The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, March 07, 1931, Page TWO, Image 2

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    SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1931
Published Every Saturday at Suite 3li HU Nlacleay Building Portland. Oregon
Phone ATwater l.Wi
BEATRICE H. CANNADY............................................................««Wof end PiMitket
YANCY FRANKLIN................................................. tuuMiu Wonager and CompotUot
WILLIAM PICKENS .................................................................... Coiur>bii*t EJiun
POLLY ANN............................................................................................... Secrecy Editor
Subscription Rates (Payable in Advance): One ^ear, $2.50; Si* Months,
$1.50; Three Months, $1.00
Entered as Second-Class Matter in the Post Office at Portland, Oregon,
Under the Act of 1912
Knowing what a merited achieve­
ment it is for a small newspaper to
succeeds, we take a great pleasure in
joining with its many friends in wish­
ing the Gresham Outlook continued
success in its semi-weekly publication.
Harry L. St. Clair is the president-ed­
itor of this worthwhile paper which
has made its imprint upon the life and
activities of the people in the com
munity it specially serves—Gresham.
And judging from the patronage given
it by merchants in that vicinity, the
people recognise and appreciate its
importance to the progress of the com­
Zion C[jucrfj
Rev. W. R. Lovell, pastor
(By Keren Mills Collins, Reporter!
Sunday School 10:00 A. M.
Services 11:00 A. M.
Yarick C. E. 0:30 P. M.
Services 8:00 P. M.
Rev. Lovell will preach at both
service Sunday. Members are request
ed to attend. Visitors and friends al­
ways welcome.
Usual praise and prayer service was
held at the Men’s Resort on l a s t
Wednesday. Rev. Lovell leading.
The Yigilantees Club will hold its
next meeting at the home of Mrs.
Chas. Mumford. Call Ga. 4448, Mrs.
Camp and visit the club meetings.
Quarterly Conference will be held
the 5th Sunday in March. Rev. T. Al­
len Harvey will preside.
Those who critisire Rep. De Priest
and the colored voters of Chicago for
standing so loyally back of the can
didacy of Big Bill Thompson for mayor
would no doubt sanction it if they took
time to learn that Mayor Thompson
has appointed more Negros to more
lucrative and representative jobs in
the city of Chicago than any other of­
ficial. So the race shows its loyalty
to him by helping return him to of There will be a fellowship meeting
at the House of Prayer, 423 East 10th
street, corner Grant. Monday evening,
March 9, at 8 oclock. Alt are wel­
come and all ministers as brothers are
No race can rise whose health is especially invited to attend. The Rev
poor is the consensus of opinion of Robert Searcie is the pastor.
those who are sponsoring Negro
Health Week, beginning April 5. Pro­
moters are urging race leaders every
where and most especially the guar Bethel
dians of the health of the people, to
Bethel By The Bridge
carry out the program which has been On Larrabbee
and McMillen Sts.
outlined by the national body in col­
Hill, Paator
laboration with the LTnited States De­
M jr^u irite Griffith— R ip a rtir
partment of Health.
Church News
Democrats and Republicans
The Rev. V. V. Greene, formerly
of Long Beach. Cal., will de­
The old idea that there is a vast dif­
ference between Democrats and Re­ liver the message Sunday morning at
publicans is fast losing ground in the 11 a. m. He was recently transferred
light of recent happenings. Take for to the Puget Sound conference, sta­
example over in Indiana the only op­ tioned at Helena, Mont.
posing vote on the passage of an anti- The Rev. Hill will speak at the
lynching bill was cast by a Republi­ night service.
can. But it is not to be wonderedd at The Joymakers met Thursday at the
when Democrats act like Republicans home of Mrs. Lula Gragg, the Misses
and Republicans like Democrats, as Alfreds and Katherine Franklin en­
the late John Logan used to inquire, tertaining.
“Aren't they all their mother’s chil Mrs. Hill was instructor for the S.
S. P. B. this week.
The Stewardesses have a quilt to
The Portland Spectator of February raffle off at a chicken dinner, which
21 carried an interesting editorial on will be given in a few weeks.
The Mite Missionary Society will
the singing of Paul Robeson.
meet with Mrs. Fullilove on Wednes­
The colored people in Portlad have day.
heretofore observed the week. A num­ The Knights of Bethel are present­
ber of clubs have had small programs ing Stanton H. Duke in a recital in
touching the objective and our physi­ the very near future.
cians and demists have done their part. The Allen Christian Endeavor
But if all these organizations would League will be presided over by Mrs.
unite their efforts under the direction Anna
vice president, tomor­
of the men versed in that field such row and Canada,
Franklin will
as physicians and dentists et al., we lead. Subject will be. “What
are of the opinion more lasting good Church?” Mr. and Mrs. Charles Is John­
will come of it. Let us all work to­ son, Stanley Franklin and the Misses
gether in Portland on Negro Health Gwendolyn and V i o l e t Hooker
Week programs under the direction,
the banquet of the Portland
and if need be, supervision, of Doctors attended
De Normal Unthnk and Elbert
One Cent a Day Pays
Up to $100 a Month
The Postal Life and Casualty In­
surance Co., 9132 Moriarty building,
Kansas City, Mo., is offering a new
accident policy that pays up to $100
a month for 24 months for disability
and $1,000 for deaths—costs less than
1 cent a day—$3.50 a year. Over 68,000
already have this protection. Men,
women and children, ages 10 to 70,
eligible. Send no money. Simply send
name, address, age, beneficiary’s name
and relationship and they will send
this policy on 10 days’ FREE inspec
tion. No examination is required. This
offer is limited, so write them today.
Mount Olivet Bap bet Church
East First and Schiurtcr Sts
Rev J. L. Castoa. Minister
Shiloh Baptist Church
East Tth and Everett Sts.
St. Phillips Mission
Knott and Rodney Sts
Blaine Coles. Lay Reader
House of Prayer
East 10 th and Grant Sts
Robert Searcie. Pastor
Bethel A. M E. Church
Larrabee and McMillen Sts
Rev. Daniel G. Hill Jr . Minister
First A. M E. Ziou Church
417 Williams Ave
Rev W . R. Lovell. Minister
O livet Church
a .
DR. J. L. CASTON. Pastor
(Mildred Ivey. Reporter)
The subject of Dr. Caston’s sermon
Sunday will be. "Why I Believe in
God.” a n d on W e n es da y
"Why I Believe in Prayer.” Last week
the Lanten services were largely at­
tended. The Mount Olivet Fellowship
Club will meet Monday evening at the
residence of Mrs. E. V. Rutherford.
The Men’s Bible class will meet Sun­
day at 4 p. m. The topic for discus­
sion will be, “In the Beginning. God.”
Texts are being ordered for persons
who desire them from the University
of Chicago, where Dr. Caston did his
post-graduate work. Communion was
administered to Miss Blanche Craw­
ford Tuesday. The Searchlight Club
was entertained by Miss Beatrice Ar-
berry at 326 Schuyler street Thurs­
day. Miss Geraldine Williams will have
charge of the B. Y. P. U. meeting
Sunday. The topic for discussion is,
“What Is the Church?”
LONGVIEW. Wn„ Feb. 15 — A
program of negro spirituals and dra­
matic readings will be given at the
Longview Community church next
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock by
Jess Lee Brooks, vitaphone and lyce-
um negro singer, assisted by his wife,
Rita Katherine Brooks. The enter­
tainment is being sponsored by the
Temple Singers and the Youth Chorus
of the church as a benefit for needed
choir supplies.
The Old Rose Club was entertained
Thursday afternoon by Mrs. W. F.
Smith at her beautiful suburban home.
The interesting program was en­
hanced by a brief talk by Miss Martha
L. Root. The hostess served dainty
refreshments. Mrs. Elise Reynolds is
president of the club.
The Literary Research Club was en­
tertained Friday by Mrs. Clarissa
Randolph at her home on 7th street.
Mrs. Frank Adams, president.
Mrs. Willia Garett was hostess for
the regular meeting of the Culture
Club last Monday at her home in Al­
Miss Martha Root was the inspira­
tion for a meeting of more than twen­
ty-five friends last Tuesday evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J W.
Latimer in Rose City Park. Again Miss
Root spoke and answered questions
propounded by the guests. The host­
ess served delicious refreshments.
Pretty spring cut flowers adorned the
living and dining rooms
The Esperanti Breakfast Club was
entertained Wednesday morning by its
president, Mrs. Klise Reynolds at her
home. 391 Roselasvn avenue. All the
members were present except two.
The lesson was conducted by Mrs Ra­
chael Bcllar,! The hostess served a
delicious two-course breakfast. The in
structor. Mrs. Oannadv. presented the
club with some beautifully printed sta­
tionery in the Esperanto color. Next
meeting will be held with Mrs. Frank
Honoring Miss Martha Root, world
traveler. lecturer, journalist, Mrs. Bea­
trice Cannady entertained a half hun­
dred guests of the white and colored
races at her home last Sunday night.
Noted among the large gathering were
a group of students, including co-eds
from Pacific College at Newberg They
were accompanied by Messrs. Allyn
and Otto Rutherford. Miss Root
spoke at length on the program of
China. Japan and other countries and
many questions were asked by the
guests. Mrs. Mabel Henderson, accom­
panied by Miss Hadley of Pacific Col­
lege, sang a Negro spiritual which
wa> very beautifully done. Assisting
the hostess in receiving and serving
the guests were George Cannady, the
\fi-ses F.loise Hood, Alfreda and Kath­
erine Franklin. The hostess presented
Miss Root a bouquet of cut flowers
which were the gift to the former of
Mrs. Elise Reynolds The presentation
speech was made and accepted in Es­
peranto. of which Miss Root is a
Pollyann. Society Editor
Mr. and Mrs. Davis will be hosts at
a “house warming” for their sou and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Carr, next Wednesday from 8 until 12
o'clock in the evening, at the new
home of Mr. and Mrs. Carr, 1458 East
Flanders street. Mr. and Mrs. Carr
have just moved into their new
The Emergency Club of First A. M
E, Zion Church held a very interest­
ing meeting on the 26th at the parson­
age. On last evening the club spon­
sored a very enjoyable necktie and
apron social at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Burt Turner.
A most delightful card tournament
was given Wednesday night by Syra
cuse Lodge No. 1 at FIWs New hall
Those holding lucky numbers received
useful prizes. Highest score for the
evening ».is made by Mr*. W. L.
Reese, who was presented with a very
delicious home-made cake. Other high
scorers to receive prizes were Jack
Martin. J. S. Donald ami Mrs Fisher
A delectable two-course supper was
served at the close of the playing.
Pretty Miss Rosalie Bird, daughter
. : Mi .in,! Mr- \Y G. Bird, of 681
Gantenbcin street, is another reason
why young men prefer the West. Mis*
Bird is active in church, club and ao-
cial circles of the young society set
and has consented to become one of
The Advocate’s general reporters
Mis- Bird nuy be reached by calling
Murdock 1686.
L it”IT o m M iniature G o lf C ourse
Comer Williams Ave. & McMillan St.
Open every day until 12 midnight
General Admission 15c
Rosalie Bird, Ticket Seller
Charles (Chick) Williams green keeper & mgr.
Jack llolt, Tom Moore, Constance
Cummings in "The Last Parade." With
KKO Vaudeville direct from Palace
Theatre, New York. Four scenes of
hilarious fun, “Art Frank,” Old Man
Whoopre himself and lit* Yankee Vol­
unteers. Jean lfoydell, unique pepol-
ogist. and Gilbert Brothers, acrobats.
* .'I
Up-to-die-M inutc
Preparai hspaútlly foe This
Wave the hind
B eauty
A dore
c $ v / i Wiiitener
' m i p s roue com pc i * o n youthful *
A military air it reflet ted both in
the Coloring and in the luirs of this
frock, for its red and bine color
scheme, and *• south fill swagger ate
malting sweeping conquest, m the
critical ranks of smart young people
The frock, which features slenderizing
envelope seaming, is fashioned in navy
serge, and the flattering silk scarf
introslucesl in the upper-front seam is
expressed in Indian red and blue, with
Oriental motif Grouped pleats give
freedom; the protect**! of lom
sleeves, an outdoor quality Hal ban
and pumps - patent-leather; «tmv
gloves- suede
F.xrella Pattern No. 3348. Sizes l
II .’1 .r u t s
“Give Me Jungle 7890, Please”
by their faraway
expressions, these two elmlane would like
to piece a radio telephone call to Central Africa. However, they are only
demonatratlng a new type of Intercommunicating telephone ayetem In­
stalled In the 8t. Louie zoo not
ago after a enake got looee and
created euch excitement and confuelon that the director decided a
ordinated telephone layout wee badly needed.
Rodney and Knot Sts.
Last Sunday's services were in
charge of Mr. Cole and will be all
during the Lenten season. He is de­
livering some very fine sermons and
those who are not attending are cer­
tainly missing something worth while
and educational. Communion service
this month will come on Palm Sunday.
March 29, at which time special music
will be had. Service at 11. School at
12. St. Philips welcomes you.
on the prettiest course in town
Announcements have been received
by friends in Portland of the bctrothel
of Miss Mabel Chin Quong to Mr.
Y. C. Hong at I.o* Angeles. The card
announcing the bctrothel is a work of M en
A delicately soft amooth light
art and the most unique of its kind
is tha secret of alluring beau­
i- the consensus of opinion of those akin
ty . and It may be yours, quick­
who have received them
ly, surely and easily. Dr. Fred
Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment
and lightens the darkest
Observe Negro History
akin, clears up pimples, blotches
and tan marks, and does away with
that "oily, shiny” look. Use this
preparation regularly to make your
Medford. Ore.. March 5.—In keep­ akin
soft, delicate and alluring.
ing with the national observance of This amaxlng
Ointment la made
Negro History week, the First Chris In tha famous Dr. Fred Palmer's
Laboratories where are also made
dan Church presented an evening of those
other beauty alda you know
Ncgio Spirituals and readings Sunday ao well:
Fred Palmer's Skin
The Rev. W. R. Baird gave several Whitener Dr.
Soap, S k i n Whitener
readings; Mrs. Effic Herbert Yeoman Face Powder, Hair Dresser and
Hid Deodorant which may be had
had charge of the music which in­ at
all drug stores for 26 cents each
cluded a chorus, quartej, duet and solo or
will be sent postpaid upon re­
ceipt of price. Dr. Fred Palmer's
Laboratories, Dept. 1, Atlanta. Ga.
Send 4e In a tamp* for a
generous trial sample of
the Skin Whitener, Soap
and Face Powder.
i l l . » /
I MARCH 7, at 8 a.m. 4 l
EARN $1,000,000
The more than 58,00(1 savings depositors
here at the United States National last
year earned $1,000,000 in interest on savings
deposits aggregating $27,000,000. Your Sav
ings Account can he started with as little
as one dollar.
States National Bank,
B roadw ay en d hlyuh. al h laz k .. P o rtlan d .