The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, April 18, 1931, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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A Health Column dedicated to
readers of The Advocate by
DeNormal Unthank. AB. M.D.
Arata Building—12H N. 6th St.
Phone AT 1703; MU 2621
Digesting . . .
. . Tfie iye\x?s
A new department ii being offered
to the readers at the Advocate. A
column devoted to advice on friend
ship, love, and all matters pertaining
to the home.
Anyone wishing such advice, please
write Nancy Lee, in care of this paper.
Among the diseases that most com­
monly confine individuals to their
hmoes are acute catarrhal inflamations
of the bronchail tubes or acute Bron
chitis. These conditions thus become
an economic factor because of the time
lost from gainful occupations while
confined to the home.
Dear Nancy Lee:
Acute Bronchitis usually follows the
common cold, grippe or influenza In
such cases acute bronchitis may be
looked upon either as a complication
or an extension of the other diseases.
I have been interested in your col­
umn ever since it began in The Ad­
vocate and have wanted to write and
ask your advice about a matter but
hesitated because I am somewhat tint
id. However, 1 shall be glad to read
your answer to this in the next issue
of The Advocate.
Acute Bronchitis is most common in
cold, damp, wet climates and in sea
sons marked by sudden weather
changes It has no respect for ago
I have a friend who has a "hen­ or sex; yet it is more serious in in
pecked" husband A little misunder­ fancy and old age
standing occurred between us a couple
of years ago and since that time she Some people have a marked predis­
has not spoken to me and her husband position for acute bronchitis. Child­
seems afraid to speak the truth The ren with rickets, enlarged and diseased
"friend" went away on a vacation and tonsils and the ordinary diseases of
while she was away her husband at­ childhood, namely: measles, whooping
tended a private dancing party at cough, influenza, typhoid fever, mumps
which I also was a guest He did not are especially prone Adults with dis­
bring an escort and I didn't have one eased tonsils, nasal and sinus infec­
so he asked to take me home in his tions and run down physical condition
car. She heard about it upon her are susceptible to repeated attacks
return and then forthwith accused me
of trying to steal him from her during The inflammation affects the trackea
her absence. When his wife returned and the larger bronchi of each lung. In
and heard about it she jumped all over more severe recurring cases the smal­
him and accused him of flirting and ler bronchi are often involved as well
"stepping out". So when she spoke
to me I sensed trouble for him. and
The symptoms are similar to those
fearing a break-up I took it upon my­ of catarrhal fever—previously discus­
self to lie to defend him. I told her sed—chilliness, extreme lassitude, fever,
that I asked him to drive me home nausea, general muscular soreness, es­
and he did so as an accommodation. pecially of the chest, cough, etc. The
Now there was nothing wrong with cough is first of the dry hacking type
what happened and I had no idea she with little or no expectoration. After
was that sensitive about her husband. five to ten days the cough lossens and
But until this day he has not told her is accompanied by a copious expectora­
the truth and she stilt blames me and tion of mucous or muco-pus
does no speak. Do you think her
friendship is worth anything? Do you Acute bronchitis can simulate sev­
think he is much of a man to let eral other diseases. Broncho-pneu­
matters go on like they have—that is, monia must be distinguished in child­
letting her believe I asked him to es­ ren and elderly adults. Tuberculosis
cort me home and he had no alterna­ at early adult age may present the
tive but to do so? What shall I do same symptoms. Acute bronchitis may
about it?
be a forerunner of influenza, measles,
typhoid fever or even small pox. A
physician should be consulted to make
the above differentiation.
Dear Perplexed:
Looking at this from an impersonal
standpoint. I would say the husband
made the mistake in allowing his wife
to hear of the episode from others,
instead of telling her himself.
There was no harm in this man
offering to drive his wife's friend home
late at night when she had no other
way of getting home except by street
car. In fact, it was a kind and courte­
ous thing for him to do. If he was
afraid of his act being misunderstood
by his wife or others, he sboud have
invited someone else to go along. How­
ever the trouble seems to have started
because the husband and you were not
frank and open about the whole affair.
It always pays to be honest and above­
board in all our dealings, then those
interested know just where we stand.
You might go and call on your
friend when her husband is home and
explain the whole thing before him,
and if he is half a man he will back
you up. Men hate to be nagged, and
will do almost anything to save them­
selves this annoyance, hence this man’s
I am sure with the proper explana­
tion the wife will understand you were
trying to protect her, instead of her
husband and yourself.
Meets every second and
fourth Friday evenings
in each month at the
Williams Avenue and
McMillan St.
Wave the kind
o/B eauty
Men A dore
A m erican
C heese
k malts to a smooth and creamy
sauce. And what flavor! A rich,
time-mellowed flavor that only
“cava curing” can give.
Try It for rarebite, sauces* for
vegetables, baked dishea, toasted
sandwiches. Your grocer has Kraft
American Cheese. Order today.
The Advocate doe* not necssaarily
share in the writers view*, but
whether we do or not, the opinion*
are sans, logical and interesting. It
ia the reader*’ a* well aa our privilege
to disagree with the wnter who in­
vite* your opinion upon the subjects
discussed from time to time in this
Th* Advocate does not necessarily
share in the srritsr's views, but
whether we do or not, the opinions
are sane, logical and interesting It
is the readers’ as well as our privilege
to disagree with th* wnter who in­
vites your opinion upon th* subjects
discussed from time to time in this
Next week two of our national as­ column.
sociations will be actively enegaged
The National Urban I eague through
their hundreds of "locals" will be wag­ Now is the time for all of us to get
ing a nation-wide campaign for voca­ in and dig against the military training
tional opportunity. They will be ably at our state schools. Just ask them
assisted by the press, our public to make it elective instead of compul­
speakers and a great many of the sory The Board of Higher Educa­
public schools Their efforts will be tion is going to consider the subject
inter-racial To the whites they will Send in your letter to Mrs Cornelia
be "selling" the idea and justice of M Pierce, LaGrande, Oregon
giving the Negro a greater opportunity
* * *
in the employment field, suggesting
instead of asking for
a standard of "merit” and not of race
for military train­
• * •
ing it is rather refreshing to find stu­
To Negroes they will emphasize the dents of Columbia, Harvard. Yale.
necessity and importance of render­ Johns Hopkins, Swarthmore, George
ing only the best of efficient
and Washington and other educational in­
trained service to justify the whites in stitutions presenting petition* to US
maintaining them on their pay-rolls Congress asking that no more U. S.
• * *
money be appropriated for militarry
There can be no argument as to the training in state schools. Fifty-five
merit of such a campaign Some may universities and college* were repre­
belittle their efforts and consider it sented in the petitions These peti­
lightly as merely a welt-propagandized tions said that the signers were oppos-
racket but we need a great deal of sed to military training in colleges be­
this sort of propaganda Any portion cause they believe that military courses
of society who seeks improvement, tend to teach doctrines contrary to
correction of wrongs, or additional the principles of American government
opportunity, and is not so organized and seek to idealize war and inculcate
to promulgate and take advantage of a spirit of unquestioning military
expert propaganda is hopelessly be­ obedience which is an emotional arm­
hind the times. Our judgment then ament of war What is our local
should be centered on when and how group of the National Council for the
to use appropriate propaganda, and prevention of War doing in this crisis?
all such that has as its aim the im­ I have not heard of a inerting for
proving and increasing of vocational months Get busy. Mr Strorng and
opportunity should be wholly and Mr Handsaker. call a meeting and
earnestly supported by the race We send a strong resolution to the Board
s * •
should not stop with propaganda how.
Looks as if we are on the verge of
s • *
another war when the leaders in the
Fortunately, we have some organ­ President’s cabinet are getting together
ized forces and agencies who are in with the war members of the Senate
a practical position to create a great and the House to discuss the selling
many of the opportunities, within our prices of commodities during war
own race, that some seem content to times. Listen to this paragraph
* s *
wait for the whites to give us. thru
our propaganda While the National
"Bernard M Baruch advocated
L’rban League will be conducting freezing” all prices immediately on
their nation-wide vocational oppor­ the breaking out of war This might
tunity campaign our National Negro! have cut the cost of the last war 60
Insurance Association will be quietly per cent. However he opposed con­
holding their 1931 sessions at Hot scription of men or wealth But he
Springs. Ark
did believe in giving President auto-
In Inlrrual Medirint' for tlir
Pant I iu• 1 1<<ii Yoara
cate has thousands of friends real frieiula. They stand ready to help.
Every reader who would ahare in this great gift giving will find the ground
well broken for him and for her. You will readily understand the whole plan
once you read The Advocate's "Everybody Wins Something" automobile and
gold gift distribution announcement elaewhere In thia laaue.
The Advocate hear* the expense. There i* not one cent for you to spend.
Thimulay anti Friday, April
Your time ia your own. You can win by simply devoting a part of your
3 0 and May 1, 10.31
spare time. It will be easy, you will find, to be the recipient of one of The
Other Hours: 10 AM . lu 4 P M
Advocate's big gift*.
Now, at «he outset, there are some things to be made clear. Because
there have been "subscription conteata” held in the past, The Advocate wanta
No Mh«r$e for Conaultation
o make everything clear, to know that you really do understand that The
Advocate's plan is different. All cards are laid right on the table Every­
l>r M rllnithiit it a rr(u l« r ¿ratlu atr in thing Is fair square and atmve board 1
medicine «nil surgery «ml i« lie——d bv
the Statu of Oregon. He doe« not operate EVERYBODY WINS SOMbyillNG—
In some “contests.” there have been contestant* who have really worked
for chronic appendicitis, gall »tone«, ulcer»
of stomach, tonsil« or adenoid«.
for nothing One or two big priie* have been given and these went to the
first and second highest candidate* all other* were left to hold the aack.
He has to his credit wonderful results in
diseases of the stomach, liver, bowel«, »kin. In Th# Advocaf* gift distribution "Everybody Win* Something” You win
l.U id . nerve«*, heart, knlnev, bladder, bed either the new Hudson straight "8" or one of the purees of gold, and each
wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, of you win the CASH commission.
sciatica, leg ulcer« and rectal ailment«.
Th# Advocate ia striving to go ahead and progress and grow aa thia
Remember the above date, that conaul- entire city and section I* conatantly growing and progressing
This new*.
tation oil this trip will be free and that paper will continually add new feature* and make every warranted improve­
his treatm ent ia different.
ment. Now we want to add hundreds of now subscriber*, and In doing thia
Marries! women must be accom panied bv we will pay those who help u* very generously for what they do for u*.
their husbands.
Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity right now. For further
information, mail the Nomination Blank, call on, phone, or write. Campaign
A ddress: 4221 West T hird Street
I os Angeles, ('.alitornia
Manager, care of The Advocate, 312 Macleay Building, Portland, Oregon.
will be at
and Dt*p«'iidt*nt« of ill«*
World War!
Pensions. Compensation, Insurance. Hos
pitalu atio n . Soldiers' Homes, Ilonus,
Funeral E »penses, etc.
W. Cor. 4 »h an«l
Bradford B. Washington
Clothes $ 2 5 .0 0 to
$ 4 5 .0 0
“ VUhcrr Young Men Huy"
Method« of obtaining these ami other
benefits coverest in our manual
Omr Dollar
ROSE c m
Join the . . .
. Drums
. and Keep Well!
, . Saxaphonr
Admission 60c
MONDAY, APRIL 27 , 19.31
3Î* Wheeler Street —
EAet «*0«
cratic powerrs to be effective whenever
Congress shall declare war or the ex­
istence of an emergency due to the
imminence of war " One need not be
a good guesser to guets what our
Wall-street -controlled Hoover would
do in such a case
W e Seti For Less Because
W e Seit )or C ash
Knight* of Pvthiaa
A delicately »oft amooth light
■kin U the secret of alluring beau­
ty . . . and it may be your», quick­
ly, surely and easily. Dr. Fred
Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment
aoftens and lighten» the darkeat
akin, clears up pimples, blotches
and tan marks, and does away with
that “oily, ahiny” look. Uae this
preparation regularly to make your
akin soft, delicate and alluring.
This amazing Ointment is made
in the famous Dr. Fred Palmer’s
Laboratories where are also made
those other beauty aids you know
ao well: Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin
Whitener Soap, S k i n Whitener
Face Powder, Hair Dresser and
Hid Deodorant which may be had
at all drug stores for 25 cents each
or will be sent postpaid upon re­
ceipt of price. Dr. Fred Palmer1»
Laboratories, Dept. 1, Atlanta, Ga.
Send 4c in stamps for a
generous trial aample of
th* Skin Whitener, Soap
and Face Powder.
y o u « c o m pl ex io n y o u th fu l *
1— Any reputable man, woman or child residing in Portland or surrounding territory
aerved by Tie Advocate ia eligible to enter thia campaign and compete for a prize.
Nominations may be made at any time during the campaign.
2— No employee in the business office of The Advocate is eligible to enter thia dis­
tribution. The management reserve* the right to reject any nominations at any time
3— The winners of the prizes will be decided by their accredited votes said votes
being represented by ballots issued on subscriptions by votes issued on the nomination
coupon, the first and second week cupons and the opportunity coupons. The manage­
ment aiso reserves the right to incorporate the sale of advertising and due-bill cards
at any time during the campaign, and votes will be issued as per the one year vote
schedule in effect at that time.
4— Candidates are not confirmed to their particular town or community in which to
secure votes and subscriptions, but may take orders anywhere in this section; or, for
that matter, anywhere in the State of Oregon, or the world.
5— Cash must accompany all orders where votes are desired. There will be no ex­
ception to this rule. Candidates will be allowed to collect back subscriptions and re­
newals as well as entirely new subscriptions and vote* will be issued on both.
6— Votes are free. It costs the subscriber nothing extra to vote for his or her
favorite. Subscribers should ask for votes when paying their subscriptions.
7— Votes cannot be purchased. Every cent accepted through the campaign depart­
ment must represent subscriptions.
8— Votes are not transferable. Candidates cannot withdraw in favor of another
candidate. Should a candidate withdraw from the race, his or her votes will be can
celled. (With the consent of the campaign manager, however, a candidate may with­
draw from the race and transfer his or her votes to an entirely new candidate or new
entry.) Neither will it be permissible for candidates to give or transfer subscriptions
to another candidate. Votes on such transferred subscriptions will be subject to dis­
qualification at the discretion of the management.
9— Any effort or collusion on the part of any candidate or candidates to discourage
competition by the spreading of false rumors or exaggerated stories, or anything done
by any candidate or combination of candidates to the detriment of this newspaper will
not be tolerated. Any candidate or candidates entering into or taking part in any such
agreement, arrangement or effort, will forfeit all rights to a prize or commission.
10— Any ballot issued on subscriptions may be held in reserve and voted at the
discretion of the candidate and the campaign manager.
11— No statement or promise made by any solicitor, agent or candidate varying from
the rules and statements published through the columns of this newspaper, will be
recognized by the publishers.
12— In case of typographical or other error, it ia understood that neither the pub­
lisher nor the campaign manager shall be held responsible except for the necessary
correction upon the same.
13— Every candidate is an authorized agent of The Advocate and aa such, may collect
arrearages and subscription payments from present as well as from new subscribers.
14— Extension of subscription» will receive votes according to the vote schedule in
effect when the first subscription was paid, except that no extension votes will be
given during the final period.
16—It is distinctly understood and agreed that candidates will be responsible for all
moneys collected and that they remit such amounts in full, at frequent intervals, or
on demand, to the campaign department.
16— There will be several prizes awarded, besides a 10 per cent commission, to ALL
ACTIVE non-prize winners, but it is distinctly understood that in the event ANY
candidate becomes INACTIVE failing to make a weekly cash report, he or she will, at
the discretion of the management, become disqualified and thereby forfeit all right to
a prize or a commission.
17— The time of May 2 to May 13 will be known as opportunity days. During these
days, there will be a vote bonus of 100,000 extra votes for every three renewal sub.
scriptions of not less than one year each; 200,000 extra votes for every three new sub.
scriptions of not less than one year each, and 500,000 extra votes for one six-year sub­
scription either ne wor renewal, but only ten six-year subscriptions can be turned in
to apply on this extra offer.
18— To insure absolute fairness in the awarding of the prizes, the race will be
brought to a close under a "sealed ballot box” system, and will be under the personal
supervision of two or more judges selected from the Advisory Board. During the en­
tire last week of the campaign, the box—locked and sealed—will repost in a con­
venient place, where candidates and their friends will deposit their final collections
and reserve votes. And not until the race has been declared closed will the seals be
broken, the box unlocked and the judges begin the final count. In this way, no one—
not even the campaign manager—can possibly know the voting strength of the re­
spective candidates, which precludes any possibility of favoritism and insures fairness
to the minutest degree.
19— The management reserves the right to amend or add to the rules of this cam­
paign, if necessary, for the protection of the interests of both candidates and this
newspaper. The right is also reserved to increase and add to the list of prizes.
20— The Advocate guarantees fair and impartial treatment to all candidates; should
any question arise, the decision of the management will be absolute and final.
21— Two hundred thousand extra votes will he awnrded each candidate with every
three one-year subscription, or the equivalent, turned in during their first week in the
campaign; 160,000 extra votes will be awarded each candidate with every three ons-
year subscription, or the equivalent, turned in during their second week in the cam­
paign. These arc in addition and above all regular votes but this arrangement will
be in effect only during the first two periods of the campaign.
22— All extra votes will be issued and credited to the accounts of the various can­
didates at the convenience of the campaign manager.
Campaign opens today—closes June 25, 1931.
(A t
12th member added to
United State» National
Croup of Hanks
A recent addition to the strong United
States National group ia that of First Na­
tional Rank of Linnton— 12th member In
an affiliation affording maximum conveni­
ence and cooperation to individual* and con­
cerns within a 66-mile radius of Portland.
Combined Resource*
a p p r o x im a te ly 1100 , 000,000
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Trnde Mark Emblem is the
Tree of
Use Our New Parking Space Por Fun
era! Cara at Fourth and Montgomery
Perfect Funeral Service
Our Merchandise and Service Certificates Sav#
You from 20 to 60%
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BRoadway 2 6 9 0
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