The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, March 14, 1931, Page 8, Image 12

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Satan's Henchman
t 'o a l i n u .'d fro m P ag e
has suddenly became my very suc-
don 't you love MUs O liver?" sire asked ccssfui rival.”
"Yes. I know h r has designs upon
"No. And l have never confessed your com pany a n d upon MUs Oliver
th a t I did. Sine* I cam e into this And I was bold enough to write y .u
ro t m I am convinced th a t I shall an anonym ous letter, w arning you o!
never leve any to m a n -b u t—you the dan g er you face. for you sta n d
L ast night my fiancee disgraced her- in his way w ith Miss O liver and the
selt in public with your guardian He company. And now. If he sh uld
discover your interest in me, well I
shudder to th in k of th e com e
"And y u thought enough of me
to w arn m e?" asked T h e y holiltus
out Ills arm s impulsively to her.
D O N ’T
let a C o ld Settle
in your Bowels!
K eep your bowels open during a cold
Only a doctor knows the im portance
of this. T ru st a doctor to know best
how it can be done.
T h a t's why Syrup Pepsin is such a
m arvelous help during colds. It is
th e prescription of a fam ily doctor
who specialised in bowel ttoublcs.
T h e discom fort of colds is always
lessened w hen it is used: your system
is kept free from phlegm, m ucus and
acid wastes. T he cold is "broken-up
m ore easily.
W henever th e bowels need help.
Dr Caldwell a Syrup P apain Is sure
to do th e work. It does not gripe or
sicken; but its action is thorough. It
carries oil ail the souring waste and
poisons: helps your bowels to help
them selves.
T ake a spoonful of th is family
doctor's laxative as soon as a cold
sta rts, or th e next tim e coated tongue,
bad breath, or a bilious, headachy,
gassy condition w arns of constipation
(live it to the children d uring colds,
or w henever they're feverish, cross
cr upset. N othing in It to h u rt a n y ­
one. it con tain s only laxative herbs,
pure pepsin and o th er m ild Ingre­
dients. Tile way It tastes a n d th e way
it acts have m ade it th e fastest sell­
ing laxative th e drugstore carries!
O r W
C a l d w e l l ’*
A D octor's U n ru ly L a x a tiv e
c u w o xa
. \
L im ;
e s
B E ÏT E H .
Before Easter
ad' j nee Sprint Cmo lin« of fine qualit
neckwear at 3 for 11 W, and 3 f >r 12 M
• r
A ll y'/u have to do U show the g o r­
geous samples a nd write the orders.
Jus: drop us a postal with your
Dame and address.
We do the
Mat you make 01« money before
East er and a c han ce to get your own tlr-s
Dipt. B *!t
C inc inn ati . Ohio.
M arch 11. 1981
The “Mystery House" —Nothing Else
I dike It in the World
('» n tiu u rd from I’a i f Seven
th o w a lls h u n g w ith t a p e s t r i e s j
n tlil o il p a i n t i n g * .
F o r th irty *
s ix y e a r s t h e s o u n d o f h a m *
m o rs a n d sa w s n e v e r c e a se d
e c h o in g th ro u g h
th o s e
ro o m s
at th»' age of 8f>. Neithe • her
money nor h er building pro
gram was able to w ard off
tile grim re a p e r.
A fte r
Mrs. W inchester’s 1 Mr. Drown, the present
death, many of the furnish
ings were removed, but in the
basement are still to be found
thousands of dollars worth o f !
building m aterials for w h i c h 1
she com bed the m arkets of
the world.
These include
Luvc a t f i r s t S ig h t
light fixtures, art glass w in­
Abashed, but w ith a shy m ovem ent, dows and doors, high grade
the lovely girl en tered the em brace interior finish woods, such as
made especially
which enfolded her closely. A happy cedar, oak. ash, walnut, ma-
smile beam ed on h e r face
-,1,r hogany. m aple, cherry, and
lo ked up into Ills eager eyes,
^"5' rosewood.
she whispered, "ycu have rem ained
A fter many
years of such
th e handsom e knight
d re n n s, . .
II ( of
»4 HIT
• I » •
D ou b le-cro sses .a Crook
my hero, but I never dream ed of such i n * c n s i v e m u l t i m i , a p p a r o n t l y
x reality." As her lips m et Ills in a without purpose, but never
clinging kiss, the wom an on the theless with u desire t<> dt feat
floor groaned and tu rn ed over.
"You m ust leave me now. Jenny death. Mrs. W inchester died
will s :o n be coming to, and th ere 's new policy F ra n k 's getting on you |
no telling who m ight come in." d n 't look exactly good for you And
M arcia urged
if you know your groceries, you'll let
"All right, but are you sure you are tne get you away from him while the
perfectly safe from m olestation?" getting us good W h at d> you say?"
T he? quizzed anxiously.
"M r T erry. I'll tell you once more
"Yes. for the tim e being t am safe, and forever, and I ho|ie y u l l be
I feel. At least, u n til those policies convinced, th a t I shall nrv r m arry
are issued. Bolton is kind to me. you nor have a n y th in g to do with
and ! only fear Jen n y w hen she is you I d die first. M arcia f l a s h e d at
dop d. Now tlia t I have you. I shall him.
be happy and have m ore courage."
"O h. I d o n 't know. Since you're
"If a n y th in g devel ps will you so cock sure. I guess I'll Just lake
c m e to m e’’ And w ill you keep in you as you are. You 1 ok pretty good
co n stan t touch with m e?"
in those togs. Tuul a lte r the first
"You know I will. And will you tim e, it won t be so h a rd for you
be very careful? It will be a h ard 'Ja n e s' like you have fo be taught
tight, but tf we win. I'll bestow upon th eir first lesson " And w ith a fiend­
my Prince C harm ing the greatest love ish light in his treacherous ryes, he
a woman ever gave a m an "
advanced tow ard his intended prey.
W ith a partin g kiss and em brace.
(To be continuedi
T hey t u r n ’d to leave the angelic
presence o l th? girt whv had pledged
her l e v to him under auch strange
clrcum -tances. T here ranie a ring
of the bell, and th e next Inst m t j
T hen heard th e unlocked Iro n t door
P in t
M arcia, quick to perceive the
danger of T h ’ 's disc very, ju m p e d ,
to tile recovering Jenny and grasped
th e knife she had dropped. W ith
rapid action she shoved the weapon (
into T heo's hand, led hirn to a n a r- ,
bv closet d m r in to w hich T h e o ;
stepiied for concealm ent H ardly had
the door closed w hen Edw ard T erry
B olton's .shiftv-cved friend, a p p e a n d
a t th e hail door.
"W hat the devil Is the m a tte r? ' |
h - dem anded of M arcia, as he en- ,
tered the room and approached tfie 1
groaning Jenny.
T hrough a slight crack in tlic doot
T heo watched and listened as T ’riy 's
eyes feis'.ed on the ravishing br auty
of M arcia. His bl j 'd ra n ho t,
lie crouched, ready to spring out !
upon th e unsuspecting visitor w ith •
his first move to annoy the thin ly I
clad girl.
"N othing, only Jen n y has h a d an-1
o th er sty'll," M arcia answ ered him
"W ell. I cam e t? see you anyway
Say. kid, I've got plans all laid and
I w ant you to skip w ith me. I'll take
you cut of th is 'hell hole' and a fte r
six m onths arc up we can m arry
and go to France. You know th is
ow ner, has reserved a small
corner of th e stran g e place
for his own resilience ; he por­
through the oddest parts.
m m
C l l l l P U ! N usually h ate to take
m edicine hut every rnild loves the
taste i f ( '.i ; t u And m oth«,» like
its action mi gentle, yet su j rom pt
and rllrv tiv r.
Ìn» *
\ -W 7
i|| fc: I
( isti>ri.i i • I never failing m m furt
to children a n d m other* alike be­
cause il was form ulated r\j*n .sly
h i children to correct th ru lilile
ills .ind upsets.
T he liraUty of il i. you rail give
CaMor,., lo .h ild rr n of
.w ith
equally sure r o u i t .. W hen lu liy ’s
rrv Warns of colie, a few droisi of
C ustoria has him ■ ith rd , and flee
from I lain, he is asleep again in
a jiffy.
In an older child when coated
tongue o r had hreath Irli of cuii -
■filiation, a m ore lilwral dose is
usually .*11 th at I s nm )c«| t«» * 1« .mo«
anil r eg u Lite I ho ItuMrU
N our tit* lor \h ill Irli you CaitoH*
( I r y r u ’j a ulare in thi* f.itnily
merlici n r uabinrt until w u r chiLJrrn
* irr g ro w n . Hr In o»» it it MÎr lor
fhc iinir«t la h y ; rlT(*'ti\e f»r a
child ill hta term .
I nnk f.»r I h r »i^uaiurr of ( 1 . 4 «.
11 I li tchrr, prinirtlon theu ru p icr.
w h e n b u yin g A spirin
be sure it is g enu ine
B a y e r A sp irin
Know what you are taking to relieve that pain,
cold, head ach e, sore throat. G en u in e B ayer
A spirin is not only effective, it is alw ay s safe.
The tablet stam ped with the B a y e r cross is
reliab le, alw ays the sa m e — brings prom pt relief
sa fe ly — does not dep ress the heart.
Take This Doctor’s Prescription and Get
Relief From Rheumatic Troubles
I f rh e u m a tic aches and pains a re
m a k in g you miserable and pre­
venting you from leading an ac­
tive, h a p p y life — ta k e Prescription
C-2223 and get relief from those
aw fu l p a in s and reduce th e swollen
jo in ts.
C-2223 is th e o rig in a l prescrip­
tion o f a w ell-know n d o c to r who
used i t in tr e a tin g th o u sa n d s of
c ases o f rh e u m a tism and its k in ­
d re d a ilm e n ts. T he effectiveness
o f th is d o c to r’s fam o u s p re sc rip ­
tio n lies in th e fa c t t h a t i t n e u ­
tra liz e s toxic acids in th e jo in ts
and d riv es o u t poisonous w aste
m a tte r fro m your sy s te m —tw o
p rin cip al c a u se s o f rh e u m a tic pain.
T h o u sa n d s o f people w hose rh e u ­
matic suffering was almost more
than they could bear have gotten
quick, lasting relief by taking
Prescription there is
no reason in the world why you
should continue to suffer agony
and torture. S tart taking Pre­
scription C-2223 today. Almost
before you realize it those sharp,
p i e r c in g pains will leave, your
musch will regain new lif»x those
swollen joints will become normal
and supple, and you will he more
active and energetic than you have
been for a long time.
All prescription drug sto re s now
have on hand generous b o ttle s of
C-2223 which they will sell to you
on an absolute m oney-back g u a r ­
D on’t take chances; get the genuine product
identified by the nam e BAYER on the p a ck a g e
an d the w ord G E N U IN E printed in red.
▲«pirin la th« trade-m ark of Flayer m an u factu re of m onoac*tirarM «ater of aallryU rartd