The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, March 14, 1931, Page 2, Image 6

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March 14. 1831
A s k ia , th e G r e a t A f r ie a n S ta te s m a n
and E m p e ro r
1 « ih< I f l r v t M
lr * « l« 4
IM k
a %»*ry
*•*4 e a g l r r .
kukf •( (è *
S e a a i AU.
lU « H r a lN
•! (fee
I k « H m ji f e r b v .
J. A. M ager«
«sh ip . A 'll* liad i r munir d tmtalbto
! lo all bui Hw Inumai# in rm b m a t
I ow uaard mm l*aar al»
• ( A frW a a I r a g a m r * . v h «
B a r « « * ir ti* fe « *
M *k aa a «4
k r* A b «« fe r ir
baiM Ikh tagilt
Sonni A li, as was said, had con qu ered u vast em pire
but at the height o f his p ow er was swept over a w aterfall
and drow ned.
His son. Abou Bckr. » » » named
rm i'eror in Ivis place but a n o t h e r
fa r w orthier th an he had decided to
¡n il it. T his was Mohammed ben
! Abou Bear, favo-to yeu cral ot Soiuil
All. and Uie one » h o next to Sonin
him self had token tlie m « t acUve
p ari in tlie conquest*
In addition to his m ilitary skill
Mohammed possessed a brilliant
personality "with a good heart, »cU -
{ inspired, and endowed w ith a gen-
I eroaity that Clod placed natur-
jo liy in h im .“
I W ith h u pwrusaivs Mohammed a l ­
locked Abou Bekr at Donugh*. but
was beaten A year later he attached
him ag ain a t Anghoho and Uiia Ume
defeated hlni with terrible slaughter
By J . A. R O G E R S
I n te r n a tio n a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t a n d A u th o r
r*pkUy with any p *n of th r empire ♦!)»«» 11*1 ik «•e-»siub«n
||r aiutam i I
In thr rrn tre o' lh r Niger at K * u r a him m eat ruiMiocet* * im I cok .««I him [
th r main 1 > m ty ot his a lth lit* b rilliant protrctluu. Thl>
ruler UH>k all thr country from ■
Kounta to th r Atlantic O c «* aii an Ihr .
l is lr r r d Educai ion
European «hip« came in beating am t and hi* authority ntretrlied (ru n
nianufacturrd goods in rtc h a n g c lor ilk* IranUrr uf thr country of th r j
S, m glia y gold copper anti other Hiralokas •.« far a.% T ce 1 1 atout All .
raw product* so u g h s
m ercliaiit* tlie people \t .'»ubdurti i*> livr saord
by forre, a* one rradrt In the
went to the port* of the South At- and
recital* of hbt rxprdllloiu». (tod nc-
Uuitic *iid Uie M editerranean w hile I «m p U sh ed all that th is m onarch
SonKhay caravan* went to Cairo, Al- d m rrd so (hat Mohainmrd A.kui
Kirn*. M ort»n\ and aa far eoat oa • • • docilely obryed In a ll thr aUUfe
In order timi lorvlgu mer-
ln. *"? " « »
l * 1*“ '''
K ''rv w h r.v
hair beauty
i . U J » » M a r a t M iu t t lM
S ca t I . a .
Follow the lead o f (»lady«
May, vivacious actress in
SLufllin’ Sam from Ala*
ham’ w h o says she finds
1.x r lento the moat d o
lightful hair dressing she
lias ever used.
' throughout hU ao . n I ranpire |vscr
chant* sikouUt have faith In dealin g
.bundaltcv "
with Songhay*. Askia .udervd Uw j Tl, travi rar UlU
Uiia t f o o r r n m i u t b l r
rrprevuoc of a ll f alai firauon and the kingdom which extended os far east
H e rts a wav to be rid of corutiputioo
standardisation of weight* and m eas­ as la k e Tchad. It look six months' I
and its ilia—often overnight! A
ures. Anyone caught stealing ar m arcii
candy Cascarct at bedtime— u>-
Hi* W raith Wo* llavxhfkg
morrow morning you're feeling line.
cl testing wav punished with the u t­
The best Insight Into tlie gres)
Breath is saeeteneif. tongue cleared:
M oh am m ed ( b a a g e s N am e
most severity
W ith .la empire ao
w ealth of this Negro rm pcrur Is a f ­
biliousness, headaches, dizziness,
It is reported th at j ' tlie 150,000 well policed caravan s came and went forded by Uie lory of lit* pilgrim age
vanish. Repeat tlie treatment two or
with security, and Uve brigand* th at to Mecca, wlitrh t* »aid by s in e
three nights to get every particle o 4
had once Infested the route* become
h. t.
lh r
the souring waste out of your system. l ly all were billed and wounded In the a thing of the past.
niftrenl be I or r or since
See how appetite and energy return: h and-to-hand combat
is (hr original! If reaches
A learned man liim sclf. lie sent
In his retinue were 1500 in lin e •
Mohammed seizing tlie supreme voung .Songhav- to be educated in and chief» ,,f the date* compos ing
how digestion improves. The action
the roots o f thr hair a n j
of I'ascarets is sure, complete, help­ power called him self, "Brine# of Be­ the leading Moslem universities of the em pire snd s large arm y of
give* t u i t u r a l lustre that
ful to everyone. They are nude from lievers and C aliph at l i e M ussul­ Europr. Asia. . nd North Africa. He c a v a l i e r * and foot - soldier* The
stays! Stops itching «calf*
cascara. which doctors agree a.tuaU y mans." W hen the news came to the melted wise men. regardlen* of color w ealth th at lie took with him must
and makes harshest hair
HrrUtMrns {uteri must It!. All drug fam ily of Sonni AU. one of the daugh to come to reside a t Tlmbuetoo. his liave been very great, fo- we read :
soft and pliable.
capital city, -vherr he gavr them th at to Mecca Medina and oUier j
stores have the handy boxes. T ry ter t of the latte r cried
Al All Drag Stoema.
much wealth, and nonor
Bi trnor holy cities he gav. 100 ono piece* o il
Cascarets tonight.
I “A U tla“ W hich m eans. "It will and learning made a great advance gold, th at he caused to be construct-
W r ite f o r F R E E u im p U
not be ’’ Mohammed, struck bv this, and there «root many learned Su- rd a t M edina a wonderful garden in
a n t i h o ok o f lietauly flints.
gave orders th at hencelorth he m any of whose names are to his memory, and Uial he «pent 100 -
should be known as "Askl.
E X t L t M O MU>K IN tC O .
be found in the Tar ik e » -S u d a n
ooo piece* of gold with the mer- 1
i Askia decided »hat h is first step: One# Avkia .W I 'J Uie Caliph Mot- rh an ts a t Mecca
should be the cons olidation of hi*
at Bagdad and spent sever»)
V isiting Bagdad he <lauded the
vast empire He beyan by estab lish ­ towckel
weeks conversing alU i hun and other CtoJlph wlu> h u . r a jU,
hlm I
ing harm ony and by bringing all the learned men of thr Mohammedan
rich presents, the vanir as he had
conflicting element* to a common empire
When Askia returned to
p, all Uie rulers arid prince*
he kept up Uie cnerespond- , hroufh vhoM> territory lie passed
If health lias left you.
I Instead of persecuting Uie p riest*, Ttmbuctoo
ence with the Caliph for a long time
bring It bark tN hrrs nave
Rut Askia liad »n r g reat sorrow,
as Sonni AU had done, he called
so by takin g C arr's
World’« KicLest Emptre
hi* eyesight wa* bad he wav becom-
them all bark under his protection
T reatm en t T his easily tak -
The result was tlia t they hastened | Under his wise rulership the ln< blind. It wa* iwrhaps for this
non- habit forming remedy ha* •
Reputation is what people tiiink to proclaim th at Askia wa* right I n 1 Song hay Empire grew until It wo* reason th a t in the latter years of I rem arkable list a t complete racov-
prrhapa the rlrh est on e a .th a l lh a t hU reign he had hU brother Omar, V rle* to IU re d lt It U not a tre a t-
vou are. Character ix what you I usurping the throne a* Sonnl Ali prrmd
Tlm bu.too really breanw the to rr|>resriil him. sa>ln~ th at Itr m rn l tlia t must be token for Hie As
really are. Public acceptance to the had been an Uilidei A* to the learned
of Uie M ohammedan world - | feared the evil eye To Ids brother, »«on aa the *ym|itom* dlM pprar U u
grand total of more than nine mil­
lion boxes a year speak* well net j ence but took care to keep his eve j a place that was once held by Bag- Omar, he would »ay 'D o not r»(mac ¡re a ln ie n l ra il be dl*f»>nlii.nrd Jh e ld
dad. It became known a* -T h e yourself to t l * evil eye ” As to Uie
J ."'..
i t h
Only f o r the reputation of S tJo - j on both them anr the priest*, an d; Queen
of the .ludan " and the -The * ‘*>en of h i. kingdom, he
made ^ 1 point U u w*T to health for yo u
“ph’s Pure Aspirin but b e*p»at ! to prevent their m eddlinr In poli­
Mecca of the r>udan ’
them all w ear veils
C a r r t D ia b e t ic R e m e d y t e .
tne fact that the character i* there ties.
t- w arrant such public confidence, i Having united the w arring factor*. | In the m eantim e Askia kept up Never Spoke IMreeily to O ilaU ers
ht.Joseph’* Pur* Aspirin not only ' he next set him self to the task o f , hia conquest*, carrying hi* standard
Even in hia earlier yrar* of ruler-
> u the reputation of being the j developing the em pire. In order to far and wide and catab.lshlng the
rgest .selling aspirin in the world bind the differ» nt elem ent of which \ M tham m edan faith. Ha attacked
." I d D u r S a lv e is
♦a—a«.tiia ■»«•*«» m*
ph IS—~
•or 10c but it ha* the character of it was composed more closely to him . the S u ltan of Mnaai and defeated
solute purity and perfect depend­
I QUaLT id je y g m s o b if o k t I
of the head* of the various tribes i the kingdom of the Yoll»f>. put on
The tremendous public acceptance la n d nations and In turn m arried h is ' tlia t throne one whom he farored.
o ' StJo sep h ’s Pure Aspirin to the daughter* and near relative* to snd brought all Uie Negro king* and
rhiefs, within a thousand ml tea or
ume of more than mne million them.
In xct each year proves not only the
more of Ttmbuctoo under his poorer.
Deevlnprd the Country
act that it is the largest selling
Suprem e m aster of hia empire, he
|V j ? l Ì ” b » Ì.'.'.1‘ m O l P i S> RH
fw ld
: pirin in the world for 10c but also dignitaries, governors. Judges, and did not hesitate to put to death any
- b .1 I
* Peri tusaary fl®., 4 ?fe M f -
D M t o I » - * * W» fta mm « «
’ at thousands have come to realise other* with the result th a ‘ the th ief person or group of individual* who
Cft, n t
nt c j
H at it is neither sensible or nece?- rulers of the empire were In somej he fancied threatened lha harmony ]
: ry to pay more than 10c when
n t hi* empire
I rev can get St Jo sep h ’s Pure As-
fnforred Absolute obedirnee
placed four vice-kings, »h o w power
rvriii a t this price.
was subordinate only to hi*
Among the U tter were lh a Zo-BIr-1
| Avkia s next step war toward the Benda, a group of learned men whose )
-■inmc rcial development of the em ­ leaching* he believed caused d is­
Under Sonni All everybody sension. Enticing them all Into the
wa* called to arm*, but now he d i­ city of Sankorr. the university cen ­
N e g a t o r fl.SS Treatm ent Sent Free. vided the population irto two p arts: tre. lie hod them massacred
W hen ‘
i the arm y and the people. In order hi* favorite brother. Omar-Knii/agho,
Only One to Each fam ily.
to make t ommeree secure he created heard of It. he wept, and rebuked
M any women suffer from ovarian a form idable arm y of cavalry, arm ed
"You wish the ruin of Sankorr |
« s o l- «
pains, fem ale complaint*, dragged i with lance*, poisoned arrows, arm or. j Askia:
•nd Uie em pire.” he said.
Vou ran enjoy k a p p in m anil rsquiftitr nrw
down feeling backache, headache.
hr j »ly hr utintf Krnuinr llltck *nd Wliit*
But Askia replied: “On the con­
o#»r,r,g dovo pain*, flushes of b est while» . a rd cap* of steel and used them a*
psIr.fuT and Irregular period», growing pre- I police.
Pluko— thr «IrrtiftiriK that «pm Uy 4trai^hirn«
Some of his soldiers ram e trary. I wish It* prosperity All these
m . . r t l y old.
unruly, wrinkly hair.
A m arvelous modern treatm en t nas keen l from a* far north a* the B irbarv people you have seen killed would !
used w ith such resulta t y thousand* of j State*
Into thr htir thi« manit drrniiiK k » p », carry-
The number of his cav alry | have made life difficult for the
»o m en th a t for the nevt t h a t » d a jn Dr ! wa* so great and hi* riders were so Bonghay
inR an rtprritlly trratrd ioRmlimt that
Thi* 1* why I brought 1
tiePew offer» to send a fu ll d o llar treatm ent,
rrIcftkct ruriy, twi*n «tranda alrn«>«t instantly.
killed '
po 'p a id , no C O D . no coat no obligation | sw ift th at It was said of them when ] thrm here and had them
free to every woman who wrltea. Only «he j they c h arg e d . "They flew off like a There was no other way to deal |
C lrvrr vA rnf n ihr Natimi uvrr. wh«i take pridr
to eaeh fam ily
in thnr h»aiit> tli* *- * tv f <> A**k ih«* k '"1' "I
with them."
Dr. DePew's rem edy
a non-specific, la cloud of grasshoppers.”
bated on dtacoeertea In glan d u lar activ ity
long <tmight hair, arr Irarning thr trrrrl ot
Through his empire, which was as j Ills subjects obeyed him blindly
.p p a re n tly obtains resu lts not possible with
grnuitir Hlark and V\ hitr IMuko drr«RÌi)K-
old method« of vegetable or m ineral prepa­ j large a* a ll Europe, ran the Im m ense1 and not alone from fear. They be­
You if ill »rr thrm ryerywhcrc—fetagr hrautira,
rations. Women report: "I don t have th at ] R iver Niger, and its tributaries. At i lieved In hi* wisdom
"God favored |
pain an y more •• "Am looking younger every j th a t Ume w ater was the most rapid j
•oriitv folk«. Krlltgr girl« and <>thrr«( >>h *'»
the reign of Mohammed Askia," .«ay*
d ay ’
Pee) like a new woman "
hair i« «imply adorahlr. You havr admirrd
A lim ited supply of free treatm en ts w ill be m eans of com munication and Askia i
•ent out th is month, so be sure and w rite
tong, ttraight hair, wirhrd for it and prrhap« tried to enjoy it, hut
R p (lfp«r, fftinting *p«llft
today. No m atter w bat your age or condi­ I developed these w aterw ays, digging :
»topped ftt one« Positive*
utile*« you have u«ed genuine Blaek and While Pluko drr««ing. it «till
Then h e !
tion Dr. DePew Is sn slo u s th a t you m aae j canals where necessary
i? no brom ides, liquid« or
rurli and ti*i»t« aa bed a« ever.
th is rem arkable teat of th is eoneenlent home built a great fleet of w ar ships and J
treatm en t to aeeure im m ediate relief
M.-tke no more experiment«. Do no more tr«ting Demand gerniin« Hlark
S.m ply send nam e, a postcard will do, | another of m erchant vessel*, perm it­ VIAH (OMf/tNr, Tim«« H«strr HtalUn. H«l
and White Pluko, thr hair dreia*
rem edy w ill be m ailed In plain w rapper Dr ting them to »end troop* and to trade 1 319. Oepfe 117, New Vtrh C ity.
H o iisr^
STIKAltal lT I I A I R
I n now lint a mat lor
F r e e to W o m e n
o f H I O I I H ‘ H l N .....................
rieP tw believes you w ill be surprised and
d elighted. Address Paul Bt. John, esehislve
i.s -rib u to r. n s C oates Bldg K ansas C ity. Mo
. I
Cl assi f i ed
■ » i p — r a n a I . » ; - h a i . m w o m i . n
gft*y every week AI>r)HKBBIffU ENVElAtVEH — WORK AT
aa our A «ent for the famou« W avlne Hair
HOMS d u rin r «pare tim e ftub«t.antlal p ay.
Dressing and other popular Wavine toilet- experience unnerev^arv Dlcnifled em ploy­
lien advertised regularly in rare paper’ Por ment lor honest, am bition» peraon«. AI>-
particular« write The Boyd Mir Co, Mir- VANfTMEin UMOUE. f)ept A ffaper-
minrham, Ala.
■ K b it Af
B u ild a
H e a lt h y Mo
.L '- M l HUt VEUERR WiU gledly teil an y e n e , WOMEN- U « a ’* Kafler w ith fem ale trouble.
I how I arrerted my trouble
Je«re MlOer. w e «varante# our treatm en t, te d ia « Medl-
Station r>. i>+pt 7. Cohimbue. Ohio
| r.tne 1# , Ohlahewia City. Ofela.
ing that rrlra«e* the curl« in a
scientific manner. Two kind«;
Amber yoc—White jo c.
J& nielm ,
A WOMAN’« PM I H R — r a il« for
d ain ty freahnena and freedom from
perMpirafIon odor A«k y m r drtia
«l«t for «enulne Hlark mill White
Hody 0w eet. It «Ive« r«»n»|ilrte pm
tection ti jr prevt-nHn« I v ilf odor.
l*er«a tube«, 2fiC.
B L A C K ^ W H IT E
Il I t Afe4tl4f • • I 11