SATURDAY TH E M A Y 31, IMO TO PLAY AGAIN The Shame EBONY SERNADERS ADVOCATE of America "Sherman, Texas has a population of slightly more than M. 000 , Its per cent of whom are whites. The town has two denominational colleges, 27 churches and a Y .W .C A. with a large membership." Thu» a newsp»per despatch describe, »he "A lliens" o f Texas which for 14 hours s i l undrr the dominion of a mob which resorted to every form o f bestial cruelty in its effort to lynch a Negro who was already in charge o f officers o f the law It succeeded in burning the Negro to death ami the courthouse with him. It destroyed a considerable part o f tlie Ne­ gro quarter o f the town. In no part of the civilired world but America would such a thing havr U rn possible. It is somewhat to the credit o f Texas that the G overnor has put the town under mar­ tial law and that there have been actually arrests o f the alleged leaders o f the mob. Whether they will be convicted remains to lie seen A mob such as this, while it is raging, can only lie met with force and sternness. Future mobs are likely to lie discouraged by severe pun lshment But the question o f mobs, the crow d psychology >vhich lies behind them, and the special cultural and econ ­ omic circumstances which make them possible in America, drmand investiga­ tion. What have Sherman's good citi­ zens to say? Will they carry out the proposal o f a clergyman that the Ne­ groes he recompensed for the damage done to their property? The United States has no rightful place in any civi li/ed community o f nations unless it ftin stop this sort o f thing. Syrracttoe Lodge, N o I, K. of P., meets the second and fourth P ii day night* each month at the Stag Auditorium H IH £ . Morrison la JUNE 2 - M O. S T H O M A S , C.C. W Y A T T W . W I L L I A M S , K. of R. C. Government Agencies Will Continue to Boost. Washington.—Whllo Chairman Ah-x- andcr l.eggo of the federal fnriu board la alrlvlng to reUuco wheat and other •uqdua crop acreages, other govern­ ment agencies will rnnttnue to encour­ age agricultural development In new areaa IMItelala of tha other aiiSnrlea. not­ ably tha rarlnniatlon bureau of tha Interior department, are forced to go forward with their program* In tha ho|>e o f recovering the governnient'a mnnrjr front ao called "revolving funds." Mr. I.cgge a short time ago expressed hla opposition to the development of new reclamation enterprlaea and will have the r|ieratlon o f Interior da t>artment ofltclala In ao far as pro- |M>aala to authorise new projects are concerned. Hut projecta already au­ thorised and for which mngrcsa la ap­ propriating about SHi.iaai.iaai annunlly for new conatructlon, Interior depart­ ment men will keep going In order not to Jeopardise the eventual collection of more thnn Sirai.issi.iaat which la aup- poaed to he repaid to the government. Although reclamation sponsura seek to minimise total production In con­ nection with a discussion of the itgrl cultural surplus situation, they point with considerable pride to the fact that the vnluc of all crop* produced on government Irrigated land In the quarter of ■ century alnce the passage o f the reclamation act has amounted to a billion and one half dollars. 1st- eat figures show an annual crop value of $143.1010000. an Increase of s itu s » 000 over the previous year. Of the total about 554 per cent represents wheat, which meuns Hint the govern­ ment Is furnishing water to produce annually ntiout S n i s s i i s s i worth of the crop which the government farm board Is trying to reduce to stabilise prices. The general land office, another agency of the Interior department, also Is rendy to encourage development of new areas. The latest annual report o f the commissioner of the genernl land office shows the approval of 8.2,'lfl homeatend entries for patenting. Secretary of Agriculture Arthur M. Hyde has taken cognisance of the part plnyed by the government In con­ tributing to the present farm surplus situation by Its land settlement activi­ ties. "Much of the economic hardship suf­ fered by farmers has been caused by the rapid expansion of the area de­ voted to farming," said Secretary Hyde In hla recent nnnuul report. "Our pub­ lic land laws and policies havs fav­ ored expansion. Expansion has been misdirected as wall as overstlmulat- Tuberculosis Kills 1 out o f 5 <4 « prom ptly forw arded. AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL LIBRARY R a i l a a a r l a i l l a l M I n g , C h lo a io . l l l l n o i a V # Ai^V^Sama v Price fo r a v a r 39 yaara as ounces for ase USE LESS than o f high priced branda M I L L I O N S OP P O U N D S USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT /* A food for pro* tein; a food for m ineral salts; for calcium and phosphorus; all the essential ele­ ment« for health ana strength are found in good cheese. And all the essential ele­ ments o f good cheese are found in Kraft Cheese. CHEESE e/ tAe Estate o/ CHEESE C O M P A N Y J. C. PENNEY Rilej W. 25* ■Sita FLIT M oths, Flies I Bedbug? Roadies DESTROYS For all stomach and intestinal troubles and disturbances d u e to teething, there ia noth­ ing better than a sole Infants’ and C h ildren * Laxative. M a s . W i n s i o w ’ s Get a canot FUT today! S yrup G. FREEMAN BROTHERS TRANSFER Office Phone: BRoadway 1885 430 HOYT STREET :: Portland, Oregon Residence Phone GArfield 8019— 340 Tillamook Street Successors to E. Richardson Baggage Transfer THE SINGLE STANDARD IN ELECTRIC SERVICE □ • G V O Ì c I Piente Pay Your Subscription Q COLD PERFUME Cold germs aru cor- riad to th* mouth on hands. You may oftun provont a cold by rinsing the hand» with full ztrungth listarina b a f o r a o a c h moat, bocauso Listorino kills gsrm* in 15 seconds. Beautiful soft silky STRAIGHT hair, hair that you can really be proud of. can now lie yours if you use Anita Hair Dressing. It will also help to make your HAIR (.ROW LONGER, and prevent its breaking off. To introduce Anita Hair Dressing quickly in this territory, we arr giving ABSOLUTELY FREE with each order, a vial of verv fine Narcissus Perfume. This offer is for a limited time only, ao rush your order lo us today. 50c brings full sizr jar, postpaid, or send name and address and pay 65c when package comes; 3 for $1. p o s t , aid. or 11.25 CO.D. LISTERINE Few things enter more intimately or extensively into the daily life of all the people than electric service. Irrespective o f street address, financial or social standing, each one o f our more than 110,000 consumers is entitled to the same quality and ready adequacy of electric service. W e haven’t any extra brand o f service for one and some­ thing almost as good for another. We supply to all a ser­ vice of one standard on ly : the best we are able to produce. That is a feature which we are determined shall character­ ize all our dealings with you. Toward (his goal every one o f us— from our office boys up— is everlastingly striving. PACIFIC N ORTH W EST PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY (PEPCO) FI.ECTRIC BUILDING—Broadway and Alder- PORTLAND. OREGON Division Offices al Salem. Oregon City. Hillsboro. Gresham, St. Helens and St. Johns, Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington K ILLS GKRMS IN 15 SICO N D S ANITA LABORATORIES Dept. UU Box 397, Battle Creek, Mich. Cannady Real Estate Co □ REAL ESTATE BROKER W e SeU For Less Because W e SeU for Cash Bonded and Licensed Under Oregon Laws □ CANNADY’ S REAL ESTATE COMPANY We are prepared to act as broker and escrow agent for buyers and sellers. We make mortgage loans, manage estates, collect rents. Business Confidential E. D. CANNADY K R A F T -P H E N IX Womens, Misses, Juniors . O Large Tube H A I R 1Delicious C ^ood the Matter Anderson, Deceased Notice ia hereby given that tbe under signed, as executrix of the estate of Riley W. Anderson, hot bled bar final account in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County, and that Mondav, the 9th day of June. A. D. 19V) »t tbe hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon of •aid day, and the court room of said court has been appointed by said court as the time and place for hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published. May 10, 1930 1930 Date of last publication. June 7, 1930. LINA HUNTER ANDERSON Executrix 312 Mscleey Building STRAIGHT \> \ 6 90 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, Probate Department. T T O O T H PA STE FREE i* o u % h . n LISTERINE f I A IH A » . I’ IN K H A M ’S SILK DRESSES LEGAL NOTICES In the ( ire nil Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, Probate Department. In ike Matter of the Estate o / Arthur Frazier, Deceased Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed •• executrix of the estate of Arthur Frazier, deceased, has filed her final ac­ count in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County, and that Monday, the 9th day of June, 1930, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and the court room of said court has been appointed by the said court as 'he lime and place for hearing objection, iheretr