TH F. SATURD AY, S EP T EM B ER zu. iu;w Room« for Kent —Nicaly furnished, heated by furnace. One person to a room. M per week; two persons to a room, 04 to IS per week. Walking distance from town. H i Koaa Street Rhone KAst 7171. M errim a n II. H u ll* WASHINGTON AT BROADWAY 2 0 0 NEW Condition of Woiindfil I’ortrr Reported Good COATS The condition of Henry II Straw der. 40, a porter, who wa> fired upon by an unknown assailant when he an awered the door of hi» room at 3Ï» East Second street N Tuesday night, is much heller Wednesday morning, according to rrports from the enter gency hospital. The bullet entered his left side and was removed from near his right hip Edward Harria opened the door of Strawder's room and met a man who asked for Strawder When Strawder arrived at the door the stranger opened fire and then ran Strawder did not recognise the man, he said Wednesday Kor Fall and Winter # 2 9 ,8 5 TO # 3 4 .8 5 VALUES $ 24.85 MARVELOUS VALUES RASED ON TODAY’S LOW ER PRICE LEV ELS I h i S a if D O W N - S T A I R S T H R IF T SHOP Your Patronage I» Earnestly Solicited Mr and Mrs I. !.. Itird and family of Seattle motored to Portland Wed­ nesday night in response to a telegram sent by Mr W. K Peek announcing the death of Mrs Peek, hit wife Mr» Peek wa* Mrs Bird's adopted mother PRUDENTIAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION and Keep Well! Src »it L . A. A S H F O R D 32H Wtirclcr Street - N EA»t 440« d eligh t in Cheese flavor Still an o th er K raft-P h en ix triumph I New digestibility, health qualities and delicious new flavor added to cheese. In Vclvccta all the valuable properties of rich milk are retained. Milk sugar, calcium and minerals. Good for o r r y eac, including the children. Y'clveeta spreads, slices, or tnelts and toasts instantly Try a half pound package today. K R A F T V/elveeta ▼ Tht Delicious N ew CH m ie Food N otice to the public UPPOSE you are today paying 50c a tube for your tootn paste (and there are many very good denti­ frice* telling today at that price). Suppose, like most peo­ ple, you buy about twelve tubes during a year. Now if you knew that you could buy at good a dentifrice at can be made and still save each year the price of 25 loaves of bread or 60 bars of soap or 40 pounds of sugar or a box of fine cigars—could you conscientiously fail to take advantage of such an opportunity f That is exactly what you do when you buy Liatenne Tooth Paste at 25c for a large tube. Figure it out for yourself. S PROTECT ' o u r e y ES D A Y S O F SU FFERIN G NOW Q U ICKLY ENDED ?<>• « > r l o a t o l ih a ia l i r e the inifent relief y<*u gel u-ith Dillerd e a rr A s p e tg u m . A I m oat t»»lot# you k n o w it th « p a ia d isa p p e a rs. ro ta i a e r v t i s a d .l* n ly r a t a l . W 'tih A s p e r ju m y o a c h e » th * p a t« a w a y . P o r I t la t h t ftn rst a s p irin o b ta in a b le p a t a p l a th a w in g g um fo rm N o w y o u ta n ta k a a a p tn a a n y lim a , any p la t# N o w a ter- N o h it t a r le a f* N o c h o k in g e a n a a lio a . B a c a u a * y o a th a w I M ia n ! a A a p a rg u m ih a a a p in n m ta a t th o ro u g h ly w it h th a a a liv a ao th a t a ll ita ao oth tag q u a lit ie s a t* e ffe c tiv e q u i c k l y , c o n tm u o u a ly . I t h rin g a q u ic k re lie f fro m a ch in g h aada. to o th * • t h * . th * p a in a o f n a u n tia , n e u ra lg ia , eve n rh a a * m at ism I f y o u r d ru g g ie t does not h a v e D i l la r d ’ * A a p a rg u m . tend fo r a fra * aa m p la to H e a lth P i id * ta r a t io * D t p b A . I l l N o r t h I ' t h b u re t. N a w a rk . N . J. T u b e rc u lo sis Large Tube 25 * Negroes, everywhere in Americo, ore protesting, pleading and praying for more and better opportunities in the employment field Hard times have, however, shogtn them the fallacy of expecting any material gain by merely protesting and pleading, cspei ¡ally when the whites, who control the jobs, have so many of their own numbers clamoring for work Our prayers, then, are about to be answered but only through increased faith in our economic and conunercial leaders. From this digest it should therefore fie apparent that the Negro student of today is really blessed with opportuni­ ties if he will studiously prepare him­ self for them He must remember that this is the age of specialization and keen competition A knowledge of his neighbor's present condition is just as essential as the knowledge of ancient history. To speak on terms of financial, industrial and commercial fluency is far more useful than to know the dead languages. To be able to prepare and read an intelligent and comprehensive finanical report is more practical than to be able to prepare or read an essay on Hermoclides And above all, the knowledge that the stu­ dent is well trained in business admin­ istration ia a more powerful claim on which to expect the whites to em­ ploy us in their own business than is a mere plea on the basis of race repre­ sentation — o— FOR RENT—0-room flat; 714-710 E. Ankeny Street. Mrs. J C. LOGAN, Trinity »»»8—Adv. JOIN COSMO FR IEN D SH IP CLUB Entirely Different From Any Other | MEMBERSHIP . . . so CENTS Write Box t i l l . Bethlehem —Adv. é L a BETTER RAZOR (old or n ew m odal) or your money bock 'lYoa t i n ¿O ioiw i K e e p th e m a w a y fr e e s « le k p e o p le . . 1 a a ls t a a p le n ty o f r e a t • . T r a i n th e m In h e g ü th h a b it a . . HIOT own A f 1 AHO M a la y W y •—— Ca. ha, H 1 (• R asm atm j THE HAI« 1 SOMT th I ST«AtL.MT « ANO f«ie< ‘ HAIR gro WERV UT H A T L IT T L E G A M E” » ■ ■■■ All On a Summer’s Night ¿Tnl QstSTtOU------ AHI» — TU« AH tv* In $—* jim m il iiiu iiii u n ------ - --------------------- ma *« yn sat , kavs r Yeo ftWMi« Te HA«* A FLOin oP A l l Y V t* B u d * glBCtmc PAN* AT T h * tAW voti. 1 MV twSPOtAL, Ann AU.0W, Ani» ! S om * C ool F luid r«a Ju *t remo [ A*h 6aos Slavics a coo*, spot . — I Ano S ohbohi To AM* MU*»« Ml, \ » mal roa mb I'M HOT A mo A MAininB Ö«T A ll DftSLsto I TO fcW MB AMD Sva€AT V P aemiN1 lik B that in v#«a samil V i * Goo1 a v e ! . WON AMT fSHlH W MAT? i tom. *vtn TH*«* » You must maub foutt Bne u t W , T h i ica aon l - f n a r comb ovan' «■r Yog r POKBR,- OH A 441*441 l ik b T nit ? Sgt Charles Eberhard is expeetd to return Monday to Portland from Se­ attle where he hat been on business. NBPT ip n 'i a s hot a * T his IM KAOtS , i > m 6onHA 6B A G ood B ç t • . Pinauds Shampoo Obtained. Send model or sketch and we will promptly send you a report. Our book on Patents and Trade-marlu will be tent to you on requeaL & POUNDS -famous the world aver PATENTS D. SWIFT OP USED BY PUN COVEBNMENT CO. -------PATENT LAW YERS_____ 305 Seventh S t. Washington. D. C- Ovte M Y—rs’ Experience Leaea your hair lustrous, healthy, and tot too dry! w At your dealer's— or send )os for fuU-size bottle It Pinaud. Dept. Ai. J io E i t St., NeteYork. [Sample bottlefreej All things considered GAS HEATING is cheapest The Advocate Publishing Co- Published Every Saturday for the Past Twenty-Six Years! Publishers of “ The Advocate”— A 16-Page Newspaper The Oldest Negro Business In Portland Is . . . . Our High Brown Hair Grower stands a* one of our highest achieve­ ments— it is a prepar­ ation we look upon with pride. — Distributor Mr». E. D. Cannady, 312 Macleay B14g„ Portland, Oregon. mu ONLY BY T H E INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS AND PAYROLLS . . . . .Unemployment is not merely the misfortune of the few. It is an economic affliction from which all suffer. It has been written about, talked about, and fought about. But that does not help the situation. We have a direct interest in community development. The growth and progress of a utility depend on the growth and industrial progress of the towns or cities it serves. An electrified business is an efficient business, reducing ita costs, increasing its market—a guarantee against unemploy­ ment. It is not a cure-all, but it is a step in the right direction. PICK YOUR BUSINESS UP BY THE BOOT-STRAPS ELECTRIFY! PACIFIC NORTHW EST PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY (PEPC0) ELECTRIC Bl'ILDING- Broadway and Alder—PORTLAND, OREGON Division Offices at Salem. Oregon City, Hillsboro, Gresham. St. Helens and St. Johns, Oregon, and Vancouver. Washington C. M IC A C O □ REAL ESTATE BROKER We Seli Fo r Less Because W e SeU for Cash Bonded and Licentifd Under Oregon Laun □ CANNADY’ S REAL ESTATE COMPANY HHOW HOW ' T ‘ V oooo ave • EQUAL- Cannady Real Estate Co NOT MB Î I WHY, »Y* too H ot . Y ou (l«M . pf> MME TO COPAC , M IL L IO N * NoYHtH' STtBfttH*. HO. At, °°r ■rt.BH.ATALHMY.YO« I s e a Too USE LESS t h a n o f h ig h p ric e d b r a n d a fe n * * on gtcoivtn^ S ' l o m O • r ITS Too HOT TO WIN ! as ounces tor as« FOR RENT- Seven room Rennovated Reaonable to Responsible People. Ap­ ply SU Schuyler Street.— Adv. OVERTON HYGIENIC MFC.CO. MO T h B HAAT NIK I Too Horf U n ity ih ih i : »«its MADE V oo g an* muttt f BaiM6 H* BA« k .- V4HA T? I\\ AN to n a s s i» t h e d o c t o r by P I O S A K CO _ MOIATION NO! rrt f o t H ot : fee rasu to of* KRAFT-PHENIX CHEESE COMPANY Without a doubt, the best article of its kind— a combination Hair Grower and Hair Straighten«*. Gives the hair a natural soft and silky appearance, •timulating hair growth in the most hopeless case. ^ NAIA AW, iMHAV'g vKOûHft WITH you A inos ? vim Y udoMv you C omb Owen ? WS Cl H4W« A kit-' < » *** t u d iti.Vou C o m i ? Price lo r a r e r M y a a r* Mrs E. D. Cannatly, Manager G RO W ER W ITH O U T DOUBLE-EDGE RAZOR G u o r s n la s d 8 a m « In Two Sections! ICH- BROWN h PROBAK / cheese. And all the essential ele­ ments o f good cheese are found in Kraft Cheese. The cynical student, after noting i the absence of racial commercial en­ terprises in his own community, might question the wisdom of embarking on < a concentrated study of business ad- | ministration and economics but there | are ample assurances for the success | of our students who thoroughly mas- ] ter this subject, realizing that their , academic knowledge gives them only the basic principles and an under­ standing upon which to building for oaoifvrw V OM HB J w E gggS E IP Our leaders are pointing out our economic weaknesses and directing our efforts to overcome them but it ta our students of today who now have the opportunity of becoming our suc­ cessful merchants, bankers, financiers and industrial magnates of tomorrow. H A IR BLADES mot. rour r s t s M h i A a U .l -ta i th e m fro m T O O T H PASTE Night and Morning to k « p themClean,Clear and Healthy Writ« for Fret "By* Care" or "Bye B rov lj" Hook M.M..C»,0.f. II a..*« OkoM.CSo.s. ti» M -NEWS- By Clifford C. Mitcholl — o— .Moscow, S e p !—American race pre- 1 j ml ice wa* Riven a terrific blow here »ince two American white men have * been ordered deported ami banished | from the country for ten years for an * assault on a Negro recently, according ! to a special cable to the New \ ork I "Times ** Free to Public ' As a race we will progress commer­ cially when we combine the services •-ROOM Houaa for Bala Cheap Call fee«« »«.-»a» w rn T A b o r 7712 a ;* m n wwl baproaapajrrarw af4*a. of trained and rxperiened business ad­ _____ *4’ « M E R I C I I I I B I I T I I U L IB I1 IY ministrators and economists with our Ifa jla a a H a i C k la a ia lllla a la FOR REN T-Fum iahad Kooma. l i t ___ o Interstate n « r Broadway Mr. j p le a , e Pffy Y o U r S u b s c r ip t io n surplus dollars now possessed by L. Logan—TKinity vlvl those who are already convinced that Negro enterprises manned by skilled FOR RENT—Two story unfurnished administrators it the answer to our prayer, protests and pleadings, for house, $10 80. 73A Tillamook St. Phone Atwater »840.—Ad. more and better jobs. (^ sTood LISTERINE it)« M il TISING D elicious e w T h . CLASSIFIED A D V E R ­ — o — In our peculiar racial predicament it is not a question of opening up new avenues of endeavor but one of providing trained and experienced men and women in a field already in exis­ tence but sadly neglected The op­ portunity is there hut it takes the Ed l ane, well known jockey will trained student to grasp it. visit in Portland with Mcrriman Max­ — o— FOR SALE—Cozy 4-Room plastered well tomorrow House with fruit trees; 04So 70th \V*e are weff represented in the St. S.E. Reasonable—for full par-1 professions, arts, sciences, religious, Mr. I. K Itluckluirn is re|iortetl to cultural and social spheres and the stu­ at her home, 810S 3»th Avenue S.E. lie ill and contiurd to her home in Irv­ Mrs Ella Smith is steadily improving; dent who is now entering into them ington would do well to consider the advant­ Mrs Rachael llellard, Alt Doing ages and opportunities for the skilled street has been indisposed this week, business administrator. In this latter field, from a racial viewpoint, the ex­ suffering with a severe cold pert will meet with less competition Mrs J A Nichols is recovering and enjoy greater opportunities, than in any other. from a recent illness Her many friends are glad to know she will soon No longer must we believe that just he O.K again being a Negro with a sufficient capi­ Kay Shepherd ha» reiurnrd to hi* tal to open a commercial enterprise that our success is assured, not even work after seven weeka’ illnes». in a Negro district It takes a keen, I itile Stanley C'age Jr is alile to tic trained and experienced business ad­ A food for p r o tip again after bemg in bed and under ministrator. We want to patronize our own color, certainly, hut we also tein; a food for thè doctor's care for a weck want and should receive, the same | ' o — m ineral salts; courteous and efficient service, the i P lfa te Pay Your Suhscription for calcium and same quality of merchandise and at an ; equally as low, if not lower, price than I phosphorus; all R I S S I A O H D F .K S the successful white merchant offers ; the essential ele­ T H E D E P O R T A T I!)* On no other basis will the Negro suc­ ments for health O F A M E R IC A N S ceed as a merchant and this applies j equally as well to the other allied, and strength are POUND GUILTY OF ASSAULT forms of commercial and industrial e n -) found in good UPON A NEGRO terprise* Juin the . . . Digestible as milk itself I PAGE T H R E E ultimate success tl*ough continued studies and application in the school of actual experience LOCAL BRIEFS PROCTOR’S NOW SH OW ING! A D V O C A T E 1 A P O fttO A V a T V S in'ATAT'OH AMD A l l THAT, B U T R B A L l Y . a l o M AH, I T m H K I » marron ¿ tat nana ! ■ L a s k J B v U ymb We are prepared to act as broker and escrow agent for buyers and sellers. We make mortgage loans, manage estates, collect rents. -*■ — Business Confidential E. D. CANNADY Office: 312 Macleay Builtling ATwater 1525 3 l— lï*lRD & MORRISON C O M P L E T E N EW ST O C K S O F Q U A L IT Y M E R C H A N D ISE F O R T H E H O M E AND P E R SO N A L S E R V IC E *