The ADVOCATE P A G E F O I) K Arrmu K E E P IN G FIT Digesting . . . . . The (Veu V A Health Column dedicated to reader« o f Tha Advocate by DeNorm al Unthank, AB, M.D. Arata Building— 124 N. 6«h St. Phone A T 1703; MU 2021 By C L IF F O R D C M I T C H E L L SATURDAY, APRII THE MOTION PICTURE S IT U A T IO N cHipiì K IT S K1ED CHRONK The Advocate doe« not necessarily share ia the erriter's views, but whether we do or not, the opinions are sane, logical and interesting It is the readers' as well as our privilege to disagree with the writer who in v te s your opinion upon the subjects discussed from time to time in th.f column. Chronic bronchitis has come to he rec ognixed a- a diseased state rather than a particular disease entity Chr»sn bronchi!» is common in older people »h ere a complication of diseases may rasily esist. It is common also in cold, damp climate and »in ter weather Sum mer weather ansi dry warm climate; >tten s-aii'C the symptoms to disappear. >nly to return with the return of th cold and damp conditions. Through deaths and political up- heavels, the complexion o f American politics is gradually undergoing a change and in this transformation, the N egro, can, i f he w ill, get in on the ground door and build fo r the future a program o f usefulness that w ill re­ sult in an era o f justice and prosper­ ity fo r the race as a whole, and not merely fo r a few individuals. Chrome bronchitis may he due to many conditions It yn.i' follow repeated at tacks of acute bronchitis, the only real chronic bronchitis. It may develop from repeated inhalations of dusts, vapors, ga -e- Probably the most common causes of chronic bronchitis arc chronic Constitutional diseases Chief among these diseases are chronic heart diseases, especially chronic insufficiency, chronic heart and kidney disease, chronic pul- -nonarv diseases, chronic pulmonary tti ierclo-i-. asthma, syphilis of the bron- ,-hial tube', etc W e have experienced and witnessed the fo lly o f a policy that enabled a few o f our numbers to hold offices of a high-sounding nature but with their powers closely clipped or carefully curtailed while the masses in general were deprived the right o f earning an honest livelihood, even as manual laborers on the public works that these same politicians were supposed The chief symptoms o f chronic hron to have an influential voice. chitis are coughing and expectoration, general weakness. Expectoration may Another trick has been to elevate vary from very small amount- to large a few o f our members, grant them copious mucous discharges. After the some special concessions or secure for liscase has existed for some time short­ them immunity in their questionable ness o f breath is experienced. After and nefarious connections, and then this shortnes o f breath is accompanied trusting to the beneficiaries o f such a by palpitation of the heart and a feeling system to keep our vote lined up and of fullness of tin chest. Rises in body ready to deliver at the crack o f the temperature are slight if at all. Occa­ whip. It has taken the depression— sionally. however, individuals will suf­ through which we are passing— to lift fer acute exacerlations w ith rather the veil from such methods and the marked fever. re-actions are interesting to watch and record. The sufferer with chronic bronchitis Reports reaching this writer, thru needs careful medical examination and the medium o f our “ exchanges.” from laboratory analy sis Delay in these cases all parts o f Am erica, indicate that is \ery danger- us and unwise. while the various units o f govern­ ment, county, state and federal, a« well as the municipalities, are under­ taking millions o f dollars' worth o f improvements; yet, our people are having a most difficult time in secur­ ing even the most menial o f jobs. Those in control o f these jobs may very well get along without the N egro labor, now. but those in control o f the political destinies o f their party, can­ not get along without our support later, and if we are to reward any party with our loyalty it seems to me that we should gauge our loyalty by what that party w ill do fo r us now, and no from something that might be done years later, or even fo r some­ thing that might be done years later o r even fo r something that was done 40 or 50 years ago. M ow to h a ve a C omplexion That ClIAR-MS Above all, men admire a smooth, soft, light skin . . . it is the basis o f beauty and fem inine appeal. Even in the South we are deprived ; You may have this lure that charms o f the ballot, not so much because we men's hearts . . . Dr. Fred Palm er's are Negroes, but^ because the whites Skin Whitener Ointment softens and lightens t h e darkest skin, are fearful o f the Negroes will clears up pimples, blotches and tan do by following, as a group, leaders marks, and does aw ay w ith that who would use this bloc o f votes fo r “ oily, A in y ” look. Use this prepa­ their own designs without due regard ration regularly to make your skin soft, delicate and alluring. This to the rights and welfare o f Southern amazing Ointment is made In the whites. Once we have convinced the famous Dr. Fred P alm er’i Labora­ Southern Democrats that we are o f tories where are also made those other beauty aids you know so w ell: age and that we can discern "m erit” Dr. Fred Palm er’s Skin W hitener from "propaganda,“ then the political Soap, Skin W hitener Face Powder, barriers w ill gradually begin to fade [ H air Dresser and Hid Deodorant and our progress will be in keeping which may be had at all drug with our degree o f partisanship in a l l ! stores fo r 25 cents each or w ill be •ent postpa.d upon receipt o f price. parties. Dr. Fred Palm er’s Laboratories, Dept. 2, Atlanta, Ga. RvnS 4c In itampc for s (rncross tria l vamp]« of the Skis W h i t e s » , Soap and Fact Powder. DR.FRED PALMERS Sfoh Wfiitemr •a t i n TOUR COMPLEXION YOUTHFUL' COMING TO PORTLAND SPECIALIST Kith KRAFT A m e r ic a n C h eese k melts to a sm ooth and creamy sauce. A nd what flavor! A rich, time-mellowed flavor that only “ cave curing” can give. Try it for rarebits, sauce» f o r vegetable«, baked dishes, toasted sandwiches. Your grocer has Kraft Am erican Cheese. Order today. A new department it being offered to the readers o f the Advocate. A column devoted to advice on frien d ­ ship, love, end all matters pertaining to the home. Anyone wishing such advice, please w rite Nancy Lee, in care o f this paper. W e hear so much about jealousy, its moral and spiritual effect, and are just b<*irinninjt to discover somethin* o f it, cause. W e cannot have an ef- feet without a cause, that is certain, so I am going to take a little space fo r the cause o f jealousy. In the first place, fo r one to be jealous, in any possible way, shows one to have an "in fe rio rity complex.” Everyone longs to be admired, to be loved. to stand out above the average, hut very, very few take the trouble to improve themselves to that point whore each one can shine in his own particular way Eor instance, i f each one put his heart and soul into his work, he would have no need to bo jealous o f another's success. I f one was as clean and neat about his per- son and surroundings, as he could be. he wouldn't need to be jealous o f his neighbor's attractive home. I f each one was as loving, unselfish and as gracious as he could be. he wouldn’t be jealous o f another's charm. So, it is easily seen that jealousy springs from a lack o f intelligence, or a lack o f balance, or unity between the emo­ tions generated in the heart, and the intellect generated in the brain. This answers two letters, one who hasa jealous husband, and one who has a jealous wife. — N A N C Y LEE. New York City, April 31— The nation­ wide protests of the working cU»- and their organizations have aroused the hatred and mob -pint among the ignor­ ant and backward of Malxinu The de­ termination of the Negro and white workers to -aie the nine Negro boys from electrocution, is showing the rich landlords and capitali-t- that there is growing unity o f Negroc- and white- T o meet this lighting allians the K K K las s-nt a te’egram to the New York -JffilC i f *h. Inrcrmtioital L •>*►->■ I'e fen-r which reads as f-ll-'w »- "You Negroes are invited to Maliama We want your scalps al--ng with the nine we already have and wc II get as well anyone else who is a parts- to the GREAT IDEA The Advocate does not necessarily share in the writer's views but whether we do or not, the opinions arc sane, logical and interesting It is the readers' as well as our privilege to disagree with the writer who in- v tes your opinion upon the subjects discussed from lime to time in tli.s column. Aaron Holts is the father o f a wonderful idea, fo r wlilch he ia to he especially commended Mr. Holts do sires the state o f Oregon to rent a ( ,U|. , t„ ry building, in the heart . . . , ... . o f S c » l ork l i l y , to lx* known as " T h e Oregon Products Exposition." Last week, one o f the issue, o f The ' ,n ,hi* bui,dtn* '*,uM b" Ore*v>ni*n sent up nn editorial si*h o f 1 ° U.V*? ° * ** relief over the final close o f the noted M r H l,lu rw om mends that the first floor could be Bowles case. Bo did many o f The used, during the fruit season, to sell Oregonian's readers “ F or the public thousands o f small crates o f Oregon as well as the principals,” to quote cherries, prunes, walnuts, canned the editorial. Now who was it that salmon and salmon froxeii in ice. Mr. insisted on keeping the details before Holts suggests, that later on. similar the public? Surely not the principals, exhibits could be placed in Chicago. and surely not the public which rep­ St. Ixiuis, Boston and two or three resents that group o f readers The other large centers in the country. Oregonian likes to think it wants. But the group The Oregonian eaters to— 1 have written to Governor Meier, the box office group. Is it any wonder g iiin g my personal approval o f this that our Am erican public gets worse project, and stated that If he could and w orser? Its only medium for work out a plan, along the lines o f news is the newspaper that encour- Mr. Holtx’s, that I would gladly re­ ages the sensational! Yea. brother. I quest the City Council to do their part know what you are saying the news- in this laudihle undertaking paper that prints all the news. But are the sordid details o f murder trials EX-SERI H » MEN news? My sympathies are with Governor I I « ,|M,l n l « ,lll-> o f 11»«* M eier in his attempt to clean up the \\ o r l i ! W u r ! stale departments that head clean- ing up; and the prison has certainly been an expensive luxury for the tax K N O W \ O l It K K . I l I S ! payer fo r many years. Let us hope that in his efforts he will remove the Pensions. < ompensaiion, Insurance, II--- kingpin o f the official machine. It is I piulualion. Soldiers' ll-nie«. It.mi-. I'uncul Espella**, etc. not in the prison chariot just keep Methods *d obtaining these and -ilber on digging, Mr. Meier here's hoping beuetils entered ui our manual you w ill find him Button, button— where is the button that provides our One Polla’ institutions wtth officials? My goodness! i f that drug which in. S E K \ I l E M E N 'S S H I N I C E duces truth telling, ever comes into common every-day use, what w ill happen to this old world? W ill we Wed investigating committees and Join the . • . surveys, etc., etc.? What a glorious spree we can all have after each dose! 1*1« DENTI VE HOSPITAL No more white lies no more black lies —no more statistics- a la Mark Twain definition as to lies. No more ASSOCIATION remembering tomorrow the lie we told 'o d a y ' What jo y and what a relief! and Keep W e ll' telcuraitn sent South in l»ehalf o f the nine Negroes to burn Read this to vour entire brwly— K K -f AalahamaV’ The teleRram was sent fr»*m the H o­ tel Wahlen in Cattann«»gi. addressed to the “ Negro LaU.r Defence See L. A. ASHFORD 3 Î » W heeler Street — F A s t 440« Silice lite H a i» ( mie. »et up by die Molimi Pu nire Proda--r» nf America, (B y Chester A. L yon ) liad beni a-loptrd by die City Coum il, a» lite un.i»ni mg itick wluch pictiire» m The Advocate does not necrssattlv PnPttland aie lo In- Jildgcd, il wat litri! share in the w itter's views, but ni tlu» tu rile* a» thè lu ti» of nntor whether we do or not, the opinions air »h ip - 1 1 1 . S l i d nucleating It is th ­ readers' as w tll as our privilege to dia Ulule Oli» » m ir i gioup rrcugnirt-d agree with the writer who invites tliat tbc Invai ccittnr lioaril ha» mi ai» vour opinion upon the subjects d a- cussed (ro miime to time in this col­ llu-tity over vaudeville- ^cl», vrry oli ieetiotiable «tage and camici illr prixluc umn limi» bave lieru put mi »ilice l-ebruary I. Pioiniuenl bnaiurt» and piofr»»ional Il was mrntioiird m their article» seme lour ago that a "Committee ut nini »erteti mi tlu» »u itrv couinutlt-r, lisi". WJ» organized for «tildi and action VII wt-uirn reprrtriitrd »e re molline. Saturday » meeting wat wrtl irprc- in llic problem of Motion Picture »land arde in Portland T b it » a t back in tentetl lo prnniinrnt butilici» and prò- fettioiial iiit-u and w-oineu, at wt-ll a» January. I wat atkrd to terse at cltju dui re l i , U t | U ; man of lint Uonnnittee. and 1 jgiced IVrriit I r achei to act, in tint capacity g o in g all the American \\ ai Mollicci, giade and lugli lime I coniti pttttiblt tjiair fieni ins teltnol lra< bri» and principali' attoria- other work M it Janui'ttc Shank, a tnai». eery prominent \V,U T U . worked w.i» elected lo ter ve at tecretary I a«t I cbinan. I apjx-iiited J II, chairman of a Survey Cmmmltcr, the purpose Is mg In obtain data Concerning $25.00 to the type of motion pielitirt ami other theatre production« that bale Isreu run $45.00 in the down town t licit re » during a pctied of » week» The l.ii ig> "U(’bere Young Men Huy" town-town theatre» baie die fitti run pictures. knot her meeting --f tin- "Unmmuiei of pal", wat held lati Satinila» nete fo r a prize. Nominations ntay be made at any time during the eampaijrn. * mP’°)'e e in the business office o f The Advocate is eligible to enter this dia- tributmn. The management reserves the right to reject any nominations at any time. 3— The winners o f the prizes w ill be decided by their accredited votes said Wites being represented by ballots issued on subscriptions by votes issued on the nomination coupon, the first and second week cujmns and the opportunity coupons. The manage ment also reserves the right to incorporate the sale o f advertising and due-bill cards at any time during the campaign, and votes w ill be issued as per the one year vote schedule in effect at that time. 4— Candidates are not confirmed to their particular town or community in which to secure votes and subs Option», but may take orders anywhere in this section; or, fo r that matter, anywhere in the State o f Oregon, or the world. o— Cash must accompany all orders where votes are desired. There w ill be no e x ­ ception to this rule. ( andidates will be allowed to collect back subscriptions and re ­ newals as well as entirely new subscriptions and votes will be issued on both. 6— Votes are free. It costs the subscriber nothing extra to vote fo r his or her favorite. Subscribers should ask for votes when paying their subscriptions. 7 Cotes cannot be purchased. Every cent accepted through the camjiaign depart - ment must represent subscriptions. 8— Votes are not transferable. Candidates cannot withdraw- in fa v o r o f another candidate. Should a candidate withdraw- from the race, his or her votes will be can­ celled. (W ith the consent o f the cam paign manager, however, a candidate may w ith ­ draw from the race and transfer his or her votes to an entirely new candidate or new entry.; N either will it be permissible for 'andidates to g ive or transfer subscriptions to another candidate. Votes on such transferred subscriptions will be subject to dis­ qualification at the discretion o f the management. 9— A n y effo rt or collusion on the part o f any candidate or candidates to discourage competition by the spreading o f false rumors or exaggerated stories, or anything done by any candidate or combination o f candidates to the detrim ent o f this newspaper will not be tolerated. An y candidate or candidates entering into or taking part in any such agreement, arrangem ent or effort, w ill fo r fe it all rights to a prize or commission. 10— A n y hallos issued on subscriptions may be held in reserve and voted at the discretion o f the candidate and the campaign manager. 11— N o statement or promise made by any solicitor, agent or candidate varyin g from the rules and statements published through the columns o f this newspaper, will be recognized by the publishers. 12— In case o f typographical or other error, it is understood that neither the pub­ lisher nor the campaign manager shall be held responsible except fo r the necessary correction upon the same. 13— E very candidate is an authorized agent o f The A dvocate and as such, may collect arrearages and subscription payments from present as w ell as from new subscribers. 14— Extension o f subscriptions will receive votes according to the vote schedule in effect when the first subscription was paid, except that no extension votes will be given during the final period. 15— It is distinctly understood and agreed that candidates will lie responsible fo r all moneys collected and that they remit such amounts in full, at frequent intervals, or on demand, to the campaign department. * 16— There will be several prizes awarded, besides a 10 per cent commission, to A L L A C T IV E non-prize winners, but it is distinctly understood that in the event A N Y candidate becomes IN A C T IV E fa ilin g to make a weekly cash report, he or she w ill, at the discretion o f the management, become disqualified and thereby fo r fe it all right to a prize or a commission. 17— The time o f May 2 to M ay 13 will be known as opportunity duys. During these days, there w ill be a vote bonus o f 100,000 extra votes fo r every three renewal sub. scriptions o f not less than one year each; 200,000 extra votes for every three new sub. scriptions o f not less than one year each, and 600,000 extra votes fo r one six-year sub­ scription either ne wor renewal, but only ten six-year subscriptions can be turned in to apply on this extra offer. 18— To insure absolute fairness in the awarding o f the prizes, the race will be brought to a close under a “ sealed ballot box” system, and will be under the personal supervision o f two or more judges selected from the A dvisory Board. During the en­ tire last week o f the camiiaign, the box locked and sealed will repost in a con­ venient place, where candidates and their friends will deposit their final collections and reserve votes. And not until the race has been declared dosed will the seals he broken, the box unlocked and the judges begin the final count. In this way, no one— not even the campaign r.ianager—can possibly know the voting strength o f the re­ spective candidates, which precludes any possibility o f favoritism and insures fairness to the minutest degree. 19— The management reserves the right to amend or add to the rules o f this cam ­ paign, if necessary, for the protection o f the interests o f both candidates and this aper. The right is also reserved to increase and add to the list o f prizes. 20— The Advocate guarantees fair and impartial it-eafrncnt to all candidates; should any question arise, the decision o f the management will be absolute and final. 21— T w o hundred thousand extra votes will be awarded eaeh candidate with every three one-year subscription, or the equivalent, turned in during their first week in the ram paign; 150,000 extra votes will be awarded eaeh candidate with every three one- year subscription, or the equivalent, turned in during their second week in the cam- paign. These are in addition and above all regular votes but this arrangem ent will be in effect only during the first two periods o f the rampaign. 22— A ll extra votes w ill be issued and credited to the accounts o f the various can­ didates at the convenience o f the rampaign manager. 23— Campaign opens today— closes June 25, 1931. IN A C C E P T IN G N O M IN A T IO N S , ( A N D ID A T E S A G R E E T O A B ID E BY T H E A B O V E C O N D IT IO N S COMPLETE NEW STOCKS OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE FOR THE HOME AND PERSONAL SERVICE 12th member added lo United Stales »National Group of Hanks A recent addition to the strong Uniteti States National group is that o f First N a ­ tional Hunk o f Linnton— 12th member in an affiliation afford in g maximum conveni­ ence and cooperation to individuals and con­ cerns within n 66-mile radius o f P o rtlan d . Combined Kcwoiirre» approxim ately $100,900,000 • . T C-**l , I nilcil Stales N«ilioiuil Ikinlc Broadway anti Sljvih. al k l a r k . P o rt la nd FINLEY'S Trade Mark Emblem is the Tree of IMMORTAL LIFE Use Our N ew Parking Space For Pun J P M N I lYfiVON tJO R T K IA N t ersi Cars at Fourth and Montgomery Streets MILLER & TRACEY P erfect Funeral Service Our Merchandise and Service Certificates Save You from 2(1 to 60% T A L L US IN C O N F ID E N C E A N Y H O UR D A Y OR N IG H T W A S H IN G T O N S T R E E T Between 20th and 21st HKoudwuv 2690 HRoudway 2691