The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, May 02, 1931, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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1 Digesting . . .
. . Tfje ly e tfs
A H ealth Column dedicated to
readers of The Advocate by
D eNorm al U nthank. AB, M.D.
A rata B uilding- 12 H N. 6th St.
Phone AT 1703; MU 2621
The Advocate doe* not necessanly
share in the writer'* views, but
whether we do or not. the opinion*
are sane, logical and interesting It
is the readers’ as well as our privilege
to disagree with the writer who in
vites your opinion upon the subjects
discussed from tune to time in this
The Negro is not "New or is there
a "New Negro". During the past year
and a half of “depression" which lias
caused a premium to be placed on "abili­
ty™ and "merit" the Negro has nude
new contacts. To these contacts only
is the Negro new.
To some the Negro is symbolic of
joke. He is a subject to he joked about
and to be joked with. His popularity-
depended upon his willingness and abil­
ity to entertain or upon his faithful ser­
vility. Others forgot that the Negro
was human It did not occur to them
that he was influenced by the same
natural and artificial impulses. That he
cherished the same ambitions as the
whites—education, progress, health, hap­
piness, fame, wealth, and all the oppor­
tunities of trne American citircns. The
only difference was in the color of his
skin and w hen he became conscious of
the handicap thus imposed upotr him he
became a better Negro—a better man—
and a better American.
these diseases are chronic heart diseases,
especially chronic insufficiency, chronic
heart and kidney disease, chronic pul­
monary diseases, chronic pulmonary tu-
berclosis, asthma, syphilis o f the bron­
chial tubes, etc.
The chief symptoms o f chronic bron-
hitis are coughing and expectoration,
general weakness.
Expectoration may
vary from very small amounts to large
copious mucous discharges. After the
disease has existes! for sonic time short­
ness of breath is experienced. After
this shortnes of breath is ai'companied
by palpitation of the heart and a feeling
of fullness of the chest. Rises in body
^emperature are slight if at all. Occa­
sionally. however, individuals will suf­
fer acute exacerlations with
marked fever
The sufferer with chronic bronchitis
needs careful medical examination and
laboratory analysis. Delay in these cases
is very dangerous and unwise.
would be 5,000 votes on nom ination;
200.000 votes with each group of three
Even though the white nun may be yearly subscriptions, o r the equiva­
reluctant inadmitting it he has always lent during the candidate's first week.
appreciated the Negro. He has proven
that he couldn't and can't get along with­
out him. When he first migrated to
these shores he discovered that there
was work to be done and he immediately-
sent for the black men—brought him
against his will and forced him to do
labor for the white men. In one form
or another the black has been doing it
ever since.
Thousands of our race from every
part of America attended the golden
annversary of Tuskegee but they did
not fill up the “jim-crow" cars in get­
ting there. On the contrary, the crack
trams that ordinarily would not permit
a Negro to travel except as an em ­
ployee, had private cars attached to them
and in these cars rode the “New Negro".
The highways were filled with cars of
the most expensive make and their oc­
cupants were the “ New Negro". But
were they “New Negroes"? No, they
were the same Negro but their material
progres enabled them to laugh at ridicu
lous laws and customs.
So, in every branch of activity, be it
politics, business, art, sports or the pro­
fessionals the Negro, by sheer merit and
ability, is going “over the top” and in
so doing he is called "The New Negro”.
(Continued from Page 1)
mond ring—a flashy w atch, o r a music
The prizes are extraordinary.
N ever before has such a beautiful
m otor car, or cash and other prizes,
been offered in this district. And yet
candidates will lag along, hoping by
some miracle th a t the other fellow
will also stay asleep and allow them
to ca rry off the prizes w ithout giving
the semblance o f a retu rn to The Ad­
vocate. T hat isn’t fair.
New Nominees Could Win
Why, today, an absolutely new can­
didate can enter this election and w ith
a few subscriptions, spring up and
gain a strong position w ith each and
every one now entered. It can be
And a candidate now in, can do the
same thing. There is no handicap.
All a re on even term s. Work is the
governing factor. Salesm anship, too,
F or instance, for every club of $12
w orth o f subscriptions turned in, the
candidate gets 100,000 votes ex tra—
over and above the regular schedule
of votes which the subscriptions them ­
selves provide. These clubs may be
of five one-year subscriptions, or any
com bination you may work out—ju s t
so they total $12 or more.
Ten one-year subscriptions total
100,000 votes. W ith the extra 100,-
000 on every club of $12, th a t would
be 300,OOf And if they were new sub­
scriptions a t end of the first period,
the candidate would g e t a vote bonus
o f 30,000 each, m aking a total of
600,000, and if tu rn ed in during Op­
p o rtu n ity D ays, th e re would be also
the op p o rtu n ity bonus o f 200,000 extra
votes on every th ree one-year sub­
Thus a new candidate could, w ith 12
new o n e-y ear subscriptions today, cast
2,080,000 votes!
Then if it is a new candidate, th ere
Semi Mouthly l ’ay-Dny
Chronic bronchitis has come to be reo
ogm ied as a diseased state rather than
a particular disease entity.
bronchi!s is common in older people
where a complication of diseases may
easily exist. It is common also in cold,
damp climate and winter weather Sum
mer weather and dry warm climates
Flu* New N e g ro
often cause the symptoms to disappear,
A great many white writers and or­ only to return with the return of the
ators. as well as a few of our own, are cold and damp conditions.
writing of and discussing "The New
Reading of such, brings
Chronic bronchitis may be due to many
chuckle to tills writer. A "New Negro
conditions. It ¿nay follow repeated at
Who is he ami where is he? If he can tacks of acute bronchitis, the only real
be found, there is a splendid opportun­ chronic bronchitis. It may develop from
ity for some one in our race with the repeated inhalations of dusts, vapors,
showmanship of a Rickard and the gases.
Prohahlv the most common
philosophy of Barnum, to parade this causes of chronic bronchitis are chronic
"New Negro' before the public.
Constitutional diseases.
Chief among
Opportunity Pays
Announcement of the only special
vote offer of the entire campaign ap ­
pears today. Up to and including
May 13, is the biggest and only vote
opportunity in the en tire campaign.
Look the standings over. The vote is
very low—fa r lower th an we had ex­
pected it to be— but it simply makes
it easier fo r anyone to s ta rt now and
make a runaw ay win o f it.
Read the list today. See how few
of the candidates have been really
gettin g an y th in g but fre e votes.
O pportunity Days give every candi­
date a chance to make a real gain.
The way to win is to take advantage
of all chances to gain in votes.
How to Jump to First Place
On each 6-year subscription, 360,-
000 votes are allowed— providing the
same is received by the campaign
m anager during this presen t period.
Then, if it is a new subscriber,
30.000 ex tra votes a re allowed for
year, or 180,000 ex tra votes are given
for one 6-year subscription. In addi­
tion, 100,000 votes are given on each
$12 club o f subscriptions, therefore,
one 6-year subscription will have a
total value o f 640,000 votes and with
the O pportunity Coupon, would be a
grand total of more than 1,140,000
You can see by glancing a t the vote
totals th a t ju s t a few such subscrip­
tions would furnish a new leader; in
fact, EN TIR ELY N EW C A N D I­
DATES, who a t this tim e have no
votes, could climb to the top easily.
We w ant more EN LISTM EN TS to
replace those who a re doing nothing
in this “Everybody W ins” election.
Phone A Tw ater 2536. Call a t The
Advocate office for inform ation today!
Fo Rowing are the nam es o f the
fe w candidates nominated — listed
alphabetically — together with all the
votes ca st for publication up until
Thursday nigh t:
Louie Abberts ................................... 7,800
Miss Lillian Be Hard ........................11,200
P. G. Bradley ................................... 5,000
Mrs. Denis Collins ........................ 7,100
Melvin Dawson ............................... 5,000
Georgie Dixon .................................... 11,100
Harry Diamond ............................... 5,000
Miss Catherine Fair ........................ 5,000
Miss Geneva Ivey ............................11,700
Meriman Maxwell .......................... 8,100
Wilbur Mercier .................................. 6,400
Miss Irene Patterson .................... 5,000
Alice Timms ..................................... 5,000
Charlie Rawlins .................•........... 5,800
Mrs, Verne! Watson .................. 9,600
- ...... o
If Itching, burning akin makes life
unbearable, quickly apply Zemo, tha
soothing, cooling, invisible family
antiseptic. Thousands find th at Zemo
brings swift relief from Itching, help*
to draw out local infection and re­
store the skin to normal. For 20 years
Zemo haa been clearing up skin, re­
lieving pimples, rash and other alda
irritations. Never be without ft. Sold
everywhere—36c, 60c and $1.00.
A new d ep artm en t is being offered
to the readers of the Advocate. A
column devoted to advice on frien d ­
ship, love, and all m atters pertaining
to th e home.
Anyone w ishing such advice, please
w rite Nancy Lee, in care of thia paper.
The Advocate does not necessarily
share in the w riter's views, but
whether we do or not, the opinions
are sans, logical and intereating
is tlie readers' as well as our privilege
to disagree with tha w riter who in­
v a rs your opinion upon th* subjects
discussed from time to time in this
Dear Nancy Lee
W ill some one who is writing the On
Ple.i-c let me know thru the column
of your paper, if you believe in petting to Oregon publicity »tuff plc.isr tell me
I went to a party lately and the couples how I'm to answer th»» letter*
sneaked out on the porch to pel. 1 was
one of them but felt awfully silly.
"Ye*, I know all about your beauti
ful Oregon I’ve been out there. Your
IVad Sixteen:
scenery is magnificent, your climate
No. my dear, I am so ultra-modern lovely, your roses are superb» but. mv
that 1 am quite Victorian and do not dear frieiul, yoti know l am too oUl to
believe 111 petting, and I <ly> not believe find a job in my chosen profession a*»
you do either You felt cheap ami silly. things go now. If I sell my home here,
Boys should be taught to respect girls,
l shall need one »n Oregon. That will
and the girls should he taught to re mean property taxr* Chit of the rent
pect themselves, and carry themselves of part of it, and out of the interest
with a certain amount of dignity.
on my bonds I must live, and you tell
Boys like girls with grace and charm, me that I must ¿»ay an income tax and
and the wav to be charming is to turn after that 1 must pay tax •>»» intangible*
on es thought from -ci t, and be kind
That makes three sets of taxes -what
and thoughtful of others.
will he left to pay for clothes and food?
It is a great deal better to lose a
Precious little as I have figured it out.
pleasant evening than to lose one's self-
I ’nless you can tell me. I shall need to
stay where I am
Here at least I am
not taxed to death.’* Now I want my
friend to come to Oregon, she t> a moat
desirable citizen in her home state, hut
how can I clear up that tax situation *
Facts Aboat the Telephone
Please, somebody tell me.
Approximately J00.000 telephone
calls are handled «very day In tha
city of Syracuse. N. Y. All of tha
telaphones In Syracuse era now of
tha dial typei
Tha teletypewriter system ha*
been Installed In the Baltimore
Police Department to aid police in
the boslneae of catching criminals
and la the protection of the city.
" —
The town of Dover. M ast, haa
n o n telephone* than It has faml-
Uaa. This fa explained by the fact
th at one-third of the resldaocee in
this wide-awake community have
one or ators extension telephones.
The city of Belgrade, capital of
Jugo-Slavla. will soon have a mod­
ern dial telephone system Orders
h a re been placed by the govern­
ment with a German concern to
produce the equipment and proceed
with Its Installation
llend. Ore., May
Negro spiritual,
formed part of a program lecture-re­
cital of Mr». R E Jarvi. of Seattle
who reviewed "Green P u tis e t" last
night hefore the Bend branch of the A.
4 U W
Eugene, O re , May 1—The pre.nlent of
the Intf rnational H ou.e at the Univer­
sity o f Oregon is a colored student, H u­
bert Allen of Pendleton. Oregon, and
the tiouse manager, Bob Robinson of
Portland, live) colored.
The City Cottiteli »1 thè Issi *e«»ioU
pu.xed Livuntlily un thè h o | . iim I secottd
rea.hng of in ordinane« prnvnlìng that
thè city cniploycc» he paid twtee a
moniti, invtea.l of ntonthly. In dir old
t'uim c Untati ic forni of governntent, 1,
. 1 . (.'olineilinan at l.irg e . introdncrd a
.ulular me.iMire. wlnch wa» ilefeated by
olir vote. The niea.ure thi» lime uriti
p a .. on tu thè thirvl reailmg. eflectìve
thè tir»! of thè fixcal yrar, vvlncli fall.
mi Drcembcr i.
MI largì- concerti» |iav »enti ntonthly
or weckly, and I tliat a .rm i
luonthly pay day ba» evstl liecn advo-
cated for thè rinployees of thè State
The City of l'orlland pa y s ont $ax;i.
non montiti)-, and if thi» amonnt were
di.penaed twice a monili, it would help
business «ondinoli, materiali)
t ani
glad lo .ev il go over
D o n ’t
bring Ethel
Do yau know why sh* w asn't
w slcom s ? She, hertelf, didn't.
H alito sis ( b a d b ra o th ), th a
social fault no o ne forgives,
w as tha reason. Yet no on*
need have halitosis. G argling
with Listerine instantly destroys
mouth o d o rs ond checks infec­
tion. Use it daily. Lombart Phar­
macol C om pany, St. Louis, Mo.
ends halitosis
Kil ls 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 g i r m i
Siller the Huy* Code, set up by the
Motion Picture Producer» of America,
had been adopted by the City Council,
ax the mr.««tiriiif »tick which picture* tu
Copulanti are to l»e judged, it wax u«ed
in thi» »urrvey a» the I mm » of ceti »or
While thi» MtiAcy group recognized
that the local cettior Inmrd In»» no an
thority over vaudeville nets, very oh
tei'tioiiahlr Mage ami vaudeville prodm
tion» have lieen put on since I cbruary I.
Prominent husine»* am) prnfr»»inital
men *crve»l on thi» »urvey committer
All women repie»eitted were mother»
Saturday » meeting wa» well reprr
»ruled by prominent bu»ine»s ami pro
fe»»ional men ami women, a« well a»
ISiimt leath er, church. W.C I' U .
Xtneticaii War Mollici«*, giade and lugli
•»chool teat het» and principal»* aton ia
tit MI»,
(By Chasttr A. Lyon)
C o m m iss io n e r
»c\rral id lit«' filin'* exhibited
turn* of the code wrtr al»n menti..ned
ill i'i mi i tee I tot i with abort auhjrctt run,
also that a |> 4 l»alilc fratine film U o h m
tini«*» followed h> a \rry object Iditahlr
short reel.
to —
cg— ap— ert-TWcagatssssaagarrr:1
Th* Advocate doee not necessarily
■hare in th* w riter's views but
whether ws do or not, th* opinions aie
sane, logical and interesting. It is the
readers' *■ welj as our pciviTeg* to ill»
agree with the writer who Invitrs
your opinion upon th* subjects dis­
cussed fro mum* to tints in this col­
It was luriitioueil in the.« atticlr.
some mile ago that a “Connnitfee of
I imi ™, was organised for study and action
in the problem of Motion Picture stand
aril, in Portland. T hi. wa» luck ill
January. I wa» a.knl to .ri ve a . chair
man of tliiw Committee, and I agreed
to act, ill thi» cajiacity giving all the
lime | could |Hi»»ibly »parr from my
other wioik
Mr. ^.nini'ttr Shank, a
very prominent W.C.T.U. worked wa»
elected to .rrvr p »«Cretan
la st February, I appointed J II Conn,
chairman of a Survey Committee, the
|iur|H>.r being to obtain data concerning
the type of motion pictures and other
theatre production, that have I writ run
in the down town th<*trr> during a
period of te.eral weeks.
The large
down town theatre» have the first run
Another meeting of the "Committee
of touj', was held last Sattmlay noon
at the Y M (' A. So much interest wa»
manifested at thi. meeting that it w.i< voted to change the name
to "The Committee of *00“. Chairman
Coan. of the Stir.ey Committee in hit
trport Saturday |iomted out, "thut while
some of he picure. shown in Porland
have Ircen possible it was ktooglit out
that flagrant violation» were noted in
H rad for il
Clothes $ 2 5 . 0 0 t o
$ 4 5 .0 0
S. W . C a r . 4 l h » m l
W aalilngitia
"W Jlerr Young M en Huy”
a n il
D « '|t r i l < l r n l s o f lit«*
Join Ih* . . ,
* «»rltl War!
P rnainn«,
I ottip r u «ditum.
p tu lizatio n , S i l f l i m ' Home«. IL.mi»,
Funeral F iprn*e«. ele.
M riItosi* of obtaining i he«e and utlicr |
lx nr ft ta covered in our manual.
. and Keep Well!
3 f t W heeler Street
On* Ihtilar
EA st 440*
We Seil For Less Because
We Sett for Cash
2 .
1— Any reputable m an, woman or child residing in Portland o r surrounding territo ry
served by The Advocate is eligible to enter this cam paign and compete for a prize.
Nominations m ay be made a t any tim e during the cam paign.
2— No employee in the business office of The Advocate is eligible to enter this d is­
tribution. The m anagem ent reserves the rig h t to reject any nom inations at tiny time.
3— The w inners of the prizes will be decided by their accredited votes said vsites
being represented by ballots issued on subscriptions by votes issued on the nomination
coupon, the first and second week cupons and the opportunity coujwns. The m anage
m ent also reserves the rig h t to incorporate the sale of advertising and due-bill cards
a t any tim e during the cam paign, and votes will be issued as per the one year vote
schedule in effect a t th a t time.
4— C andidates are not confirmed to th eir particular town irr comm unity in which to
secure vote* and subscriptions, but may take orders anyw here in this section; or, for
th a t m atter, anyw here in the S tate of Oregon, or the world.
5— Cash m ust accom pany all orders w here votes a re desired. There will be no ex­
ception to this rule. C andidates will be allowed to collect back subscriptions and re ­
newals as well as entirely new subscriptions and votes will be issued on both.
6— Votes are free. It costs the subscriber nothing e x tra to vote for his or her
favorite. Subscribers should ask for votes when paying th eir subscriptions.
7— Votes cannot be purchased. Every cen t accepted through the cam paign d e p a rt­
ment m ust represent subscriptions.
8— Votes are not transferable. C andidates cannot w ithdraw in favor of another
candidate. Should a candidate w ithdraw from the race, his or her votes will be can­
celled. (W ith the consent of the cam paign m anager, however, a candidate may w ith ­
draw from the race and tra n sfe r his or her votes to an entirely new candidate or new
en try .) N either will it be perm issible for candidates to give or tra n sfe r subscriptions
to another candidate. Votes on such tran sferred subscriptions will be subject to d is­
qualification a t the discretion of the m anagem ent.
9— Any effort o r collusion on the p a rt of any candidate or candidates to discourage
competition by the spreading of false rum ors or exaggerated stories, or anything done
by any candidate o r com bination of candidates to the detrim ent of this new spaper will
not be tolerated. Any candidate o r candidates entering into o r taking p a rt in any such
agreem ent, arran g em en t or effort, will fo rfeit all rights to a prize or commission.
10— Any hallos issued on subscriptions may be held in reserve and voted a t the
discretion of the candidate and the cam paign m anager.
No statem ent or prom ise made by any solicitor, agent or candidate varying from
the rules and statem en ts published through the columns of this new spaper, will be
recognized by the publishers.
12— In case of typographical o r other erro r, it is understood th a t neither the pub­
lisher nor the cam paign m anager shall be held responsible except fo r the necessary
correction upon the same.
13— Every candidate is an authorized ag en t of The Advocate and as such, may collect
arrea ra g e s and subscription paym ents from present as well as from new subscribers.
14— Extension o f subscriptions will receive votes according to the vote schedule in
effect when the first subscription was paid, except th a t no extension votes will be
given during the final period.
15— It is distinctly understood and agreed th a t candidates will be responsible for all
moneys collected and th a t they rem it such am ounts in full, a t frequent intervals, or
on demand, to the cam paign departm ent.
16— There will be several prizes aw arded, besides a 10 per cent commission, to ALL
ACTIVE non-prize w inners, but it is distinctly understood th a t in the event ANY
candidate becomes IN ACTIV E failin g to make a weekly cash report, he or she will, a t
the discretion of the m anagem ent, become disqualified and thereby forfeit all rig h t to
a prize o r a commisaion.
17— The tim e of May 2 to May 13 will be known as opportunity days. D uring these
days, there will be a vote bonus of 100,000 ex tra votes fo r every three renewal sub.
acriptions of not less th an one year <*Hch; 200,000 e x tra votes fo r every three new sub.
scriptions of not less than one y ear each, and 500,000 ex tra votes for one six-year sub­
scription either ne w or renew al, but only ten six-year subscriptions can be turned in
to apply on this e x tra offer.
18 —
To insure absolute fairn ess in the aw arding of the prizes, the race will be
b ro u g h t to a close under a "sealed ballot box” system , and will be under the personal
supervision of two or more judges selected from the Advisory Board. D uring the en­
tire la st week of the cam paign, the box—locked and sealed will repost in a con­
venient place, w here candidates and their friends will deposit their final collections
and reserve votes. And not until the race has been declared closed will the seals be
broken, the box unlocked and the judges begin the final count. In this way, no o n e --
not even the cam paign t.ianager—can possibly know the voting strength of the re ­
spective candidates, which precludes any possibility of favoritism and insures fairness
to the m inutest degree.
19— The m anagem ent reserves the rig h t to amend or add to the rules of this cam ­
paign, if necessary, fo r the protection of the interests of both candidates and this
new spaper. The rig h t is also reserved to increase and add to the list of prizes.
20 The Advocate guarantees fair and im partial treatm en t to all candidates; should
any question arise, the decision of the m anagem ent will be absolute and final
21— Two hundred thousand e x tra votes will be awarded each candidate with every
th ree one-year subscription, o r the equivalent, turned in during their first week in the
cam paign; 150,000 ex tra votes will be awarded each candidate with every three one-
y ear subscription, o r the equivalent, turned in during their second week in the cam ­
paign. These are in addition and above all reg u lar votes but this arran g em en t will
be in effect only during the first two periods of the campaign.
22— All extra votes will be issued and credited to the accounts of the various can­
didates a t the convenience of the cam paign m anager.
Campaign opens today—closes June 25, 1931.
12th mcnihvr added to
United S lates N ational
(■roup of Hanks
A recent addition to the strong U nited
S tates N ational group is th a t of F irst N a­
tional Hunk of L innton— 12th mem ber in
an affiliation affording maximum conveni­
ence and cooperation to individual* and con­
cerns w ithin a 65-mile radius of Portland.
Combined Resources
approxim ately $100,000,000
C^ 7/°
United Siale*»
National Bank,
B roadw ay
S lju h . at
S u rit. . P o rtlan d .
Trade Mark Emblem is the
Tree of
Uae O ur New Parking Space For Fun
eral Cars at Fourth and Montgomery
P erfect Funeral S ervice
Our Merchandise and Service Certificate* Save
You from 20 to 50%
Between 20th and 21st
BRoadw uy 2 6 9 0
H R oadw ay 2 6 9 1