The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, January 17, 1931, Page 3, Image 7

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The BLACK LILY™. .......
Nationally Known
A Story of Komancc and Daring, Laid
S o r ia l W r i t e r
in the Intrigue of a Strange South American Cult
Jnhn \ itrtliiu g lu ii. | i M l w l < t l H cw a rd I « u m i l i , w on n d rd hr a out*
•a a r m
« f e l l » I f » I n « U ir w n r fen v . u ll. A n ir rlr s u Ir lr n iJ . d a m rr in .m
(h r K w r r d ( i r a t r o f T H E Ml A* K
l.ll.V la saved by U»e g irt, ferrarli,
afea aarfea th r poiana, fron t Ifer n u an d
Ife r y a rla » a n r lr a l’a p ir a t a » and ra ra p r daw n Ifer H a rr. T h e » to r r i
Manían. Ifer g ir l's ia ra r, a b a n . Ifer* tfen m b t dra d fey ta rlirrr. and la k r him
«U fe Ifer...
N n rtk ln g ln n Is a rp a ra lrd fra n i Ifer tn a fey an aa. id r n l and la I r ft n a -
■ ana. Inna In Ifer p ! r « ( « r a h lt h fin a l» In w ard Ifer rapida an Ifer • rm u d llr
In fr a lr d w aters
lia ln .r a la d ia .a a r r r d by th r prlcaU and Irada Ifer t h a w a n a y fro m
n fe r .r M aatan lira n u n .id rd In Ifer la u f lr .
sfer la ra n g h i fey C fernah. Ifer
' « ■ h i prtaat a l n a . In lr n d r d n r | ll(r n a r Iri h rr r a a a r
I oaf and a f l n r » l » (
ferì a ra r la his r o lle s g a r * . hr ferina h rr in rara p r la Ifer w n d rrgn m n d F I . A t t.
» I t . t r a a a n cien t p i n t ta llr d l a l h r r Jaar ferra In hialine l l r r r I h r r fend
I r t a m irar
irara planai » award fro m d ra ife fey arala»
lo b a N a t1 k Iwgtnn
la | la a e
l l a baa fera«
r a l b a » Jaa» fe»Ipa l i n a i all
Don’t Ruin Your Life For
A Faithless Sweetheart
Hava you a puzzling love affair on which you nerd friendly ad­
vice? Write to Julia Jerome, care of this newspaper I f you with a
perkonaly reply plraae «end a Mumped, nelf-addmeed envelope
• the heart, rather Jour nodded and
Hr uii<lrr»tt«d the- Im r If
•arr full of silly, mpetuous youngs**.'
hr could nut understood Uir word*
like you who have learned wisdom ” n>
"U U well," he replied In the
strangely »oft cultural* that In some
i Now It may be Just an old "South­
of the tribe could b» no harsh and full
ern Custom” to murder ones rival
of mrnaa-r.
"T ile »tranfer |* wrl-
but tiial sort of thing won't work toe
runie Ui TH K PLACE. It la lor all
earn, way in Moi-h-Uan
By H I M
«h o are hunted and aorr bract Best:"
murder* aren't ire. ted with the rar..»
Hr pauard and brnt attain over the
A young man from the South
«ourntni man. Hr began Uir dell threaten* to do vtilrac" In th< am.' indulgence In the North a* in Dix •
where normal entertainment is scare»
rale oprraiion of rrm jvinc ihr vet | of love.
and violence nerves to take its place.
mud raked rloUilnc front hla iwirrly
My dear a n Jerome: —
< let another girl to cou'ote you on
wounded body. Chrnah nun» for -
I am Irom Memphis and ni>
the nights that your lady steps out.
ward at a gesture with thr great krt
Ctrl la a native New Yorker Hlie
Let her see that you are attractive
veen- : to love me sometim«. and
tie of «an ti, aleanung water
to other*
"Pood. ■>’ dauchtet
wilt I tlien again ahe will , 9 out with
Thai more than inurdet will nail
oilier fellow* and wltrti I oawl
make It rrady
It I* therr
bar to your side
And If It doesn't
Juae prdnled to the oppoirtte corner | tier out ah. Just laughs
work then she doesn’t love you end
where I route froi.
a dame
duean’t art that way toward the
you better put an end to seeing her
man she love'
I told her I was
Why nun your young Hie for a
going to lose my head and kill
fait hie*.- woman? The world Is full
snnirb dv some night and ahe
of nice girls Just dying for a good
said Uiat If I did then I ’d be
Romeo. Don l you know every < ne
dumber Ilian ahe thought. She
to go through with amorous dis­
did not heed my wishes and l ad
and disillusionment?
a dab with tny worst rival. Do
That la part of the game and helps to
you think ahr can love me and
broaden one s point of view and
art this way? What would you do
1 In my shoe»?
deepen cne’e understanding
The trouble with young people in
Well. I wouldn’t murder anybody. love is. they have no sen*» ol humor.
, that’* c'rtsin ! Snap out ol It my son. start laughing at yourself and you'll
You don’t own the lady, and the jail* last longer.
barkgr: und watched loo and his Wa\.r, of nausea r iled over him. Hu
i far» wore a look of something like very senses were submerged In the
j worship a* It turned to the elder man. black mists of pain. Then, very
At last, as Northlruton’' huntry gradually and very slowly, the sick­
j eyes be „’ an a steady trailing of the ness quieted down to a 'toady throb­
; girl f r . m p it to pan and from pan 19 bing weakness.
dish, the old nun laughed aloud. A
He opened his eyes and 1 :ok‘ J
¡happy wholesome laugh of pur
tb ut him.
grr p f rest curtain swayed slowly,
Jry m en ; In g od
"Thy w und la In thy stim ich
mv *on.” he
iti. Jr«**. In s*y. tnpartid by the flight of Dolores
slant the aerial path.
and ! or that,
LE V :o:d1 Fk
luna* of thr i n a i e I tl lert? it will 1md
While Ramon lay watching it. there
1U Ulf»! atu hr:
(Continued on Page Four)
lv a
D ;o
■ M
iitn$ rs
i dc W T i U | pon
n i
Air. At thr toek t f puzzled in-
in N .ri
ton'9 t ace »he hur-
Irani l a t ed Hie :l-kf• fur him .
luchtd and rol led himiself c(vrr
; smartly ». fe.’t out. w Itti an r f T T t hr
- s it erect on the edge ol the c o l.
"Ho. ho. but careful, now. Sir
Hungry man. " Father Jose was at his
side and motioning Chrpah to bring
A Mwinirinif branch I ruck him smartly in the fact*. He recoiled ami at down n moment to one of the crude stools.
| " It Is not welt to let the Injured
recover himself.
! loot touch earth y et." he wrnt on ad­
monishing!)’. laying the toot, swathed
•Back of the utter blankness
i In Its bandages, athwart the pelt-,
For a moment the wound- 'o f laek of understanding he ! food and odd shell and pottery dishes padded stool "By grace of the un­
guents of the Forest gods them hast
r 1 man lay looking up into still could real! the language Dolores needed no second bidding no pain, but there still works there
l She had been schooled as were all the potion of the crocodile's teeth It
the faces bent above him.
I "Hut. *»n ir, thee ce* Irlen'. Kct
must be cleared away or-----?“ He
When his glance fell on Do­ e*x Fwllialre Joar win saf you from the maidens of her tribe In the un- made a motion as of euttlng oil the
( usually sufficient housewifery of their
lor«« he cried out: “ And so j zee evrrl Black Death." Dolores j people.
A Sinister Sound
they have taken us at last," | reverted to the language of the | For a space there went forward the
Again Dolores translated.
his voice loud hik I strong. I stranger. The word» came gently , two separate lines of action
Very gingerly Northington exam­
ined the swarthed foot and witn
Haven of Rest
“ Where is Ramon? Is he— ?” with her odd lnner<l»'na and foreign
care kept it as Father Jose
Something in the fates of the Nnithliiglcn s eyes again sought I lie The wounded man found himself : had placed I t .
two strangers stopped him. old man’s He .smiled wanlv up into 1 as evilly and as skillfully cared for i They were eating when the sinister
In this subterranean chamber as he
| his fare, ’ nianks—a loi.” simple would have been in the most modern muffled sounding ol the drum came
trembling through the earth walls in Foot! does not nourish when it ts not
I »o ld s th ’ y were a» John Northing! HI
and well equipped hospital.
With agitated vibrations.
properly digested. That’s why people
p ke them but the tone came front
strange Instruments and miraculously
who sutler from gas on stomach and
All of them slopped to listen.
I soothing unguents his wounds seemed
At the second loud booming note. bowels, belching, nausea, headaches,
to suddenly cease paining him.
Dolores Jumped up Her eyes were dizziness, etc., due to indigestion,
often find ihemselves under« right,
When tlie savory fumes ol the food haunted and wild with fright.
, t list Dolores was preparing began tu
“They have find the pirogue.” she weak, with little energy and vitality.
Coughs from colds may lead lu se­
I penetrate the room, he was surprised said. "They will cease now to hunt
Alt this is quickly changed when
rious trouble.
You can stop them
to feel the healthy pangs of hunger this way The first find always be­ you start using the simple discovery-
now with Crcouiulslon. an emulsified
j flowing through him like an eager fore the questing arrow must be used known as Pape’s Dianepsin. When
creosote Uint Is pleasant to take
current, sure of finding a sea of again.
They will send it hunting people experience for ihemselves the
CreomuMon 1» a medical discovery
l plenty.
i again and -it Is only on the ea rth : amazing results of using these tasty
with lwo-fold action: It soothes and
heals the Inflamed membranes and
| Father Jose watched him closely as and air that It can find and trace It tablets, they invariably feel com­
pelled to tell others.
Inhibits germ growth.
the flush of warm
healthy color will lead them to Ramon."
"Quick. Father Chenah we must ,
Mrs. Rclda J. Glenn. 7031 Zoeter
j flooded his face and the lines of pain
Of all known drugs, creosote Is rec­
j erased themselves Irom his high go to h im ." She was frantically look­ Ave., Cleveland. Ohio, says: “ I suf­
ognised by high medical authorities
llcojllyv Bino»
She fered for over two years with pain in
I bronze forehead
Chenah. In the ing about for some weapon.
as one of the greatest healing agen­
veiled a quiver of arrows
Calmly, my stomach, gas and headaches; try­
cies for coughs from colds and bron­
easily, the old man took them from ing alt the time to get relief by using
chial Irritations. Cieomulslou con-
her tremulous, excited grasp.
medicines and treatments.
•alns, In addition to creosote, oilier
Chenah. his face grave and pur­
healing elements which sooth and
"T lien 1 learned about D¡apepsin
oral thr Inflamed membranes and
and began using it. It has been
help to me. f eat pastries
stop the Irritation while the creosote
"But, It Is not thou shouldst go.j now without bad after-effects, llo w
goes on to the stomach. 1» absorbed
my dear one It )g mv task. Thr they used to make me suffer!
into the blood, attacks the seat of the
I Monte* Is my chief. It Is I that shall
“ Friends that I have told about
'loidile and . 1 I h lhe growth of Uie
j go to his defense, and rescue. Gent
Diapepsin have been helped in the
way. I have gained thirteen
Iv he removed the cloak from her
Crcomolaloti is guaranteed aatis-
- shoulders, and wrapped It around his pounds since starting on it.’*
i o lory In the treatment of coughs
lla I’ rlm'lpfe-a W ill H e lp I n s In l l e a llli. Uupplm-w«. l a w , M oney,
\ own.
" I go,” he said; and before any !
Irom colds, bronchitis and minor
All druggists sell it: or if you wish
r e t ir e . I V « r i . In gn ew ee. C o n tro l, J o b ». I iu - liir - - W o rrie s , and
lone rould speak, he was gone, the red ' to try it before buying, write "Pape's
forma of bronchial irritations, and la
H a p p in ess at K o in e.
1 cape of the novitiate hidden beneath Dianepsin,” Wheeling, W. Va., for a
excellent for building up the system
»the somber folds of Father Jose’s wldr trial box. F R E E .
after colds or flu. Money refunded U
! cape-llke elowk
not relieved after taking according l(.
Him H im
( 'a l l In I'era on
directions. Ask your druggist, (adv.i
By M all Only
L g fl
Information Free—W rite Today
nmmcouui non cuts m i n*Mtm
«*• w. issili a*.
New Torfe U ly . fe. Y.
M l J ackson A ve.
-fersey c ity , N. t .
Iln w s Bergen fegati
In Danger
F\>r s
left him
vine and
ed eyes
long moment after Dolores (
In the high swinging mat of I
bough, Ramon lay with elafe-'
and pain-furrowed
D IA p e p SI Hi
j Quick R b W for Stomach Ills!