ADVOCATE THE. An VOL 24— NO. 31 'V In d «p *n d «n ( P «p tr D « v o l« d PORTLAND, OREGON, T W O S E C T IO N S to th o In torb a ta pf th o P o o p lo SECTION I- SA TU R D A Y , JUNE w , I9X> PRICK: PIVE CENTS GOLD STAR MOTHERS RESENT GOVTS INSULT OREGON CLUB WOMEN HOLD STATE CONVENTION luti i B M W O M E N - BUSINESS DIVORCE DECREE PUBLISHED AIL OF SESSIONS IL E ATTENDED BRILLIANT RECEPTION FEATURED AT LEAGUE In view of the fact that Mr*. Bonnie Bogle (Barney Google) seem» to be taking unusual interest in MR. CAN N AD Y'8 private affairs, which he ha* indicated to me over a period of year», and nhieh had much to do with he course I pursued by reporting to the courts, I take this method o f pub- iahing the decree for her special benefit, so that she may know just what New York. June 23— Women will' disposition has been mafle o f our business: play a very conspicuous part in the discussion of support of Negro busi­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON Without a doubt the most brilliant ness when the National Negro Busi- interracial reception given this season nes l eague assembles in Detroit, Mich For the County o f Multnomah S E N S E A£ f D HONORS THE HILLS MOTHERS O F HEROES 36291311 GOV'T TREATMENT N'ew York. Jigsr SO - John M oll Drew. businc»* man of Philadelphia, who lias been helping colored Gold St ir Mother« in Iheir prole*! against Jiin Crow accommodations on ihe pil- gtutiagr to European war graves, ha« made public tuple» of aonie of Ihe tel­ ler* which colored (iold Star Mother« have written the War Department and President Hoover The N A A l P make« public the following extract« from »omr of the letter« Mr*. Roaa Read. Bryn Mawr, I’a "M y going on such a pilgrimage would he an intuit to my dead «on who gave hi« life for hi» country's cau*e." Mrs. Mabel Johnaon: "Despite my intense denies to visit Ihe grave of nty beloved husband, I should feel that I would t>e offering an insult to his memory and the great sacrifice that he has made for hit country and his lace if I were to accept »uch a Jim Crow invitation" Mrs Emma Houston. Philadelphia "A » a I »old Star mother f earnestly protest the instill to the living as a wanton and unnecessary act " Mrs. Carrie C Brown. Fatonton, Ga "The segregation of Gold Star mother» on our «on»' graves is what I should call a shame to the U. S Government . It's enough to go there to see the loss of my son with a weeping heart, then the segregation combined i* dreadful " Armut ® ÌJ Ì0 By Kits Reid was held at Bethel A M E. church I August 20th. 21st. and 22nd for the parlors last Monday night in honor of Thirty. (iri, AnnUÏ, Convention. j the Rev. and Mrs. D G. Hill, Jr. The The entire session Friday Morning “1 7 “ reception was occasioned by the gradu- August 22 will be devoted to a dis­ Q AL PII C C L Y D E roa m i ti m i K«ot a o u ju * tion of Rev. Hill from the school of cussion ‘o f the subject, "W om an's l ig i »! ATOMI A M P - A M IlA N P C fT V Applied Social Science of the U. of O. Fart in the Negro'» Economic Pro­ t- Ouf bM. IL and the twelfth wedding anniversary gram." of the couple Mrs. Cora Stalling was in charge of the committee which sponsored the beautiful afTair. Just at dusk automobiles began to roll up to Senator Joseph is dead! the entrance of the church and fash­ The principle he advocated lives on ionably gowned ladies with their form ­ and will continue throughout all eterni- ally attired escorts alighted until for Vinton S. Thorne, colored, died on blocks around in every direction the June 22 at 205)4 Washington street •y streets were lined with automobiles. and was buried Thursday morning at Senator Joseph is dead! The church parlors were gorgeously Multnomah Cemetery from the Miller The way that he has pointed to Rev. W. R. freedom will never he surrendered hy decorated for the ocasion with a riot­ and Tracey Mortuary ous combination of garden flowers, Lovell had charge o f the funeral. He an oppressed and enslaved people artistically arranged against a back­ was survived by his widow, Elizabeth Senator Joseph it dead! ground of green »tuffs. The entire Thorne The truths that he voiced can never rostrum was hanked with flowers and die They will live forever W icked­ grrrnery which form'ed a brautiful ness, whether it he called Selfish In­ background for the receiving line. terests, Judicial Autocracy, nr any Misses Eloisc Hood and Anna Mor­ other name, can never again stifle the rison received the guests at the door Truth and Mesdanies Clara Anderson, Cora Senator Joseph is dead! Jamison and Reatrice Cannady pre­ Although his great heart stop|>ed sented them to Mr*. W. B Brown who beating, the roll of the drums calling headed the receiving line and in turn New York, June *0—The Readers the people to arms to fight for their introduced them to the guests of honor Digest for June, lMl), has reprinted economic liberty will continue to heat In the receiving line were Rev and | from The W orld Tom orrow for April until our God given natural resourcesi Mrs. Daniel G. Hill. Jr., Mist Virginia an article by William Pickens, field shall remain the heritage of our child-1 secretary o f the National Association —Please turn to page ren and their children's children. for the Advancement of Colored Peo­ If the political manipulators of «he ....... ........... .............. ple. entitled "The Death Detail.” It is a story of what goes on behind the State Republican Central Committee curtain of secrecy in a military trial. have an idea that followers o f the principles advocated by the late Geo. and gives details of the execution of W Joseph are going to be led like thirteen black soldiers of the 24th In­ sheep to slaughter, they have another J fantry for their part in the "Houston guess coming. J. W. Curry, proprietor of Sunflower j Riot" of 1917. The story, to which Mr Pickens If these under cover-boy* attempt to Camp ha.» set aside the week begin- cram down the throats of the voters nig July 7 and designated it "Preach­ write» an explanatory introduction is a candidate for governor who has hern ers' Week at Sunflower Camp." lie taken from a letter written by a white lukewarm or antagonistic to the pro­ hope* that all the ministers and their soldier who guarded the Negro pris- gressive idea* that Senator Joseph per­ families will avail themselves of the oners during their trial and execution. sonified, the electorate will throw him opportunity of visiting Seaside at this The soldier states his belief that the time and stopping at his camp. trial was fair and impartial, and that tip again the faces of the white soldiers were The rank and file of the people are wet with tear* as the Negro soldiers not going to swallow that brand of a sang before their execution. An at­ gubernatorial candidate In the words titude of fairness on the part of the of the laic President Wilson, "W atch­ white soldiers toward the Negro sol­ ful Waiting" seems to he the order of diers is shown throughout the vivid the day narrative. JOSEPH LOCAI MAN BURIED THURSDAY MAGAZINES PUBLISH PICKENS ARTICLE ON SOLDIERS’ DEATH (¡^ 1 P OWNER HAS MINISTERS DAY AT SEASIDE, OREGON PUBLIC OWNERSHIP LEAGUE PRESIDENT SENDS GREETINGS The Advocate doe» not neceaaartly share in Kita Retd'i vtews. hot wheth The municipal paving plant o f our sr we do or not. her opiniona are [ I city h.i» saved tltc property owners sane. and logical and wsll worth . , ., . . . . reading. It ia your Privileg* aa wall aa " r*r'.v « nttlltun d.dlars by brtnging outs to diaagree with Kits and ah* lown the exhorbitant price of paving invites your opinion upon sublects fixed by the combine. It has turned •he discusaes fron« time to Üma ln her $.1.14,0011 in profit in to years into the column. city treasury Continued front page three Will some kintl fairy tell me just what the long suffering public hut done this time to have Coolidge in­ FORMER PORTIANDER WEOS flicted on us again after his failure in the president's chair. It is to be ad­ mitted that he was a most valuable tool of Ihe enemies of the common people while lie was in the White House. I challenge the Oregonian to name one good thing he did of his own initiative for tltc common mass of humanity. As I recall his political history his chief asset a!! through was the ability to do as he was told and keep his mouth closed. He i» a past master in the art of side-stepping Just read the things he writes and if you find one definite expression in favor of any but the money group, I'll re­ tract all I've said. Just why the Ore­ gonian is wasting its valuable space on that man’s stuff, I cannot under­ stand. Yes, I can loo. He always has been a tool—this new venture may point the way for some of us to the — Please turn to page 2— Joe Albert Cage of Albany and Mrs. Esther Nelson of Linn County were married at Corvallis June 13. Alex Waters o f Corvallis witnessed the marriage ceremony at the county clerk's office. Mr Cage formerly re­ sided in Portland. YOUNG CRAWFORD IN LEAD Recent reports of the Pacific North­ west public links golf tournament give Holman Crawford, colored, lead. The filial reports will not be available until The Advocate i$ off- the press. Y'oung Crawford has received a deal of favor­ able comment on his ability as a golf player, lie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Crawford and the brother of Mrs. Thelma FJowers. Upend your summer vacation at . . . SU N F L O W E R CAM P J. W . ( ’urry, Owner S E A S ID E , OREOON Restful Swings -Croquet— Horseshoe Throwing and Fishing Within 100 Feet of Camp Furnished Cottage « and Furnished Tents fo r Rent! Mrs. Matlelyn Flowers Will He There to Serve You ut Any Time Pay or Night That Vow Arrive Portland, June 25, 1930. Kcv. and Mrs. Hill Jr. 208 Me Milieu Portland, Oregon Dear Friends; . Please accept the thanks of Mrs. Clyde and myself for your kind invita­ tion to attend your twelfth wedding anniversary , and also the commemora­ tion of the graduation of Mr. Hill, and we are deeply sorry that we were un­ able to attend, and I felt that the least we could do was to acknowledge receipt of your kind card. A card on this sort in view of the fact that you wanted your friends to attend and had no ulterior motive, as shown hy the two significant words “ No Presents” proved that the invita­ tion came from the heart, and again we thank you. When one who devotes his life to the ministcry, which in many instances is devoted to receiving hard knocks in exchange for love and consideration that you both bestow follows in line with the notice on your card, "N o Presents.” It is a deplorable fact that the ministcry irrespective o f race, creed, or color, is poorly paid, and many instances, underpaid, and the noble men who devote their live» to this, as well as their loyal life-mates, certainly receive "N o Presents.” They are indeed fortunate if they receive gratitude front the broken hearts they minister and the souls that they in turn pass to paths of peace, and righteous­ ness. W e in our humble way are atso working to make the people happy and prnpernus and tho we may be working in diverse paths, our ultimate goal is the same. Again thanking you I remain, Cordially yours, Ralph C. Clyde, Pres. Municipal Ownership League D O N 'T SPEN D Y O U R M O N E Y 4 j W H E R E YOU C A N N O T W ORKI D O N 'T SPEND YOUR M ON EY W H E R E YOU C A N N O T W O R K I A CARD O F TH ANKS W e wish to take this method o thanking the many friends for their beautiful friendship expressed in the form o f the Jovely reception given ut last Monday night at Bethel church. W ords cannot convey the real joy it gave us. W e shall try in every way to prove worthy of the confidence and love so beautifully expressed. Rev. and Mrs. Daniel G. Hill, Jr. Mrs. Billie W ebb visited McNiel Island last week. She saw some of the prisoners who foremerly lived in Port­ land. M ake Portland's Own Store Your Shopping Headquarters — cjt-Tva^vA &4T. TMS Q u a l it y MDS. W V M ES Beatrice H. Cannady, Plaintiff, v. Edward Daniel ( annady, Defendant No. N -9539— Decree The thirteenth Annual meeting o f Thia cauae coming on regular for trial in the above entitled court; the the Oregon Federation o f Colored plaintiff appearing in person and by Richard Deich, her attorney o f record, | Avenue Branch Y.W.C.A., Wednesday and the defendant appearing not, and the State o f Oregon appearing by Kern Crandall, Deputy District Attorney for Multnomah County, Oregon, and Avenue Branch Y.M .C.A, Wednesday the plaintiff having introduced all o f her testimony and it appearing there­ from that the plaintiff is now and lisa been for more than one year, immedi­ ately preceding the commencement o f this suit, a resident and inhabitant of Multnomah County, State o f Oregon; that the plaintiff and defendant were married in Portland, Oregoi- on the 27th day o f June, 1912, and ever since have been and now are husband and w ife; that during the past seven years, the defendant without any cause or provocation on the part o f plaintiff, has treated plaintiff ia a cruel and inhuman manner and has heaped upon plain­ tiff personal indignities, rendering the life o f plaintiff burdensome and un­ bearable; that two sos, George Cannady, aged 17 years, and Ivan Cannady, age M years, have been bom to plaintiff and defendant as the issue o f said marriage; that the plaintiff ia the sole owner of one 1927 Buick sedan auto­ mobile, and one Star roadster automobile, and that the plaintiff and defend ant have, prior hereto, entered into a written agreement wherein and where by the plaintiff and defendant have mutually settled all property rights and which said agreemen is in words and figures as follows: • O O O • O which said agreement appears to the Court to be fair and just to all parties to this suit; and it further appearing to the Court that he default o f the defendant has heretofore been entered, and the Court being fully advised in I the premises: It is thia 11th day o f June, 1930, considered Ordered and Decreed that the marriage contract now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant be and the same is hereby dissolved and that the plaintiff have a divorce absolute from the defendant. It is Further Ordered and Decreed. That the agreement for property MRS D O L L Y PAR IES settlement hereinbefore set forth, be and the same is hereby confirmed and made a part o f this decree, and in accordance therewith, it ia decreed as MRS DOLLY PARIES, prominent club and fraternal worker who was follow s: FIRST— That the plaintiff and defendant shall each own an undivided overwhelmingly elected president of one-half interest in and to the premises known as the home, and described Oregon Federation o f Colored W o- a* follows, to-wit: men s Clubs last Thursday at their Lots Three (3 ) and Four (4 ), Block Five (5 ), Brazee Street [state convention. Addition, in the City o f Portland, Multnomah County, State o f and Thursday, June 23 and 2«. Oregon. The executive Board, presided over together with all o f the household furniture and household utensils o f every by its chairman, Mrs. Rosa Nichols f ° rm ■n •"<* “ »« “ '<* P it ie s hereto agree to pass such deed as are At It A M. Wednesday the Art ex­ n*C*“ * ryi to the above provisions. it is hereby understood and agreed that the plaintiff and defendant shall1 *'?*>'* w t* ^ornul*y opened. The prin- maintain a policy o f fire insurance upon the real property in the sum of cipal speaker Wednesday afternoon was Rev. Daniel G. Hill, Jr. pastor o f $6000 and on the household property in the sum o f $2000. SECOND— That the plaintiff shall make, execute and deliver to the Bethel A. M. E. church. The conven­ defendant forthwith a good and sufficient warranty deed conveying to the tion was formally opened with Mrs. Ruth Flowers president of the Oregon defendant the following described real property, to-writ: Federation, presiding. Reports of of­ Lot numbered Twenty-One (21), Block numbered Two (2 ), ficers, reports of presidents, and intro­ and Lot numbered Twenty-Two (22), Block numbered Three (3 ), lngleview, in the County o f Multnomah, State o f Oregon; duction o f visitors and a solo by Mrs. Also, Lot numbered Eighteen (18), in Block numbered Roberta Martin concluded the session. Eighteen (18 ), Bay Ocean, in the County o f Tillamook) State Mrs. Katherine Gray, president Em­ o f Oregon. eritus presided at the evening session. It is understood and agreed between the parties hereto that all other Mrs. Mary Fullilove chaplain conduct­ property the legal title to which ia held by the plaintiff in her name is to ed the devotional*. Mrs. Saidie Orr ie and become her own individual property. Dunbar head of the School of Social It is further understood and*agreed between the parties hereto that the Science of the U. of O. was the prin­ defendant is to pay the sum o f $44.63 per month on the mortgage indebted- cipal speaker. Rev. J. L. Caston pas­ teas now standing against Lota 3 and 4, Block 5, Braze* Street Addition, tor of Mt. Olivett Baptist church also City o f Portland, Oregon, Multnomah County, Oregon, until the same is spoke. Music was furnished by the .'ully paid. Mt. Olivet Mixed Quartette and the THIRD— It is hereby mutually understood and agreed between the W om en's chords. ilaintiff and defendant that the office furniture, together with the printing At the morning session on Thursday jutfifit and utensils, an inventory o f which is hereto attached, now located Mrs. Edith Wiliams presided. The in the Macleay Building, on Washington Street, in the City o f Portland, reports o f delegates were heard. Mrs. Oregon, and used jointly and in connection with the publication o f what is Dollie Paries, sang. Thursday after­ commonly known as the Advocate, is to be and become the property o f the noon, Mrs. Ruth Flowers, presided. plaintiff so long as she shall continue the publication o f said Advocate, a Rev. W. R. Lovell pastor of the First weekly newspaper, published in the City of Portland, County o f Multnomah, A.M.E. Zion church was the principal State o f Oregon, with , the understanding, however, that in the event the speaker. Reports of various commit­ plainiff should cease Said publication for a period o f thirty days, then, and tees were continued. Miss Alberta in that event, the defendant shall have the right and option for a period ^ o f thirty days to take over said office fixtures and furniture and said printing ¡ j ° sa' ' 8 , establishment at one-half o f the inventory price o f the same then agreed i The following officers were elected: upon between the parties hereto, it being undersood that in the event that Dolly Paries, president; Robena Mar­ the parties are unable to agree upon a price, then the price shall be de­ tin, vice president; Estelle Williams, termined by the usual method o f arbitration, the plaintiff selecting one party recording secretary; Lillian Baker, cor­ and the defendant selecting another, and in the event the two cannot agree responding secretary; Emma K. Stan­ they then jointly shall select a third, and it is further mutually understood ley, treasurer; Rosa Nichols, chairman and agreed that in the event the plaintiff shall cease the publication o f said Advocate as above set forth and the defendant should not feel able or dis­ posed to acquire an absolute property in the same, as above set forth, then and in that event or at any time subsequent hereto, the plainiff and defend ant shall or may mutually agree to the sale, either public or private, o f the heretofore mentioned property for such price as they shall mutually agree upon, and in the event o f such a sale, they shall divide equally between them the proceeds thereof. FOURTH— In the event plaintiff ia granted a decree o f divorce herein, Defendant agrees that plaintiff may have the care, custody and control of George Cannady and Ivan Cannady, minor sons of- the plaintiff and defend­ ant, so long as the said minor sons shall be maintained in proper environ­ ment and the defendant agrees to pay to the plaintiff fo r the care, support and maintenance o f said minor sons until each shall attain his majority, the sum o f $37.6U"e$ch, a month, payable on the first of each and every month commencing July 1, 1930, with the understanding that they are to reside at home or under such conditions and circumstances as shall be satisfactory to the Court. It is understood and agreed on the part o f the plaintiff herein that one- half o f the rental value o f the home, to-wit, $37.50, is o be credited each month upon said support money o f $75.00 and the balance ia to be paid by the defendant in cash. " FIFTH— It is further understood and agreed between plaintiff and de­ fendant that the faithful performance o f these stipulations on the part of the defendant to be performed shall constitute and be a full and complete and entire satisfaction for all the property rights, claims and demands o f the r HEART VOICE AFTER FIFTY YEARS —Please turn to page The pleasure o f hearing the voice of her sister for the first time in 50 years was the happy experience last week o f a Portland woman. Mrs. J. M. Crowley, as a result of a telephone call to Mrs. J. M, Culwell of Dallas, Texas. newest teenies of the Wall Street crowd. PROMINENT WOMAN PASSES Mrs. Ida A. Walker o f St. Joseph, Mo., for a number of years a reader of The Advocate passed into the Great Beyond, June 7. Mrs. Walker was a very dear friend of Mrs. Oscar Ar- nette of Tacoma, Washington. Mr* Arnette is well known in Portland.