h e o * mother greeted Marcia with the love which had continued lo grow lot her Theo railed Harry Bruce by phone, then turned to the two women Mother, I'm going bark to the |K>- llce station. You are appointed Mar cla'a temporary guardian until neat Thursday. T ill* U her new home, and she Is entirely In your hand*." Theo laughed and rinbratrd the two wo­ men. "And, ton. she'll be well guarded.* lighter in tone, smontlier and k O N 'T ('•>! ar.niml witli "Don't worry, dear. I have no de­ Il .inno Modelle» Itoseli boiler in tcktuie. sire to go any place until this trou­ amie Uso Nadir*>1» Itloarli aitilo I M id i uggnt scan y N .idux >1« ble Is over, and I'll be perfectly iute C reai« ki*>wn for ycar* in tegular sire at 50c and « happy and ronlenl to stay right here lite Mene li tliat rc.tllv tra largo m oney saving sire at with mother “ Marcia smiled a* he l>le.u li,-* and piliiftoa (he skin. held her lightly. "But you lie caie- $1.00. l ull d irection s and (ul and don't form the habit o( stay­ Nadunila IMe.icliing Crcam m oney hack guarantee with ing away from home It won't last can’ t l»r dtiplicated fot restili* c v o iy j . ii l i your diuggisi long." I«cause Ilio aeciot Nadinola can 't supply, take no sulwii Hack at the police htatlon Theo lute, send m oney and we will formula can't In* unitalcd. found much activity, even at that mail to you | tost paid wil Ills ink N.lliuig <•!-*• Hiies so mia li -id treasured Is aul y secrets. very early hour in the morning Sev­ In Itglilen ilio A iii soi|tiu Iti), eral squad car* left the place with Ytulirto l i i r r f t f w l r r nine or full Instruction». The officer In ao siiioly. S i r n . u r l l m i .»dr. N. • i »ml l»>< charge called Theo to his side, pinned I it i> i < . i l l | t ( i n ( N » In s I i ■■ l*USli|e*t Si irltimixhl witli N.idniol.i a detective badge on hi* vest, and 1« " • I t r t t 'i l u M j u n r lb > a is 'e k A' ttlciching (.‘team and walclt authorised him to carry a revolver itu iM H l i I t y m i l l | k ia l| M id N i I t » t u ilr t l iiit p t n y , 1 *1 1 ». T r im li.nv ynur Cotti) ile »HK1 R io n i T o the last .»gjuad ol officers, includ­ ing ltrown and Kearns, ho detailed Ills order*. ‘ You are In charge o f Ashton, to whom la due I lie* clews and evidence we have to work on follo w out Ills order.* and co-»|ieiate with him In every particular." Turning to Theo. tie continued. Ashton, bring In every character that ha* been mixed up in (hla deal, and go the limit hi round­ ing them up. That means every­ body. Now go and do the Job up right. The other squads have all Tsvn In-tructed as to what to do." I'» «'* Plare Itaidcd N o O ne Is E xem pt From This A m e r i t m Skin Condition. Rums In tin* big squad car with Theo and j Com plexions and Demoralizes Texture. Palmer's L A S T INSTALLM ENT 'I T ' Whiten your skin I vitti this famous bleach l|O U iy.n When Food SOURS ü ü lk U L S I liave I tim e to use M u m C’M idinola ‘Bleaching Gm m Beauty Is Destroyed By EP ID ER M IS STAGNOSIS 11 Treatment Products Amazing Results I t pllerm -. %tignot