HAPPY NEW THE ADVOCATE. An Voi. 27, No. S IN T W O SEC TIO N S In d ep en d en t Paper P O R T L A N D , O REG O N D e v o te d to th e In fo r c e t e mf th e P e o p le S A T U R D A Y , JA N U A R Y 3, 1931 SECTION ONE PRICE FIVE CENTS AFRICA HELD LOGICAL HABITAT FOR NEGROES 25 CITIZENS LYNCHED IN UNITED STATES 1930 Tuskegee Observes Its H a lf C e n tu ry BETHEL KNIGHTS s in E PAUL ROBESON S A PEACE IN WHO'S WHO' Jn N w i f par New York.— Paul Robeson, whine acting in the pari <•( Othello in Shake­ speare's play of llut name created a furore in I.oudoii, it included in a new Hrttiah edition of "W h o'» W ho." Among the other Americana ao hat­ ed are Char lea Lindbergh, Helen Will», the trnuia champion. Senator William F. Ilorali, J Pirrinont Morgan, Thom • During the W orld War 2.000.000 aa A. Fdison. Amluaaador Charle* G. Negroes of the world died to make the D ane, and Mary Garden. worhl eafe for democracy/* »aid Judge — - O’ - 1 ■ Klrm while »peaktna «ati-d in the' adoption of a rootutmn commending The Houatoli Informer lor it» riforta to arcurc the franchiae ior city Negro voter» through the fil-j ing rernrtly of a caar again»! T h e 1 Democratic Primary and pledging Ihc lull aupport of the committee to Ihc i effort, and the appointment of a com-1 inittre to draw up and to prraent a ! prition to the city council and to The Rev and Mrs. E. J Magrudcr have H a m . County Democratic Committee I issued invitations to the wedding of aakmg that atep. hr taken to include | their daughter, Anna Fredonia to Mr. Negro voter» iu all city election. Ware Bernard Raquie. The ceremony will be held on Wednesday evening. January 21, at th* First A M. E. Zion church, San Francisco. 10 I D SOON RECEIVES AWARD FOR EXHIBIT Master Jack Reynolds, 13, pupil at Highland school, is receiving congratu­ lations on the splendid work exhibited recently at the auditorium from the manual training department of the pub lie sc hoot system. Jack's work, a wall calumi, was chosen from the work of five boys—all his class mates Jack is in the 7A grade, and is a fine student. WHADJA' KNOW BOUT MOTT John Mott, popular bachelor and mystery man about town, was the first person to come in Th* Advocate office in the New Year and pay his subscrip­ tion. Mr. Mott left the office hearing a beautiful ladies' purse valued at $25. When asked what he was going to do with it, tic answered "It's for the otic I love and the next Mrs. John Mott." Mr and Mrs. William A. Taylor arc the proud parents of a baity boy which the stork brought to them on Christ­ mas rvc. Mrs. Taylor and son are getting along finely in St. Paul and Mr. Taylor, an employe on the Portland Rose, will leave shortly to see their first born. 125 NORTH SIXTH STREET :: PORTLAND. OREGON Equipped with the Very Latest, We Are In a Position lo Care for Men, Women and Children Com*—Let Ui Serve You! HOLLIDAY & HOLLIDAY 1930 RATE MORE IIP, UNO WILL CELEBRATE CLEAN IIP, DRESS PAINT UP THEIR CHURCH THANJ929 IVE BIRTHDAY OF BOOKER Tuskegee Institute, Ala., Dec.— Dr Roliert R. Moton, principal of the Tus­ kegee Normal and Industrial Institute, announced Tuesday of last week that elaborate plant are firing made for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the invtitution. which will be held in connection with the annual observ­ ance of Founder’s Day on April 5th. In commenting on the selection of the date. Dr. Moton declared: “ It was the opinion of the board of trustees and other officials of the Institute, that it would be most fitting and appro­ priate to celebra!’, its fiftieth birthday on the birthday of the man who was the founder and whose life is so close­ ly woven into the very fabric of the School." W A S H IN G T O N , Jan. — (C N S )— Sarah Edna Carter, 16-year-old Arm­ strong High School girl, residing at 44 Fenton street, northeast, was held at the house of detention Saturday on a charge of murder, following the fatal stabbing of James Statesman, 42, dur­ ing a row at 45 O street late Friday night. The girl stated she did not know the man was stabbed and that she was merely trying to obtain the knife at the time the wound was in­ flicted. and alsd to get him away from another girl. The knife blade passed The Rev. J. L. Caston. Negro pastor between two ribs, penetrating the heart. of Mount Olivet Baptist church, ap­ Statesman was dead when he reached peared as his own attorney Tuesday in Freedman’s Hospital. defense of a claim filed against him by the National Credit Bureau, Inc., as­ signees of M. McGinnis, Negro owner The Advocate is on sale each week at of the New Auto Beauty Shop. The the Elks' new hall. E. Richardson’s in case was tried in District Judge Mcars' the Hotel Medley, the Friendship Pool court. The credit bureau asked $34.10 Hall, west side, on 6th St. Holliday & for repairs to the minister’s automobile. Holliday's Barber Shop and at Foster's The Rev. Mr Caston argued that the Cafe, cor Williams and Weidler Sts. car still knocked and had not been properly repaired. Judge Mears found for the plaintiff, holding that by his The Dixie Strollers orchestra has own testimony, the Rev. Mr. Caston accepted an offer to play every night at proved that work had been done on the Jungle Inn, Broadway and Wash­ the car and he could produce no con­ ington streets. Donald Anderson will tract to show that any particular re­ serve as pianist for the orchestra in­ pair was to be done.— Portland Jour­ stead of Mrs. Turner, who will accept nal, Dec. 24, 1930. another position at the popular resort. PROMINENT PASTOR ACTS AS OWN AUSPLUND DRUG STORE 8IXTH à O LIB AH S T R U T S PORTLAND. O U MARTIN’ S BEAUTY SHOP 3 4 6 William* Ave. HoHKNA MARTIN IN CHARGE S H A M P O O IN G PRES SING M AR CH I. M N O G COURTEOUS K Y E H R O W AR CHI NG SCALP TREATMENT MANICURING AND PROMPT fltCRVICE AMONG PENDLETON'S LEADING CITIZENS HIGH SCHOOL GIRI HELD ON Bradford Clothes $25.00 to Shop $45.00 Among Pendleton's roost substan­ tial citizens. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W . Allen, occupy a very unique place. For 27 years they have lived there, saved and invested their money so that today they arc the proud owners of a beau­ tiful home, several pieces o f choice residential property which they rent to prominent members of the other race, and a beautiful new Cadillac sedan. The editor, Mrs. Cannady and Mr. Franklin, the assistant manager, spent Sunday afternoon as the guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Allen in their beautiful home where they enjoyed a delicious dinner and the warm hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Allen, besides being a lovely cook, is a collector of rare china and canvas paintings, does a great deal of beautiful embroidery and drawn work. She also is an expert at canning fruits and vegetables which is evidenced by the hundreds of cans of O regon’s most choice that fill her cellar. Mr. and Mrs. Allen subscribed for The Advocate and the latter will serve as its representative in Pendleton "VE here Young Men Buy” SIN G L E G IRLS Answer this if you are single, send, us your name and address and re­ ceive a one dollar coupon and valu­ able personal information— FREE1 P. H. B O D D IE . 1811 S street, N. W , Washington, D. C. "The Loyal Knights of Bethel," Men’s Club of Bethel A. M. E. church, has presented the church with a newly renovated church and parsonage as a New Year’s gift. The work was done almost entirely by volunteer labor. AH materials were bought by the club and the men gave their services to the church. The entire job, which is valued at fifteen hundred dollars, was done by Negro labor. This is truly an unusual accomplishment. Scaffolding for the main auditorium was erected by S. Golden, contractor and builder. Tint­ ing of the ceiling was done by Newby, Gillard and Alexander, expert mechan­ ics. Kalsomining painting, varnishing and cleaning was done by Roy and Will Gragg, Smith, Grayson, Brown, Ewing, Dawson. Jones, E. L Jame­ son, Holliday, Hansel), Baker, Gross, W. H. Rutherford. Keene, Randolph and Floydd. Electrical work was done by Donald Rutherford. Christmas decorations to go in the newly finish­ ed churc h w .r t made and w -» «»S W Charles Janieison. interior decorator. Some o f the good women of the church furnished meals for the men while they worked afternoon and nights. The work of these men is beautiful to behold. Bethel is "dressed up" as never before. The work of these Negro carpenters, plasterers, painters — Please turn to page 2— MAN MARRIED 1 TIMES HAS 40 CHILDREN R E ID S V IL L E , N. C-. Dec. 24— (C. S'. S.)— I sham Gwyn of Caswell coun­ ty «'as 101 years old in August. He has been married seven times and is the proud father of 40 children, the young­ est o f which is 14 years old. His sev­ enth and last wife is 40 years old and in the best of health. This year I sham cultivated a crop of tobacco, cured it and brought a load to the Reidsville market two weeks ago. Some time ago a family reunion was held at the home of the aged Negro, for which a good sized beef, a hog and a score of chickens w ere butchered, and when the dining was over not a pound of meat was left and the bread made from three barrels of flour had like­ wise disappeared with pies, cakes and other accessories. GEORGA LEADS M IN G S WITH 7 VICTIMS OF MOBS New York, Jan. 2— There have been .’ 5 recorded and authenticated lynch- ings in 1930, as against 12 during 192V, according to a summary for the year issued today from the offices of the National Association for the Advance­ ment of Colored People, 69 Fifth avenue. O f the victims 24 were Negroes and one a white man. Georgia heads the list o f lynching .tatrs for the year with 7 mob victims, Alabama and Texas had four each, Mississippi 3, Indiana and Sooth Caro­ lina and Oklahoma had one each. The offenses which brought about the lynching* include not stopping an automobile when ordered, being active politics, testifying against a white man in c ; art, quarreling with a white ni, murder, assault am t attrmpraa assault, robbery and. in one case, of­ fense unknown. One o f the mob victims, George Hughes, was burned alive in the jail at Sherman, Texas, and the body of George Johnson was publicly burned at Honey Grove, also in Texas. 15 G R A N T G R ID M E N AW ARD ED LETTERS Only 15 football players at Grant will wear 1930 football letters— or rather, only 15 girl friends. That Grant lettermen are more exclusive than any other gTid players was demonstrated Tuesday, when Watt Long awarded Christmas presents in form o f letters to the following youths: Captain Norman Daniels, Hugh Me- Credie. Herbert Armentrout, George Cannady. Kenneth Sherwood, Bud Jones, Frank Barlow, Elroy Briggs, Ford Winters, Holland Dungan, Lind­ say Titus, George Dowling, T om Ben- nison, Dick Bcnnison and Jerry Fergu­ son. George Cannady, Negro halfback, received the cup awarded by Coach Long to the player maintaining the highest scholastic average, his being 9554. Grant players must see 84 minutes under fire in order to win a letter.— Portland News, Dec. 24, 1930. »- Make M otor in — M otor out Portland's S. W . C o r . 4 th a W ashington H o l l i d a y 8C H o l l i d a y Tontorial Parlor» TRUE TO NAME A Trimuph for N egro Labor W e are entering upon a new year which will witness momentous m ove­ ment. throughout the world. There he much opprrsaion and depression. Perhaps the greatest of these will be the economic depression, ft behooves the Negro in America, Ihc man farthest down, to interrat himself in these vital miration*. He must become more and more a part of the great cosmic whole and not isolate himself into small group action only. He must become interested in all the big questions that engage other races and classes, taking part in the various reformations that will come and in so doing, his own sal­ vation will gradually be worked out. The Advocate has tryed all along to interest itself and its readers in the lugger thing, of fife; it ha* tried hard to keep abreast of the time* and to keep its patrons informed upon the is­ sues that are nation and world-wide. In the New Year, we hereby resolve 1 » dedicate ourselves anew to the serv­ ice of our fcllowinen in a much biggar and betlcr way than ever before. X K W OKI I ANS. Jan 2 The \rttro proMrin is I hr most danicrrouft problem f hr American people con front/* ».ml JtnlRr NiehoD» Klein of ( tncinnali, ( ) . ailtlreeptnu an aittlience of 500 at a meeting »»< the New O f lea it h division of the Onivertal Negro I tit provrment \»%«»cution ÏÛ HEAD $-A WAR VETS ! Own FIR ST CLASS CH ICKEN D IN N E R A N D LU N C H PL A C E MRS. ID A P O W E L L and BOB W H IT E , Props. Phone SUnset 5098 R O O M S FOR P A R T IE S A N D B A N Q U E T S Store Your Shopping Headquarters R F. D. 3, Box No. 1292 Foster Road, East of Buckley Avenue G. FREEM AN B R O T H E R S T R A N S F E R Office Phone: BRoadway 1885 430 HOYT STREET :: Portland, Oregon Residence Phone GArfield 8019— 340 Tillamook Street v O ^ w T rv A , & er. i Q u a l it y trou a © Successor» to E. Richardson Baggage Transfer ONLY NEGRO NEWS PAPER PUBLISHED IN 0REC0N