The advocate. (Portland, Or.) 19??-19??, May 31, 1930, Image 1

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Voi « » - N O
In d tp a n d tn i
P aper
D e v o te d
th e
In to ro a ta
th e
P e o p le
SA T U R D A Y M AY Ji. i»3#
H im
g H IL L
S E N S E -V P
The Portland School For Parent»
was founded lour year year» ago. by
Che »ter A I.yon well known civic
leader There ha» been a total attend­
ance ol 19,700 almoit * 0.000 All »e*-
»ion» »re free
Men and women on
the School Faculty «ive their time free
..I all charge On M m (acuity Iasi k o
the following were lilted Judge Clar­
ence II. Gilbert; l b llerold L How-
men, t ity School Su|it. ( ha». A. Kice
Martha Kandall. I'.mma l>u Itrille, W
A Petty». Mr». Lillie I) Thoma».
Chat A Fowler; Mra F. J. Kane;
Marion Crowe. Dr. Fred Me»»ing. Dr.
J. C Harri»on. Dr Perry Hopper.
Four »choul» will be opened next
September The »e»»ion» will be held
at Wnodmere, September 13-27, Beach.
Octolwr tS-*S, Highland. November
10-13, and Kenton. January 13 34 The
re »»on Mr. Lyon believe» that the
ichool i» practical will be found in the
following »tatement made by him
"The big thing that ha» been diecov-
ered by local father» and mother», it
it thr nerd of preventative knowledge,
rather than corrective knowledge of
their children They are alto learning
that prevention ia much mare effective
and much more ratily applied than
In the majority of cate»
when a child fall» into the hand» of the
law .»omelhing i» wrong in the home.
Parent* »■ a general thing, want to do
the right thing by their children but
the pity of it all i| they are at a lo»»
to know how lo proceed
The Portland School for Parent» ¡»
an educational imtitution conducted in
the Public School» Building» ol Port­
land during the evening, (or the very
purpose of giving thi» much needed in­
struction in child welfare My experi­
ence in working with thousand» of
father» and mother» i», they are eager
for advice, and will co-operate."
— *— o -
John Lowe Dies
In State Prison
John I.owe formerly of Portland,
died Tuesday at the Oregon State
Mr Lowe was sentenced 3
year» ago for conspiring to rob “ Bird
lenience was for twenty years in pris-
1 eg»'' Herd'» place of butine»». His
on. A» we go to press the local F.lks
lodge of which he was a former mem­
ber has claimed his remain».
Piente Pay Your Subacription
Appealed by Variou» Au­
A Doten Placca Open to College Grad­
Defeated Candidates
Don’t Want Sympathy
Colleges Issue
Their Invitations
Ebony Serenades
Thrill Large Gathering
Presents Raid o
Mothers' Day
New York. May *3—One letter to
the Hon Cole L. Blease, Senator from
Sooth Carolina, must have given that
gentleman a shock of astonishment.
It was a letter of thanks from the
N A.A.C.P. for his courtesy in read­
ing into the Congressional Record an
article by A. H. Ulm which was pub­
lished in the Washington Post of May
18 being a highly laudatory account of
the successful efforts of the N.A.A C.
P. and its acting secretary to defeat
the nomination of Judge John J. Par­
ker to the U. S. Supreme Court.
O f course the Hon. Coley did not
mean to be nice to the N A.A.C.P.
He read the article into the Congress­
ional Record to show what a terrible
thing it was that Negroes had such
power. But the N.A.A.C.P. thanked
him for his “ courtesy in making this
article« part o f the official documents
of the United States Government.”
Loses Aunt By Death
Por Hand’s
‘There ai e times
when alelephone
worth its weight
in gold
a c if ic
The Advocate doc« not nee w arily
»bar* in Kits Reid's view*, hist wheth-
sr we do or not. her o pi mona are
|an< ^
logical and weU worth
reading. It ia roar privilege a* well as
ours to disagree with Kits and »he
Atlanta Ga May 28 —Forrester B
... . .
,■ .
» ,u .
Washington, director of the Atlanta
School o f Social Work, announces that
for the coming year the school has
------jp -------
I .H ...M ,. I . » . . . . « » « *
for reelection at a member of the
Rev Daniel G. Hill. Jr. pastor of lege graduates especially adapted to
ÍO tlM l
M f M f t l Q O U IU M
School Board ran well afford to “ run
L lO *M A f D M I A N I»
Bethel A M E. Church was among the profession of social work. These
on her record." Her intereat in educa-
( O M N I li.
the 34 graduates of the University of I fellow sh ip sh a v e been provided by
Strange how insistent our supreme
| Oregon tchool of Applied Science at Jbe f0||0W;ng organization
a Convocation luncheon at noon Wed I T w o by the National Tuberculosis court judges are about providing Geo.
nesday held at the Hotel Congress Association of New York City; three Joseph with ammunition for hit politi­
Am ong the 130 guests were noted by the Julius Rosemald Fund; four by cal campaign Does that decision prove
Mrs Hill, wife of Rev. Hill, Mrs the Board o f Missions and Church the innocence of Rand? Or is it merely
Lula Gragg, Mrs. Mollie Thomas, Mrs Extension of the Methodist Episcopal »
i^ g e s to "stand
Beatrice H. Cannady, Miss Alberta Church, to be awarded to members of by” a colleague?
Nothing is more objectionable to de­
Mayo, Virgil Keene and Re W al­ this church preparing for religious
feated candidates than to have condol­
Just what does the Oregonian mean
ter R. Lovell. The event marked the social work; one by the Atlanta Fami­
ence» dinned into their unwilling ears.
ninth annual convocation fo the schoql. ly Welfare Society; one by the But­ by its first editorial in Wednesday’s
The office hunter know» he is licked.
Speakers on the ¿program included ler Street Y. M. C. A., Atlanta; one paper entitled “A Disappearing Politi­
Kegrets, even if they come from well-
Miss Theodora Schwankowsky, presi­ by the South Carolina Federation of cal Issue"? My first reaction to the
meaning friend», are not going to
dent of the alumni, Miss Martha Bro­ Colored W om en's Clubs, for a well superficial glance that showed me it
make thing« any easier.
concerned the New York governor’s
thers, of the students body, Phillip A. qualified student from that state.
If you really want to encourage the
Parsons, dean of the school and Burt
hoyt who have been wounded in the
Any qualified student desiring one (Roosevelt) advocacy of public owner­
lion is of many years standing and as Brown Barker, vice-president of the
late primary battle, emphasize the
of these fellowships is invited to write ship of public utilities was to be his
a school direcctor she has given her- University of Oregon. Degrees and | ,hf dirfCtor a f ,he school. Herndon baU,e C,T in ,he n«xt presidential
good point» in their race and thus
tell tirelessly to the welfare of our certificates will be presented at th e ; BuiIding Atlanta,
campaign was the thought that it had
make them feel good Here are a few
not as yet begun to disappear out here
regular commencement exercises at |
Am ong her major activities as a the University o f Oregon in June.
in the West I just recalled Joseph's
primary triumph The strugle of the
Grab Henry Cortiett by the fi»t and member of the board have been the
Immediately at the close of the
private owners of our water power has
tell him that he has made thousands building of the health work in the luncheon the graduates assembled in
begun in earnest but too late. The
of friend* by being first tr. hit home schools in cooperation with the city front of the hotel for a class picture
only way open to their continued op­
base in congratulating Senator Joseph Board of Health and the establishing At 4.30 PM . Miss Schwankowsky en­
eration under private ownership is to
Henry ha» the quality for a United of cafeterias in nearly all of the ele­ tertained the graduates at her home on
State» Senator. He ia a dead game mentary schools in the city. These Dosch road with a picinc dinner Rev
reduce their rates to the level of the
cafeterias run by the local P-T-A, Mr. Hill completed the course in so­
' rates of the publicly owned plants just
The Advocate acknowledges with M Slone lnd Webiter did when Seattle
have made it possible lor the children cial work and as a result of the excel-
Tell Harry L. Croas that he ia a to enjoy warm lunches every day. lancy of bis work h< received an ap­ appreciation an invitation from the opened her publicly owned utilities,
Special credit is also due Mrs. Glincs pointment as probation officer in the State Board of Higher Education. you will recall what happen««* up there
comer Very rarely doe» a man, un­
known in the realm of politic», receive for the growth of public kindergartens Court of Domestic Relations Over the faculties and the graduating class but Stone and Webster (a Boston firm
of 1930 of the University of Oregon to by the way) forgot to reduce the rates
11,US! votes right off the bat
He in the city. These have increased from which Judge Gilbert presides.
show» dandy congressional timber four when Mrs. Glines assumed office
Rev Hill was the only colored grad­ the Commencement exercises June 13 in their territory in Washington out­
and 1# at Eugene Oregon
W e also side of Seattle Kindly kept the rates
Gross would feel tike » to eleven full time kindergartens and uate.
acknowledge an invitation from the up
municipli ow nfr.
house afire, if you told him th is-an d 3 half-time The inauguration of visit­
principal, trustees and faculty of the ship bugs cannot point with glee to
ing teachers work is also one of Mrs
you should, for it is the truth.
Tuskegce Normal and Industrial In­ the difference. O f course we have been
(»lines' projects. From its inaugura-
Robeson Day in
stitute at the 49th Anniversary exer­ showing Portlanders for a long time
C ompliment Rd I’ opick on running ' lion five years ago, it has grown so
cise of the Institute May 23 to 29 1930, the difference between Portland’s PEP
like wildfire and. with his 14,03# votes, 1 that there are now five full-time visit­
London As Actor
at Tuskegee, Alabama.
passing 30 candidate» for the lower ing teachers employed for next year
rates and Tacoma'* municipal rates.
Score» Triumph
Such a meritorious record of serv­
house, and he will give you a good
If, on the other hand, you ice surely entitles Mrs. Glines to be
New York, May >3— Paul Robeson’s
"»pill” regret», he will bus! you one on returned to the position of school di­
By the way that publicity stuff being
epochal English triumph in the Shakes- ‘ L egal" Killing of
the nose
perian role o f Othello, in London, is
sent out from the school Board's of-
Texa» Negro Gel»
fices is bewildering
The same old
featured in cabled despatches one of
Newspaper Headline» threat is used that if we do not vote
which states that it was "Robeson
Whisper to James Maguire, an old-
all the money the Board asks for, the
Day in London, the leading dailies
timer who has been out of the game
publishing reviews of the Robeson bi­
New York, May *3—When they school term wilt be shortened. A good
for many gears and who came back
ography simultaneously with cordial kill a Negro “ legally” in Texas by f’ >*n w “ » parents are saying, the
most remarkably with 13.013 votes,
reviews of his new stage success.
such relatively civilized means as an children will be released earlier and
and Jimmy will feel that there ia
This it the first time since the days electric chair, that news. One such cin
*° work. And again, has it
grey matter beneath your dome.
of the celebrated Ira Aldridge, that a recent execution was found by the N occurred to the Board that as careful
Approximately two hundred guests Negro actor has played the part of A.A.C P. to be headlined as follows in businis* men *nd women it would be
Hit Frank J. Hilton a hearty slap on enjoyed the ball at Murlark Hall last the Moor in Shakespeare’s Othello. the New York Evening W orld of May economy to cut out that *300000 for
the hack and insist that a candidate Monday night given by the Ebony
Cables state that thunders of ap­ .’ *: “ N EGRO K IL L E R IN T E X A S
buildings until the hard times
become less hard? What housekeeper
who had to many political machines to Sercnaders, an eleven-piece orchestra plause greeted Mr. Robeson's perform
insists an extravagant replacements
overcome, and who did as well as he of Negro players from New York City. ance in which hit powerful and beauti­
did. should rejoice. Frank ia a comer The music was unusually good and the ful singing voice stood him in good
when she cannot see her way clear
and lined up many new admirera—as guests gave the players a hearty wel­ stead.
towards the cost? If the school tax
In preparation for the per­
fails, it will be because the people
sure him of that, and you can borrow come When it was announced t^at a formance Mr. Robeson was helped by Coley B lease Must
have no money to squander on ex­
money from him and so on down the return engagement will be played next Miss Ira Aldridge, daughter o f the
Have Been Astonished
pensive new buildings—not because
Monday evening at the same place,, famous actor, who read over the play
At Thi» Letter the y do not want the schools for their
with him
applause was deafening.
children but because they are losing
matron of Request
Multi*» Improvement»
Rev. Daniel G. Hill, Jr., I»
In Educational Work
Among Thirty-Four
Mrs. G M (»lines who it a candidate
Russell Smith and Floyd Wright of
-Seattle Washington, sons of Mr and
Mrs. Greene Wright of Union Ave N
New York May 27—Under the lead­ presented their mother with a lovely
ership of Mrs. Daisy Lampkin Region­ Majestic radio as a Mother's Day re­
al Field Secretary of the National As­ membrance.
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People, Indianapolis reports
a "roaring success" for the M oor-
field Storcy-Louis Marshall Memorial
Campaign to obtain more members and
to give the Association fuifds to carry
on its work.
And at all times it is
a precious saver of
steps, saver of time,
conserver of friend­
ships. It costs but a
thorities* Several Time».
uate« Properly Quali/¡ed— Infor
Woman School Dircclor
“ Roaring Surer»»”
For Storry-Mar»hall
Memorial Reported
In Indianapolis
few cents a day. May
we install your tele­
A nd T
e ij c c r a p ii
C om pany
It was erroneously reported that
Mrs. I.etita Brock was hostess to a
Dutch Luncheon given as a farewell
party to Mrs. Lula Roundtree of Oma­
ha Neh. Wednesday afternoon, April
Mrs. Ruby Rountree, sister-in-
law to the departing guest, was the
hostess, and the luncheon was given
at the home of Mrs. Letita Brock.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Stevens and
children of Spokane, Wash., arrived
in Portland Wednesday on a Pacific
Coast automobile tour. Dr. Stevens
is Assistant Vetenarian in the Bureau
U. S. Animal Industry. They stopped
at the home o f Mra. B. J. Fuller, on
Tibbetts street
Mrs. S. G. Mosley is in receipt of
the sad news of the death of her be­
loved aont Mrs. Sarah P. Alexander
who departed this earthly life a few
days ago in Washington D. C. Mrs
Mosley is the sole heir of her aunt's
--------- 0---------
Mrs. George Canada has improved
sufficiently to be removed from Eman­
uel hospital to her residence, 890 Lar-
rabee street.
,hcir i ° bs *nd
» °t *«e where the
mon*y 15 anting from to feed their
families, let alone paying taxes to pro­
vide new buildings for other people's
children and heavy contracts for cer­
tain building corporations. It is not
yet too late to save that $300,000 for
new buildings.
Mrs. B. J. Fuller prominent church
and club worker of Bethel A.M.E.
church will present “ East Lynn’’ a
five act drama, Friday evening June
6 at the Portland Woman'* Club build­
ing, 448 Taylor street
The cast of characters who have
been rehearsing regularly for mnay
weeks includes Arthur Harris Wilber
Merceir, Irvine Flowers, Guy Jamison,
Charles Johnson, Zepha Baker, Ver-
nell Rutherford, Christine Smith. Mar-
cell Johnson, William Kavanaugh Con­
rad, Jr., Charles Smith and Mrs. B.
E. Randolph. Much interest is being
manifested in the play
Tickets are
selling fast and it is predicted that a
large crowd will be present to enjoy
the interesting program.
New York May 23— The N.A.A.C.
I P. has again won a victory before the
U. S Supreme Court on the issue of
I residential segregation ordinances this
| case arising in Richmond, Virginia, and
! being the third consecutive victory on
j this issue to have been won before the
highest tribunal by the N. A. A.C.P.
It makes the Sixth victory on alt is­
sues won in the Supreme Court to
date by the Association.
The case which originated in an or­
dinance barring all persons from living
in a neighborhood mainly inhabited
by members of a racial group with
whom they might not intermarry un­
der the terms of the Virginia Racial
Integrity Act was won on the basis of
the Louisville Segregation case of 1917
and the Louisiana Segregation case of
1927, in which the Supreme Court held
such ordinances unconstitutional.
Messrs. Cohn and Pollard of Rich­
mond were retained as counsel by the
local citizens’ committee headed by
Dr Leon A. Reid. Messrs Arthur B.
Spingarn. Vice-president of the N.A.
A. C. P. and chairman of its National
Legal Committee, and James Marshall
son of Louis Marshal), and a member
of the N A.A.C.P Legal Committee,
both were of counsel in the case. All
the briefs in the case were carefully
supervised by the N A.A.C.P. attor­
The test case was fought by J. B.
Deans and was won before Judge
Grocicr, being appealed twice by Vir­
ginia authorities, until it reached the
tT. S Supreme Court
Dr. Pickens Scores
Success In Spokane
The Spokesman Review Spokane,
Washington, a white daily newspaper
on Monday. May 26 devoted a half
column to an interesting review of
Dr. Wiliam Pickens’ address at Cal­
vary Baptist church, Spokane, last
Sunday night. The paper quotes Mr.
Pickens in part as follows:
Negroes Are Nonpartisan
“ W e colored people have got past
paying any attention to being repub­
licans or democrats . Mr. Parker is
a republican. One of the fairest men
to the Negro was a southern democrat
on the New Orleans bench When he
was running for governor 10 years ago
Judge Parker declared he did not want
the negro vote. W e took him at his
word when he was running for judge.
“ I will not say much about Mr.
Hoover. W e will try and get along
with him. I voted for him. W e are
gradually wearing out complexes and
superstitions relative to the Negro.”
Oregon College
Student» Petition for
“ Return Address”
Portland Oregon May 27—The stu­
dent body of Reed College has done
an unprecedented thing in that after
listening to an address by William
Pickens, Field Secretary o f the Na­
tional Association for the Advance­
ment o f Colored People, in the regu­
lar chapel period, they immediately
circulated and signed a petition to the
President and faculty of o f the Col­
lege for a return address by Mr. Pick­
ens. The subject of Mr. Pickens' chap­
el address was: “ Haiti and the Am­
erican Occupation.”
The President of the College tele­
phoned Mr. Pickens that same day
for another engagement and arranged
to double the chapel time The Presi­
dent emphasized that no such petition
had ever before come from the stu­
dents. The next day Mr. Pickens
agreed to speak on “ The Negro Music
and Other Arts.”
Reed College is the ranking institu­
tion of the State o f Oregon.
The Los Angeles Eagle of recent
date carried a cut and an excellent
JUNE 6 !
write-up of Mrs. Jessie Coles-Grayson
Drama . . . “ East Lynn” . . . f*»c
who will sing a recital for the Harriet
I'ubmar Auxiliary in Los Angeles, Silent l a r k e n ' Club— spun sored be
June 8.
Mrs. B. J. Enfiar____