LIFE in the S t . SIMONS ISLAND Native Islanders Have Originated a Pe- ids Expression in Throbbing Folk Songs an the ! of the i cere- ith the tie can ea the T h ere are queer dances of sexual suggestion, and weird harmonies which orchestras and com ­ posers have been unable to reproduce. In this article is related the fantastic history of these people, their cherished and beautiful le­ gends, their noble and royal ancestries, and the ghostly rom ances that fill their pulsing island life. . . . t . ' i a, i n t e st i an d “Old Q u a r t r r m a n " rr »t durin g a n in ter m issio n .“ n n r ' h i « » ' ^ >» t h e d a * . . m e . T h , , th e old fellow still h as ideas la am ply sh own by th e p ic tu r e ; h e has. ho we ver passed t h e an d te n m ark long Since. a l t h o J g h he does not know e x - tha rd t o ’ ■sque iven »if* . tl i hit« rred itlve irlty Ieri em- .onc nna A- ke," Lilly ire'r i K ow- ibly lout 'ant 1 he to laid in . t r /.led I .ell ling un- >ra- tne Ugh real the or- I Is The de- allv jin - e Is O n e of th e n ati ve " q u a r te r s .' a tabby s h a r k which was o r i g i n a l i , part of (l .r I t r t r r a t IM anlallon which is still ml I ns stand in g an d n s r r a y i t 6 by t i o . i i i\ b i l e he fam ily. Lloyd h as lived his whole life on th e I-!.. " q u a r t e r s " was built, a s n ea rly as r a n be d e ­ te rm ine d. in about 17X1. an d was one of th e old r r buildin gs o f th e p l a n t a t i o n wh en It was ab an d o n ed a f t e r th e IVar of '<11: o th e r b uild ­ ings of (lie p l a n ta ti o n were p art ially o r wholly de molish ed by t h e wa*. Note, t h a t h a n g in g In I h r ditorway n e s t to the . .n m .m am i children, there la Hie skin n ed r a r r a s s o f a ra b b i t dr yin g in th e su n — one r e a m pie oi t h e m an y pr im iti v e m eth o d s w h irh a r e still r s l a n l on I h r Island. no paired dancing Yet there Is a sexual suggest Ion In most of the movements both by the men and the womrn, alt hour h their bodies never touch. Each performer Is "on his own.“ There Is a large variety of "steps,* not only with the feet, but also with the ru Ire body, the head and the hands. The shoulders are held stiff and the feel close to the floor, and the most Intricate and fantastic paltrrns arc woven and repeated. Here again the ring shout of Geor­ gia corresponds to the dances of Haiti and of one or two other places In the United States, chiefly Florida The Georgia islanders derive a rare exhilaration and abandon In their ring shout; Its significance and Its great antiquity thrill the Imagi­ nation. W It Keabrook In Ills vivid book on Haiti CThe M ailc Island") covers this angle of ancient wor­ ship. and traces the origin of mnnv of the actions directly to African tribal rites, a number o( which find vivid expression In the ring shout T h e N n liv c I s l a n d e r s « r e Z e a l o u s in t h e i r O w n W a y Not all of the native Islanders' time Is spent singing and dancing They are busy and Industrious nnd thrifty. Most of them own their own homes nnd usually a plot of ground; some of the most beautiful flower gardens In the country arc about the homes of some of the colored Is­ landers The almost forgotten art of “tabby' building Is being revlvrd. Composed of crushed oyster shell, whole shell nnd sand and bound togethrr with Mary C o v in gton (shown h e r e ) Is one of th e b est singe rs in th e neig h b orh ood a n d r e m e m b e rs m a n y o f t h r old songs sh e h e a rd . a s a child, an d which a r e now being revived. burned shell lime this building m a­ terial Is peculiarly harmonious for homes ami clubs. Bob Merchant who was almost ninety-four when he died, was one of the chief sources of Information on this, ns well as on old songs nnd customs. Bob liked to recall the old days and tales. He told ot Neptune Small (whose son verified the story). Nep­ tune was the valet of Cnptaln ford King, one of the wealthy planters of Saint Simons Island in the days of '61. Neptune, of course, followed the cnptaln to the war. At Chancellors- vtllc, Virginia, the captain was kill­ ed Weeks later Neptune appeared at Saint Simons with the body of the captain "C ap tain, wanted to lie with his folks In Christ Church bury­ ing ground." was his whole explana­ tion! Imagination balks at trying to picture the labors of the young colored man bearing the body of the loved captain over those weary hun­ dreds of miles. T h e O n ly L ic e n s e d W o m a n N a v i g a t o r T e l l s I n t e r e s t in g S tory Captain Georgia Smith (or Skipper Georgia) is the only licensed wom­ an navigator in the state. She wears men's clothing and remembers the days when boats were Just about the only means of transportation. Cap­ tain Georgia's efforts to trace her ancestry unearthed another interest­ ing legend. One of the slave s h ip In the early days arrived at an African port for Its load of "merchandise." Much to \ the chagrin of the Arabians who were to supply the human treight. they had to admit that they had failed The ship captain, though. In appar­ ent forgiveness Invited the Arab traders aboard to the usual banquet The Arabians banqueted not wisely tu t too well. When they awoke. It was to find themselves In the hold usually filled with slaves, chained and the ship under way. Later they were sold as they had sold so many others. There Is today a definite trace of Mohammedan influence on The Is­ lands. On one of the l: lands lives Bilalt. who e very name Is strangely like Bu-Allah. His appearance, as Captain Georgia's. Is neither Cau­ casian. Indian nor African More convincing proof of the tale, though Is In the slave diary written entire­ ly In Arabic and which is said to be the only diary ever kept by a slave. It has never been translated, except a few passages, and Its very exist­ ence Is known only to a few. Royal ancestry, too. Is In some of the blood. Maggie Macintosh, one of the best "sliouters" Is descended from an African prince. Prince Dem- bo as a young man was sold by his father, the king of one tribe, to the traders. What dreadful circumstance moved the father to this act is not even guessed at. But for certain con­ siderations. among which was a gun the son was sold and brought to America. The blood of leadership flows In the veins of his descendant still, and makes her one of the lead­ ers in community affairs as well as one of the leading dancers. T h e N a tiv e I s l a n d e r s ’ Loi Is T r u e a n d E v e r l a s t i n g Ghost stories and yarns of spirits abound: often these stories have a fascinating and romantic twist. For instance I he tale of Mary Wan. and the Mary Wan Road. One of the oldest roads on Saint Simons Island winds vaguely cncath great pine trees and stately oaks. Each oak has Its trailing beard of gray moss "like druids of eld." Here, under these old trees. Mary and her be­ loved walked with arms entwined about each other's waists as they talked of love and made their plans for the future. Mary, so the story tells, was of un­ usual beauty—one of the belles of The Islands. But. unlike so many popular girls, she refused to find herself another lover when death claimed the one and only. Each day at sunset, after he died, she strolled down the path they had loved while he lived. Even when old age finally claimed Mary in death, she con­ tinued to stroll along the same mad at dusk. And today, eyes of faith ­ ful lovers of this generation are said to be able to see Mary Wan's spirit on the road in the soft light o! a young moon at nightfall, as she strolls along the love-hallowed path Such is the mellow romance of the background of the people on Geor­ gia's Golden Isles Up and down and now up again, the pem-ulum of their fortunes swings. Life on these islands is sweet, and always brightly colored. (A fiction writer, for Instance, has renamed Saint Simons Island the Cardinals' Island because of the great no-witir of these vivid birds which live there year ’round > It is never extremely cold—last winter a thin film of ice appeared on sweet water oniy three mornings during the season There is always a good market for vege­ tables and almost always work to be found: during the summer vacation months while the great swarms of tourists arc present, there is good money to be made from the m am services they demand Many of th« Negro natives have their own cars which is something new for countn folk. It is possible, too. to make a profit­ able living in the fishing trade Shrimp fishing is one of the big in­ dustries. Pan fish always bring a good price, and a man who is handy with a throw net can get himself «11 the bait he needs to catch a nice string of fish. But best of all, the Negroes who have lived all their lives on The Islands are naturally the best guides. They are well paid to guide fishing parties in the summer and hunting parties in the winter. Great turpentine camps are scat­ tered among the islands, too. This is one of the few old Industries which still exists along the coast. I t Is an unusual native life on The Islands: enough work: play; schools for the children; enough churches; enough sunshine—but best of all none of the feverish rush of the city. There's time to sing, and old old heart-songs so sing. TH E END