page TH E tw o E D IT O R IA L (H lju r rif T H PA G E TH E ADVOCATE BEATRICE H. CANNADY.............................................................•** Eahluhtr YANCY FRANKUN.................................................. loutem i Manager and < ompotuor WILLIAM PICKENS ......................................................................Centrihntine Editor POLLY ANN.................................................................................................Socirtr Editor KITS REID. RALPH C. CLDYE AND CLIFFORD MITCHELL.............Columnists Subscription Rate* (Payable in A d v a n ce ': One Year, $2 .50; Six Month*. $1.50; Three Months, $1.00 Entered as Socond-Clas* Matter in the Poat Office at Portland, Oregon, Under the Act o f 1912 est minds ol his time He addressed letters to the principal crowned heads of Euorpe—to the Pope, the Shah of Persia, the President of the United States—announcing his mission and calling on them to bend their energies forward peace. He wrote of the Universal Age, an age just now dawning He pleaded for the unity of mankind, and pro­ phesied a time when communication through the air and travei in boats driven through the air would make neighbors of peoples now separated by the width o f an ocean. Chained in a vermin-ridden dungeon, with no bed. no decencies or comforts, this man was still able to spread his great message With a smiling face he bore the in­ dignities heaped upon him. In his dark and fetid ^dungeon he wrote vol­ ume after volume of wisdom and cheer He changed the very nature o f those with whom he was brought in con­ tact. For it is reported that even wicked men became gentle and just after talk­ ing with him. Neither poverty, chains nor the hell on earth in which he was immured could (urn this masterful prisoner from his path. He smilingly said. "There ig no prison, save the prison of self.” . If a man in prison has such courage of conviction, how much more cour­ ageous should you be, who have noth­ ing to fear in sincerely and honestly expressing a new idea. If your ideas are constructive, let’s have them. The world needs them, and will honor and reward you for ex­ pressing them. MRS P A R IE S Shiloh Baptist Church East 7th and Everett Sts. — EPISCOPALIAN— St Phillip* Mission Knott and Rodney Sts. Blaine Coles, I.ay Reader eir is no prison By ED W AR D ORLEANS Time was when a man with ideas in advance of His time was considered j too dangerous to be at large. The I powers that were in those days burn­ (R.C.C.) ed or imprisoned these men and tried I have great sympathy for the many to do the same, for their ideas. They didn’t realize that ideas cannot be men and women who do not live their burned or confined behind prison bars lives in their own way. A number are Galileo, on (ps bended knees, was en*a« H in vocations which they dis- foreed to recant But now everybody ! lik*' They are chained bY necessity knows that the earth revolves around 110 iob> ,h iy d i,e ,t A Pri*oner in hi* cell probably has more freedom than the sun. Seventy-five years ago, fn Akka, the so-called free man whose thoughts Palestine, a man called Bah ’o ’Llah and inclinations soar elsewhere. A story which impressed me deeply held ideals and ideas so far in advance of his time that the Government thot was of a famous New York lawyer him too dangerous to be at large So who, with one stroke, cut the Gordon they chained him in the most terrible knot threw up his office and his prac­ tice, put a knapsack on his shoulders, prison in Persia. Yet, from that prison. Baha ’o’ Llah and away he went. "Ever since I can remember,” he wa* was able to inspire many of the great- quoted as saying, "I have lived my life to conform to the wishes of others. Their thoughts were my thoughts; and their ways, my ways. The chains of MEDICINAL HERBS bondage continued from childhood to youth, and from youth to middle age, and ROOTS and now before old age creeps up on me, I am going to seek my freedom.” I f takes in time, He has never been heard o f from prevent operations Diabetes, Catarrh, m * that day to this. No doubht he is Throat Asthma, Kidney, Lirer. Rheumatism. Blood. living the rest of his life in his own Stomach and all female way. disorders. Also Bladder Trembles. Referring to the matter of livelihood, I don’t care how a man or woman t h e c . g ee w o Remedies are harmless, as earns a legitimate living as long as he no drugs or poison are or she loves it—that is everything. used. Composed of the choicest medicinal roots, Self expression means, in my opinion, herbs, buds and hark, im­ C. G m W o ported by us from far- glorifying God. Money is not the most valuable thing in the world. n Years la Portland D o you imagine Raphael painted those wonderful works for money; or Shakespeare figured on getting rich when he wrote his immortal plays? There arc thousands of other noble men and women whose fame has gone CHINESE MEDICAL HERBS down in history, and whose efforts to COMPANY, INC. express themselves have remained an inspiration to all of us. M 2 * Alder St L IV E Y O U R O W N LIF E IN YOUR OW N W AYI S. W. Corser Third St, Live Your O w n Life C. G E E W O Portland, Or****. D O N ’T SPEN D Y O U R M ON EY W H ER E YOU CANNOT W O RK I , — H O U SE O F P R A Y E R — 1 House of Prayer East 10 th and Grant Sts. Robert Searcie, Pastor -. J — M E T H O D IS T — Mr and Mrs George Holliday were | hosts to a meeting of the Bethel | Knights Club last Wednesday evening I at their home. 70S East 13th St south | Several visitor! were guests of «he club. Refreshments were served. Bethel A. M K. Church Larrabee and McMillen Sts Rev. Daniel G. Hill Jr.. Minister First A. M E. Zion Church 417 Williams Ave Rev. W. R. Lovell, Minister tly the time this column is being read the Negro press throughout the country will be heralding the victory of Janies O. West, Negro, o f Richmond, Virginia. This man, a qualified voter. refused his franchise rights in the Virginia Democratic Primary and he immediately brought civil suit against , href whiti e|eclil >n-officers and was , ictorious The decision was appealed ' and Judge Elliott Norlhcott o f the u ni|c<, S u , „ circuit Court of Appeals , it|ing a, Aahville. affirmed, in no un- iertain |angMa|(#i , hr ,i„hts of the Ne- gro ,,m|cr the constitution, to excr- j c i a c hia franchjM rights Q Pollyann, Society tadltor»•*« ' — Mrs EIizah«4i Higby left Tuesdsy I tor an extended trip East. CLASSIFIED ADVER- TISING Bradford Clothes $25.00 to Shop $45.00 •-ROOM H oum for Sal* Cheap Call T A bor 77M adv ” VUh*T« Young Men Buy” FU R N ISH E D RO O M S (or KENTI CI o m In. Mr*. Etta Ritter. SSI E. lit Street north. Adv PATENTS W O U L D YOU MA R R Y Olrl i f . I M - QUO. will inherit »40 000; W idow 40. »47 000? Photo*, daacriptitia Ire* Club, gaits. California. Obtsined. Send model or sketch and we will promptly send you s report. Our b o o k on Patents and Trade marks wilt be tent to you on request. D. SWIFT FOR SALE -Cory 4 Room plastered House with fruit trees; 643U 70th St. S E. Reasonable -for full par­ ticulars pinate WAInut 38»» —. ( dv Mrs. Ella Smith it steadily improving at her home, »103 3vth Avenue S K CO. & _____PATENT L A W Y E R S -------- 305 Seventh St.. Washington, D. C- Ovar 34 Yoars’ F.mparl»wc« —-famous the world over STAY O F F M AY 10 The Annual Bar B (J. with the famous Rar-H-0 artist, J Thornton in charge, will be given at the Church on Friday May P i n a u d ’s Shampoo Lentet your hue hatrous. SIN O LE O IRLS healthy, “ ml not loo dry! Answer this if you are single, send, ua your name and address and re­ ceive a one dollar coupon and valu* able personal information FRE E! A l your dealer' i — or und {04 foe full t ilt houle to 1'inauJ. • . .-« . . . This decision, however, is in line Mrs Burroughs, mother of Mrs - ■ . , , , \Aith many other court decisions, giv * ABROAD D eft A l. n o £ i t St, Rohena Martin is ill in the l»ood Sam­ mg the Negro, in theory, the etiual I P H. BOD DIE, N ee York [Sample houle free] aritan hospital right of ballot For the time being It fills us with pride to read in all 1111 S street. N W, Washington t% , . . 'it will be recorded as another moral the Eastern newspapers of the large The Esperanto Breakfast Club was» D. C. . e w. . u , , . victory. It w jl be several years, at number of Colored students who went the guest of Mrs. Jenny Myles last . • ... . { * . , _ least in this writers opinion, before Pirate Pay Your Subtcription abroad this summer, some to pursue Wednesday morning at her home. s-M) . , . .... »• » . .... . . . a n y practical value will be realized special courses at universities in Eur­ U r r.b e e street. A very delicious fried ^ ,§ # irjng delic, „ ope. others for.pleasure. It is surely chicken breakfast was served by the ^ c o .op„ a)ivf fffo m |he a sign of cultural progress of our race hostess with home baked hot rolls . ... . . , . .... . * . . .u races, not only in \ irgmia, but in a WORKERS PICNIC! Mrs. Mvies delighted the ladies with , . . < great many other southern states The the reading from memory of James sooner the Negro learns to effectively Weldon Johnson's poem. "The Crea divide his ballot, the quicker will suc­ SU N D AY , JUNK 15, 1930 tion” from hia "G od’s Trombones.’ cessful results be accomplished. For the history period Mr*. Beatrice I Cannady read "The Eot of the Negro' Politically, the Negroes o f Chicago ben efit I their term report by Patricia Nelson and New York, have been in the fore­ and Mary Mayes, Lincoln High school front in all racial achievements at least COMMUNIST PRESS seniors. It was very interesting and during the last two decades. Another W. R. LOVELL. Potior illuminating. The next meeting of the community is fast overtaking them and “.1 Friendly Church with a club will be with Mrs Rachael Bellard for actual results accomplished, in any Community Spirit” A T C O -O PERA TIVE PAR K TU A L A T IN , OREGON «4» Going street next Tuesday mom one year, is far ahead of any other Established in IMS ing. community in the country W e refer The Rev T. Allen Harvey, of Sacra­ A ut picei to Cleveland Ohio. mento, presiding elder of the Oregon- Mrs. Clara Anderson entertained 8 Next week l shall give a digest of Women'll Division Comtmiiiint Purl y Washington conference, will preach at | coup| „ al a dancing-card party at her the Cleveland Negro's political achive- both morning and evening services re, i j (nce Williams Avenue last ments. Sunday. He will also administer the , s a, urday n;ght in honor of her son. Admission 25c Children Free Holy Comunion at both services. The j Dr Hugh A. Bell and his wife and services Sunday mark the sessions of mother in law, Mrs. Thompson, Dancing Begins at 3 :0 0 P.M. (Continued from Page I) the fourth quarterly conference, the very enjoyable time wa* had by the business meeting of which will be held guests. Dr Bell and his party con ­ finding itself again. 1'in beginning to C om e and H ave a G ood Tim e A ll Equal Monday, June 30. at * P. M. tinued on their motor trip to Newark. suspect that the labor crowd it for­ The District Conference and Con­ N. J Wednesday morning at 3 o'clock saking its old democratic (not politi­ ventions will meet at McCloud. Cal., cally defined) ideals and is allowing Wednesday, July 2 itself to be manipulated by the Cham­ Members and friends are urged to ber o f Commerce group Did you read send their contributions to the Spring the article in Thursday's paper on the FIN LEY’» Financial campaign at once, as the Market Block controversy? If you drive will close on July IS. The to­ did you found .both the C of C group Trade Mark Emblem in the tal raised now- stands at »718.65. Joe (O ld Folks) Wilmore, one of and the I-abor Temple group in the The Fourth Members Banquet will the best-known figures in boxing and same pew supporting the giving away Tree o f be held immediately after the close of at one time trainer for Jack Dempsey, o f public streets into private hand*. IMMORTAL LIFE has swung his last towel and has whis­ O f course the City Commission it hav- the campaign. Children's Day last Sunday was very pered hurried advice to his last bat­ ing a hard time doing it and juat now Uaa Our New Parking Space For Fun­ fittingly observed throughout the day tler. with the recall laying over their heads FIRST A.M.E. ZION CHURCH DOINGS When the Oregon Federation of Colored Women's Clubs chose Mrs. Dolly Paries as their president and leader last Thursday, they chose a wotnan who merited the honor. Mrs. Paries is loyal to whatever cause in which she is interested. She is not a woman to seek the limelight and self glorification; she doesn’t seek to be known the a "social leader," she is just a plain, honest, upright, sincere The pageant and program presented servant of humanity. Her four year by the children in the evening was term as Daughter Ruler of Dahlia extremely beautiful and interesting. D O N ’T SPEND Y O U R M ONEY Temple and other offices which she Mrs. C. F. Lovell was in charge of the W H E R E Y O y CANNOT W O R K ! has successfully filled from time to | program, assisted by Mrs. Corrit*e time, eminently fit her for the h ig h ! Collins. position of president of the Women's j The Annual Conference will convene Clubs. The women are to be congrat- the first of October, ulated upon their wise choice and Mrs Paries upon having been chosen. j I From the great mats of new* and | editorial columns, in both the white and colored press, digested by this ( writer, during {he current week, there are two items that stand out as being the most worthy of digesting at this time. Mount Olivet Baptist Church East First and Schuyler Sts. Rev. J. L. Castoa. Minister Phone ATwater IMS Year by year the old-fashioned Fourth of July with spitting cannon and siz­ zling rocket against a blue-black sky is becoming more and more of a mem­ ory The Fourth of July which small boys and girls awaited as eargerly as Christmas itself a day o f toy torped­ oes, of celluloid-collared orators, and ice cream socials, has been y-ansformed into an Independence Day of quiet and dignity. “ But how can we teach our child­ ren what Fourth of July really means? a mother asked not long ago, adding, "you must meet a child on his own ground—things must be explained to him in terms that he understands." This mother, who is fortunate en­ ough never to have been forced to the tragic task 'of binding np mangled little finger's shredded by “ innocent fire-crackers,” is arguing that a child must be taught the meaning of liber­ ty and freedom and independence by lighting a pin wheel or hurling a tor­ pedo cane upon the pavement. It is difficult for us who passed childhood in the old-fashioned noisy Fourth of July decade to remember that our Roman candles and "flower pots" meant anything lofty and inspir­ ing to us—anything but a rollicking holiday. Safe and sane Fourths are pretty- well established but the argument that tome way should be found to make green the meaning of what those peri­ wigged builders o f cu r nations did on July 4, 1776, is a worthy one. The great purpose o f a Fourth of July observance is not only to pay re­ spect to the early framers of this government but to measure the pa­ triotism of this with that day, to de­ termine whether this nation has been true to the faith, whether it has kept aloft the torch, whether its willingness to sacrifice for . the common good de­ serves a place with the sacrifices of the fathers of the nation. Such spec­ ulation is in order in these times and a quiet, dignified observance will be helpful. - NEWS- By Clifford C. Mitchell — BAPTISTS— Published Every Saturday at Suit« 112-313 Macleay Building. Portland. Oregon The Fourth SATURDAY. JUNE »4. m o AD VOCATE E Willmore, who came to Portland several weeks ago to share in the es­ tate of his sister, died of a skull frac­ ture suffered in a fall at Third and Clay streets Tuesday night. According to the story told police Willmore left the Auditorium in com ­ pany with Dutch Easter, a fighter from California whom he seconded to vic­ tory. Easter said while walking down Third street, he asked Willmore a BETHEL CHURCH NOTES question and when receiving no reply turned to find the veteran trainer fall­ An interesting program has been ing to the pavement He was rushed planned this Sunday for Bethel church. to the emergency hospital but was dead At 11 A M . Rev. Hill will preach on on arrival. Cursory examination re­ vealed he had suffereda skull fracture. "Him W ho is Without Sin.” The Allen Christian Endeavor lea­ Willmore had the reputation of be­ gue is called to meet promptly at 6:30 ing one of the most expert trainers *in P. M Miss Gwendolyn Hooker is pres­ the fight game. Besides watching id en t of the league. A t 7:30 P. M. pver the condition of Jack Dempsey, ; the Sdnday School ‘will present a Jie handled Tiger Flower* late middle­ children's program. weight title holder, and was rubber for A special patriotic service will be Herman Ratzlaff Tuesday night Funeral held at 8.15 P *M Mr. Wilbur Mer arrangements are held in abeyance un­ cier is master of ceremonies for this j til relatives could be notified, service and has promised an excellent J AccordinK lo report,, W illm ore’* program. State Commander Sidney sister, M r. Thos Howard left a will George, of the American Legion will | jn whjch a„ of her estate wa, h t. speak o f "Patriotism and CitizenshiP queathfd to hfr hutbandi Thos How- of the American People.” Sgt. Mer­ ard. Mr. Howard subsequently died cier will speak on “ The Participation in the state hospital for the insane at of the American Soldier in America’s Salem. It is said that according to Wars.” Representatives from the the will left by the late Thos. Howard Spanish American War Veterans and Willmore is left out and that the from the American Legion Drum and estate will escheat to the state. H ow ­ Bugle Corps will be in attendance. ever, friends of Mr. Willmore are mak- Our Conference Claims Committee ing efforts to see what can be done which consists of Mr Arthur Harris in his favor. Mr Willmore before hi* chairman, Mrs. W . B. Brown, treas­ death told friends here that he had a urer; Miss Leijora Henderson, secre­ wife in California and a daughter in tary and Mrs. Bobeina Martin has New York. started iti work. Please pay your conference claims now. Help Bethel to make a good report at the Annual Conference. D O Y O U R P A R T ! n a a n w #m i r io a ii truth D* jrM arto» tfc* |l«v * yM Mt**. M v m m R *ltâllVL»__Ti + r tut« T O N IC * tar thm » _____ I f.« b jb u ia « «tw > « r Rtivufly vH« N* . »«■*( Ur M T trial* a n n o * M s . a. *. o. i*« «V*. rui»»iy m M a m M W n ■«* M t W M . im p o r t r h o o u c T » c o . ■ L *«*• tom tan mmm, « A G ood Place For Young Folk*. ALLEN C. E. 8 0 C IE T Y Bethel By Th* Bridge New York, June 20 — Harold K. Guinzberg, publisher of the Viking Press, and President o f the Literary Guild, has sent to the N.A.A.C.P. his check for » 1,000 representing the first payment on his three-year pledge, meeting the conditions of Mr. William Rosenwald who offered » 1,000 a year for three years if four others could be found to do the same. On Larrabbee and McMillen St*. E V E R Y SU N D A Y —«:S0 to I P. M. Pleate Pay Your Subtcription what is the big five to do? How will it obey the C of C whip and keep the Municipal Ownership I.rague'a support at the same time? Twenty years is a day in the life, of public utilities and this crowd of private property pro­ poses the generous exchange of the street ends in perpatuety for a twenty year use of the street frontage. Mag nanimous, isn't it? The must be rather sure of their success. As in times past this scheme o f putting on the stage a lot of hearings at which the opponents may blow off steam so that our George can say "well we gave the public plenty o f time to be heard," when the whole question had been settled as far as the commission was concerned months ago. If that is not true, prove that the commission has not held its usual private meetings No Mr. Baker your instructions that all public bodies hold open meetings are too thin a camouflage. Do you think the pcopje are fools? Yes, I think you do— because mostly they are I.abor is furnishing the sob stuff for . J P U N I I Y ( SON eral Car* at Fourth and Montgomery A O R T IC I AN I Streeta Holliday 8C Holliday Tontorial Par lor t 125 NORTH SIXTH ST R E E T PO R TLA N D . OREGON Equipped with the Very I-atest, We Are In a Position lo Care for Men, Women and Children C om e- Let U i S erve Y ou ! H O L L ID A Y & H O LL ID A Y Conveniently Loeated to Afford Convenient ,he * '° ry’ *he. C C ,b * «'¡»«»cracyic ground and the City Commission the low down tool of the villian, the Public Market Company, and the poor public it the heroine Will the story have a happy ending? Do you think it will? Wish I could tell you the name o f the author— I have not been able to find out whose money is swinging the deal. If you want some solid enjoyment spend 73 cents at J. K. Gill’s for a copy of C. E. S. W ood's "Heavenly Discourse.” It is the richest thing I have read for years. Partly because we all know the author and because the conversations say for us in so much better phraseology, just what we would like to say ourselves. Hi* "Billy Sunday Visit* God” will appeal to many who have condemned Sun­ day’s antic* for years, f will not at­ tempt to even outline the chapters— get it and read it—and absorb the lea- sons of its philosophy. ft is a lovely thing to have your flowers given jrou while you are alive. That reception, to Rev. and Mrs. Hill the other night was a delightful affair. If that sort of thing came to me, my head would have swelled right up and hursted. Mr. Hill’s tribute to his wife wa* the best thing o f the evening. I mutt praise the speech of Dr. Lovell. It was so friendly, so brotherly, so al­ together human and enjoyable that it brought a glow to the hearts o f all of us. It was a rare evening. :: Service . . . . The 11 hanks in the United Slates National G roup are located within a 55-mile radius o f Portland,— affording unusual hanking con ­ venience lo the people o f the territory. Combined Resource# o f the G roup Almost $100,000,000 Now One o f Am erica’* 85 Largest Ranks U nted^tatos nk> rational Bant ma M a 8 m A. NOW! "ONE OF AMERICA’S 85 I.ARCEST BANKS” MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service Our Merchandise and Service Certificatea Save You from 20 to 50% CALL US IN CONFIDENCE—ANY HOUR DAY OR NIGHT WASHINGTON STREET Between 20th and 21at BRoadway 2 6 9 0 BRoadway 2 6 9 1