1 U K U J . U a i R A T H p F E A T U R E S E C T I O N - April I I. ,.r, .. r- - r. M a 1le 1 M 1 7 Gruesome Revenge of the Rieh “Bull-Frog Catcher” I ni p e r s o n a t o r ( ontinurO from I ' .f r t * j word wftn good. but a* fur as Pom- Get W h at You W an t i dexter penetrated the swamp, he avoided the place where he had ! dropped Hugh Harte r with a bullet He hated Kta n Harber, but money ' Monry, love, luppiiu^H, etc. !>«•- ] has a powerful effect on some men lallt» í ree. Alexandre, Box 4*M , Therefore, when Kben put In an ap- College station. New Vorli ! liearanre at his cabin and told him 1 hr had caught the frog and had It !ln the swamp, and expressed a desire »rcctftft ■ to have him go along and see it. I t W J B rONCKMTBATIOM h m i i n g IM S Il he without hesitation, consented d w " y * * \\|-~iI '1 I Hr envied the other man but just The very b«*t by test. M ghly ruwut rrcom niriided | the Mum he was anxious to see the and iut< m tu lly um 4 by ttM iuondi of p e o ­ ple I) 00 « l>'ix Lucky M aster High J*ihn giant frog the greml conqueror root lncrnar powder | ' ft's the biggest in the world," • i • M BM M IM I II 50 * box High J MM r g rtu i conqueror perfume It 00 * bottte. Kben announced, and It'll make me th Lucky Isudeftlotic Perfume. 91 00 a bottle. ■ a rich and fumous man * Adam end B*e love apple root perfume. Pranktncenae and M yrrh They entered the swamp together »1 00 a bottle 91 00 a bottle ln crn se perfume. It was dark with no stars shining perfuiif 91 00 a bottle True Drearr. and Humber ’ overhead; and Kben led Poindexter Hook 9MK Lucky I»ream Perfume Me your order to U O N O'MAN i:.*U -traight to tlic spot where he had It-uaii ' • o a l k HI., S W . W aablngtan D C . found his son's body. "Here's where the giant frog Is," i lie declared ''Look See hi! tliar on I the ground? flight thar . . . " PoIndrxU-r was nervous already, | his llmh* shook, hla hands trembled A .shudder ran through him Some­ thing brat at his brain. He peered ' cloner I "Do you see »h at I » lis t 1 see?' . he croaked, hla voice hoarse and heavy. “Do you see —" | "I see tile frog I caught tills af­ ternoon in that thar chicken coop." H roJllp- Kben told film calmly ' Nothin’ clae." j Closer than ever Poindexter bent .to the soggy ground That tliar ain't no coop thar DO YOU VANT Thar ain't no coop nor no frog —" He choked Then: Hit's—'' Hr stopped short. The darkness closed In on them, ■nky black. Impenetrable Ebrn's , flashlamp made a white circle, and in tills showed tile dark bulk against l i e earth Suddenly Poindexter let out a screech "Hit's him! h its h im 1' he j cried "1 thought they had moved him H its Hugh!" Then wilder , Ilian c ir r before: "J done h it! I done INFORMATION FRF.E h it! I killed him—" He fled screaming through the No m atter how hope lea* your i .» e m ay aeem. 1 guarantee to slush and over the rotten snags as he ip you. fast as he could run But lie fell and Kben caught up with him 91 R l 1 E TODAY "You done hit." he exclaimed "I wanted to make shore. Now you're gotn' t' swing." 301 B ergen A ve., S uite F ’ * • J « v t l i l y . New Jersey Later on. Kben Harber returned to the swamp and removed the scarecrow he had borrowed Irom a ! neighbors cornfield. — o — ---- SUCCESS HAPPINESS MONEY LOVE SUCCESS M. WILLIAMS Needs a Vacation j The Oood Hardware Magazine t e l l s . ... . ... ...... . .. . e I 1 • .U °( » tramp whe claimed to have the Ml ait I.illyn hlhrown Brown, one o f liic few .successful male impersonators on the stage eaatest job in the city. to d ay. Sh e is to he seen with th e Thom as (Juintette w hich p la y s re g u la r ly on th e R. K. 0.| "You know the fellow that goes C ircuit. Despite the fa ct th at M ias Brown fits very w ell into m ale rolPs on the s ta g e she ^'^•e\TrvV^'7iung,s aifnMit?" has a strik in g fem inine b eauty a l l h e r own and could quite c h a r m in g ly p la y th e h e ro in e 'h r qucrich WcU. i tJtP hinfiis- a s w e ll as the v illian . And she h as p len ty of “i t ” too. ten." Selected Recipes for the l p-to-date 1 lome Maker dessert Here are two red lies using coffee as a flN V n rtn g which are quick* Cookies und tarts arc always nice ly made and are moat delicious to liavr In the pantry for a snack Coffer Tarts 1 bet » •■en mrals or for an emergency 1 cup coffer t o m i ; ro o K iK s Ns It m u s t be good/ This year ten M il LION Irratm rnta of W ailn c will h ard ­ ly go around. It MI NT be good! W herever toilet goods aro sold W aslne Holds first place in sales . . . because In the dainty glass Jar there is a per- iu m rd dressing that dors three things w ell. It rlralg h lcn s iho h air from roots to end. Makes your h air grow long and silk y . And brings beauty you never bad before. Is h a ir beauty worth 25cT That's a ll W avlne costs . . . . at your d ru ggist's or by m ail post paid from The Boyd Mnfg. ( A , B irm ingham , Ala. 1 cup sugar 3 eggs S cup butter H cup walnuts *,» cup rntalus Orated rind 1 orange 1 cup grape-nuts 81ft flour once, measure, add bak­ ing powder, and sift again Cream shortening thoroughly, add sugar Cream tile butter and su gai. add ¡gradually, and cream together until the eggs well beaten, the coffee. light and fluffy Add eggs, then flour, chopped walnuts and raisins Line I alternately with orange Juice and tart tins with pastry. All with the ! ¡rind, a small amount at a time. Fold mixture and bake 111 a moderate ov­ en ■ 32' degrees i for tr> minutes In grape-nuts. Bake In greased muf­ Serve with whipped cream on top. fin pans In hot oven '425 degrees F I using cup of strained coffee mixed 25 minute's Makes 12 muffins. In the cream Mocha CiM»kirs Ju st Try It! 1 cup shortening "Help your wife," says a lamous domestic expert; “when she mops up 1 cup sugar the floar. mop up the floor with her" 1 cup molasses '» cup coffee 4N cups flour 2 eggs 2 teaspoons soda :t teaspoons cinnamon 1N teaspoons ginger I teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon salt Life is too short to suffer con­ Cream shortening and sugar. Add well-beaten eggs, and coffee mixed I tinual p ain and m i* e(?....to be with soda and molasses. Sift all I "blue" ami depressed day in and spires with flour and add to mixture, | •lay out....to be so weak and run­ making a soft dough. Drop on cookie down that even the lightest task pan. a tablrspoonful for cuch cookie. seems like a burden too great to hear. Banish those ailmerits that Is Orange Mullins arc making you wretched and 2 cups special cake flour, sifted miserable. Be a strong, healthy, 2 tablespoons bilking powder 2 tablespoons butter or other short­ vigorous woman. Start taking St. Joseph’s (i.K.P. today. Thousands ening of women have found new health 2-3 cup sugar and happiness in this famous tonic. 2 eggs, well beaten Made from Nature’s own medi­ \ cup orange Juice M tH ! /Vo T /orf* D iitress from IlEADDIlt WEAKNESS F jo u r« unluck? enough to I th is tro tb lf some ailm ent. U ? P lanten s C A C or Black h a?« Just C ap­ sules D uring W years of use. thousands have gained lastin g re­ su lts Don't let distressin g Inflam ­ m ation w eaken you. Ho more p a in ­ ful u rin atio n Root out the ailm ent th a t’s a t the bottom of your condi­ tion Rid yourseli of bothersome night risin g You sim ply can ’t im ­ agin e the wonderful relief this e f­ fective rem edy w ill give you until you ve used them Oet P lan ten ’e C A C or Black Capsules now. *** rr+*rm*rk*u <«**. «„ «4. xHt’rr gettin g * At Y su r D ruggist, s r send Mf fsr a tria l box. yellow b n t and be tn re the h ett. * II. PLANTEN * SON. In*. 93 Henry Siren. Brooklyn, N. Y- P lanters - - C .C ^ 81 » .B L A C K - CAPSULES DON’T SUFFER THOSE ILLS SO COMMON TO WOMANKIND cines, it helps to build up energy and strength, to restore vitality and to tone up your run-down s y s ­ tem. You wi l l find S t.Jo se p n ’s G.F.P. beneficial, invigorating and health-building. Your d r u g g i s t sells the big dollar bottle on an absolute money-back guarantee. St. Joseph’s G.F.P. VheHUonuuix Dome