The ADVOCATE SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1931 * THREE Spokane Happenings Do-X Pays Tribute To American industry (By E H HOLMES' SPO KA NE, F.eet WASHINGTON So. Crescent Avenue THE MOTION PICTURE SITU A TIO N (B y Chester A. Lyon) (Hpecinl to Advocate) th « e i r l U D f ilim u «alon « n o w raffin g on A m e r ic a n Im p o rt« a m i r i pu tt«, h a« a n y • c o n o in la t count*«! In d o lla r« a n d o * n ta th « v a lu p to o th r r n a tio n « o f th e e x p o r t o f A m e r ic a n b ra in « . I n g e n u ity a n d I n v e n tiv e « k ill? The q u e s tio n rat»*« a n e w e x p o r t fa c to r fo r th e a lm a n a c « o f th e fu tu r e , w h ic h 1« g o in g to e« ta i)ll« h n e w tr a d e b a l­ a n c e « a n d n e w w o r ld c o n d itio n « . W h e n th e D O -X . g ia n t G e r m a n • e a p la n e , r e a c h e « th e U n ite d H tate« a ft e r fly in g a c ro a e th e A tla n tic , «he w ill b r in g ba«*k to th e U n ite d H tate« e o m e o f th e » e p r o d u c t« d e ­ v e lo p e d b y A m e r ic a n h ra ln a . fo r ah« w ill n o t o n ly be p r o p e lle d by t w e lv e C u rtlM C o n q u e r o r e n g in e « , g e n e r a t in g 7 .1 0 0 h o r a e p o w e r . b u t • h e w ill a l« o be fu e le d a n d lu b r i­ c a te d by A m e r ic a n g u e o lln * a n d o il w h ic h hna b e e n m a d e , n o t fo u n d . T h la a c c e p t a n c e of A m e r ic a n p r o d u ct« by fo r e ig n te c h n ic ia n « , a c k n o w le d g e d w o rld le a d e r « in h e a v y a o rv tce a ir c r a ft c o n a tr u c tlo n . 1« c o n s id e r e d by I n d u a trla l le a d e r « a« a n o u t s ta n d in g e x a m p le o f th e c o m in g Im p o r ta n c e o f A m e r ic a n e x p o r t« w h ic h d e p e n d u p o n A m e r i­ c a n I n v e n tiv e g e n iu s . C o n tr a r y to g e n e r a l o p in io n , th e o il u se d la n o t m a d e s p e c ia lly fo r th e D O -X . b u t Is th e r e g u la r s to c k In th e v a r io u s c o u n t r ie s w h e r e th e M a b tlo tl A «-to H. th e auiiie a s 1« I p la n e to u c h e s . c o m m e r c ia lly u se d In a ir p la n e e n ­ M oblloll A ero ]( 1« ea sily cap ab le g in e « a n d a v a ila b le a t th e p r in c i­ of etn n d 11 .* up under flight pal a ir p o r ts th r o u g h o u t th e w o rld . tlona of co n tin u o u s o p eration for T h e o il 1« b r o u g h t In r e g u la r 40 to SO hour« -or o ver 0.000 m ile« c o n ta in e r « o f g a llo n s a n d & flight « much lo n g er time than g a llo n s e a c h to th e D O -X . It is any «Ingle hop of the con tem p lated ta k e n o u t o f th e s u p p lie s on h a n d I flight to A m erica, th u s a llo w in g a PROBAK off for a day, while en route to Portland. She was a guest of Mrs. S. B. Coker of 35 W. Pacific. Pat lla m a in charge of the IL>- large m argin o f sa fety . C on tin u ou s op era tio n for m any hour« at a m axim u m p ow er ou tp u t, p lu s h igh co m p ressio n an d h eavy load« en cou n tered In Its tw e lv e e n ­ gin es. each d ev elo p in g 600 h orae­ pow er. trnpoe«' sev ere dem and« on th e oil th at can on ly be m at by a h ig h q u ality oil. Lincoln’s Admirers t JUST OUT T H E L IFE STORY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN 8. C. MORRIS. Mgr As fascinating a» a tale of fiction, this marvelously entertaining *tory of the Great Emancipator will thrill and inspire your whole family and lie read by generations and generations to come. Handsome cloth binding, Only $3.00 G n -Eastern and Wcatern Oil»—Battery Charging Scientific Automobile Repairing Oreaaing. Oiling. Washing and Polishing EXPERT AUTOMOBILE DRIVINQ INSTRUCTING AGENTS WANTED Courteous and Efficient Service Car Called for and Delivered STEAM HEATED STORAGE r . U. KKVELL CO.. 1U F ifth A n n ,« . PORTLAND, OREGON AnrM t ran h II It. I h s f l- r wrw> DON’T let it get serious T H E IN T E R N A TIO N A L SCHOOL OF with a toro throat. TECHNOLIGY At th* first «¡gn of full strength Li »ferine. MR. LEO NARD J. MORSE It kills germ s that Of 1592 E CLISAN ST . PORTLAND, ORE JAN. 1. 1931. C ourse in H an d icra fts . cause colds and simi­ W IT H O U T AN EQUAL- Without a doubt, the best article of its kind—a combination Hair Grower and Hair Straighten«*. Gives the hair a natural soft and silky appearance, stimulating hair growth in the most hopeless case. oWER*. H O V air gr < E R T O N HVOftNIC CO^ imillMIlllHUilJ B MADE Wheeler Street — c leans as it polishes fu rn itu re and floors O-CFDAR P o lish q u ic k ly r e ­ m o v es sp o ts a n d s ta in s a n d r e s to r e s f u r n i t u r e a n d w ood­ w o rk to t h e ir o r ig in a l b e a u ty . So ra s y to u se. B est to o f o r re n e w in g y o n r O -C e d a r P o lis h M op— th e w o n d er w o rk e r f o r floor*, t . r t O -t.c d a r a t y o n r sto re to d a y . O -C e d a r C o r p ’n , C h ic a g o , III. GET RID OF DISEASE CERMS in nose mouth and throat Let Zenit* rlmnM »way th* accumulated secretion*, kill the nrm *. prevent diaesee. Highly germicidal. Sooth­ ing to membranes. O-0 fe Our High Brown Hair Grower standi a* one of our highest achieve­ ments—it is a prepar­ ation we look upon with pride. —Distributor Mrs. E. D. Cannady, porduce more heat than any 312 Macleay Bldg., Portland, Oregon. other solid fuel and leave n OY WTill Promote a Full Growth of Hair. Will also Restore the Strength, Vitality and the Beauty of the Hair. If your Hair is Dry and Wiry, T r y - EaSt India Hair Grower New York, Feb. 23.—Under the leadership of the Society of Friends (Quakers) in England, a movement has been launched to oppose the in­ creasing discrimination to which peo­ ple of color are being subjected in Great Britain. The Rev. J. VV. Anderson spent sev­ eral days in Washington last week at­ tending a meeting of the executive board of the General Baptist Associa­ tion of Washington, Oregon, Mon­ tana, Utah, North and South Dakota, held at Ellettsburg. He also visited Yakima and Toppenish before return­ ing to Portland Wednesday. Spokane was chosen as the scene of the next annual session of the board. If you are bothered with Falling Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair i Trouble, we want you to try a jar of 1 EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER. The kremedy contains medical properties that I go to the roots of the Hair, stimulates the skin, helping nature do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Perfumed with a balm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beautiful Black Eye-Brows, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can be used with Hot Iron for Straightening. Price Sent by Mail, 50c; 10c Extra for Postage 1 O il. O il, tio n fo r * 1 . E N T ’S O U T F I T H a i r G r o w e r . 1 T e m p le 1 S h a m p o o , 1 P re e e io g 1 F a c e C r e a m a n d d ire c ­ f o r « e llin * . f2. I V R x tr e P o e ta g e . S. D. LYONS 316 N. Central Dept. B Oklahoma City, Okla. Mrs. S. E. Hill. 309 Ross street, has been indisposed with a mild at­ tack of “flu.” H IG H B R O W N P O W D E R R R ABB WOeiR 810*1* TOtmi D r yea «H*« U*e •* health, intreas’ 4 sltllltx T TMS th is bri aim # orw N IC* X traefly r s a e t i e « ! fer these e h* are PBpNBa: « N i l ■rev tired t*R « « j M ' • " 2 S V Quttk. *afe and reO aN * I J . t d f*r #er tr«»e' • » • ■ • 5 L S S C. . 0 U . . D. T “ T ” ----- C I I . *5# entro. I» » » - ' P W ” l Z Me « ___ B IM P O R T " T L o d u c t s C O . R *»* ■- Watfur “ Deh» S*st a A superb toilet necessity. In four shades—Natural, Pink Brunette and White. High-Brown Face Powder has earned its place in the esteem of the most discriminate and skeptical users of toilet articles by its own distinctive merit and the assortment of toilet requisites for the lady who cares. Gaseo Briquets T H E OVERTON C M HYGIENIC MFC.CO. 1C A G O THE EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER complete satisfaction to be derived from its use. Also a large N O A SH ES ONLY EAst 4408 l . „.mill HAIR GROWER . and Keep Well! L. A. ASHFORD 328 KILLS GERMS IN 15 SECONDS h ic H-BRO wn “Merchandise Of Merit Ony” Crow in Britain See lar infections. Heal* USTERINE Co i PRUDENTIAL HOSPITAL tissue. H aving Com pieteti S atisfacto rily a F o u r-Y ear at liroailtcay Leads Move Against Jim ASSOCIATION MOSAIC CORPORATION New Phone: MUrdock 2621 Hours: 10:00-12:00 A.M. :: 1:30-5:30 P.M. EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS BY APPOINTMENT English Society of Friends trouble, gorgle with Announces Presentation of Diploma to Recently at the Deaconess home, Mrs. J. J. Handsaker, well known re­ ligious worker, presented nn inter­ racial program as follows: Kenneth Lee, son of the new pas­ tor of the Chinese Presbyterian church, devotions; S. L. Shih. student at Reed college, a Mongolian Chinaman, who has known of Christianity only eight years, spoke on “The Satisfaction That Comes From a Christian Philosophy of Life”; C. E. Ivy, president of the local branch of the National Associa­ tion for the Advancement of Colored People, gave a short talk \nd Mrs. Jack Henderson sang negro spiritu­ als. Mrs. Stanley Chin introduced the Chinese speakers. Join the . . . If your dealer cannot supply you, write direct. 50« for I —$1 for lO Sample blade—10c D e N O R V A L U N T H A N K . M . D .i 361 BENTON STREET NEW YORK Don’t toko choncas you ever had—or your money back. ey to be made by producing immoral film*. The producers want the profits both from the best and from the wor»t films, even though the latter increases crime and misery. IAL “Life” Ever Written for U. S. A . GARAGE, Inc. r- tone and International artist will be heard at the Post street thea­ The producers know that the best tre Friday, Feb. 20. A big house films pay best, but because some peo­ ple prefer immoral films there is mon­ will greet him. The Most Interesting By JOHN D LONG 353 55 RUSH ST A card from Mrs. Viola Brantley Williams of New York city announces that she is in Old Mexico and having one glorious time. SPO K A N E, Wash., W eather didly cared for unemployed men, The Advocate does not necessarily The Sun Cafe, open day and oight— fair mul mild in Kantern Washing, hag recovered from a recent ill- share J n the ..writer ’e views, but lien« that confined him to Sacred whether we do or not, the opinions are Chinese and American cooking, at 322 ton. Heart hogpital. Pat lusa been talc sane, logical and intereating. It it the inM of a population of from readers' as well aa our privilege to dis­ Williams Ave. Phone Lnacaster 1882. 1,incoln and Doubla» Anniver­ 750 care with the writer who invites to 800 men daily during the agree y o u r opinion upon the subjects dis­ J. D. Emery, Mgr.—Adv. sary was jointly celebrated Fct>. winter. cussed fro mtime to time in this col­ 12 at Calvary Baptist church un- umn. C. B. Alexander of 909 East 11th iler auspices of N A. A. C. P. ComnuMionera Ralph Hend­ street north spent last week-end in Ta­ rick» and Arthur Burch are the coma on business. Fred K. Wilson, pioneer and leading contendera for re-election Among those who purchased books ARTICLE No. 8 race leader delivered and addrega at t h e City election in March. of Negro Life During Negro History on Lincoln. Elder K. B. Reed and Both are staunch frienda of the Rev. (J. H. Allen, Mra. ( ’ W. Dav­ one» who are supporting them loy­ We find in 1925 that the general Week were: Mrs. Margaret Cain and public was very much outraged with the Esperanto Breakfast Club, the lat­ ie:!, Misa Sybil Stafford and Levi ally. the program set up by Mr. Hays. ter subscribing for the Journal of Ne­ Delaney, a pergonal acquaintance of Frederick Itoutrlaa, participat­ The Jointist charge against Jim Realizing this condition of affairs, gro History. ed in the programme which waa ' oung, well known sporting man Will Hays authorized Col Jason Joy, The Advocate is in receipt of a de­ greatly enjoyed by all. K H. has been continued to the March executive secretary of the department of public relations, to work through lightful letter of appreciatiou from Ifolinea, preaident, preaided. term of the Superior court. ‘Jim ’s ’ the National Committee for Better many friends express confidence Film», which since 1914 had been a Mrs. L. P. Dickerson of Twin Falls, A atrong effort to organize a in him and hia ability to prove hia part of the National Board of Review, Idaho. Thanks, Mrs. Dickerson. Library Society in connection with innocence. so that suspicion might be directed Friends of Al G. Greene will be de­ the National Association ia hein inp from his organization. The promise lighted to learn that he is greatly im­ niude. It would fill a long f e l t made, Mra. J. S. Payne of Everett, en made to the public was that it could want. route east and to points in Spo­ get wholesome films by thinking only proved. His doctor, according to re­ ports, has practically released him and Frankie Childs had the misfor- kane and visited with Mr. and the good and forgetting the evil has consented that he can go out tnne to make a iiiiatep at hia resi­ Mrs. S. If. Porter during the pre­ of ones. The Better Films Committee whenever he chooses. dence last week and is »offering sent week. emphasized the following slogans: The ladies’ auxiliary of Sergeant a dislocated shoulder in conse­ "Selection, Not Censorship,” "Boost Joseph White camp will meet in reg­ quence. Ih e Fraternal club composed of the Best, Ignore the Rest” and "Pat­ session tonight at their halt in Masons pave a dance «t the ‘Odd ronize the Best, That Best May Pay.” ular Ike Jones is very happy lately Fellow’s hall, Sprague and Napa Credulous people do not realize the the courthouse. Mrs. S. E. Stanfield is president of the organization. having been advised of a n in- street last Thursday. subtlety by which they were led by ereaae in his pension and recepi- these slogans, to cease all opposition ent of a fat check from Uncle Sain. Mr. Ed. Winlock is fast recov­ to immoral films, so that the traffic ering an immoral films might not be inter­ DOUBLE-EDGE BLADES Mrs. Ruth Thomas returning fered with by the active opposition of from u trip to Montana stopped Paul Robeson celebrated Bari­ the most influential citizens. H i. best shave |N Phone TRkiity 0693 tel DKgink Í 1 that hag ao aplen- Local $riefs □ Manufactured Only By The . • • OVERTON-HYGIENIC MEG. COMPANY CHICAGO □ MRS E. D. CANNADY Pacific Coast Distributor 312 Macleay Building, Portland, Ore. P ortland G as & C oke C o . ____________ ___________________________________ ' A,