The ADVOCATE SATURDAY, APRIL THREE ■ Theatres $ 1500.00 NEW HUDSON STRAIGHT 8 ABSOLUTELY FREE MORE THAN *1500.00 IN PRIZES M am m oth F R E E gift D istr ib u tio n ADVOCATE by the 1 rREE 1 EVERYONE WILL WIN Eiglit-Act Vaudeville Returna to Orpheum On last Thursday, the KKO Arphe- um renewed the big vaudeville policy with a full length vaudeville bill which meant a huge augmentation of the entertainment value of the bill, for the theatre will continue to run big talkie features ss usual Ken Murrary head lines in “Fooling Around"; Edgar Ger- gen, in “The Operation" will give an ventriloquia) novelty. Foster, Fagan and Cox, a trio of fun songsters; a thrilling aerial act, a novelty skating set, Velma Wayne in “Satires of the Cinema” and last but not the least. Jellybeans Johnson in his eccentric dances. (See front page story for more about Johnson). The screen at­ traction is “Cracked Nuts” with Wheeler, Woolsey, May Oliver, and Dorothy Lee. United Artiata ALL PRIZES . . . GOIJ), SILVER AND AUTOMOBILES . . . TO BE GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE TO MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS RESIDING IN PORTLAND AND SURROUNDING TERRITORY SERVED BY THE ADVOCATE. You are xvclronir to »Imre in tltin grneroun 0li0 H th h vote«. These volea are tiven you as a starter, ami speed you on your way It* win Only one •u,’h nomination will In* accept«! for each candidate. You may nomi­ nate either yourself or a friend. KIKST PERIOD Up lo nnd including May 27th, 1931, the following num her of votes will be issueil on MOTION PICTURE SITUATION THE P inauds Shamp OO Leaves your hair lustrous, healthy, and not loo dry! S. D. LYONS 316 N. Central , Dept B Oklahoma City, O kls. Phone TRinity 0693 S. C. MORRIS, Mgr. U. S. A . G A R A G E, Inc. Ga»—Eaatern and Western Oils—Battery Charging Scientific Automobile Repairing Greasing, Oiling, Washing and Polishing E X P E R T A U T O M O B ILE D R IV IN G IN S T R U C T IN G Courteous and Efficient Service Car Called for and Delivered STEAM HEATED STORAGE A t your dealer's— or send 5 0» for full-size bottle to Pinaud, Dtp:. M , 210 £ 21 Si.. NewYork [Sample bottle fret] 353 55 RO SS ST. THE ADVOCATE 313 Maoleay Building — 286 Washington St. P O R T L A N D , OREGON Nomination or Entry Blank for The Advocate’* “ Everybody Win* ” Gold and Automobile Election a a a a GOOD FOR 5000 VOTES I hereby enter and ca»t 5 0 0 0 votet for (MISS) (MRS.) (M R .)....................................................................................................................... as a candidate in The Advocate’s “ Everybody Wins” Prize Distribution of Gold and Auto­ mobile. ADDRESS........................................................................................PHONE..................................... Note— Only one nomination blank accepted for each candidate nominated.........................