T H E IL L U S T R A T E D KKA T U R E A C T I O N - M » n h 21. 1»SI ctiai acier and gives him a natura apart from every other man wiHiian and child In Uie world Ta be t'eaStwued F O U N D — The Real Scientific Basis of Handwriting Analysis— Dr. M. N. Bunker, Dialinguishnd Crispho-Analyst, A N A L Y S I S . ” > »ci- entitle column in the Illustrate*! Feature Section. Contributor of ‘ H A N D W R IT IN G C o A C K in thou«* dim and distant dava, thou.'ands upon* B counties* thousands o f vears ago. when man’s mind lwok hrr* °* * *»iu* rurv* ****** ° r * something tn unr oi Illuse men Uiat not in X Uie l,U oth -r. and so on, was making its f.rst step out o f the darkness of u t t e r l y . T“ T .v , ; _ L . ... . .___, _____••nUy mi that isu-h letter »land.» mil down through ____________ the »g r One of 1 tieni unreality into the light of reality, a single primitive m a n a» an individual letter a tiny irte- ¡ ¡» «e a s e d * n aggressive and the other took up a stone and traced idly in the soil at his feet. hire of the nature of Uie man or wo- a timid nature and their character- « man that made It. , uucs are .»till displaying themselves Thai mail, doing what hr • fers built «u n it llu t told Uir iamr In tile same way a hundred dtf- ! W Uie uumberlea. ikvwendanl» of without guidance of ronsckiu» brain, .»lory more clearly a«»l more rapidly fe r r i« Irtters scattered llirougli Uw those two men started the handwriting of the hu- j All of lhat w v generations upon range of Uie a!|ihabet may be m ade1 Orasp tin.» development. and you man rac*. as it lias come down lo us generation» and still more griierxlirau t e by a hundred different people and nave a foundation on which to un in this 2W!i century back tn the history of the human vou »IU have counlleas variation» of drrstand something o f wliat liand ■ Countless years have rolled over race languages have changed. form, each indicatile of Uie .»arar writing does Uidav tn Ita ptrlurUB- the development of the first written style« of writing have come and have geueral characlertatlcs. but .-ach non of the individual n i l or |wr letter from Uiat tlrst crude picture gone until today the chUd learning purely and distinctly uidtvtduat bi „m ahl, Primitive man learned to draw pic- how to write while In Uie grade» gets Itself a picture or a representation It-- lilstory and IW deiUuU- devrl- lures — crude pictures - but sUll sui 1 a perfected knowle»tgr o f a letter of Uie writer as a personality oiunent so tar as history Is ruucrrtird. hciently clear to give an idea of Ids picture In tils very Oral school da vs I f we were to dig back Into those reaches bark to something Ilka Uie meaning. AH of Uiia h true of w riting a.» Generations passed and aa those we know It and as we use It In cor- worn that tlrst primitive middle of Uw seventeenth century generations developed men draw bet re s p o n d «** todav ^ ^ “ “ « I 1Ua * " thUlan scholar tlrst collected IJrtnk at leaal Us glasses ol water Hut along with " " * ‘ * * * ter and »till better picture», until this development of the letters Uiere nr*tJ h* rV **‘* ” ut|u“ ‘ 0,1 '*'* *“ “ • wr 'he luudamcnlal principles of wliat dally preferably before meat. Kat Anally thei developed a code oi writ- lias been - w t h t u g else Thera has hnd that *UH ararther prlnil- i,Kiay u known as graplio analysis bulkier foods such as vegetables. trsmi fruits and ooarse breasts Use a mild rg by which they could ranunuu- been the tracing of .................. individuals»' und live man tirtlowrd h a csample tn.1 I ’amillo llaido. lhat wise man that they trad made the same stroke, l Italy gathered togeUier a few funda- laaaUve as neadest '• calc with one another without draw- . personality In thoae letter-strokes, so That la Ur l "a Id well's advice to lng picture* of men and soow n or that today, one man will write one so far a« they could but Uiere sUll mental rules nr |wtn.lplaa and made dlaroverles which he pul tu print | peopks wtUi stubburu bowels He animal.» such as their ancestors liad kind o l a Stroke and knottier will wa. a difference It Is this primitive difference in It was uH a very large l x « * -In W—clallsed on Uie bowels, treated been compelled to do Instead they write an entirely different one but (4cl u I U T„ y r r t i m a U thousand. for ronsUpallrai and IU ; armed letters and out of thoae let- they will form their Irtters very human soul that »hows todav In Uie Pnlahed product of our writing sys-1 just as you plain it tlnv sown ui Uie llh Il>* preacrlptlon he uaed over and much according to the same rule Thnra Crtl m d l l ^ m e . to be I nwsT ov» r h“ » » ■ ' « * * • »* «« • • * **“ > A hundred people will make Uw tem of recoeilmg knowledge .»mall letter "a " very much alike bul two primitive use,, bark m the old ter oak so Uw Uay booklet put out ra1wd'r,waa''t«U|P to tli* o Italy vma ihr fouitilatu*ii urum ^ II U now caltod. v u t#wt m uo slugle case will there br tiro Maiht «* r just MJk> BIG whu h i r T v , ^ * * Uu“ ' 47 y++n at pvmcUcv. i ' i " that are esactfy duplicate» one , , * f u ' r ralla txui of the pnastbibues Today you can ^ t Ur. O ablwell. different There was j of another Some mu have a Utile °< Ufe. -Syrup Pepsin at any drugeUrt r Ui tn ( termali y and Pruno*, Today you ran gat Ur Caldwella grapho-analyste, or. as la m s » drugstore In * ' , “ . » - J . l*»vui> Pepsin at any dr is “ 'f ’T i Aasarten U la always Uie ra gw . made 7* Bdgewaad I w m the medical arhooia It la uartl I n ____ . . , ,«_________________ _ smartly according to the original prr- lxukg up and deteruslulng the ertmi- scrtptinti. from lasaUve herbe, pure nal tendencies o f the Individual It la prpaiu and otilar >aluabte ingrediente. uard lo driermlnp the i M i s m of a Nothing in It to harm even a baby. parson fra onr profession as anotlier It dosa uot grips sicken ur cause any » *rTYf‘ « '« r y day capgrily ulscomlorl. But It move, the bowels, thr uresis of the lie.»pie o f those rout! „ rk, Uw M aUxg waste “ ** which clogs the system; make- you During the World War Ihe Kaiser bllloua, headachy, gaasy. bloated, raqinrad llw men who were to com- weak, half atek A doctor aliould know iiiand hi* submarine* U baum r what is best for the bowel* Hyrup ' \pri-mivrtji in ciiaracter anaiyiUs from IVpnln I* a fanuiUA doc Lor • choice Krusvhen Salts— a perfect com* , tuuuiwriunic becau*r with *uch ana- of a safe, pleasant, effective laxative bioaUon t>i f he six mineral *aK* >uur • tytleal kin they eohM lod i k sh Ufes for men women, old**r folks, hahie* body should hare to function proper­ very soul* of men In their command and children ly» purify your blood of harmful acsds, and aid the kidneys and bow I f they had a weakling, a deceiver els to throw eff waste material--the _ a liar, or a clveat, they could know c nunual formation of which is' 1 It by looking Into hi* handwriting. Da W. I . Cat dm i n ' « probably the cause of your fat. ' whereas hi* farr and general conduct of !l «ine il a ua In thiA modem might put him above reproach the from salt a poanbi«* to grt thfv* worry don t f»nc? foods jru-J fat -but Orapho-analyst* a* If i* today has just ».1 lung as you hatve K ruschen Salts A D im lo r i ¡ u n n i y l.u u r t n r come to us after these years of Take a half teaspoon every morning water of ho« b»f<>r*» lircakfaat m % ¡asa scholarly Investigation Famous — tittle ay little that uigiy fat tUaapi pears. name* In history have been wrapped you U feet better than ever b e to n years up in it* growth TWtiUon, the man You U soon p e ­ younger, more enernv ‘ WHEN NEGROES ARE eiemt who discovered the finger print sys­ sess that envtabla beauty. sparkling eyes, superb hgure «htc.: onia tem that identifies the physical man. BLAC K NO MORE” j«erfect health can impart. , gave a great deal of attention to An «ft* bottle 'laat* 4 » a t i at any pro- A ftook Review Money back < handwriting, as a verification of In- grrsAiv? druggist in America •f If K ruschen doesn't convine»* you that it ; divlduality. is the safest, quickest. castest way to lose (»k u R fiK H c u i Y i . r . r « He recogui/4*d that where like finger fat New N.ivrl : print allowed tla* individual a* a A Hartford woman writes. "I'll tell the world Kruse her Salta Is i phyalcal man. Uie handwriting of "Black No More" wonderful Muff to reduce An Ohio that man doe* give a picture of hi* in nest week'« llU a*tr»lrd fea tu re (iK O R f.i: W ASHINGTON woman lost 10 p unda with nne bot­ \l K o S llOlssSKV soul, or hi* |M*r*onalitv. or "that Heel ten tle. < \K\ > H. ( brini i K u iinr • O rianlirr siofnething' which makiv» up hi* A DOCTOR'S ADVICE for Stubborn Bowels Be ^our Own Bo»»„ armi m oatuf Lose Fat W h o tire The Thirteen Most (¿ifted Negroes in the United States? Safely and Quickly SVRIJP I'I PSI\ schools are well organized and would i run along by the forre of tlielr own momentum White ehartt: sustains I quote from a statement of the them, so all that the president ha.. Haru>on a war flu committee, by whom ' to do k> pli-aar the Yankee mailers he was awarded a medal recently for a lio hold tlx- purse strings, sit tn on developing a training center for Nc- an orease racial ■Making »:ro vuuth at Port Valley. Ueorgia tnaJu- a penodleal swing around the “ During the 26 years he has been in country to advise Negme.s how to be­ Port Valley f*e ha*» built the «h o o t have to win and bold the respect of from one of 145 pupils to one of 700 'our good white friends, and draw pupil* HI* plant include* twelve a comfortable salary modern brick building.» and he em ­ I respect women like Nannie Bur ploys 45 teacher* Instruction is g iv­ roughs. Charlotte Hawkins ltruwn. { en through two years cf college and , and Mary Me I cod Hethune, for most the school 1* a center for farm dem­ nl them founded the schools that! onstration. health work, and the they head. We may sometimes ques- preservation of racial culture for a I ttou the value of these Institutions whole district of so-called learning, but we may not Certainly that w a great deal more question the high purpose of those j than i* done by a man who .simply who work and sarrillco for them goe. in to fill the chair that . jmeone The [villtlclans lire Inconsequential i else ha* left. No special talent is Under the head of Miscellaneous I , required in a man to head Howard designate two. DuBols. the soclolo- ( University, or any other of the Ne- gist, and Woodson, the historian :'ro lneHht*v»*v Most of these I think that the moat brilliant and ' most scholarly one among (he y'iurig- er of these twenty-live men Is a vouth of 'JO. named William Kdward Hsrriann, a junior In Harvard Col- Í lege He was graduated with high-, est honors from the Boston Latin | .Hr hoot and gained an honor average in his Harvard entrance examina­ tion. He has won scholarships regu | larly since 1928 In hi* freshman this rich, vegetable tonic in vigo­ year he began contributing to the rates you, tone« up your entire Harvard Idvocate, the undergradu ‘ system, and helps to give you un­ ate literary periodical, and ha* con- ! tirin g energy and strength. Your tinned since. His latest essay, en 1 druggist sells the big |1.00 bottle titled "Norman Koerster and the on a money-back guarantee. New Humanism ** wan reviewed In Ihe Harvard Crimson recently by A 1 ft Hweeay. instructor and tutor In I history and literature at Harvard College. Mr. a weeny laying among ‘«h e r things that "Harrison has a grasp of tils subject, a background of ettensive reading, and a maturity < o n lin u p d fro m P » g r T w o DO Y O U W A N T H A P P IN E S S MONEY LOVE SUCCESS INFORMATION FREE No matirr ho» hep.*!«*« yo*ir ras« auy s«*em. I f u m n ' f f to help you WBI1E TO DAt M. W IL L IA M S 901 Bergen A v e., Suite F J rr^ y C ity. N J. STRONG, ENERGETIC WOMEN GET MORE JOY OUT OF LIFE W omen who »re weak, worn-out d run-down never know the real e a s u r e s and joys w h ic h only liant health can bring. Hut w o­ rn who are healthy know how od it iecis to awaken each morn- [ full o f vim and v ig o r; abound- ( with encryg and strength. T o ch women work becomes play d popularity is always theirs. I f u are run-down, i r r i t a b l e awl lo e "— lacking in pep and the vi- ity o f y o u t h — « t a r t taking St repb’s O f f today Sne bow St. Joseph ’s G.F.P. V he HDoman/i Dom e r»*< ia a rd *n Kar« Nicht A Baby In Your Home 1 liave an honest proven treatment for sterility due to functional weak urns ^and general ailments of women whlek I hava oaad with wosi success in thousands o f caws It is Ihe result o f over thirty-live years’ eIpoclones and has been praised in the lugheat terms by hundred* of nisrrled women, childless for years, who regained tlieir health and then hecime hapny mothers. Mrs K. fi. (S»«ith ( arolina) says, " I am just writing you a short letter as I have not time tu write you as I would like to. llut I must say this—that I have v a ..~ t h' been wonderfully blessed sinre taking your ’■ L r • medicine, Kterilkme, with a fine little (« b y r f g ir l." Mrs. J J. |W> ronsin r \ thrun^h your wraiderful pr V tor, Steriltona, that I have a ten pound baby ' * 1 i*»V and f thank you very mnrn fo r your m edicine." Mrs K I,. W. (Ohio) says. " I hardly linished Inking your medicine until I discovered that I was pregnant. ” Mrs. T. A ft. llgiuiaiana) says, "M y last jieriod has been a normal one. and fre«* o f pain. " 1 W ant 10,000 Married Women W h o w ill accept a Treatment r n r r been denied the blessing o f mother­ I want every woman who is sick, run-down, or hood on account o f sterility due tu functional weakness to know about may be the one means by which this splendid treatment. I f you will your outlook on life may be crowned send me your name and aildreaa I'll with happiness. gladly send you a treatment and a copy o f my booklet, " A Baby in Your Home, " which tells how loose it and many oth er things every married woman should know. Both will bn fh»ar Doctor : PU*iw «and ma ywnr aenl free in plain wrapper. Just one I traatmant and t»o*fcl«t In plain wrap- the coupon or write me personalty. j prr. Hath » r » to bn fraa. All letters are held in strictent con­ fidence. Don't put this off, as here I iVfiflw....................... ...................... Mail Coupon Now r»v. i Dr. H. W ill Elders I .1 dilr esê. NaMa W f, e - . ----- i s - s a x . | I d in Stain.