The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, April 04, 1931, Page 7, Image 11

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    T ilt
J I. M
e e k - K n d
( M tiH tl
t lir
T r u e
S t o r y
that hurt rallrd mr lo IU paxloratr on
b in «« upon net
ih t ircuumtrttdalkMi of the dean of
t am to br a inotlirr. »>1
Stir thr thrologtrxI department
I had
»aid tl»e word* to me calmly ».. * r uf, before me and no* this
i i . iv - h I the compile to the laboratory , willtM-d In mlnery
I looked at Alice
but Id m«
llw re lx only one |»*»lblr i in her aofl blue ailky drrxe »he wax
peraon to blame for llte rondltlon It alluring
I reallaed that I lovrd her
b> you
What are you Botn* to do That till« thin«, but tor Ita effect on
about ItT '
i my future, might be a happy laaue
out i.l OUT too Uvea but
Th eir *aa little to aay "I II mar­
ry you, of cotirae. Alice “
| Ho, * e were married
Hut that wa» only the brgliiiilng
I For tile mlnlater of
the biggi M
church in I.
u m arna«r date
could hot be kept aecret. nor could
la birth <lale of hla child
• • •
llut nirely W l " A lice» voice wo»
I pitiful « » I »loud tn -lde the white
cot tn tire hoepital of a city liun-
idreria nf mlba away from I.
month» later and told her 1 had put
i the troy in an or|ihana«r and »Ire
I rnuat lirv«r let it lie known that »he
had trad tire f luid
i All her plradtmiri were vain All her
tear» could not break my Iron will
She mint never think or »|»ak of
ihnt bov again It waa a» If hr had
lot been
in use over 47 Years
Really Helps Bowels t you want tins way of n .sing
the bow i la behave? A doctor» »a y
to make thr bowels move to well that
you feel bi tter all over’ l>r Caldwell a
Hytup Pepsin dot su t turn rvrrc.h m «
to water, but cleans out all that hu'ti
waste clogging your ayatrm It clean»
you out without any uliock lor i t »
only ft It la .«Uve herb» a famous
dot ici found no good for the bowel
combllird with pure prpain and other
h a r m l e s s Ip g l r d ie Il l s
V dm tor »ti.iuld know wliol I» best
C’ .iitlwrll
tip Pi p in Show you how . . n you
run iu n i (hr bov.« I* to movt* (it*«*ly,
r% rrj day, the aay they .should It'»
wonderful the way thU pirM-npiUm
worki. but It's perfectly liartnieaa; so
you r*ui use it whenever it coated
ton.’ ue or sick headache telis you that
yo .'re blllou.
Fine for chUdieu. too
«it lastes mi nice), and Uu*v ought to
have a spoonful the minute they erni
fretful. feverUh, or siuifish. or have
a -allow look
You «-an R**t the ofiRtiiMl ptracrtp-
turn l)r. (Si Id well wroU no many
years afro, your drugaht keeps it all
ready in big bottle* Just a*k for Dr
Caldwells Hyrup Pcp*ln. and use It
• .......nstipatlon
Tonight, Alice Urn itireping. peace­
fully ne re nr. wfier the long yearn that
bave *1.Iteri the turmoil and biller
I*“ “ " f that n • f of hers for the
ridkl whose young life I took from
heir as cruelly and Inhumanly a* If
* bari coimiiUted an a. tuai murder
"•> 1U liny t»«ly. Hut for me. My
>,r‘^r '•"<> fear for tny own fame and
''«Iute moti rated the cruellest action
««'* ' any man can la- guilty ol but
«•"*« took note
Whrn our nr*t son mine to us I
thought Cud h id forgotten
I lav- j
ished every attention, every luxury on
»11 that 1 had taken from the other
Mhought I could make up to n<«I for
hr* sin that 1 had committed against
on* of his II( t !*» one; but
1 kept from Aile# lia* teletnam that
( •me last week, and b ‘cause she
thoUKht our boy who Kiadtmted from
that Mime toik-Ki*
last June, was
-‘ h i on his uay to Uie M in -ton
School ln I.Iberia, where lie wan goitiR
I«’ teach. I have not had to tell het
that. InM* nd. hr is on his way to
• i ate's prison for five years for hold- I
iiift up a store in an effort to get
money to pay a gambling debt that
hr ‘ »«-urred. when. «1 the same time
* * >""*
1," <l »<«vai.ced lo him for his expenses.
So she sleeps, peacefully at th is .
lime, while I suffer the gnawing
ha W B f o r n i i n s
pongs of a bitter remorse, made tre- j
bly bitter bv the knowledge that came
lo me as the young prosecuting law­
yer who sent my son to Che peni­
A D o tto r * F am ily Laxativ*
tentiary looked across Into my eves
lout of Alice's own golden brown ones,
! and with my odd little oratorical grs-
lure o f the lifted right eyebrow
I I did not need thr verification uf j
1 the records to tell mr the tragic |
fraai Setertrd 3**4 truth about that elran-cut. successful
I I 111« « 4 « f i l « M « O
1 «' a h '* -
young lawyer who had been taken '
•A Ei»> *1 Jêfimi'i I litiga from an orphange and reared by a 1
< !« » ■ ■
( T h * U tB * r U l f ©*
C o iilin u r it o il rm gr n
ID • » •
♦ fid '
Doriti* t.
l> a fV «4 lls
r**a r
«C h i
N sD lH ki
(ti •
If you want to make your »pwrr
time pay.
On l*aar ti in this l**«*ur
I#* I1 on
r Mtpald
fa* cnlf
a fla t
« N I 4 VM 4
I»r | il
* f.
W r • l|M»r I
How One Woman Lost
20 Pounds of Fat
L o a l H er Prominent H ip s
T a k*
n il
l.o s l H e r S lu g g is h n e s s
(lalm-il Vigor
• ia ln n l In V lv a rla u sn c *»
(ialncd a Hhn|>clv Figure
h »If
In a ilaao nf hot
m uove the cause!
' S ealW p rd
In Winter it la good practice to
drink coffee frequently because It
help* to ward off the depressing e f­
fect of the cold. When out In the
open for long periods of tune a vac­
uum bottle of the hot beverage often
means thr difference between discom­
fort and pleasure.
\pplea W ith 1‘ ra u u t Itr lttlr
r o r m : a s h ih f c o ld
In (lie cold and biting days of Win- 1
ter. hot coffee la a valuable and rx-
hllaratlnif beverage Its vrry waim lh
Is a protection oxuinst the chilly
, One tasteless spoonful In water
weather and Its fragrant aroma pro- 1 W
h a t mast people call indiges­
sides good cheer whrn skies are grey tion Is usually excess acid in the neutralizes many times Its relume
and the wind Is blustery
in acid. The results are Immediate
Food has -oured
Coffee tired* no explanation to the stomach.
with no harmful after-effects.
Am rilraii people on the score of ln-tant remedy Is an alkali which
Ones you learn this perfect way
goodness for file overage Amertcau t) rut rallies
But don’t use youll never deal in any other man­
consumes twelve and u half pounds crude helps. Use what your doctor ner w ith the headaches, gar, bloating,
uf It a year
Now. when If Is lower
nausea, dizziness. Indigestion, bilious­
would advise.
in price than for many years, ft Is
The beat help Is Phillips Milk of ness, e tc . due to an ov<r-acl' stom­
apis-allng more and more to the pock-
ach and bowels.
Magnesia. For the 50 years since Its
» ' book as well as to the palate
Be sure to get genuine Phillips'.
But many people do not realize invention, It has remained standard It is always a liquid; never made .n
that coffee Is n valuable part o f the with physicians. You will fine noth­ tablet lorm. Look for the name
diet tn Winter because of the gentle ing else so quick In Its effect, so Phillips on the bottle. All drug-
stimulation sh 'clt It gives to the harmless, so cfllcl-nt
‘ IO!<
lie ..nil Vlr
Favorite Form ula of Fam ous
Skin Specialist N o w ln clu d e d
in Palm er Line
For more thsn ninety ytsrs Pslmcr's Skin Success" have been the magic words
that meant • lovely, lujht complexion lo hundred*
thousand* of people. A n d
undreds of thousands
now, Palmer's "S k in Success' Treatment ii ndudes a new product— a beauty-aid
unlike anything you ever used!
Palmer's "S k in Success" W hitening Cream was developed by one of the foremost
dermatologists in the world — • skin specialist with one of the largest followings in
New York City. W hitening Cream is tha result of his experiments over many years
in traahng skins of all types, kinds, end hues.
Palmer's "S k in Success" W hitening Cream keeps the skin fresh and youthful looking.
It is fragrent and pleasant to use. It
It does not sting or smart, yet it is so powerful
that It
it draws, from
Horn deep down in the pores,
pore every particle of dust, dirt, end mekeup,
leaving the skin soft, clean end heeltny.
N ot only does W hitening Cream deanae tha pores, it also contracts them so th?y
will not easily RH up again. "S k in Success" Whitening Cream builds up under-
nourishad tissues, smooths out wrinkles, end forms a perfect bese for powder
and rouge.
If yo u .b e a d y hare a lovely co m plexion, " S k i n S u c c e s s " S o a p a n d M rkite ninj Cream wilt
preserve it. If your skin is not all tkat y o u co u ld witk it to be. use tke O intm ent at well at tkc
S o a p and W krte ning Cream, fo llo w tkc directions o n eack bottle of W k itc n in g Cream and
•kin kceltk and beauty wiN be yo ur reward.
Palm er's " S k in S u c c e s s " Treatment is used and e n d o rse d by stars of stage xnd screen. If you
start using it tonigkt yo u wilt be a m a ie d kow quickly yo ur skin clears and ligktens.
P A L M E R ’S
mrat»— f a
nrrvea and muaclea of the human
Science calla Ihr ralfriii contained
In coffee a •'nerve nutrient." and U
;|| m
thr frw , llinulmnU mhkh
mcrcaae mental and jihyalcal acflvl-
(y without a reaction below normal
after the stimulation has worn off
. .
Mix large tart apples. oiir-fourUt
'eiistaam »alt
threr- lourt hb ixiund
la-anut brittle four tablespoons lem­
on juice tipietui thinly kllcud appl. >
over file bottom o f a baking di ll 1
Sprinkle with salt place a lavt-r of
prunul brittle on top. and repeat
until all tike applrs and candy arc
l*our lemon lulre over top
layer nf applrs before uddiluf tile last
laser of brittle Hake in a slow ovril
at Vf’i F (or one hour
«»Irr r v r ri mornliii
on patalo*«. bnlt*r. rrram and i u | t r — In N
nrrk* gel on th* ■ ••In and not* ho« man*
pound« of fat ha ** *ani«hrd.
Nolle«* h I io (hat you have gained 111 en-
r*rv »our «km U clea icr your *v*a tpar-
kle with r I o i I oun health you ieel younger
in body k rrn tr In mind
K K U M H R N mill
giro any fat poraon a Joyoim aurprlar
If you’re lai
K W m k k k U U X ’I F U
Herr are two rrclpea which will
come in hand whenever mother dr-
»ire. to cater U> the fruverblal sweet
tcMrlh of darl and Uic youngsters Or.
trv one aome day when company ar-
rlvca and a real • »urprlae d b h" 1» In
you’re growing hideously fat!
l.o s l H e r D o u b le C h in
Palm ar's "S t u n S u c c . t s " p ro d u c t*— O intm ent, Soap, and W n g Cream— com bine to motr.
a complete beauty treatment that it unexcelled el many times the price.
Her thr
IlliUklrwIrd Fratwrr Section
TM i »
4 , 1*31
A p r ii
To C le a r a n d L ig h te n C o m p le x io n s
• I n t.
ftalliaa OclealaN« it « ««
I>viUh rti>v»nrifl t Irta
'W'hIU bd 4
I l»al»Uaa fl«r|t ar::
K K M t X J T lO N -
1 lie d Ju x l l i r r m r h M m y I n l -
««** x v r n s o n In 11 » b ig c it y c h u r c h
¡ a f f a ir s
In i n a t u r e o f I h r j o k r x u iit triily
K K A il
Olson Ibk »tglllfli »tier of lilt« lU U
P a |' •
1 I
KRUBOI1BN 8 AI.TH contains the fl
(let an B5c bottle of KH U8CHKN
.....crai salta youi body wagiiig, i I m W
«ltd nervaa should have to function B ALTS ilasts 4 weeks'. I f this first
doesn't convince you this Is the
rosiest, safest and surest way to lose
When your vllul orgaiui fall to per­ f«l If you don’t feel a superb Im­
form I hell work correct Iv vonr I hiw - provement In liealtli so gloriously
e ls a n d k U h ir v n c a n t l lirviw off I h a t
vigorously alive vtmr money aladly
'"»St* i.iMferli^l before van realize II r d timed
E. T. B r o w n e D r u g C o ., I n c
N ew Y o r k C ity