The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, May 02, 1931, Page 6, Image 10

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The Sultan, Rabah Zobeir, Africa's Greatest Champion
rM ilirard fram P a ir S
each was worth ten o( Ihr enrmy as
hL- wi!! Invading hta stronghold In wl[|
at #|j tunes.
the Sahara^ with his picked horse-
, iJrSf army with Its conse-
men. less than a thousand in num­
quern trouble o( feeding
A small
ber, he sternly offered him the al­
(oree of picked men. he knew by ex-
ternative of an alliance or a war to
perlener, was far better.
the death. Senusst chose the (ormer
Kebab K ovl» Ike Wadai Frwple
and a marriage was made between
Attacking the Wadai. he swept
his daughter. Hadjla. and Fad-el-
Allah. Rabah * son and heir. T o test . through their vastly larger army Ukt
Srnussl's faith and to alienate him ' thunderbolt. Hu nest mark eras
irdm the French. Rabah ordered Sultan Oourang of the Baghlrml
Senussi to massacre a French expe- 0n the pretext that Oourang had
one hundred lashes rach. Includili«
*>1» favorite son. Pad-el Allah, «(ter
which lie ordered them to attack the
The Bornueae, not expret-
tng an attack so soon, were utter­
ly routed, and the fortes of Rabah
swept into Kuka, the capital. Klara,
captured, was given the alternattvc
of mutilation or death
He bravely
()|<> u t(# f
hu ^
editorially, saying: ’ It U necessary
to irmembet that wr arr «o lii« to
meet Rabah and not Habah. us. He
Is In his own empire and is defend­
i nor was thr Ireachery of th« K n «IUh
and Egyptian coinniaiulrti in captili •
lug his master, and In killing hta mas­
te r « son He knew only too well of
lhe fate that awaited him should lie
ing himself.'*
Another expedition, commanded by fall Into the hands of any of hta
Colonel Oenlil and composed largely numerous enemies, black or white.
Kebab Lived Aim H r
of flenegaleae sharpshooters. Invaded
Rabah lived and dressed simply.
Rabah'» territory. Rabah M U M
Pujarrle. In the story of hU life, de­
himself on a hill, rut a way the trees
scribes him as "very tall, raw-boned
struck off on the spot.
and brush to allow live play of hu
and dry. endowed with herruleau
Rabah's victories, together with hu
and . „ „ m j Uve French
power over the
Senuaat. created ___
a ¡ W1„ n
m, t
October. I*»9 Ra- force and possessing all the charac-
imon led by Commander Craraprl welcomed the French, Rabah laid , „ r Ul rngland. France. Belgium and
Trum'Lleie^stHm^r Mtho^Th UrUlw traits of the great African
This he did. turning over the cap-
,J hus c* p iu l Mahvhaffa, cap , i i u
u( i w
modi , i 1
i u ly
v , a„ o
n o f ii n
i u u i rrr„o
r m w ry
y ad-
iu * . c .
ana#aU ca
« ____ _s
• v * s .
« remarkable Intelligence,
fo »«red
aftei ftve
five months
months siege,
siege, and
and (
' „
prodl- ' I 1 great
- r, „ Political
l>0,m ca| ability. Indomitable
n. d arui. and ammunition to
<«red It
u aftei
n . .....
jo 000 slaves
Reorganising ,°*,Un*
***“ * *
Franc*. g(es of valor. Colonel Oentll retreat- *
S lo w
Keorgauamg wUh tMr trouWM wllh Sa.noiy I n ! , .
. I will, and a e courage that stood all
. .
»»b a h a snecUl I ^ U * r,,n < h U* rll0CT »h e re he
As to the other ruler this was . a Oourang s kingdom, he replaced him
born ruler of men. he
throne as Ills vassal
Africa, saw In Habah a »!*<•»> )o ln e d l l U force, with that of tw o ;, ,“ • • • • A
ho. on
.n g -r mi.iu
r-. hmv
M t sway
awu over his aoldien and
black man. the famous Mahdi. who.
- me
...c inronr m
- m ------------
I danger,
while o.e
the k-.miivh
KnglUh were
busy 1
iW d lU o n i,
violet alld I held ir
with his able lieutenant. Ounan
After this, hr attacked the war with Uie forces of Osinan Iiigna in ' Qjyumtne
hla people
Ills qualities as an or«
Digna, captured Khartoum, set the I,ke Sakara. defeated them, and * n - j lhe 8ud, n France sent an espedl-
ganlaer were especially revealed after
Rabah I mwll? Killed
Ul ablaze, and threatened to «“ * « • >"<*“
‘» » d
then captured tion under Commander Bretonnel |
hu conquest of th# Baghlrinl , . . ,
Rabah now went into German ter­ Rabah ran best be compered to one
»weep Christianity and the European Kretch and Dar Banda
against him. but meeting Bretonnel !
ritory. leaving (tie major portion t f
out of Northeast Africa. Five year»
Hi» next prey, he audaciously de­
at Tugbao in 1899, Rabah defeated
belóle. the Mahdi. wishing probably elded, should be Boiuu. with Its army
I hlz army In Bornu
The French
< o t t l in u r « ! a n P a g e 7
to be supreme In the Sudan, had
. „ (va,
thought It a favorable moment to at
sent fur Rabah on the pretext ol °
all liU arms and ammunition Turn-
. . . »
lack him. and getting permission from
negotiating an alliance witii him. but! f l i c Bornuese. at this period 189.1». mg south, , he defeated
a German rx-
the chief, entered live territory in
it ts said, realty to pul him to death were, as a writer describes them fat
prdttion In similar style, both vie-
Rabah started for the M ahdi» ter and taciturn Owners tvf a rich and tones Inc reaamg his prestige Uemrn- whlrli Rabah was.
ritory. but learning of the m int s f err tie- land, they loved ease, follow douaiy.
| Roth
forces met
I intention turned bark. On
. _
.» , ... .
the other hand, the alleged plot It
* Io" « O '1“ * 1 o( p r ^ r ,h ,,r m“ ' - ,
»•»<« Infant ( bUdrvn Branded
«rtvere Rahah had fortified hlmarlf an
said, was really a scheme of the l* ry Qualllles had atrophied Nearly
Unable to reach him directly, the a hill The French pitched thousand*
h:u:lt->h to keep the two black lead- all the great ronimaiid> in their army p r r t i c h incited the 11.»«hirun to re of slirlU Into his fort Nabsh fought
er» from uniting.
% wore in the hands of former captivea.
KftVc them arms
Habah until his ammunition gave out. then
With the influence of the Senuasi
» o s t of Iheir warriors were of learning of It. marehrd a g a in « htv
Ilv r ta(U r
behind him Rabah decided to begin l^e slave class. Politics and p u b lic va\sal
_____ _________________
Oourang killed 3.000 of hu
carnage ensued
The French
11 |C
th * building of hu> empire by attack- aflairs interested them little Must m«.n. captured
hu wives, and look
ing the Wadai kingdom HLs strength
wealth came front trade ail his portable property
I If L lM f, V I I kitted M n i i
was only a thousand horsemen, but their two largest cities, Kuka and
Rabah. now with a territory as large badly wounded, withdrew Into the
superbly drilled well-disciplined, in- Dtkoa. having large markets and a
hieh “ * 11 Wealern l uropr. set huiurlf to bu-he
A d evrter from hla army . ' S T A N 0 AR 0
ur»*J to hardships, and uncout.ttnl-
live task of Its consolidation A* waa fighting with liv e Frencii. rrcogiiixlng
natf'd by dissipation of any kind. ranu* hundreds of thousands of the said, he would leave the sultans who . . . . .
I in habitants of tlie adjoining regions pleased him on jth elr thrones, and ,***kah. allot him through the head.
of Africa.
tiie thief > he trusted, in power
All killed him. and rutting off hU head
Owned Collertian of Watctiei
however, he took it to Cominande <• •
A a to the Sultan. Haahem with his cau-ed to be marked on the cheek
“This man?“ says Oentll. "whose
four splendid palaces, lie was quiet with the sign of Rabali^ two paral-
and easy going preferring the com- lei lines with a vertical one, lik.' the bUxidy head stu lying at my fret i
12 TAgLCTS 10,
was very brave and from the manner j
pany of his books, his favorite wives , letter H. turned on its side
»of whom he had 40m. and Im prime
Rornu. he re-organl*ed. In the place in which lw? had defended himself,
Hus hobby was watches, of tlie old feudal system he estab* deserved to have had his life spared
of which he had a remarkable col- ) li&hrd a military dictatorship.
When Oentll Anally entered Bor­
A». S IS S O I < AN I . I T
lection, moat of them gifts from rich strengthened the army, re-built the
merchants and visitors to his king- 1 towns, improved I ’ ve commerce, and nu, he was full of a»liiiirat ton fo| the
I generally increased th# wealth of governin'**# tha’ Habah had Instltut
i Between Sultan Hashem’s territory the countly.
cd. "It shows me.“ he .said, “ that in
| and that of Ka bails lay that of
The old city of Oikoa lie re mod-
Sultan 8alah's.
Rabah. sending a riled Colonel Oentll. ti French com the work of organisation 1 am going
I rich present to Salah. offered to make mantler. says of it: “Tills second cltv to undertake. I will do well to be In- |
an alliance with him. The latter, in la really \»*ry beautiful Reconstruc- spired by the inrtlmds of Rabah "
'» H t ) |) t t ; ti. w r* Ih y att*
til*»» p lia n t# « a t # th« o n ly o u r* ih a t
good fal
meet him, but ted entirely bv Habah. who made it
m iplinariaii
li. but n o « «• it« » » gath»r«>t
■ H WMM— — ■
l l fro m th # a#v#n |K»likt# o f th a a a rth
Hubah had the reputation of being,
----------------- — ------------------- chains, which threw such conaterna-» doubt, one of the nio«»l elegent cen-
• nd r o u too r . n o b ta in it
lAaid to t># t h r cu rrat In n e r <»f g-wnl
very hard and austere It is wild that |
c k In th a w orld ttr C o n t ia r a d of tha
\ u / a l ! i r w i K O / lll/ v a n
Ann i
U l rendered
ttK ii capttal. ..f Oentrml Africa
The paluee ..i one day. seeing an amulet, around thr | lu
• mating •utuirrx In thlB powdri to
J Y Y C H IH g I lC U u t C U
/ lliu
and Fad el Allah «re neck of one of hi « wives, who wa.s
b rin g rou g<'od lu r k In m n n rv m a t ir r #
i seeing hi
danger, g r tt especially dlxtingulnlied
• nd l o ir
Ml ing* g >od fr ir n d # t r®»‘
■*hort Breathing Relieved
asleep, he cut the thread, and opening
a n d k r«p * « » ll oiv* a w ay T t t h ae rrrt
in armv of 1 r>00 met- agnuut Rabah grand appearance
p o a d r r I i r # a ll th # #ft k J lu r k of J o h n
ng (other than Tubercular
t h r < n n o 'ir r o r font, f-o .irM o i v. Mag
and Tumorous) when rauM*d by an 2.000 o f his redoubtable cavalry the » rtm 1 * covering the floor, the inscription inside, laktn g it to one
n a t lr H and , !<*»# P o w d rr. M o n ry b r ln g -
iu natural collection of water in feet routed It, after a tc*i rific thr* ».'-hour seat t , the rich cushions, and th»* bod
tng lu r k bag*, ho'jr o il a n d D ra g o n «
of hu learned men. lie bode him rend
ankles, extending upward as the
bi»jod a n d alio u ld »ring to you a ll
<rater coteru^and Ä m m l w In '» u l c ...<i rap’ um l ,u commander, aith Its coally covering«, the apart- it. H ie latter, knowing that the
yo ur w lah ra
i| » t h a p p y a t o tir*« leaves a dent.
By reducing Taliai. Another army »ent against ment« had an air of distinction
J woman wan one of Rabah's favorite |
r i l l - t in
tk tr.
A bo ttl« of g r n u in r N rw O t lo ans' Hu* v. i.: had hu irnpie «ion of being n som» wives, replied flatteringly
swelling tlte Short Breathing » i l l Dt f; • i.t t»r' •...
V a n V a n . c o n ta in in g tt\# o ila of th r
Good results obtained In ened bv hLs losses, Habah ‘ retreat- old manor of the Middle Ages
o n o ln t rd . w ith fu ll » p r c ia l d it ra tlo n #
“ Your majesty, it means good fori
nost cases. Endorsed by thou.sai.ds ed to the south to recruit his forces.
"I brought from Dike# the imprex- both you and her
for you to u w
H ut yo u ah o u ld o r d r r
By this charm
in ii- • 33 years. Write for FREE returnmg with 9 000 men.
a t o n r r R rn d h o m o n ry. "yy tha po«t-
j don of something great, of an Inten- .she holds yotir love ”
rriRii )u»t | l 00 p lu s a frw ern» post
.na! packa-e Collum Medi-ine Co
DraaaiUO , I nrm. Killer
•*“ » of Ulc. and a movement of popu-
Kahnh replied wrathfully “ What,I
|«W w h rn h r h rln # « 1 t to you M o n ry
I>-pt 501. Atlanta. Ga — fadv.l
____ __. . . . Istion such as 1 had not seen before do you mean that seeking to have
bat a If not d r llg h t r d
ft rin rm ly rr. or
Hashem was now for surrender, but
, ..
d r r at one# J u st p r in t o r w rit# yo ur
power over me is good for nv, r A fid
his nepliew, K.ara. opposing thr
n a rn r an d oddraa* an d *#nd It to Nrw
he ordered both the learned man and
idea, killed Hashem. and placing him-
^ onlinaei t o l>'*frat f-ranre
O r lr a n a Im p o rt ng €N>. fO I f. M u ,
H If f t t C h ic a g o , t illn a l« , an d w* w ill
, _
tffl.cli, ■ M amts Gat__
self at th»* head of the army, went
In the intervening yeais. Habah his wife to be put to death
•rnd th l# to yo u at one*, ao you con
' "
, '/ *> «,
U * t » » k n M u ’ T N ikagli to meet Rabah
A gT'ui battle en- continued to repulse the French, kill-
g rt a q u ir k a ta rt to h a p p in e ss.
i " ’ V\
a f f i * ffa.r #1 g « • ■ a*
product of war
He Mffd m an »*n
sued, in which Rabali was repulsed.1 ing among others, the French com
» U n i BRAHMS
N )0
' i u v l HIGHLY MAi.Nf.iK That iron ruler, furious at hi» first mandrr l>* Behagle. France pr< pan d v Iron meni In which only the toughest
. y ,
I O D I STO N fS F ar« Am
defeat, had all his generals brought another expedition agninxt him to rould survive. HLs early treatment j Do You Want a Baby?
t f jf i
aunt C#«Kt*ll.Kt A ltr a r t -
urfore him mid -.»-nlencrd them to which Le T>-m|*. of Part* objected wax not likely to «often him either.
V »• »k'M UVE I O DL.
Krcular $1.9« Treatment
J Ocrvll
S * o N t 4 art affH -4 V«
sent free—one to earl» family
'*> '* * '1 », ** 2 « /
Oriental tetpl* •« a
St Joseph’s
S lo a n ’s
L in im e n t
i *
lic it
CHA F # «••‘.to prcrcat E*4 icrh l » i ' g a flliila fla a t
t a l >1 » i k r r f « H f f it f « a i k C M i l a f k Ln*t H a »»-
nera i»«i
I l.f * f» t lK# »%»•
•r tb »aUabl« •■•tfwctia»* f N l f Ag» »ertaaa J i f f
■•<1 ISc >**t»jr« «adelfa«/» S atiifaeli»«fff aaan*» f»-
(a .4 .4 T a» »»■
LUC I f I Of^ef i m i * IO D A T I
J Bl,' R f A ll. (.«nera 1 P 0
i-, n MooKLrk. n y
ffO flC k We aVtofottl» G U A lA N T I f lbe»e ( ( « a
Brak»# !.«•( r s i «o eg «r«
Al I Vf. I Jai* « V i
• «« an«-. I « ika* «rt >k< REAI THING f o l l i
>ui HiGiii.t « A ie N ir iu (etr v o t i ) no w i i
Now For Shaves Without
A Razor
H<»r« ft h i
MAnuTacturinr wirnrfi«
hava turr)«d »nother trick to m ale Itfo
F»ai<*f- R p^iWf!*r. known *• Msiric Shar-
tng i'owütr . which you aimplr m i* wi*h
« a t « r «ufi put on yo*»r f»c a and yo*jr
b-ar* w »*h «» off *|nicker »nd riomrr than
y't'i n a i h t r « It off with may rmtor.
Hmir U diffftolvrJ denn to th# ■!;»»»,
and grow » h#rk m m aa i f you shnvrd
th« old botharMMB#
<ur waf.
1« — n n ti«c»tK it i# u«#d by Hu#eit«l#
• r*d Htmuly Pm rìor». F r*v *n t# in g ro w in g
b «ir».
Ci#nr» akin *>» bump# and pim­
plas and m #o fra tta on akin b » w
«'H ntn Srvd it price-1### fo r r a r '» i n g
•uperflnotM h#lr.
i t your drutfgbt do«# sot h i»# Magi#
Sharing Pow*f«r. by all m o n i »«o d t ic
i# atarrpa today fo r hi*, fnll-aata 9 %rk-
Addraaa : N a »ir Shaving F«»wdar
ih ., Dapt A,, ftannnafc, Ga.
(A # r ;
*1 wa* m arnrd and longed for a baby
every day. With all my hrart. but wa#
w rit#« Mra I, .% h rll-r. Indiana,
'ao I arm for your
p rt'crlp ilo n . W h i l e
bo# I wa* unabl# to
#ipr#*a my happiness.
f tiryvr had a alck
I becama Ills
moilier of a flna I 'k
baby. Otnl
only know our Joy.
I hop# every woman
longing fo r m olher-
plucked for months may be grown
hood will take your
in a few squa e feet o f noil. A « a;
at a
ii i ' " r of fact paisley beds are guit#I
walcoma to tua thl#
often covered wllh early «now« so Ihat
letter and plctur# for
the little garnish find» itaci/ packed I
m V iii V V I v « tba p"b‘.'.c*,"Ja-
GKOIV GREENS AND SALADS ‘ probably .several limes that number
of city men will «ee to It that at least
Green« and .talad» ahould form
I part ol the uielary of every family a few seed* are olanted In their pai-
carli day throughout the year. 'Iliry ( titular bit of »oil. Those who are not
are irghty paiaiwb..'. satisfy Uie ap fortunate enough to be working full
; petpe. r.nd hir.iish U»e bu’ky io<*l , lime, will hud an opportunity during
vehicn giv M ncce»s*-y. Has", of all, I Iheir spare hours lo do more plant-I
! the* are ftSe.’. with mineigl», wtlU ing than Uie> have done for a long j
' “
'J W n lai lime. la te r on their tables will b e '
for the Wojd. t'Prvar, bor. i u ’.d tertn. enriched with fre..h vegeiables. that
i-ortmatHy giccnr, aar) salads arr they fieihaps could not afford to have
very easily growxi, no w.-.ttcr woeUi-, unless they had grown them,
er they arr 11.« m i in «reps aueli ar.
: amslard aw' erta*. ar t ig eoW C-OI*. ;
—jeh as M u ir: and VaUucr. Faistwy
Try having a garden tb l» year ~
etaard ip iaai.i bale and cabbage are whether you live in the country, in
; ah -osy io grow.
| a town, or a city. Ol course, Uie Use
Many o t lisurc who have not had ' of the garden will vary, but you will
gaid-n» lor yaarx will have tbam U1L3 be awrprjed at what you can grow
; year. Many igsouaands of farm boy« «yen In a Dny plot of ground not over
who have bean bring In thr ally arc ten or twenty feel square. A bed of
now back on U h old homcitcad, and , lettuce or parsley which may be,
a away
u n v in
o n le s i
RhfKt kind
k in d | ...
. . . . n . y n r a yom."
in th#*
the r cooleit,
1,14 m-
° f » refrigerator imaginable. M any. I >oui4 n,r,r h«>, any chll4l«n,'• wrloa
housewlve* get their day'i supply of
»h it. p». - i ih -4 ,o«r me4kin-.
parsley by brushing aside the «now ».*7
,.., T wllh
i.k * .¡tu
i»? 4 1
" " l" Otlob*''
4 *»rtal
and plucking the fresh «talks.
nr. Iw p ,w ’, trfatm-nt. a non ip«ctflr.
If anyone in your home la not work­ «arra on Olandutrr a,, h a, born ur#4
ing six days a week, his or her «pare with roch ranilla hr Ihouaanda of » n u n
for th, a n t so days a lull dolUr
time may well be put Into a little gar­ '.hai
tr.almrtil will b , , « a ( Irr# poityald, no
den. '/ lie corn, beans, peas, tomatoes, C O D ., no roal. no obliaalloa, lo o r t i,
lettuce, carrots, beets, and other wofliin who wrltrs.
a limited supply o f f>M (r e a lm ,ota will
vegeiables grown will go a long way
bo M n l out thla
i m i h aa bo sur» m f
toward making lummer and autumn w
ill# lo d a ,. A ll# a try, booklet. "U h lld lro
dinners appetizing and healthful.
M n rrib ir, g ip ia in -d ," will ba arai rou
n im pl, tend name, a PM lra rd wUi do
By all means take advantage of
whatever ground la available and and r»m -d y will b , mallod In plain wrap­
per, Dr. DePrw b »ll»»e a ,o u will be ewr.'
grow a few taaly vegetables for your prlird and dellahted
sd d rrw n r DrPew.
own family
«u lto LO, Contri Houit. Kansan City, Mb
. a