The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, May 02, 1931, Page 4, Image 8

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T H E I L L U S T R A T I !! ) F E A T U R E S E l 'T I O N — M A Y
2 ,
l'U ’. l
C o n tin u i
fro m
r t| t
by A r t Naylor
room » ilh rrrolrrri k t r N »I thr relative lo her whereabouts We hat« rr may not mean anything.
Hut I
two occupants.
run down every bit of evidence, ami j think you ought to know. Just the
As Thru Ashluil tttttl Harry Bruce
With hands raised. Oliver and his have succeeded In defeating some ct | same. You see. dear, I remember that
watched. through (he wliKlow from a
visitor watched one of the bandits the underlying motives of the priori- It has been my big boy who has fur-
thicket. Holton's entertainment by :
seise the package of money and the pats in this strange chain of Ind- nlshed all tlie clues already. Any-
the alluring tinner of (he beautiful
documents. They were ordered to dents. But what good Is all that un- how, for several days there has been
half-caste Chinese girl, two figures1
V O W t lO ON W I T H I HI t r u g t
remain Inactive for thirty minutes, less we find Marcia? She may br a strange man loitering about here,
had advanced upon their position,1
and warned that the wires had been ■ dead by now," he complained.
aiut I have bren watching him
and a stern voice rominamled their
cut. But when the three masked men | "No. no. son! She Is not dead O ld i latticed he appeared each day about
hands to be raised.
turned to leave the room, they fared j la too good to permit that. You'll j the time for the postman to arrive
Complying with the order. Thro ,i ring of rules and revolvers held by
find Iter, but you must br patient
"When the postman arrived this
.tttd Harry faced about with a sigh of 1 police and detective.
You must remrmbrr that Ihr whole afternoon hr rang the bell, arat It Was
■ relief when Theo discovered, by a re- |
Not a shot was fired and no com­ thing Is subtle and deeply laid '*
t iily a few moments before I went to
i .lection from the window, that their
motion entailed in the quirt rapture | " lit say It Is It s too rlrep for me. Ihe door, and I ruught tills man at
i captors were Ills friends, detectives of the (l.v/rtl bandits They were dts- !
Ihr box. Hr was very polite, amt
and even Uie sltrrwdrsl of the p* Itee. lagged pardon for looking In Hie
Kearns and Brown
armed, unmasked and hamt-rufTrd. so far ”
wrong box, but I am positive tiieo,
'W hat are you doing here?' asked: and the entire rrtinue. eseept Thro, i
Well, let me tell you wltlU I think
Dniee. Kearns and Brown, vanislird of it, of a trivial Incident which m ay1
Kent ns In a v. hlsprr.
C o n t i n u i t i o l i l'agr f i c h i -
at the rear, while the neighbors were I
The Scrne of I'utslon
left In Ignorance of the incident.
And while Thro rapidly related i
H unten B rlia ve Strangely
\ what he had discovered, the four men President Oliver, stunned by thr
watched the roncludtng performance l holdup mid Its subsequent results,
i f the dancer. As she censed her con- grasped Thro In his arms when in­
i tortious she swayed toward Bolton, formed how his activities, minus Ihr
i who sprang up and received her body , | part played by his own wife, hod
] In his arms. With a gesture and a 1 saved hint from possible ruin. "I
I smile of utter abandon, the strangr won t forget (his, TltcuOorr, mul gen­
As we grow older the bowels become 1 girl slipped her arms about her com tlemen. you tire lo be congratulated
more sluggish. They don't get rid of l panion's shoulders and returned the on the brave manner In which you
all the waste. Some days they do not . barrage of kisses he rained upon her have handled this affair You will all
move at all. So older people need to red lips. The lights went out. and soon feel (hr result t-f my gratltiulr
As he left with Bmcr and the de­
watch their bowels constantly. Only the scene of passion was enshrouded
tective-., Thro noticed the tense siwl
by doing this can they hope to avoid m darkness.
faces of Clarice and Ethel,
A shoit consultation between (he
the many forms of sickness caused
four watchers brought a decision that who. having becomr aware of some
by constipation.
When your bowels need help re­ Bolton should be unmolested In his 'i*.usual Incident, were prrrhetl upon
'tie stairway.
member a dcctor should know what love tryst, and should be permitted
at U h ' poller station, one of
Is best for them, and get a bottle of to proceed with the plans He wits ,ie Bark
bandits proved to be thr same
Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin from left In tile deserted colony to enjoy whom Thro hail raptured dunng the
your drugstore. Syrup Pepsin Is a 1 the rapture of his charmer.
Bark in the city, Theo and Harry first holdup. The men was sullen.
doctor s prescription for lagging bow­
discussed the plans with thr officers t.t d apparently disgusted. Ills »**o-
els. good for all ages. were the same two who had
No restriction of habits or diet Is for a coup on the night following, j . .raped. Tile three were ordered held
If you want to lighten and brighten your akin, and clear
necessary while taking Syrup Pepsin. ' and all thr details had been arranged l,.ConHiiunieudo and sent to thr third
up those ugly bumps, pimples, mole discolorations or ecremic
Made from fresh, laxative herbs, pure
degree room.
Man la's Absence a Mystery
pepsin and other valuable ingredients
Shortly thereafter another detail,
irritations— start using Genuine Black and White Ointment
It Is absolutely safe. It will not gripe,
It was long after midnight when including Thro. Harry, Kearns and
sicken or weaken you.
rtmi finally reached home He slip­ Brown, slipped away from the station
Skin Soap today.
Take a spoonful next time your ped Into the house to avoid disturb­ and city, Into thr silent country night
tongue is coated, or you have a bad ing his methpr, and lay awakr. a prey At eleven o clock the big car arrived
This world-famous skin treatment clears up bumps and
taste In your mouth. It clears up a to his own apprehension. One ques­ (lose to Bolton's country home. De­
bilious, headachy, dull, weak, gassy tion cor.tiquallv revolved In his mind tective Brown, In disguise, approached
pimples as if by magic.
It fades out discolorations.
condition every time. When you see — where was Marcia? True, hr had the house and hts summons was an
how good it tastes and how nice It i gained possession of clues to vtllain- swered by J. Francis Bolton, who el id
brightens your complesion— makes it fairer and lighter than
acts, you'll know why Dr. Caldwells ! ous plats, but not a thread could hr I not .nstst upon hts entry.
fondest dreams ever hoped for.
Syrup Pepsin Is the world's most grasp that might Irad to thr myslrry
‘"the boss sent this.' Brown mut­
oopular laxative for every member of ' of her whereabouts.
tered thickly, handing (tie owner a
Thousands of women, men, boys and girls who suffered
!h: family.
| At six o clock the following evening, package.
Theo met the detectives and Harry at
"How did It come out?" Belton
dark, bumpy, blotchy skin— who were unpopular and
the police station, where the details asked cautiously.
Da.W. B. C a i o » t e i »
of their plan was perfected, and be­
"Damn tough break but come
unattractive 'now have clear, smooth, light, bright skin be­
fore eight, the Oliver home waa se­ through all right, Ootta beat It bark
cretly guarded A few momenta after now."
cause they use Genuine Black and White Ointment and Skin
right a stranger, evidently a traveler,
“Good work, old man. The boss will
A Doctor's Family Laxahv*
Soap. A clear, light skin can be yours, too— easily, safely,
arrived In a taxi, rnterrd and was fix you up,' Bolton promised as Ihe
greeted by the insurance head at the messenger turned to leave and dis­
quickly. Just ask your druggist for the 50c package of
! floor.
appeared Into the darkness.
Behind drawn shades in the living
H a lf-C a ste G irl M asquerade*
Genuine Black and White Ointment (it contains three times
room the stranger and O lnrr con­
It was close to midnight when two
versed for a short time, and then the
as much as the 30c size) and a big, 25c bar of Genuine Black
j stranger, opening the grip he had cars arrived at the cottage. Edward
and White Skin Soap. Be sure to ask for the original and
carried, extracted a package of bills,
which he counted out to the amount but the second car contained a driver
genuine Black and White brand.
of ten thousand dollars, to Oliver, airtl another passenger, who entered
j While the president recounted the the house with Terry. The passenger
money, the stranger scrutinized sev­ was Fuo Chang, and he was greeted
eral legal documents which Oliver had warmly by Bolton and the strange
surrendered to him, and was about Chlneae girt, who was attired In a
to place these In his grip when three ravishing negligee Drinks were served
If your skin is dark, coarse and rough— covered with
masked men suddenly entered the and Terry, ogled by the girl, wa* de­
lighted to be left alone with her
bumps, pimples or eczemic irritations— simply do this: First
when Foo Chang accompanied Bet­
cleanse your skin with the rich, pearly lather of Genuine
tor to another room
With the return of the two men,
Black and White Skin Soap. Then apply Genuine Black and
the girl vanished, only to rrappenr a
White Ointment according to directions on the package. A l­
short time later attired In a tailored
most before you realize it your skin will be soft, smooth, clear
suit and a chic hat, and carrying
a traveling brig. Terry and the girl
light. Try this wonderful skin treatment tonight.
departed In Holton's car, and soon
after, Bolton and Foo Chang were
driven away.
K n o w n through­
A careful search of the premises
out A m e r i c a and
after Bolton and his guests hud de­
parted revealed nothing of a tangible
m a n y foreign
character that might incriminate the
r o u n t r i e a , there
owner, and the four searchers re­
arc more than fif­
turned to the city to watch the re­
teen million pack­
sults of their manipulations.
A shake-up was due In certain cir­
ages of G e n u i n e
cles of the underworld, and this was
B l a c k and W hitr
awaited with careful observation by
Beauty I'rodifcta
the now thoroughly alert police de­
sold each y e a r.
partment For Foo Chang would soon
Remember— there
discover that Bolton had paid him
h a t a relief and satisfaction
ten thousand dollars In spurious mon­
la only one Genu­
it is for mothers to know that there
ey. which had been substituted by the
ine B l a c k and
is always Castoria to depend on
police and delivered to Bolton as the
White brand.
when babies get fretful and uncom­
supixtsed loot from the Oliver holdup.
A clone check was being made on
fortable! Whether it's teething,
these two principal characters, and a
colic or other little upset, Castoria
trap was ready to be sprung at the
*H# « a * so u n p o p u la r.
N o ono ha«l (ho m o r a « o 4*
always brings quick comfort; and,
waa a v ic tim o f bod? o d o r. T M a • n o o -
psychological moment.
with relief Irom pain, restful deep.
n h lt# d é o d o ra n t o v i r r o m f i Kode odora o f t v e r v d#
In the meantime, Theodore Ashton
a «rlp l!o n a nd lto«pc you fre a k, c h a rm in g a n d d o ta l? .
And when older, fast-growing
It# safe, os# C f i i a i n « fila rli a n d W h ile B o d? H w # 0 t- 15c
returned home, weary and troubled,
children get out of sorts and out of
effective. It is almost certain to
condition, you have only to give a
little to raise his hopes. "Son, you
clear up any minor ailment and
must not lose your courage. It will
more liberal dose of this pure
cannot possibly do the youngest
do no good, and simply Impede your
vegetable preparation to right the
child the slightest harm. So it's the
progress toward locating Marcia," rhe
disturbed condition quickly.
first thing to think of when a rhild
chided him.
has a coated tongue, is fretful and
Because Castoria is made ex­
The "Trivial'' Incident
out of sorts. He sure to get the
pressly for children, it has just the
"But, mother so far we have bren
genuine; with Char. H. Fletcher's
needed mildness of action. Yet you
unable to uncover one single clue,
signature on the package.
can always depend on it to be
parlar# o f Holten and Fvo C h a u f. T t-N
incarta Ifthtl a I r llr t i to Bollai)
. u . u.
and Bruca preeada him to his country home
nhara Bolten ta baut« aotartalnad bp a
beautiful h alf-casta Chinas# tir i mantuaran-
Ing as a man and o h o
Thao has dla-
cosered la to plop au Im portant part In
the plot hatched bp Bolton and Woo t hang
Must watch bowels
J ç m u iie .
so ap