W \ PAGE T W O The Saturday, January 10, 1931 ADVOCATE ¡EDITORIAL PAGE] (EljurrfyrH THE ADVOCATE Mount O livet Baptist Church East First and Sehuxler Sts. Rev J. L. Castoa, Minister Phone A T water IMS Shiloh Baptist Church BEATRICE H. C AN N AD Y......................................................... FdUor «»<1 Puklishtr YANCY F R A N K LIN ............................................ isustant Mauugrr and Compositor W ILLIAM PICKENS ..................................................................CoutriEutiug Editor PO LLY A N N .......................................................................................... $ M W Editor KITS REID. RALPH C CLDYE AND CLIFFORD M ITC ilE LL.......... Columnists East Tth and Everett Sts. — EPISCOPALIAN— St. Subscription Kate« (Payable in Advance): One Year, $2.50; Six Months $1.50; Three Months $100 Entered as Second-Class Matter in the Post Office at Portland, Oregon, Under the Ac« o f 1912 THE P A S S IN G O F MR. R IC H A R D S O N The sudden removal of Mr. Euras- tus Richardson from the ranks of his fellow men marks the passing of one o f Portlands' pioneer citizens and bus­ iness men. Mr. Richardson was a self made man. He often remarked to friends that he had little or no “ book learning.“ but he knew right from wrong and could strike a good bargain. He was successful at his business be­ cause he knew how and applied himself and because he gave to his patrons the best that money could buy. Portland ers will miss Mr. Richardson as his place will be hard to fill The Advocate extends to the bereaved family its heartfelt sympathy. o JAM ES W E L D O N JO H N S O N In elevating Mr. James W eldon Johnson to the position of Vice-Pres­ ident of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, his co-workers honored perhaps the most beloved and honored man of the race in the most outstanding organ­ ization of the race. Mr. Johnsons long service in the Association as organizer, acting and finally secretary, eminently fit him for the next step higher which he has just accepted. N o better person could have been chosen for this office and we extend to both the National A s ­ sociation for the Advancement of C ol­ ored People and to Mr. Johnson our hearty congratulations. ■ o W A LTE R COHEN The news of the death of W alter Cohen has been received with regret by the people throughout the country. Mr. Cohen was one of the most out­ standing poetical figures the south has produced. , H e was a fighter who knew no defeat. Efforts made to dis­ credit him by his white opponents and to wreck him politically were always overcome by this indominitable figure His unique position in the south and in the Republican party will be most dif­ ficult to fill The Advocate, along with Americas' twelve million Negroes mourn the passing of this colorful char- actre. T H E IN A U G U R A L B A L L In looking over the list of Portland­ ers invited to attend the inaugural ball of Governor-elect. Julius Meier, we fail to see the names of any of the Gov- ernor's colored constituents. W e think inclusion o { some of the leading col ored people— especially those who worked so faithfully for his election— would be perfectly proper, since Mr Meier will be the Governor of all »he people, regardless o f race, color or creed. At the threshhold of this N ew Year, America could make no more worthy a resolution than to resolve that lynch­ ing must go and thne put the resolution to work. Think of it. in the year of Our Lord 1930. twenty-five citizens have been put to death through mob violence without a semblance o f a fair and ordcrdlv trial, which is guaranteed to every person charged with crime An old Negro mammy, employed in the Florida home of relatives o f a Portland family, has the cure ior hard times. It is this: "P u t your trust in the Lord. Put your Ford in »he gar­ age. Put your chillun to work." o — ■ ■ The Olds. Wortman A King depart­ ment store is reported to have let out all its colored help. Just what does it mean1 -O R E G O N D A IL Y J O U R N A L ST. Rodney & Knott St. H. D. Chamber in Charge Sunday service will be in charge of Blaine B. Coles. The regular Parish meeting was held last Monday night, a: which time re­ ports o f the different departments were given It finds us in a very good con dition from a year ago, for which we are very thankful. During the year our edifice has been stained and paint ed. new furnace and several new ad ditions to our altar. Rev. Chambers was the presiding o f­ ficer and laid plans for a bigger and better St. Phillips in the future. Ser­ vices at 11 00, Church Cchool, 12 M E. R IC H A R D S O N . P IO N E E R F O U N D D E A D IN H O M E HERBS longer! C O M P A N Y . IN C . 2 6 2 * A ld er St S W . Corner Third S t, Portland, Oregon. SYRACUSE LO D G E NO. 1 K. OF P. tk ELK8 NEW H ALL W illiam * Avenue and McM illan 8ta. U f f t * Second» and Fourth Friday N igh t« In Each Month at I. D CANNADY. C. C. WYATT WILLIAMS. K of R. 8. House of Prayer Fast 10th and Grant Sts Robert Searcie, Pastor — METHODIST— C. GEE WO Keep youth M E D IC A L Mission — HOUSE OF PRAYER— This is the first o f a series of six ar­ ticles to be written by Chester A. Lyon in answer to numerous inquiries of him as to his opinion in re the mo­ tion pieture industry. W e hope our readers will enjoy them and if there is any question they wish to ask Mr Lyon on tile subject, he will appreciate your addressing your inquiry to him at ON Junior street. Portland. Oregon — Please turn to page 3— -------- o-------- Continued on Page 3 years conducted a cafe and confection­ ery in the Hotel Golden West. Later when the hotel moved to the East Side he moved his cafe to the corner of Sixth and Flanders streets. A fter being in this location for a short time he moved to the Hotel Medley on interstate ave­ nue, w here he had just been settled prior to his sudden death. Mr. Richardson M E D IC IN A L HERBS was a loyal member of Rose City Lodge o f Elks and one o f its trustees and ROOTS He helped to select the lots on which the new Tem ple is built. Funeral ser­ I f taken in time, My vie» were held Wednesday at 4 p. m. revent operation* im f >iabetea, Catarrh, Lung. from Finley's Mortuary with the Klks Throat, Aathma, Kidney lodge in full charge. Rev. Daniel G L iver, Rheumatism, Blood Stomach aad all female H ill officiated and read the simple bur­ disorders Alao Bladder ial rite». Interment was in Lone Fir Trouble*. Cemetery in the Richardson family THE C. GEE WO plot. Remedies are karrnleaa, aa no drugs or poisoa are The deceased leaves to mourn their used. Compoaed o f the choicest medicinal root*, loss a step daughter, Mrs. Mamie Stan­ herbs, buds and bark, im ton, her husband. Charles Stanton, and ported by us from far C. Gse W o a grandson, Charles Stanton. Jr. n Years la Portland C H IN E S E Phillips Knott and Rodney Sts. Blaine Coles, Lay Reader T H E M O T IO N P IC T U R E S IT U A T IO N L Y N C H IN G *• cleanse the system o f poisons Tw o of the great enemiee to youth and vitality are delayed elimination and intestinal poisons. T o keep your­ self free from both these common diffi­ culties will help you to etay young. With the uae of Nujol you can do it too. For Nujol absorbs body poisons and carries them off, preventing their absorption by the body. Nujol alao aoftens the waste matter and bring* about normal evacuation. It H harm­ less; contains no drugs or medicine. I t won’t cause gas or griping pains, or affect the stomach or kidneys. Every corner d rue gist has Nujol. Make aura ou get the genuine. Look for the fujol bottle with the label on the back that you can read right through the bottle. Don’t delay, get Nujol today. S S9B|focieg>’r (B y G E N E V A IV E Y * — B A P T IS T S — Published Every Saturday at Suite 31Î-S13 Maclcay Building. Portland, Oregon "A ll strength unless dedicated to the weaker becomes destructive.” — Keith Ransom-Kehler. Thu Y O U N G E R S E T Bethel A. M E. Church l arrabee and Ifc M ille n Sts Rev. Daniel G. H ill Jr.. Minister First A. M E. Zion Church «IT W illiam s A ve Rev W . R. Lovell, Minister BETHEL CHURCH Rev D. G. Hill. Pastor Mlir g u fr iu Grilfith— R tfo r ttr Pollyann, Society Editor Mr and Mrs W . H W alker enter­ tained with cards and a huftet supper at their home Thursday evening Radio music and dancing were enjoyed also. Tw elve persons were present. Modes I PrfpuTrd EsptcUlly fot Thu t\fff*tf>rr W illiams Ave SA .1 I) The Culture Club entertained New Year's E rr with a dancing party at the Klks Temple James Madley of Salem, spent the holidays in Portland as the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. K Mills and family George Mullen, of 318 F 41st , street called to see Mrs. Hattie Jackson in Salem last Sunday. He took a basket of good things to eat. Mr Henry Frank spent last Satur day in Portland Mr and Mrs. E. L. Jamieson were dinner guests o f Mrs Beatrice Cannady on Tuesday evening. The Advocate is in receipt o f a very beautiful Christmas card from Mrs Zepha Baker from Indianapolis, Indi ana Mrs Baker says she will he home about the middle of January. o ff Dale I.itile Finta I ce Washington t» *|uitc | dl at thi* wrfting February JOIN T H E In, I lelena Seareie ha» retur ned frolli ! <>regon C ity, after »pcnding thè ludi j day» thrre 11« lena rep oit» »he had un etijoyable vi»it and tlut a party \*a» | gtveu m ber Iunior al*o IVJI, Ads RED CROSSI John Jackson, .19, who spent the past A dancing pai tv u b id ì ungiti ea*»l\ six months in the hospital at The bave been a dinner party u a» givrit la»t Dalles under treatment for tuberculo­ Friday night hy Leon J«»bnaon at In* sis, has hern discharged and is hack lumie, Fugetie Street. Kefreabmeiita m Portland lie is under the care o l j aere »erved, u b id ì itici tuie«! turkey, Dr Dr Norval 1'iilhank who arranged *alad. hot dog* and pondi Voti may for hi» care m the hospital at The he *ure evrry ulte had a great fune Dalles 'The N A A t P News rrlrasr lor January tub quotes in full an editorial from The Advocate of December 2*1 under the caption of "J I'' Spntgarn " Mrs. Dora Keene entertained the Literary Research Club at her home. Friday, Jan. 2. at 2 p. m. The club is especially thankful to the public for the success of their New Year's Eve Dance. The reports were indeed very good. The following officers were] elected for this year: Mrs Frank Ad ams, president; Mrs Beatrice Bams ter, vice-president; Pollyana Reed, (re elected) secretary; Mrs. tta Fuller. ] treasurer. Mrs. W inifred Cochran, critic, and Mrs. Mamie Stanton, assis taut secretary. The committee chair­ men will be appointed by the president at the next meeting.,Friday.Jan loth, with Mrs. Grace Jackson, on Harold Avenue Each member is especially requested to be present, on time. 2 p m. sharp. The Esperanto Breakfast club was entertained Wednesday by Mrs Estelle Gragg at her home in Alberta. i Ads American club. Particular» later Mrs. W inifred l oehran is enjoying a holiday vacation from her employment at home— to the delight of her many friends. Miss Margaret Mosley spent the past week-end at the guest of Mrs J. E Powell at her country home Phone l.nacustrr 1882 ' Emery, Mgr Stay The Kenwana Bridge Club met with Mr and Mrs. Jack Martin 1'bursday evening OLIVI CHURCH Ih r Sun l ate, open day and night « huirse and American cooking, at 322' The Culture Club was the guest of Mrs Mary Alexander Monday after noon Miss Clifford Freeman, a former member, was the guest of honor A ll clubs have resumed work after a two weeks vacation. The Joy Makers met at the home of Mrs. W ill G ragg Thursday. Dolores Burdine. hostess. The club will present a drama the last of this month. The Sunday School Prep. Board met at the parsonage, Thursday night. The ''Literary Coterie,” better known as the Dramatic Club, met at the parsonage Tuesday night. Monday night was quarterly confer­ ence A ll clubs made splendid reports Rev. Patterson was very highly In last week's report ol Mr. and pleased with the work done in the church and parsonage by the Knights. Mrs. Charles Stanton's Christmas din­ ner through inadvertance, the name of the, late F. Richardson was omitted A Good Place For Young Folks. In the original report his name was in­ A L L E N C. E. S O C IE T Y cluded The Advocate regrets making Bethel By The Bridge this error very much, especially in the E V E R Y S U N D A Y —* : » to I P M light of recent developments. On Lsrrabbee and M cM illen Sts. Mrs. C. H Binford wishes to take this method of extending thanks to Mrs Henrietta Marshall who invited her to a Christmas Dinner and also to the many others who took part in mak­ ing her Christmas a happy one DR J. L. C A S T O N . Pastor Mildred Ivey, Reporter Last Sunday w ai the first Sunday of the year which certainly started the year right at Mt. Olivet. Covenant services were held both morning and evening Also the Lord's Supper at evening services. The Junior Choir was introduced (at the morning serv ices with about fifteen voices.) O f course there are more iir the Junior Choir but their robes will be ready next Sunday. And say. by the way. i you don't believe these youngsters can sing just come and hear them Dr Caston will preach at both services next Sunday. B Y . P. U Sunday, January 14, 1931. Girl Boys! The topic for discussion will certainly interest both Boys come and hear what the girls have to say about their ideal young man. “ My Idea of What a Young Man Ought to Be led by Geneva Ivey. Adults as well as young people are welcome. Come and hear what your daughters have to say about her ideal young nun, or see if your son is the ideal young man of some girl. Dont forget, 6:43 p. m.. and be on time so as not to miss anything LOCAL BRIEFS Up-tothe-Minute Miss Caroline She|>ard was hostess to a number of young folks \ rw Year's evening Miss Edna Mill assisted her with serving. M iiu t i («rat« and Helena Searcie rn tritameli a number of frin ì«!» with a dancing paitv at their home in Ml Scott on New Year*» Fve A deli« nm* rcpu*t uà* »erved I'lrate Pity Your S ubtcrlption .A card received from Georgia Mil In assured u* that Kanaa»a t ity i* a M r» Hattie Logan. Da?. 5 feet f> in a great place to »pend the \nia» Ind­ d ie ’*. 150 pounds. Hair mixr«l with grav. illa*» Hut most id u« aren't that for «lark eye*, **«*» rrporte«! to police a* j tonate tni»»m d Aince December 31»t from 225 Have yon noticed tbe new lid Ivan Sheridan Street t annatly i* uearing? W ell, be got Hi Ma«ter Harold Flowers. * h n ha* Xm at an«l want* everybody to know it a» it» a gteat novelty for the l an been ipjite dl at tbe home of hi* moth er, Mr* Madclyn W afer, .tC»l Ku**ell na«l* brotlu-i» to ucar bat* Any ua*. atrert, i* reported to be greatly tin there i»n*t much to »av, except we're aurely glad George duini get one, too p fO N ed. THE PFPLU M FRO CK The Fxecutive Hoard of tbe National Association for tbe Advancement of i olored People, Portland Hrancb, met in executive *e»»ion Friday night — — O I‘ he editor of The Advocate, tbe a»- aiatant manager and J W l urry m o­ tored to .Salem Thur*day on hu*inc«a at tbe State llou »e —...- o ........ For the woman who is weary of in definitrlv washing her while collars and cuffs, and who is Talking for a trimming that's as glossy as galyak. as flexible as sponge, and durable a« 1**0 K RKNT Modern furmthed stone, black patent-leather has Ivest and unfurm*hed apartment* Plume exploited, and this model employs it in The Advocate at 1525 or (¿A 752J. a marvelous manner on the surplice V neckline and on the pointed cuffs The circular skirt and prplum join 1 baric» Hendrick*. 227 N 14th St. the blouse at the natural waistline, re|u»rtc«i to police that he had been which is accrnted by a jutent leather alugged over tbe bead with a piece of trimmed helt Wool crepe in the new dusty blue shade would tie an attrac­ pipe by G eorge and Fred M kitii, Dye tive medium and as praetiral as it it » Jftth. popular, Fxcella Pattern No. 3317. Sires 14 George Cannady. in a recent tryout, to 42. 2S cents. made the Cirant High School firat ha* k« t hall team and played la*t night in l laMkitune Select Books For Xmas —- Magner's Standard Horse and Stock Book. 12'X) pages ... $ 4 on Dr Gunn's N ew F'amily Physi­ cian, 1005 pages, sheep bound 4 SO Arithmetic Helps for Teachers and Students (solves all) ..... 2 00 Progressive Business Letter W r i­ ter and Commercial Forms.... 1.50 Careers for Coming Men............. 1 50 High School Scrap Book.............. 1.50 plete record hook) ................. . 2 50 What A ll Married People Should Know ...... ....... ..... The Science of a N ew Life........ W ebster’s Reliable Dictionary High School Memories (a com* Webster's l'(initialled Dictionary (fo r office or school desk) ... 3 25 Webster's Imperial D ic tio n a ry - Unabridged ............... 6.001 Webster's Universal Dictionary — Unabridged .............. 12.00 W hite House Cook Book, 600 pages, oil cloth binding ...... ..... 2 25 Order From SPORTS If you weren't at tlu hug huskrtball guun* Thursday night, vnu certainly missrtl somrthmg good It was j gtr.it game xlright. a lug ilouhlr header, too W rit, will Irli von mure .bout it urxt week —O - Monday's Oregonian earned a very ftnr hkrnrss of I )tt«i Ktilhrrford, presi. »Im i of tfir Jovtnakrrs' «.Inti and an trita r member of Allrn « F Mr Ruthrrford p trtin p ttrd in an inter, rtrual t hrislitn Fndrtvor progrtm Sunday al a h n tl white rhurch Mr Ruthrrford is one of Portlands' finest young turn » __i - w » Loyal t *.i. i, i», . i l ,,, I U m «, Ss » • » Is • •„»• si I V s— n II rU... UuiOa s.,1, U... la T— imsa-l, SI, , » ma *.» Ora*. USTERINE TOOTH PASTE 25 ‘ W hen the t?lty T rea su rer o f Ph iladelp h ia Inform ed the lion trottar, nut long ago. that the e lly treasury » u here o f ready each, the la tte r official at once undertook a telephone cam paign to replenish the c ity's Husm os Calling a score o f bond housaw In N ew York. Boston, and alas- where, by long d istan ce t e l » phone, he asked fo r c o m p etitive blda on a 13.000.000 (h u rt term loan, and so successful w e re hla n egotiation s that ha secured the needed funds at what la re ­ ported to be the low est rate tbe city has e v e r obtained fo r a municipal abort term laian. Phone T R in ity 0693 S C M O R R IS . M gr U. S. A. GARAGE, Inc. W ilson's Book Exchange Sergeant Joseph W hite Camp, S -A W ar Vets, together with the I-adies Chance Isom, accused of stealing Auxiliary, will have the installation of their officers tonight at their hall in copper wire from a yard hear the Jew­ the Court House. M. McGinnis was ish center, at Mt. Scott, was sentenced recently elected Commander and Mrs to 60 days in jail on a larceny charge Sunday School at 10 a. m. A t 11 a Records show he was out on parole S. E. Stanfield head o f the Auxiliary. m. Rev. W . R. Ixivell will preach. "T h e from the Federal penitentiary at Me- I Militant Chrsitian" will lie the subject Honoring the editor of The A d v o ­ Neil's Island, where he was sentenced | The Christian Endeavor meets at 5:30 cate, Mrs. Beatrice ('annatly, a group for stealing an auto. p. m ‘ ‘The Crucial T est" will be the of friends had a dinner and card party sermon subject at 8 p. m. The Board at Mrs Powell's place on Foster Road, of Trustees meet Monday night at the last nights A delicious course turkey parsonage. dinner was served. Cards were played Mrs. Cynthia A. Jenkins and Mrs. at four tables. Music ajid dancing were Beatrice Cannady are conducting a additional diversions. 'Fancy Silk Quilt” contest for the benefit o f the church and missoins. Mr. and Mrs. George Mullen were Please Stay O ff January 22nd.— Mrs K in ihr District Court of lb# Uni* hosts at a beautifully appointed Christ­ fe«l NOTH State# for the Diatrict of Oregon . United Ada M cGill will be in charge of the inas dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs Stat«« of America, Libelant, v» Four c»#e# each confining «Ix dozen quart bottle». and dinner to be served in that date. That Charles Wilson and Miss I-'.dna Kittrell. on* fM f containing on# and on#-half dnr.#n means it will be superb. pint bottl#», rnnr# fir Im*. of minhrandi-d Places were arranged for eight guests druir», lab#l#d in part “ Worm-o-Ton#." I*ub- Zion congratulates Bethel on her The house was beautifully decorated in lir Notic# 1» H#r«by Glvan that on th# 10th day of D#p#mb#r, IfttO, four ra»#» #arh con­ new dress. More power to Rev. Ilill Yuletide colors. A ll had a lovely time taining »ix dor.#n quart holtl#«. and on# raaa and his Loyal Knights. containing on# and on#-half do*#n pint hot- tl#», roof# fir If««, of mifthranded drug» labclad in part “ Worm-o-Tun#” w#r# arr#«t#d and taken Into th# po»*«>»Nion of and now ar# In R E S O L U T IO N S P A T R O N IZ E O U R th# poM#«»ion of th# Unit#«l 8tat#a Mar­ A D V E R T IS E R S shal for th# Diatrict of Oregon, ptimuant to warrant and pror#«* duly i««u#d by th# Happy N ew Year, we call anew cl#rk of th# United 8tat#a Diatrict Court for th# Diatrict of Oregon, in a unit for condem­ Happy N ew Year to each of you, nation nd forfeiture entitle«!: ’United Htat**« T o make it so, just radiate The Advocate sincerely requests its of America, Lihelant. v* four ca»e« each con­ taining »ix dozen quart bottle#, and on# ca»e W herever groups do congregate readers to patronize the firms whose containing fin# and one-half dozen pint bot­ more or le«» of mi«hrand#d drug», labeled advertisements are seen in The A d v o ­ tle», In part 'Worm-O-Ton#'.*' brought under the Make this resolve, I will, I do rovinion» of Reeti#>n Ten of the F«i«»d and cate. By so doing yau help yourself, rug» Act approved June JO, -1100; that all Then keep the goal ahead in view, the advertiser and us. jemon» claiming any right, title or ;ntere»t n and to the ran#« aforeaaid are hereby not!- And if you would live up to date fle«l to appear in the Diatrict Court of the Be sure you take the Advocate. United State« for the Diatrict of Oregon, on or before the 2nd day of February. 1»J1, JO IN C O S M O F R I E N D S H IP C L U B at Portland, Oregon, to ahow cauae, If any there be, why th# name ahould not he decreed It prints the news and tells you where Entirely Different From A n y Other againat and forfeited to the United State# T o buy the food and clothes you wear; aa miahranded drugs. John L. D#y, United M E M B E R S H IP . . . so C E N T S States Marshal for Oregon : Livy Stupp, Aa- Doings, in city, county, slate iatant United Ht»tea Attorney, Attorney W rite Box t i l l , Bethlehem — Adv for Lihelant. Kach week are in the Advocate. Gas— Eastern and Western Oils— Battery Charging Scientific Automobile Repairing Greasing, Oiling, Washing and Polishing EXPERT AUTOMOBILE DRIVINO INSTRUCTING Courteous and Efficient Service ( ar Tailed for and Delivered STEAM H E ATE D STORAGE 353.46 MOSS NT P O R T LA N D , OKKDON LEGAL NOTICES FOR THE YOUNGSTERS' CHRISTMAS For the youngsters’ Christmas. Many wise parerHs this year w ill include among their Christmas Gifts to the chil­ dren Savings Accounts here at the U n it­ ed States National. Such a gift w ill en­ courage habits of thrift and help to­ wards an understanding of business and financial matters. °^ 7 / e United Slates National Baule B ru a d oa y an * S lju h at fclark.. Puritan*: