The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, May 02, 1931, Page 8, Image 12

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MAY 2. 19.'ll
A rt N a y lo r
( »nliuvfd from N i r Four
least hu;ied ttiat you might appre- Ufe, and I'll do anything to help chance You go Immediately to ll»e Holton, who pulled open the table
♦tint (h i man took one of several let­ d ate an opportunity to secure your you All I ask ts your advice and office where your husband ts holding drawer to dlvrovti ttie package lie
He became
ters that belonged here."
friendship," she promised, proffering a conference, and tell him, for me. sought was missing
' What did he look like, mother?"
to send ine ttiat ten thousand at threatening In his bitter rage "I sup-
"Just wtiat do you mean?" Ethel her hand, as he left.
"He was brown skinned, medium asked, uncertain of hts words.
It was again an easy matter for once, or I shall eximae him In the pose you are al the bottoni ot this,
height and very neatly dressed. He
"I’ll not best around the bush in Thro to enter Bolton's darkened morning. Also, that I have Clarice loo Well. I It fix both of you '
wore a light cap and overcoat, and a this matter. Mrs. Oliver but I know home and slip into the fam iliar se­ here and will show her up IA what
But Bolton's contemplated action
neatly pressed brown suit."
was Interrupted when Terry entered
that J . Francis Bolton has It in hts cluded crevice Bolton was not In evi­ »lie Is If he falls lo do so."
the front door and slammed It shut.
‘ That's the man who shadowed (lower to force you to comply with hts dence when hr reached hts hiding
Clarice Aida F.ltiet
nte." Theo informed her.
1 place, but quickly Theo delected
evrry with."
‘T m not going to do any such Clarice shrank behind a portiere, but
"What has given you such an idea voices coming from the floor above 1 thing, and It there's any exposing to Ethel remained In her position, as
Thee Talks to Mrs. Oliver
All the nett morning Theo sat .ii that?" sire fenced, yet wavering Theo strained his ears, for a woman '» be done, you'll be the one to be ex Terry entered, somewhat esclted.
"Well?" snapped Holton "What
around the apartment restlessly, under the shock of the surprise. "Do sobs were mingled In the converse-1 posed." Ethel told him
watching tor the appearance of the you realize whal a serious accusation tlon. Ills heart skipped a beat as he :
Wltsl do you mean?" Bolton de­ about It?"
"Nothing doing, chief ”
man whom his mother had suspicion- that is. unless you could prove It? associated the Incident with the pos- manded. taking a step closer to hts
"Oot bark there and wall for the
| slbtllty of Marcia's prrsencr But hts Intended victim
ed of stealing a letter, but the man You know you couldn't."
"Mis. Oliver. I came to help you. urge to vrnture out was squelched
did not appear. There was no call
At that Instant a figure apiieared next one l told you there were two
irom the police station, which aug­ not to threaten or exact anything 1 when the sounds of descending foot-! In live doorway, a trembling hgurr. trains In. Hurry, and don't you miss"
"I got three hours yet," nitiltered
mented the fear that there was no know ttiat you are. no doubt by (ear. step« reached him.
wretched and disheveled. It was
Bolton's mistress. I know. too. that i As the huge bulk of Bolton reached Clarice Oliver, clad only In a pink Terry, ax he left
clue as yet.
"Now I'll fix you. you .'' growled
When the postman had passed on you visited at hts home and he or- { tile bottom of the atrps. tile bell silk step-In Her hair wav disarranged
his noon delivery without the appear­ dcred you to leave tile basement door j rang, and he admitted Ethel Oliver | and her prelty face was marred by Bolton, as lie made a lunge at Ethel
But that was all he did. for Theo
ance of the stranger. Theo conceived open tor the hold-up and you did it. j She followed her host back to ttie weeping
the idea of calling on Oliver. He He plans to take you to P ails with library, and he immediately began to
"Ethel!" Clarice exclaimed, ' Ashton promptly floored him "You
tell Clarice where her clothe« are,
And I also know that you berate her. demanding to know the are you doing here?" in hopes he might find an op­ him
cause and full details of hts failure
befoie I signal for the police "
portunity to converse with Ethel, and would do anything to gain possession In
the plan to secure the money from
rrlnged. but complied. and
his.wish was gratified. It was Mrs of certain letters and photographs he Ollvri
clutches of this demon What are lit Bolton
a few momenta the Iwo victims
Olivet who admitted him, and Inform­ has. Upon your last visit to him. and | In a ralni. steady voice. Ethel you doing here?"
way out lint ax Theo
ed him that her husband was down In hts library, don't you remember claimed ignorance of the whole a f­
"He promised to marry me. but reached Uve door behind them, a
in Hie city, and Clarice had just left
j that Just before you left he took rer- fair ttiat she was In her own room when I got here, he stripped me of strong («Ir of arm* gras|ied and tane
on .» shopping trip.
during its orrurrrnrr.
my clothra and tried to forre me to him to the floor
"I'm glad of this opportunity to tain liberties?"
"You're a liar'" Bolton hissed at blackmail father lo save myself
speak with you. Mrs. Oliver." Theo
The young wife fell back in an her. "But I'm giving you one more
(To be lunlillMeill
The I wo women faced tile sneering
told her as he took a seat m the liv­ agony of conviction The Hood-gates
ing room. He noticed at once the
very poignant change which had of her pent up emotions broke loose,
come over the young matron. She with ttie release of her mental tor- !
seemed much older and burdened by , ture. She wept bitterly and sobbed
some mental strain. There were cir- 1 out an hysterical confession of how
cles tinder her eyes, and her attempt
Bolton, under a promise ot marriage
to appear flippant was forced.
"It’s the first time you ever were, had tricked her In her youth and
»he answered hun
had turned up again to defeat her
‘Tm always glad to be able to do efforts to go straight
a person a good turn." Theo said.
Bolt in Tortures His Victim
Oh. yeah? Could it bo possible
that I might be a candidate for one
Slowly she regained lier composure
ot your prize favors? You seemingly and listened eagerly lo Then's state !
value them very highly, and in the
past, the very recent past, you scorn­ ment and promise “I can and I will !
ed me Have you changed your free you from the clutches of this i
mind?" She was rather sarcastic, man if you wilt help me and promise
and h -r whole attitude seemed to to hereafter be a true wife to your
smack of resentment.
i husband. 1 will restore tb you. un- 1
Kr»entx His III Ip
! opened and unviewed by anyone, even
"Mo Not in the matter to which myself, your letters and photographs,
you refer," Theo told her bluntly. and no one shall ever knaw."
"But I happen to know that you are
"Oh. Theodore' If you could do
one ot the helpless victims in tile colls that. I'd do anything on earth for ,
ot an octopus, and I thought, or at you!" Stie wrung her hands, still .
doubtful of hts ability "But 1 don't
believe you can do it. You don't know
him as f do. K* called me Just be­
fore you arrived and he threatens me
with Immediate disgrace and torture
7 Shades in 7 Nights unless I go to his house to-night. He
blames me for the failure of hts plans
I icture yo u rself with hair like
here last night He seems to lx- half
g l e a m i n g silk. Picture yourself w ith
"Well, you have nothing to be
Now you can h i \ a afraid of. for I pos -’ss the letters and
hair that is soft, easy to comb and
that lovely,whtlrr the photographs now Just remember
com plexion that your testimony will put him behind
everyone admires. the bars. He’ll have cause now to
from tw isty curls. These are the
T h e s e c r e t is
E isn er’* P e*r I fear you as much as you have feared
hair gifts of lilark and White hair
Furthermore, you are to go to
( ream . a quiet \ him
an ordinary preparation. The skill of
acting, barmle** I his house to-night, for I want to hear ■
dressing — that marvelous prepara­
positive bleach— j what he has to say to you.”
scientists has given to it an ingredi­
the discovery of
Oli. f wouldn't dure face him ' I
tion that scientifically releases twisty,
a great fcurojtean have made up my mind to suffer the ,
ent that completely releases every
ch em ist. A rea!
bem ty cream . . . it not on!y makes your skin consequences." she protested.
wrinklv curls.
"But ('ll go along and slip into the
p ln te r . . . 7 *h*de* in 7 n igh t*
wirey curl—an ingredient that gives
v m - i - ii remosT, freckle*, pimple*, roach- house and protect you in every way." j
Mote he«, »kin eruption* and enlarged
"Then I'll do It. Theo, and you can
new life, new health and a new lux­
pores. «- lor both men and women who depend upon me."
aifpeeciate the attractiveness of a whiter skin.
"And here are your letters and
ury of beauty.
society folk and people of promin­
Eisner's Pearl Cream
(•holographs to prove my sincerity."
T '.i* r a i r i 'l ? •■»rknii o n m i* ***» *'< rme Befnfr
Theo assured her. as he turned over
. , - 1 . *p|.i. Eisner's Peer I Cream - . U •
ence the Nation over, no longer ex­
am»» »- * t * a Itiutr t*p». 7 <»*i will t* ama*wj the two neatly tied packets.
If you want beautiful straight hair
a- n .e »n.j.r-yf‘-risent in >»ur e-.lD i.leti n net* nwrn-
Rrpv’a t f>r 7 sig h ts and fou r U i n « i l l be 7
periment with hair dressings. They
bi»a le i winter.
gleams like silk, hair that combs
A sigh of relief escaped from the
Money-Back Guarantee
T r r E b tie r ’i P e a r l C rc a a i
our ri*k W r,»-u- i n
with remarkable ease and stays ex­
f-.ll .iM ;» r . P ay u-.sirnari ft Or i>lu* p»* «•«* " r* , r
the packages and verified the con­
; J a lV w i f » Ml s e i . r r , . | . W ffh n r - f r r — W ill p a r
dressing to straighten and keep their
iFM tsae A fter u-ir.c: 7 m *M a if you »re not de
tents. Then she threw them Into the
actly as arranged, then use genuine
1 -ill«"T w* t r i l l yefKi h a r k y'.sir m oney
Sample f t EI.HNEH'H « OVCI'I.KXiON 1 grate, struck a match to them, and i
hair smartly combed in styles that
FREE H i } A t * w ilh earh order. VVnW twlfty V. watched them flame, like one hypno­
Black and White Pluko hair dress­
"You've given me a new lease on
, 1 1 « W il.a u k M a«., 0 « r t 1 0 2 . C h i c « « . H U M «
ing. Two kinds. Amber 30 cents—
it *.v
a ii/hi . siHu’n
u'vur ii in
uni/ sii/li»
W h iten s S k in
o r Money Back
Don’t be “blue" and depressed over
•mur poor health and run down con-
iition. Don’t (five up hope. You can
ranixh those wretched ailm ent» which
■ re m aking you miserable. You car.
»e trong, vigorous, healthy. You
-an work and play as hard as you
ike without (retting tired-out and ex-
lusted. You can get more pleasure
ind fun out of life than you have
> ,tten in a tong whije^ Ju ust start
aking S tJo se p h ’s G.F.P. and watch
ir health
grow better day by day
deh this rich, vegetable tonic bring
Toti th« springy step ot sixteen..-
energy and strength that never tires
. ..abundance of vitality and pep....
natural charm and sparkling eyes
Try this splendid tonic, today. Ex­
perience its stimulating,invigorating
• trengthenng effects. Your druggist
sells the big dollar bottle on a money-
back guarantee.
St. Joseph’s
Dke cWoman/i Vonlc
Black and White is by no means
White 50 cents.
^ em id n a
— «A A d not be tro u b le d w ith per » p i m i i(>n o d o r. G »* n
ION Ilia ci» itnd w h i l e B o d y Hw eel beep* you
1-DrgF lu b e « « I « I I d ru g M o re i, o n ly (Se.
H air dressing