MJURED WHEN CARS Hll THE. A D V O C A TE An IN TWO SECTIONS Voi. 27 Nu. 27 Indapandcnt P »p«r Devoted to the Interest* of the People PORTLAND, OIOGON, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1931 SEÍTION ONE PRICE FIVE CENTS 668,000 COLORED CITIZENS SIGN DRY PLEDGE NOT TOO LATE FOR BIG OPPORTUNITY VOTES L ib erian Ju n gles CARS CRASH SENDS TOUR CARTER WOODSON HITS i 10 P. M. WEDNESDAY, MAT 13TH INJURED TO HOSPITAL SNAG WITH LEADERS I- B e in g C le a r e d In YOUNG POLK IN INJURED MARKS END OE AUTO MISHAP TY VOTES: NOT TOO LATE TO ENTER H u n t For R ubb r ('Uranium, N I I . May 7 (C N S)— Dr Clarence True \Vilx>n »ay. 666,900 GERMAN SCULPTOR BELIEVES NEGRO PERFECI ARI IVPE in the South have »iirneil |>lc and officers of Howard University. over a lug »ty, ami "Flight,* which ( mcitUMh, Ohm. M i l ) 7 Joe I horn i h r best described a» a Negro Madon­ aw, mint »it hi the electric chair in na study. < >hio i»cnitc!iti«r) not t»» he electro | cuted. hut to imue *»n hi» narrow r* GEORGIA ELKS CLOSE SESSION cape from .the chair, Judge Dennis Ky AT SAVANNAH John Moore, third of thirteen Port­ an ruled »Saturday ACQUITTED Thouta» wan charged with a»»au1t Tulice »aid hr »tahhed a man near the heart, hut the victim recovered Thonia» alwo muwt werved a year in the priwon > HE LIKES TO FATHER SEEKING COLORED YOUTH HOUSE BOY. 19. ADMITS KILL­ Medford. Oregon, M»y 9—Traveling ING MAN AND W IFE »how people have alway« attracted Mr. W ater Valley, Mi»«. May 6 (AP) Sheriff Doyle announced today that Sam (irern, 19. N'rgro hm i.r boy, had conl(»»rd »laying W II Wagner, m er­ chant and hanker, and hi. wife. Mr* Mamie Wagner, in their home here Monday night Sheriff Doyle »aid Green named »ev- eral N’egroc* and thrrr white men a. having been implicated in ihr killing of the «4-year-old bll.ine»» leader and hi. wife, who were »truck down with an ax Rtibhen Baker, 31 year old Colored youth, and perhaps he could not re.i.t the one which played in Berkeley, Cal, April 7, for he