TWO The ADVOCATE SATURDAY, MARCH TI m * YOUNGER SET EDITORIAL PAGE) (JUjurrljrH THE ADVOCATE ( liy G E N E V A — BA TTISTS— 3 y Mount O livet Bap tut Church Published Every Saturday at Suite 312-313 Mscleay Building. Portland, Oragon East First snd Schuxler Sta Rev J. l_ C tttoa. Minister Phone ATwater 1.135 East Tth and Everett Sta — E P IS C O P A L IA N — St. Phillips Mission Knott snd Rodney Sta Blaine C o le s Lay Reader — HOUSE OF PRAYER— House o< Prayer East 10 th and Grant Sts Robert Searcie. Psstor R o sa lie $ i r d Mrs. Elsie Teague on Larrabee street. —— — The Emergency Club held a very interesting meeting last Friday night at the parsonage, 417 Vancouver ave- nue. Eighteen members were present. Am ong new members enrolled was A. E. Taylor. _ _ _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jamison were the,guests at dinner Sunday o f Mrs L. K. Weeks at her home. 444 Benton street. Shiloh Baptist Church BEATRICE H. C ANNADY......................................................... Fdsior and Publisher YANCY FRA N K LIN ............................................ tssutmns Manager and Computer W ILU AM PICKENS ..................................................................Contributing Sduor R O S A L IE B IR D ..................... .............................. Society Editor and Reporter D eN O R V A L U N T H A N K . 11. D--------- ---------------------------- ------ Health Editor N A N C Y L E E --------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -Love Editor KITS REID. RALPH C CLDYE AND CLIFFORD M ITCHELL............ C Subscription Rates (Payable in Advance!: One Year, $2.50; Si* Months, $1.50; Three Month*. $1.00 Entered as Second-Claaa Matter in the Poat Office at Portland, Oregon, Under the Act of 1012 IV E V ‘ Miss Rosalie Bird, 681 Gantenbein Avenue Phone M U 1686 The Esperanto Breakfast Club was entertained Wednesday morning by Rr*- Jennie Myles at the fam ily rest- deuce on 329 Sacramento » I reel She « ’ rved a delicious two-course repast, »»»i* te d by Mrs. Elise Reynold» A fte r breakfast a b rief business hour was held and the remainder o f the time devoted to the study o f Espe- rwnto. A ll members were present ex C« P ‘ two. The next m eeting will be •»•Id ‘ he home o f Mrs. Rachel Bel Inrd on Going street. The Old Rose Club w ill meet the Mrs. Cora L. Jamison was the guest first Thursday in A p ril at the home o f Mrs. Rachel Bcllard to witness o f Mrs. Ida Schweich, 1037 Division Elissa Land! in “ Body and Soul" at street. the Paramount last Wednesday a ft ­ ernoon. Mi N ellie Franklin and Geneva Turner arrived home Wednesday to Mr and Mrs. J. Mitchell, who have »pent the Easter holidays with their spent the past year in Corvallis, are fam ilies and friends, expected to return to Portland soon. The (!. A. A. Club had charge of the Little Tom Sunday night. From the financial report, the evening was .joile a success. A ll Portland's young­ er set were out and enjoyed the thrills that g o lf affords. A fte r a brief meet- mg Monday night, which included the g o lf report, discussion o f the A pril's dsy dunce and decision o f indoor ten­ nis at next meeting The girls spent about an hour in basketball practice. M yrtle Moore excited everybody as well a , herself Sunday when she made hole In-one on ninth hole, thereby re- reiving an extra round free The Trlanolt girls have a new pul­ ley, whleh permits the girls to go home after sehool and then come to club at 4:30. The members sre asked to remember this announcement. G eorge Cannady was swarded third prise, $2.50, In a singing contest held ls»t Saturday night at the Paramount theatre. A iloxen persons contested for the three prîtes On ths 14th George won the second p rlts o f $5. When the Child Labor and Indus­ — METHODIST— trial W e lfa re Commissions found out A t the Advocate office, 212 Mac lea y Bethel A. M E. Church about the bill, they requested a hear­ D ANCE POSTPONED betiding. Larrabee snd M cMillen Sts. ing before the ways and means com­ On account o f the ladies o f the Mt. Rutherford'» Barber Shop, 340 W il Rev Daniel G. H ill Jr , Minister mittee. Four or fiv e went up and Hood Chapter, 0 . E. S.. using the new liaass avenue, in Fester's Pool HalL First A. M E. Zion Church they were given T W O M IN U T E S Elks hall fo r a card party on the The Elks building. 310 Williaa 41? W illiams Ave EAC H to voice their objections to night o f March 30, the Elks' Enter- Rev W. R. Lovell. Minister avenue. the bill. N ow can we be censured for gency Club com mittee has w illin gly Friendship Pool HalL Sixth, ne having the feelin g that Mrs. Trumbull relinquished the date in their favor. Glisan (W est Side). was deliberately and in cold blood is these men, like most o f the public, Medley Hotel Restaurant. Interstate Mrs. V icie Simms, o f 824 East Pine "SHOT IN T H E B A C K ” ? did not take time to investigate the Avenue (in Medley H otel). But the above isn't all. Get this real value o f this work to the state. street, was hostess at dinner Sunday which we feel w ill make the motive And we venture the opinion that if honoring Mrs. Elisabeth Slaughter and her sister, Mrs. W. G. Bird. clear to you, i f it is not already so: they had the result of their action “ SHOT IN T H E B A C K " The State Labor Commission was would have been different. The L itera ry Research Club met at The work o f the Child Labor and getting the sum o f $15.500 fo r its Whenever we think o f the notion of work. The Child Labor and Industrial Industrial W elfare Bureaus is con­ the home o f Mrs. Mamie Stanton in the late state legislature on HB 209 W elfare Commissions were getting fined to the inspection o f state indus­ Alberta Friday. It was guest day and and HB 426, we cannot help having $16,000 between them. The new Bu­ trial plants, hours, wages and w ork­ Mrs. Rose Nichols, chairman o f the the feelin g that the person whom reau o f Labor and State W elfare ing conditions o f women and children executive board o f the N. A. o f C. W. C .; Lee G rigsby and Miss Jane these bills were intended to kill was Commission has been granted an in- under 18 years o f age. Bryant were the special guests o f the T U ESD A Y , A P R IL 1. 19:11 deliberately “ shot in the back." Why- ' reuse o f $8650 fo r its work. It might interest colored voters to club's secretary, Mrs. Pollyann Reed. do we feel that w ay? W ell, it's know that the only members o f the Although the budget o f the Child Mr. G rigsby graciously responded to — AT — long, long story, but here are the high .ab or and Industrial W e lfa re Com- Multnomah delegation to vote against a request to sing a group o f songs fo r lights leading up to the tragic end: nissions had been approved by ex- the consolidation measure were: A n ­ the club members. He was accompan- 'W ay back in 1903 a fe w forw ard- Elks’ Nett Hall jo v e m o r Norblad, they agreed to cut derson, Gordon, Gill and Lonergan. ed on the piano by Miss Bryant. Mrs. looking and forward-thinking women This is not all. The law consoli­ t from $16,000 to $11,000 and finally Nichols gave an interesting talk. The and men went up to the state legis­ to $8680 — exactly the additional dating the Bureaus does not take e f ­ hostess served delicious refreshments. lature and succesafully lobbied fo r the Admission 5