« ^\\\\\% \\\\\\\\\\\\^ ' True Stories £ J Achievement £ £ ; W * Stories u m ** w /I ff I ■ ^XXXXXXXXXXW XXXXXW The Advocate u w u m C 'SM i |l(> srl« rn IH . « k i i 4 | * %4«»«tlalnj M> p»e»«-»|«(|a#. ' t%4 N U Jltl« I ra ters it I «III»« II.I.USTKATKD KKATI ’ ltESKCTlUN -Svptrmbrr t3, I'.CJO Clean Fiction ' Human Interest P u lu r r a in the m u st ra te d K ra tu re Meet ion v t r t pose«l. 1*0 n ot dep ict principals u u l e u ro captio n ed . mu 4 $ 20,000 T R A IN R O B B E R Y By R O D D M Y A R h w two (lav* atul two night* t»wight tFati Mondi, tin- venerable .-»lorrd [»orti-r at ttw- hotel had been a pr lo n e r virtuali» In that room, tnd had even had hi* meals served there Tin* lark of his acc u sto m ed rx n - rifa* lhr frrvld air ladri) wltli rig* rrt «moke. thr lying In wait of this tiger I rad» to spring burr heavily U|*m thr hralth o l llir big man who had vnluntrrrrd til* nemica.» to the Mot*k H a llro a d Interest-. but ilft«*d hint tip eo tiA ld rrab lv In thr esteem of many Influential people Kut hud ronir Into hU own and am- willing to |wy tiir pi U r ol III fl hralth that might follow thr »train lit- had undrigonr. Hr war a tiling In fart, to rink hi» lift- to execute hi ptun whirl) wa* to prrvrnt a liMHWO train rotibrry It wa» all hi» own, tht* opportu- inti and hr war resolved tiial n o ­ body »IlotiIti prrvrnt 11» realization llr had hraid thr magic nie-sagr tlrlivrrrd by a n r « artival at llir hotrl to an oltlrr guest and knrw that a urlarmi!» plrrr of biuont v » .. la-iiig planili* t Having art*rrt - ly warned llir authorities, hr was apiKilntrtl to nil thr ra| arlly of hollar drtrrllvr and to lurthrr 111 » own arlirmr hr had tnoird Into tht» amali r-ioni The rrivMiti of Ulta Mrp was till», .lost a »hint plrrr atro»» a narrow n iii* was an oprn window I'uts- Ing to mid fro >n front of ti I» op- ruing thrrr was not liifn-tpirntly. flirti with sawed oft sa ilguns. pis­ tol» and burglar tool** All these things Dwight saw. und moro. Hr ovrrhrard somr of llir wortls that were bring bundled brtwrrn thrill Thry wrrr grim bandit*-, consptr- lug. arranging thr drtm!« for an ritraordtnary train robbrry. with twenty thousand dollar» as thr »take Dwight Moody Irarnrd rnoiigh from rroiirhlng tlown br.-tdr llir sill at Ills window to rnablr him to ou t­ wit thr trio of m iio o I I i law violato!» Whrii. at Irngtli. thr Unir ram r for him to Iravr Ills dungron It had ■ rally brrom r llkr that to him - hr drew a drrp sigh ol relief Hut hr dldn I pausi- Swiftly hr niadr hi.« wav homr. to Ihr inlntutu.r vine-covered railage whrrr hi» trusting and path-nt wlfr awiiltrd word o f thr rraults of his bold ven­ ture Hr Immrdlatrly took her in hi» arms, kissed hrr affectionately, grabbed a filstol which hr shovrd into an expensive holstrr, and ultrr bidding his Iran good-aye, run Imr- rtrdly from tlir housr She did not ask him when In- was coming back; stir Just sernird w illing to I nisi lulu In niiiir back, lo trust him and « tod s h r was that ty|ir ut loyal « l i ­ man For twenty years shr had llv- rd with Dwight Moody, and during tlm.se twenty years shr had Irarnrd to trust hrr man, something many women never learn to do. Dwight'» Information to the rail­ ► road officers was adequato. "Thrv are figuring on kidnapping the girl dispatcher at Kaiser and meeting the train there. Thry will rut thr engine loose from the express car. run It down the track to th r water lank, and kill (he flrrman and the engineer T h r robbrry will fake plane as soon a» 108 reaches K ais­ er." D W IO H T MOODY This man » tlrlrcllvr ability prr vented a big train robber», md Ills lighting ability helped lu make possible llir rapture of Ihr daring bandit» A world of information (here, In­ deed thr fruits of Ills I wo day* o. unbroken vigilance If hr u-vrr made another step toward thwart­ ing Hie conspiracy, the fa d that he had accomplished the part of o b ­ taining the Information was a noble und ull-lmporlunt deed However, he dldn I intend to stop there, "I've gone this lar. he d e ­ clared energetically, "and I'm going further I'll hr right there lien the gmiv »tail to bark And hr was the authorities thought it hrttrr lo let Hie bundlts go ahead ai d kid­ nap the gul dlnpaielier, then they would rescue her when the right moment came And the king of the outlaws Kai Spears resourceful who was known throughout Hie state of Missouri, a» well as in California where he spent five years tn prison, saw >ha! fits henchmen hud rendered a faithful job in the kidnapping of Martha Hobbs The |iettte blonde telegrapher did not know wliut was going on. and had little lime to devote thought to the subject Hhr suddenly felt Ute muzzle of a pistol being thrust In­ to thr small of tier back, knew that »lie was being field in a pair of pow­ erful hand», and that her clothes were being «tripped from her wliole- Koine young body, then »he -vas bound and gagged Left helpless to strike back or to cry out. she a-as then thrown onto the floor nude, under the table upon which were the telegraph Instruments, and left Hie re Hhe saw the three men and made a mental note of their looks, deter­ mined to remember them If the o c ­ casion ever rainr when her memory would aid In thrtr capture She was not excited, feeling that by some miraeulou» happening h *r Ilf.- would be saved as well as ihr fast express which was thundering its way towards the little station down there In the southeast M s ourt hills ' There Were no houses In Kaiser with the exception ol the section house, and thr closest town was twenty miles « ' ay With a violent shaking of tin un­ substantial building, the train swept down upon the shark, the headlight on the enormous engine cutting a »olid yellow pain In 'h e blackness of the night A deafening »ju n d ol the whistle which seemed to spilt the world wide open the roll of heavy »feel wheels against steel rail«, thunder, flashing of countless lights a long dark shadow, and the train pulled to a stop with a screeching of protesting und la­ menting brakes. The conductor ran Info the sta­ tion for his orders, followed by Hie brakeman. and were met by the steady pistol barrels In the hands of the bandit*. Thrust .nto tin- tick­ et office, and locked in there, these men of Hie train crew were as pow ­ erless to help themselves as the helpless girl undrr thr table. ho hrdtated lo make herself known to them because of her state of naked­ ness. realizing that they were bound to see her when they unfastened the ropes that made her a prisoner The girl was certainly in an un­ ion iinale predicament and for a long lime debated with herself as what was best lo do However, shi eventually gave In to the wisest plan which was to make her pres­ ence known. .She then began to beat the floor with her heels. Ihud- The beautiful borne of ihe hero of Ihe would be train robbery. * Features A Few Whispered W ords Prevent a » ^ The outlaws, headed by (he dangerous Ray Spears and his formidable as­ sistants. cui Ihe enrine off from Ihe express car. ding out a message o l appeal for help. The ouUaw.s. headed by the dan­ gerous Kay ¿spears and lus toriuld- able assistants, rut the engine oiT from the express car rah it down Hie track to the water tank, held tip the express messengers, and blew «•pen the safe All this took place with neatness and dispatch The bandits were old heads at th" business, and It was only a few minutes until they had obtained the twenty thousand dollars, shoved It into a burlap sack, and were run­ ning towards Hie engine on which they planned to ride to a point far down the line where they had con ­ cealed an atilomobllc In a clump of trees near Uie track. But — things went wrong when they reached the engine Fulgent Instruments of death ap­ peared In the dark velvet of Ihe night. One of these was the re­ volver in Dwight Moody’s hand He cut down the leader of the outlaws, his bullet going straight home. Then began a pitched batlle be- tween th e —two remaining outlaw- and the half-dozen officers. In whose midst wa- Dwight Moody, who. really, was the hero of the occasion. Bullet* whanged and sang, slugs tore holes in the black curtain: there were flashes of fire, sparks iron» the hot muzzles of whipping weapons, groans, curses, sounds ol bodies dropping like lumps o f coal against the ground, and when the smoke cleared away, the last one remaining of the bandit gang had crumpled to the earth with a bul­ let In his lung. The hero's children, playing in the yard o f their hom e—a little unkempt, but happy. Dwight Moody was com m end­ ed for his valorous deed He was Praised, dined, wined, and feted to no Inconsiderable extent, and the newspapers made much ol his tine, glorious accomplishment. But as - on as he could escape from all lhat, he went hurriedly home to the little woman who was still patiently waiting, who had trusted him to come back, and who had gone on believtng that G od would enable him to come back, Juct as safely as any husband had ever come back to a waiting and trusting wife to make her happy.