The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, March 14, 1931, Page 6, Image 10

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    Satanes Henchman
1 «.
Ii»:t I
by A rt Naylor
( mtliiiut'il trot» I'.»»» T lir ff
7 S h a d e s in
7 Nights!
n«w u «m *
I Am«Bir«t|
whittfus si n shadw ua ?
«uxht.« or o ~*cs you noth­
in*. »r o i VcstrihliM tsa.
s*U.«n-*j, mu Mr akin,
niiuftir« i v i Ma n .h’a.
i*nfa. easy to ua.*. «Try •
’Sf o/ baa T-w* Hlaarfc
t’reaea wirheut-let. Sera-
T---- -
j p*y "»»»*
• »^4 pc \
■ j
p u * tir.»tt 5’fcr
r m k .l
> vomiAcm rha'-fw ^t»'n * m .
«AeL--*r« ervm#. i. aoi «i*»
altar I o jU- re­
i n 'rrta* and fat n»«'oey ba. k.
r n r r TriduxstuieJ K*a Tio
v n.* ( v dittiflM ua* .<icl«<ft*4 Ira*
ii cm trail couj>«»3 NOW *
r ikt l \a l-at*urktr»n«a
l'* u
a »** • i..-vdv*. rr
I I n i im 'i* i’M Tu Htiwi cmw . —Mr
| t» a munti
l i h » ' l 1 « ¿4ut
1 f tM* * < 4 U t « t *ft/ *
i m u m U a a d y * M W Ú¡ r e f it« * ! m i ,
Ms li!t vm t
:ghs frum cold.- m i) lead to ae-
trouble You can -top t b m
i wt t it Crvomulslon. an etnul ifled
creosote that t» pleasant to take
Creomubioii t.- a medical U lscoi erv
«riih two-fold action: (t soothes and
heab the uiflameit membrane' and
inhibits germ growth.
Of all known dt uga. creosote Is rec­
ognized by high medical authorities
as one of tile greatest healing agen­
da»' for coughs from colds and bron­
chial irritations
Creomulaion con­
tain.- in addition to creosote, other
healing elements which sooth and
hra. the Inflamed membranes and
stop the Irritation while the creosote
g'*- on to the -toinach la absorbed
into the blood, attacks the seat ot the
trouble ami checks the growth of the
Creomulaion is guaran-ed satis
fa< • rv in tin treatment of coughs
from coIda. bronchitis and mlnor
forma of bronchial irritation . and is
excellent for budding up the system
ai'er cold- or flu Money refunded if
in relieved aft»-r taking arrordmg to
directions A-k your druggist, ladv.i
Don’t Take Chances
f 0f> TP (
couch n o n
cotas that i t m *
— sith that cold. It may lead to
serious complications. Take St.
J»-eph’sLax-ana(double strength)
O- »Plight r---'ilts. At all druggi-t*
■ r - M ' l l l K \ j i i.'?»» : «
hall came the sound of a rasping,
vitriolic feminine voice. Ilueatening
death and dire revenge.
A setter
voice, almost
inaudible, anaaerrd
and seemed to aggravate the first
«peaker Into a mad. screeching
Casting .wide all caution. Theo ad­
vanced silently down the hall over
the heavy rut. but stopped at a door
leading into an exquisitely appointed
He stood dumbfounded at
the scene which met his eyes Sway­
ing and holding to a large ebony
table, with one hand flourt'htng a
long, glittering
knife, the woman
wtio h id preceded Theo Into the
house hissed her venomous threats
at a young girl who stood sprllbound
on tlie opposite side of the table.
' Wlio are you. and why weie you covornl, bo!h of otfr Uv«v* Mould I n *
threatened by tills woman?” Ttie-i In tlmi^n
asked, advancing Into the room
‘‘Uul I must know, Ttt«*«» tii**ti 1
" I f you
in «Uiw#i. l a ant to l»«*lp \dmlratlun
For a triv.r moment thr girl re­ yon."
"Of». I do n m l your
I h iv r 1
mained silent, permitting her search­
ing ease to roam over (hr stranger n’t a frlriul on c a i U i in wli m I t ail
f ahi
Hut there was t In tits countenance Pl*»«v uiinuardrd coi» Oil rum
and appearance which seemed U win a .%trAi»K«*r lir if In thr cltjr. »t»«t my
tier cj mideim- and sttract her to tfUAiiliAn, who now iftjr.s unclrr th«*
him. even as she |>erccived his at ! ' iiAim* of J K taiu U H o H oii , >rrtUA dr
traction (or her
1 am Mau-la All- ' trrmlnrd tl»At t tfiAll marry a m «ll
son. and that woman is Jennie O il­ 1 drUwt, tlirrrby forfn tln « Ail iltfiiU
man. out huisrkcprer and and. my to thr Inherit Alte«* of my f illt n
guardian's mistress She Is becoming I ! Just beli re father died, thii Frank
more and more aildicted to drugs. 1 lloiloil IlAUduUntly mvrlKirtl ItUii Ul
and her condition is due to sit over- ! 1 to luaklug a will that made Holton
she'll come out of It 1 my legal guardian, at the «am» time
after awhile ” The gtrl spoke Ul a f believe, lye. tn conspiracy with the
low. silvery voice that thrilled Theo j lawyer, inserted the clause making
The Beautiful Captive
"Hut arr you not Theod-re Ashton?" I hint the beneficiary In the event I
"IH kill you Ml kill you' Now
Theo was -ullureii
"Why yea." married below f was twenty years
now la 1 1 1 - tune!" screeched the wo
—§«*•• rt«ht »Ala ill«
And Ml be twenty In six
lie acknowledged
did you i of age
man m a paroxysm of rwge But as
M**Jp Aim! make« your
she released her hold upon thr table 1-now me? l am sure I have seen'
kaif |rua.
“ Wh-uu dura he «a n i y u
and started to advance upon tier vou before '
would-be foe. she shivere»l. then fell
" I saw you play that w. gainful marry? ' Thro asked
alrd tik ln u
lk «
' Edward Ti-rry. a trinai of Ilia who
o f course. I
in-one upon th* flout, wlirre she lay game at Wilbei loree
hi I i I .some sei-ret powrr uvei
apparently lifeless
was only a kid. but but all girls
I am watrlyed day aJid night
As Theo rested hu h Jr rilled gaar li tve dreams "
- m ake« It l«n | , mi / i ,
upon the victim, tits heart gave a
"Do you mean to Intimate that I And now that 1 tiave com» into law- |
•flky and fa my la ram i»
leap and tlien %be*t rapidly. Stand­ proved myself v--ur hero that day. leaslon of an much of their crooked
In ik f «m ari a r a ilila a
ing there by the table, repressing her and that you have dreamed M me?" ways. I am beginning to fear fur my
umi . as you know,
lear and surprised by his presence a-ked Theo
Marcia liuiut her head and a d -ep is trying to insure my life for twenty-1
was the must beautiful girl he had
five tlmuaand dollars
Hr la m-’liei 1
■ ••« •H a A *
••? •
mm 4 g w i . R
ever beheld
She was of medium blush sprrad over tier lovely features
- * • • • r . « — BS • • ’ ta r
I » . will
mad and unscrupulous, and would
I Im afriid 1 have"
height, neither slender nor stout, but
stop at nu’Jitng to gain hia end. If
'9 • •
possessed of the most ravishing and
I in prison» il by (it s r fis s
tlie insurance p lu-y u Issued my
• uperb figure, revealed and enhanced
--.« »• wadi a », m a i • •»»
Ttu- woman on the floor moaned. life won't be worth a dime "
by her blark silk pajama-
'*—• « 4 mmmmf • Ni aliara»
bringing the trend of the conversa­
"T h a t'» put why J am lyerr. to in ­
rm U rn t i r
a l f a v i 4 m | | | ? l aa m m
Tlie nearest comparison to her real tion to all abrupt rlusr Both Thru
vestigate the rlstnys of Ilia a|>phea
k> •“ •** r»"r«i'< » '• « Rs.i
complexion was. Thro considered, a and the girl ( aine to realise their
'I ns Hut | think f understand (hr
Ala« atailaAi Ila
ripe peach, perfectly timed. Falling position
-.ituatlon pretty well Ho far as you
away from a regal br„w was a glist­
"But tell me. why are you here In know, bi he in perfect health?
ening mass of black hair, which such a situation' What about your
l'l»ii(r v HI. Aid
N X J»4«»an
reached to her slender waist In a guardian?
Are you happy’ " Theo
shower ot natural waves. Her large, asked seriously
" I don't believe any honest physi­
«I WMi*h»!| i
soulful black eyes resembled twin
"No. My position becomes more cian would rec mmrnd any policy <>n
pooh at night, and her little cupId precarious every hour
It'a a long Ills life He Is a diseased man
mouth seemed to invite khses on story, and I'm almost afraid to havr
"From thta minute on you've got
each of the red. red lips
•ay here If ymi should be dii- a friend in whom you o n place your
full confidence | m ready to answer
any c all you iuav make, and M l gtve
my life for your protection." Theo
declared as he advanced to her |
side "Hmce | came Into this room
life turn dawned anrw
I (Unit u n -1
der-.tand tt. Marcia, but If there 1»'
such a thing as love st first sight,
then — " Theo hesitated, as lie re -
( untinurd frum Page Two
mrmbered hia engagement
hia family, a few dignitaries, and vla- him: but with Uie aid of hia faith­
Marcia a eyes (lowed as »lie looked Quirk roliof fur Hrun. hi»I A»(Imu with V«| m .
it>w4 ami inUial 4»a«r( lo Irrw
iting rulers. In the audience cham- ful secretary. Ali FoU-m. he mrcred- up into hi* own. and a new light l,r—alrna.
Ulc<l monil.ruie» uf IkMiilM Mi' ’ » •
^er one approached him only by first
I life«' hint ■»•** • • nut*
throwing du-.t on the head He never ed in concealing tlie fact for years
T t i » if r t i f t c « » i r w »t-
spoke directly to the people or to Try as he would, however, he could
C anlinaed on I’ agr F is lil
any a.wm bly
He spoke In a low not keep Ills kingdom up U the pitch
tone to a secretary or a herald who f efficiency U> which lie had raised
pronounced his word»
It, and the (ruth at last became
When he went out, his eor'ege known.
was preceded by tambour», trumpet­
One of hia many was»
er» and musicians Tlie trapping’ of Motiaa, coveting the throne, revolted,
H - e if jld i lah dL m l k t f m m V l i W | it fisa.»:.!
hLs horse were of tlie richest imagin­ and Askla tlie Oreat was forced to vtdr*M Han j AW*» naar. M»« X M
ae .
V u r « 1 'ftm U m t •' .» . A « i « • • á m J i Vi , Nr»-
Station Na« York
able and the jewels on hLs person abdicate on September 27. 152*. after
were worth an immense fortune. He a reign of thlrtv-slx and a half years i
rode always alone in the centre, the He survived this many years, a p a -1
attendants holding the bridle a m i tlietlc
shadow of hia former great -
waiting by his side. He surrounded ^
great dignity
The empire that he built, however, j
majesty while the people worshipped
lasted brilliantly for more than hall
him almost os a god.
a century after hi» death.
Lost 111» llyeslght
Tlinbqgt >o and tlie Konghay Empire
overtook went the way of all latlonx which 1
A l last total blindo»
have become too rich and prosperous
The people gave themselves up to
Be Sure It*« Genuine
pleasure, while the other rulers ot
Black ami While
tlie Ask la dynasty showed little of
the qualities of Uu-lr g n a t ancestor. I
Ointment and Skin Soap
' hone «
In 1590. the Bultan Mansour ot
Don’t Accept Any Other
Morocco east cove ous eyes on the
n w ill. the i i<
rich empire that lay scram the ¿Sa­
hara. and sending his troops over I Genuine Bluck inti White Skin Soup. Then apply Genuine
lie desert plundered Tlmbuetoo, and
Black and White Ointment according to direction* on the
partially de it roved It. Not long a f­
package. Tomorrow morning you will I*- nurpriaed and de­
ter the Bonghay empire
fell to
lighted to *co that your skin ha* improved over night. Then
p,is.-ibl> b.'fii justly rated as weallliy
Thi n u m n in cs«« ot the furnishings
Tho thick Oriental
rug' rare brie-a brae elegant drapes,
lei mod a rich -ettins for the Uixurt-
Lorn srnsuous dirar'-'
lain tvs
or tj nook and cortiei
Suddenly, from the end of a long
This dressing
does it/
Ask 1
H air D ressing
— h e (ir c iii A fr ic a n
S ta te s m a n a n d C o n q u e r o r
\ s l ll III
irts r
M ake system alkaline to
. . . S t o p C o ld *-
Q U IC K /
fllori»' Htill Remain
Get Rid o f Cold« Before They Weaken You, M ike fu u
Liable to More Seriou* Trouble«.
Nowadays it’s important to stop your cold quick before it weakens
your resistance to more serious trouble.
Any o f the older treatments will brinjj relief— after a time.
thousands say this new way is the quickest o f any.
Bi t
Begin when you feel a cold coming. Take a tablespoonful o f
Phillips M ilk o f Magnesia in a glass o f water, morning, noon, and
night, the first day. Do same tlie second day. Then
only at night. Colds reduce the alkaline lialance .if your
system. That makes you feel achy, feverish, weak.
Phillips M ilk o f Magnesia relieves this, and restore?
tlie alkaline balance.
Doctors prescrilie Phillip* M ilk o f Magnesia ; hospitals
use if. Millions know how it relieve' sour stomach’ ,
gas, indigestion, constipation and other symptoms o f
too much acid. G et fft - qri-vftte.
But vune of the glories of Tliiibuc-
too still remain. Then- la the great
mosque built by Karikan Musa and
the magnificent tomb of Askla the
! Orea?
Felix DuBoln. wh i visited Tlm-
buctoo. xaya: “ Askla the Great mode
Tlmbuetoo one of the world’s great
| center» o f learning an.l commerce.
1 The brilliance of th» city was such
that It still shines In the Imagina­
tion after three centuries like a star
which, though C.-ad. continues to
send its light toward us. Hig-h was
■ IU splendor that In spile of its many
vicissitudes after 'he death of Askia
the vitality of Tlmbuetoo is not ex-
When the true history of Africa
aomt-s to be wrilleu Askia tlie Great
will be ranked with the leading rulais
and ststeunen of all time
continue to use thi* combination treatment for several nights
and you will I m - absolutely astonished at the result*.
pimples and bumps will go, those uglv rashes and ocyemie
irritations will vanish, and soon you will have skin that will
make you happy and popular— skin that will lie clear,
smooth, healthy, light and bright. Go to your druggist now
and get a -r)0c package o f Genuine Black aiid White Ointment
(which contains three times as much c* the 30c size) and a
25c har of Genuine Blark and White Hkin Soap. Don’t accept
something “just as good”— got the Genuine Black and White.
The original and | finiti? lila« k mid
White Olntmwit and Nklu Snap i» made
•«rl«Miv#ty hr tha Ilia« h and While l ’aia
M »; •* < hie«««.