ILLUSTRATICI) FKATURK SECTION- September 13, 1930 5 When Skyscrapers V ibrate lake Tuning Forks Someday You’ll Get Your Newspaper by Radio Continued from Pace I oar ! Waves run slowly In shallow water ' and faster In deep water. A wave I will run twice the length of the tub i pei haps sixteen tim es a minute when the water Is an Inch deep and thirty times If the depth Is six Inches | Honirwliere between It Is probably | safe to say th a t the exact period of a building can be found It Is found by experim ent th a t In lone of America's tall buildings a bathtub with four Inches of water In II would run a wave deeper or sh al- | lower according to the wind, but It i was checked a t three Inches high, i W ith the water deeper or shallower i there was no appreciable disturbance j The actual travel of the building at the time was about one-eighth of an Inch. T he fact th at a hanging lamp -wings six inches does not mean that I the building is swaying six Inches A motion of an eighth of an Inch is enough to account for It. if properly tuned MfSI550ll[i, V ROMS : ciisismois SU SKQSS. fEUMSSNOIT? ¡mm T he old assertion th at the poles were made of peppermint sticks has j been proven false tor Commander Byrd nas r. cer.Uy sent an order for an additional supply of randies. 4 1100) 131 )1 !! P IA N S W hen the commander and his p ar­ ty took two and a half tons of candyl T IM i) BY U tM P S F T to the A ntarctic over a year ago. MHIV.»rni IA M B S , many persons wondered why the ex- ■ plorers wanted such a huge amount It i I M IM S. I O U I I H K of sweets Two and . h all tons of candy allowed one hundred pounds for each m an during he two years which th- expedition will be away, or four tim es as much candy as the average m an would eat during the same pel ioc * at home But long be­ low the two-year period was over, an ' order for more candy arrived Quick energy food is apparently in ! • TliU U a f»< «imllr of Ih r fimi nrw i- Tw enly minute« a lte r » Han Francisco paper t u publlahed. It wa» |iu|»rr that mäs r\rr ll.ohrd »«ras» Ih r gr,- it demand down there w here the n produrrd in New York Sta te country .ino rrproduird a f r a m in­ sea Hon roars and the seagull shivers ' — - o --------------- utes a ftrr It n o printed, by K. 1 1 II 0 , 2.500 miles array. T hl* m lni.iturr (• rilin g T a n n ed Hy DO N C H A R L E S ncwMiMper mas ntadr In Ihrer Btripa. "I'll ta a you well." was once dad s ! bui for Ih r futurr th rrr appears no final threa C o r r e a p o n d e n t a n d S p e c ia l W r i t r r Today I t s the h o te ls rra»on why any width may not he lur». m achine th at lakes (¡«•t your ilaily ni'WHpaper l»y radio, printed by your rniplnyed bv It the off the air. machinc ! Tulio in and road tho London Timo«, San Francisco Cali, New Y'ork World, or any other paper that you wish to ace! 9 DONT HAVE CHILLS - K« fiffw SSÄ" i In the research laboratory of the O rn eral E lectric Company, at S ch en - i T h is 1« n< 1 M r to doubt, nor won Ocrntly n short lim e a ftr r an edition eclady, Nrw York. 2.500 miles d istant, 1 I 1 r Nrw*|>aprrs flashed and rrpro- | of a Han Francisco newspaper had were reading the front page It had duti-d by rudlo a rr an actuality. U r - 1 left tlir presae» In th at city, prrMma been flashed across the country and accurately reproduced full size In the ' laboratory by m eans of a new type j autom atic carbon recorder HO ( M O , IS 1 M M M Radio engineers have accomplished 9ooDiior\ a long hoprd for dream Not only ! will It be poisa!b)e In the future to have j an event described by radio, hut through a simple device, newsiaipers, j magazines, periodicals or books can > ip-" ! % ! I till**) ’ I j be sent through the Invisible waves j of the air and then reproduced on I paper at the other end In the business world it mav be ; Hue that in a few short years a 1 part of business m ail will be delivered in th is way and the large executive, the President of the United S lates i and others may know all that Is going | on In any Im portant center of the country. t t was but a few years ago that the rem ark was made at a scientific d in n e r of a radio corporation that C h ild re n h a fr lo take m edicine the London Tim es might be "flashed a» a m lr , lu ll every i l u l i l loves tlie with a zip ' Into New York City Now taste v l t a sto ria. A m i this pure j America Is spanned with a zip of the vrg clalilt- p ic p a ra lio n is h im an | magic radio p '««l »» il ta ste s; h im a« hlauil | T his device that accomplishes this mid harm less a« the recipe read*. wonder, Is no larger In sire th sn the ( T h e w rapp er te lls you ju s t w average suit rase and can la' attached (.a s to ria c o n ta in s.) to any radio receiver, much the same as a loud s|ieaker. It prints on a W hen R a lly 's c ry w a rn s of c o lic , , deserves a place in Ih loll of |at|M r that moves through the a few drops o f C a sto ria has him medit me rah m rl inifi/ y m achine at the rale of about one- soothed, asleep ag ain in a jif f y . m gruicn. I Ir know s it ì< hair Inch a m inute In the experi­ N othing is m ore valuahle in d ia r­ thè U nirsi l.ahy ; r if e r ii m ental tests with San Francisco, a rhea W hen coated longue or had hi'V ili lus lern s V\ uh III ahort wave receiver was used but o n ­ h realh u II o f co n stipation, invoke rh ild ren 's remedy hamly, ly bemuse It was found more eon- , ils gentle aid lo and rrgu n evcr risk giving n I mij v io len t so that tests would not In ­ late a ch ild 's h n w rls In colds or terfere witli programs of the regular j m edicine nieunt (or grou c h ild re n 's diseases, use it to keep broadcast channels. In these experi­ C aslo ria is sohl in evi ments a roll of pal'd ' eight Inches I the sysletn fro m clogging »Your slo re ; die genuine alwa wide Was used, which recorded the j doctor w ill te ll you C a sto ria Chas. I l F le lc h e r’s stgna fron t |Mige In three separate strips Yo u r - ■ t a A t . LAX-ANA (DOUBLE STRENGTH) SO LD | However, engineers say th at any — width may be used T he m achine Is still to be experi­ mented with as a practical device ! with boundless possibilities, but there i is no program for placing It on the ] m arket I T h e sending equipment, known a s , a facsim ile transm itter, developed by 1 Dr E. F W Alexanderson. a pioneer . in television snd telephonic work, was situated in O akland, near Ban F ra n - I j cisco, C alifornia A directional an - j tenna pointing toward Schenectady. | New York, was used T h is Increased the signal strength twenty tim es over ordinary broadcast type antenna. —— <*-— M il Ml PO LE NOT A CANDY ONE j sus. Pimi 5 ; Prof Ferdinand Schuler suggests ' th at In the tall buildings of the fu * lure when fa r greater heights are obtained. It will be found advisable to brace Ute towers with loug girders ! which In turn will be used for com ­ m unication purposes, trains or tra ck s for cars th at travel a t great speed be* mg placed w ithin the giant braces. In this way the tallest of the stru c­ tures will be braced with ail the other skyscrapers and there will be no visi­ ble movement th a t will tend to create a m aslck feeling when w atching the pictures sway or the lighting fixtures ; swing. EVERYW H ERE A summertime necessity • • • Hot weather...the slightest e x e rc is e ...and when you penpire (here comes (hose em harassing body odors Dainty women do not Buffer this emh*r*»ament. They u m La Nola It U a harmless, odorleM and Ham lea* deoderant. Cannot irritate tha tender eat akin and it will not harm your film leaf frock*. At your drunpM't 2Sc or by mail from The Bead Mfg. Co, Birmingham. Alabama. fo r SNAPPY) LOOKING HAIR crowning charm CASTOR« ► MURRAYS H A IR P O M A D E t t o l i . t 'f . M a y . L e a d in g L a d y Hair that can be dressed in any style—silky, soft, smooth, brilliant — you can have it by using EXELENTO QUININE POMADE Belishes May, leading lady in Shuttlin' Sam from Alaham’ attributes her beautiful hair to the use of Exelento. Its medica­ tion reaches the roots of the hair, imparting a T u it ­ ion/ lustre and softness. Stops itching scalp. At All Drug Stow». Write for FREE sample