S A T U R D A Y . S E P T E M B E R 90. I9.it» A D V O C A T E PACE T W O — E D IT O R IA L P A G E ! it \i:i o f j ( E l i u r r lt r s s e i . o i m ; e n o , i K. OE I*. Ih» MKS THE ADVOCATE — B A P T IST S — M*»t* S««*'tul« «itti Mount Olivet Baptist Church Published Every Saturday at Suite 31X3)3 Maclcay Budding. Portland. Oregon East First and Schuyler St*. Rev J. !.. Casto*. Minister Phone A T water 1525 Shiloh Baptist Church BEATRICE H. CANNADY.................................................................. Editor and Publisher YANCY FRANKLIN...................................................... trust ant Manager and Compositor \ WILLIAM PICKENS .............................................................................Contributing Editor POLLY ANN..................................................................................................... S t a ll» Editor KITS REID. RALPH C CLDYE AND CLIFFORD MITCHELL..............Columnists East 7th and F.verett Sts. — EPISCOPALIAN— St. Phillip« Subscription Rate* (Payable in A dvance!: One Year, $2.50; Si* Months, $1.50; Three Months, $1.00 Entered as Second-Class Matter in the Post Office at Portland, Oregon. Under the Act of 1912 Mission K nott and R odney Sts. Blaine Coles, Lay Reader -H OU SE O F P R A Y E R — H ouse of Prayer East 10 th and Grant Sts Robert Searcie, Pastor Pollyann,Society Editor T he Mi«»e> Nellie Franklin ami V io ­ let H ooker were loint hostesses for a pretty dancing party at the home of the form er. 1405 Fast Davis street on last W ednesday evening for the plea« ure o f Miss Madeline Shipman " h o was here visiting her sister. Mrs De- Nor» al I'nthank Miss Shipman w ho is president o f the 1 W t V at How­ ard University departed 1 hursday for W ashington to re-enter H oward University where she is a student Resentment is a tree that bears only- out o f his own personal business. This Mrs. Leonard Croswhite, Mesdames man personally knows some Colored in­ Ida Schweich and K 11a Smith have dividual : it doesn't matter who he is— — M E T H O D IST — returned from a very pleasant sojourn T he passing of M rs. Anna Eudora what he is— where he came from — where Bethel A. M K. Church at Gearhart During their stay there. Peek marks the passing o f a woman he is giving— what he knows— what he Jon Tuesday, they w ire dinner and sup- Larrabee and M cM illen Sts who spent a useful life in the co m ­ does not know, etc, ad infinitum— the Rev. Daniel G. Hill Jr . Minister I per guests o f Mr ami Mrs \\. S munity and w hose w ork will ’ live on only requirement being if he is Colored | Badger T he Badgers also look them First A. M E. Zion Church after her She was dearly beloved by —whom he has helped—or just whom 417 W illiams Ave for a lovely drive to Seaside and As both white and colored and during her he has seen for a number o f times—he Rev W . R. L ovell, Minister toria illness she set such a standard of may he the family bootlegger or he may be the family handv-man. Rut if that cheerfullness and happiness that will be hard to emulate by mere man. T o individual tells the candidate— this suc­ On M onday the Culture t lub met at the devoted husband w ho did all in cessful business man— that he can get Mrs Kuth Flowers, form ed a body the Colored vote, chances are that candi his pow er to make her long illness ami visited The Martin Beauty Shop bright and cheerful, and to the other date—that successful business man— will They also presented Mrs. Kohena suspend all business rules and principles bereaved ones. T he A dvocate extends Martin with a gorgeou s basket of cut and "hire" that fellow on the spot to Rev D. G. Hill. Pastor its sympathy. flow ers handle the "colored end o f his cam Marguerite G rifith — Reporter paign'. N. A. A. C. P. and Lynching Now this sort o f attitude anil practice Rev Hill delivered the liducational Miss Helen 1 ugau and Mr Huron on the part o f tire candidates are highly sermon last night at the California Melker o f St Paul will be married on The National Association for the A d­ insulting to intelligent colored voters (.ill con feren ce which convened this week Sunday afternoon at the tamily resi­ vancement o f Colored People, greatly- Oregon Colored voters are intelligent) in Oakland He will be in his ow n dence. 359 Interstate \ venue The alarmed over the increase in lynching who wish to be reached by the same in­ pulpit Sunday morning. Sepiemlier 21 cerem ony will be follow ed bv a recep­ in 1930 over those for 1929, is drafting telligent methodse employed in reaching M rs J. II Joiner and grandchildren tion beginning at 9 o ’ cloek I he a new Federal anti-lynching law to be the intelligent white voters. Lucy G and Sam 11 Bevins united groom -elect is a brother of Mr« M c­ introduced in Congress when it next con­ If such representatives are used as with the church Th ey reside at 325 Kinley Tay lor venes. As a natural sequence. Colored just above described, let them be sup W heeler, Mrs Joiner was form erly of people throughout the country will be plementary and not use them as rep­ H ouston. Texas. called on to help pass the bill. How- resentatives for they mght be better Kci and Mrs. Daniel G Hill. Jr Com e out to Christian Endc^v or can they do it ? It is not likely that Con­ known among tlier own race and may and join in the interesting discussions. left early last W ednesday by autom o­ gress will convene before the November leave a bad taste in Mr. Colored Voters' They Miss Gw endolyn H ooker is president bile for Oakland. California election, and as there will be a number mouth, aganst the canddate he repre­ of candidates seeking berths in the U. S. and has outlined program s that are were accom panied by Buddy and Doris sents. i their youngest children and Miss M ax­ Congress— upper and lower— the Colored 1 interesting and beneficial to all. The newspapers, the radio, intelligent race can well find out if these candi­ Mrs. Anna Canada was elected vice- ine Maxwell personal workers, are used to carry the dates will vote for the passage of the ' president o f the Endeavor League The message to the white voters. Why not Merriman Maxwell m otored to Port- proposed bill, thus making lynching a girls are leading the boys in the attend use like methods for reaching the Col­ Federal crime, before pledging their mce contest. The executive board, which ! lam] Thursday ored voters, Mr. Candidate! votes. consists o f all the officers of the various --------------o-------------- Generalities will not do. according to Miss Geneva Turner w ho graduated : departments, will have charge o f the D on't fail to register. The books the association, but each candidate should discussion, Sunday. The regular fall last June from Franklin High, will be required to answer specifically tie will be open at the Court House for ! election will be held the last Sunday in enter the L’ niversity of O regon when Your question as to whether or not he will the purpose until O ctober 4 September. school opens in September vote will be needed on Novem ber 6 . vote on the measure, if elected. fruit o f misery.—G hiñese Philosophy. BETHEL CHURCH NOTES Eighteen verified and five unverified lynching« for the year 1930, compared against 12 for 1929, are sufficient cause for the association, as well as all people who believe in law and order, to- take such a step. The very fact that these lynchings have occurred, and little or nothing done to punish the lynchers is sufficient evi­ dence that the states have proven their inability to cope with this national game More power to the National Associa­ tion for the Advancement o f Colored People ! — *We Do” . . . NOT! Mr. Is Retired . C or. 4 IS « o d Bradford S. W W ash in gton Clothes $25.00 to Shop $ 45.00 "Where Young Men Buy" MEDICINAL HERBS The State o f South Carolina seems to have taken advantage o f the recent primary election to do not only itself but the rest o f the nation a good turn. Cole Blease was never exactly an orna­ ment to the U. S. Senate. As a defend­ er of lynching, a scoffer at the Consti­ tution and a drinking dry, he was often rather hard to put up with. Now, South Carolina has retired him. James F Byrnes will replace him, and it is hardly stretching things to say that both South Carolina and the U S. Senate will be better off. Blease represented the noisy, blatant type o f “ .-tate mar ship that the country car very well do without. The voters o f South Carolina are to be congratu­ lated.— Portland Daily News, Sept. 18. Mrs. Lena Bowers, 293 Ivy St , has returned to Portland from an extended trip Last She reports a very pleasant trim. To COLD C old g«rm s o r « c a r­ ried to th« mouth on and ROOTS C. Gee We »9 Years In Portland a c o ld full strength Listerino TH E C. GEE WO gorm s in 1 5 second s. Remedies are harmless, as no drugs or poison are used. Composed o f tXe choicest medicinal roots, herbs, buds and bark, im­ ported by us from far Bethel B y T he Bridge E V E R Y S U N D A Y — «:S0 to I P. M. O n Larrabbee and M cM illen Sts. Miss Maxine M axwell was the in­ spiration for a delicious dinner party Sunday given by Mr and Mr* Chav Jamison at their lovely home, 1190 H olgate street Additional guests were Miss Chrystaler Maxwell and Rev and Mrs Daniel G. Hill, J r, and family I IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E Miss Maxine Maxwell who has been making her home for several months S T A T E O F O REG O N with the Jamisons, left W ednesday Far the County of Multnomah fo r Los Angeles for an indefinite Frances Lillian Musielak stay. Before leaving for California, Plaintiff however, she spent Tuesday with her vs. parents, Mr and Mrs Chas Maxwell Bernard J. Musielak in Salem LEGAL NOTICES rinsing the hands with b e f o r e e a c h m e a l, b eca u se Listerine kills LISTERINE KILLS GERMS IN IS SECONDS ►'•»tuth KiWl»v Nl«h»* In K« ch Month «I Mt and Mr*. Charles Adam s » e r e delightful hosts at a beautifully ap pointed dinner last Sunday evening at tltcir residence, timo l-ast 14th street \ , honoring Mrs 11 D Fuller, presi dent of the Culture Club and prom in­ ent i hiirch ami social worker I he table troni which the Spanish repasl was served was extremely attractive with hand embroidered cover adorned with pretty cut glass, silverware, and F nglt'h china ami pink gladioli At the table were Mr and Mrs \dam*. Mr» Fuller, Mr ami Mr» l liarles Stanton and son ami Mrs Beatrice Cannady Mrs l-'.ula Anthony of Seattle, \\ n . accom panied by her youngest children. Marion and Junior arrived m P ort­ land Tuesday from I os Angeles where they have spent the past seven weeks vacationing with friends. They are the hoit.ee guests of Mr and Mrs \\ J. Marshall. 49! Buffalo street until Sunday when they will resume their trip home Mr* Anthony report* a very pleasant trip She also stated that the youngest daughter has gained quite a reputation as a dancer ami singer ami some steps have been taken to get her into the m otion picture field. Mr and Mrs R F Foster ami Mrs Deis entertained for the pleasure of Mr Henri Sanders o f Kansas l ily . K an, with a m otor trip to Seaside last- Saturday, remaining until M on­ day This week-end will be passed by Mr Sander« ami Mr« I her. Ins niece, in Seattle with M.r« IVarl Y oung, a relative Mr Sanders is Mrs R I Foster’s brother Mrs Henrietta Marshall was hostess to the regular Wednesday morning meeting of the Esperanto Breakfast Club at her home. 19! Buffalo street \ delicious two-course breakfast was served by the hostess from a table made exquisitely beautiful with its dainty lace cover and crystal table ware At the close of the meal, Mr* Mamie Stanton presented the hostess with a beautiful radio lamp, a gift from the club in honor of her birth­ day anniversary. Following a brief business session the instructor. Beatrice Cannady gave a talk on the Negro in the Political l ife of the Nation This was inter­ esting and informing and greatly ap­ preciated by the members The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs Nona Drir, at 419 Marguritr .Avenue K It ('AN N AttY. 1' C WYATT W i l l I AMM. K of It N H „k you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before The Oregon Belles Marching Club Friday, October 17, 1930, which is four was entertained Tuesday night by weeks from the day o f the first publica tion of this summons, and if you fail to Anna May Cochran. so appear and answer the said complaint the plaintiff will take a decree as prayed The Vigilantes Club was entertained for in her complaint, to -w it: A decree dissolving the marriage contract hereto Wednesday night by Mrs R H. Camp fore and now existing between plaintiff at her residence on Failing street and defendant, and rendering her an absolute decree of divorce and awarding her the custody, care and control o f her minor children, namely: Dewain David Musielak and Bernard Francis Musielak, and for such other and farther rein t .1 to the Court may seein just in the pre- mi-es. I his summon» is served upon you by publication thereof by order of the Hon. Louis P Hewitt, Judge of the a lso e entitled Court, made and entered on the 18 th day of September, 19.MJ, directing that itch publication lie made in “ Tile Ad.ocate,' a newspaper of general cir­ culation within Multnomah County and State of Oregon, not less than once each week for four consecutive weeks from the date o f the first publication hereof. Date o f first publication—Septemlier 20, 1910. Date of last publication— October 18 , 1930. Minies ISrpoteJ F.rpecutlly for Thtt Sewipaper SA Attorney for Plaintif. 324 Chamber o f Commerce Bldg. Portland, Oregon F It E E PE RFU M E STRAIGHT ! Hotp to become BEAUTIFUL A n y girl can keep her co m p le s - io n beautiful by regularly using Dr. Fred Palm er's Sain W hiten er O intm ent. T h is preparation, fa ­ mous fo r fifty years, soften s and lightens the darkest skin, clea rs up pim ples, blotch es and tan marks and does away w ith that " o ily , ahiny” look. Regular uae o f this reparation along w ith the other lr. F red Palm er Skin W h iten er Preparations, keep« your akin aoft and sm ooth and makes you look beautiful. E Dr. F red P alm er’ s com p lete line con sists o f : Dr. Fred Palm er’s Skin W h iten er O in tm e n t; Skin W h iten er S oa p ; Skin W h iten er Face P o w d e r; H air D resser and H I D D eodorant. S old at all drug stores f o r 23c each, o r sent post- nald upon recrip t o f price Dr. Fred Palm er's L a b ora tories, Dept. 17, Atlanta, Oa. A | »n »rou i trial «am pi« o f tha Skin W h iu n a r Soap and Faca P ow d tr atm for 4* in alampa. Dr. Fred Palmera SKIN WHITENER "K eep* pour completion y o u fft fu f Thu \li«**cn Gwendolyn and Violrl Hooker were ho4t* la%t Sunday at a delicious dinner honoring M i^r» l oiiiM T,«*w is, N'ellie Franklin, U n i­ versity • »f Oregon students and Miss Madelin Shipman Covers were laid for seven Mr Marion Young gave a birthday party in honor of bis wife, Mrs. Unice Allan Rutherford left Tuesday to M Voting \ delightful luncheon w.i> served Tin- h ostess received «orne very enter Pacific University to pursue hi1* college coure lovely gift T ile guests included Mr and Mr- K V Miller, Mr and Mrs. George Cannady is playing again I> W B • Mi.- J on s and Mr Joe this year on the Grant football tram It will indeed be a very pleasant Ihe (»rant team hattlrd against the surprise to the friends of Mrs Mamie Hillsboro eleven .it Hillsboro l; riday. Holliday 8i T H E SK I'A K A T K JACK K T One of 0>e nv*«t indispensable mem bers of tlie summer wardrobe j$ the separate >*< km. m ost apiiéallHg# w bgh Its accompatt) mg frock forms an excellent complement The <1ug»«a! feeling which las persistently invade»! 19J0 sportswear apoears in the V* deck and the lower line o f the skirt- ike, which rimes on the hip with ree button. The rirrulsr vkirt gives & the required amount of A I R Beautiful soft silky STRAIGHT hair, [ hair that you can really be proud of, can now be your, if you use Anita Hair Dre«,ing. It will also help to make your HAIR GROW LONGER, and prevent it* breaking off. To introduce Anita Hair Dre*»ing quickly in thi* territory, we are giving ABSOI.TJTEI.Y FREE with each order, a vial of verv fine Narci**u* Perfume. Thi* offer is for a limited time only, so rush yoer order to u* today. 50c bring* full size jar, postpaid, or send name and address fuinrit. P.a- cella Pattern. Jacket No ¿994 Sires 14 to 4b, 25 centi Frock No. E 3152 Sires 14 to 46. 25 cuts. Holliday 125 NORTH SIXTH STREET Hooker entertained Miss Madeline Shipman at a theatre party one even­ ing last week. Mrs Henrietta Marshall it some­ what of a farmerette This is easily believed when one sees the lovely large spud« »he ha« grown in her vegetable garden Equipped with tire Very U tr s t, :: PORTLAND. OREGON We Are In a Position to Care for Men, Women and Ciiildreu Come t.rt Us Sene You! HOLLIDAY & HOLLIDAY • M ahr Scianti Day* E IN LK Y ’8 Saving* Day*, T o o ! With the beginning of the new school year, let the boys and girls carry "T h rift” program* here h I the UNITED STATES NATIONAL . . . . along with their educational schedule*. Genrrou* interest added Tree o f IMMORTAL L IF E Use O ur New Parking Space For Fun to deposits encourage constatent e effort llo "’ in saving for the J P H N L I Y 6 S0 N eral Cars at Fourth and M ontgom ery future! M O R T IC IA N S Street« United State«» National Bank B iD «d»sy a n d S ix t h , at S ta tic H THAT SELF - SUPPORTING HOLE PROOE $1 SOUK W tik in oln n St. è limpie and inexpensive This >'i»u may be made ui> equally well in a light woolen, velvetren. linen, o f piqué; casually slipped over a frock, it creates an entire costume. Tonto rial l^arlor» Trade Mark Emblem is the RICHARD DEICH, o) A p r il > 1, 19 JO Up-to-the-Minute Pickett and Joseph S. Patterson to know they were married during .this week Their many friend* wish them Defendant many happy years of married bliss snd No. P 1254— SUMMONS Mrs Thelma (-‘lowers was presented success. To Bernard J. Musielak, Defendant: a beautiful set o f crystal dinner plates In the \iime of the State of Oregon, by Mrs Margaret Cain last Saturday The Misses Gwendolyn and Violet by I f taken in time, maj rerent operations for )iabetet, Catarrh, Lung, Throat, Aathma, Kidney, Liver, kbetunatiam. Blood, Stomach and all female diaorder*. Alao Bladder Troubles. ? C. E. S O C IE T Y Mrs. John Mapps of Spokane is j expected in Portland soon to visit her sister. Mrs. Jerry Turner and ! family hands. You may often prevent i A G ood Place For Y oung Folks. ALLEN “ In Portland We D o !" W e do lie down on the job politically speaking all during the year and until just a few weeks prior to an election. Then every “ T om ” “ Dick" and “ Harry" gets busy politically. And “ politically'’ with refer­ ence to these individuals, means “ finan­ cially." “ Financially“ means all the money they can misrepresent out o f the pockets o f the candidates or their man­ agers. Men. who hardly know when an election is to be held, to say nothing o f D O N ’T S P E N D Y O U R M O N E Y W H ERE YOU CANNOT W O R K ! the men and measures to be decided on, suddenly spring into political limelight They are the ones who can corral and “ deliver the Negro vote” for a sum cer­ tain in money. They work in divers wavs —they might be anywhere from a boot­ legger to a lawyer— but. according to them, they have great “ infironce.” But the greatest joke o f it all is that many candidates, otherwise sensible, fall prey to these vote-peddlers. For example, a man running for pub­ lic office who has made a great success 1 NfcW I I A I . I . W ill.* »..,. A vv iti* « « m t Mi M H lm N U P o rtla n d . *• MILLER & TRACEY P er f e e l i t turriti Servivo Our Merchandise and Service Certificate» Save na.. ... You from 20 to 50% L A L L US IN CONFIDENCE!- A N Y HOUR D A Y OK NIG H T W A SH IN G TO N STR E E T Between 20th and 21st RRoudwuy 2690 HKoutlway 2691 4